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Anonymous E1 Anonymous Full HD Full Movies
00:00 [music]
00:29 [music]
00:33 These people are on the streets looking for children.
00:37 Wait for you to turn your head and then they take them.
00:40 Tonight we take them back.
00:44 Let's go.
00:47 Good boy.
00:56 Get the girl and then we get the hell out of here.
00:59 I already know what he looks like.
01:02 Let's go.
01:06 Cash.
01:11 I already know.
01:16 [music]
01:35 Let's go.
01:37 [music]
01:47 You know what? No disrespect, but...
01:58 Oh, shut the fuck up.
01:59 No, man, it's cool. I got this.
02:00 Look, Olivier, no disrespect, but I don't think we need any more help, you know?
02:05 I think we're really close.
02:07 You would.
02:08 He's right, you know.
02:10 The more people get involved, the harder it's going to be to clean this shit up.
02:14 Yeah, yeah, no disrespect.
02:15 Everything you say and do is disrespectful.
02:19 You fucking ingrate.
02:21 I asked you to find where they put the kids.
02:24 Did you find them?
02:26 No.
02:27 That was disrespectful.
02:29 I asked you to find Artemis and Cash.
02:31 Did you find either one of them?
02:33 No.
02:34 That was complete and utter disrespect.
02:38 And now you got the audacity to stand here in front of me in my face, breathing?
02:45 If you were any more disrespectful,
02:51 I'd have to find your mama,
02:55 knock on her door,
02:57 and shoot the bitch in the face.
03:02 It's obvious you two need help,
03:05 and I don't give a damn if you think it's disrespectful.
03:09 Yo, this is some bullshit.
03:12 All right.
03:13 We're close.
03:15 He who will learn to fly must first learn to stand,
03:24 and walk, and run, and climb, and dance.
03:29 One cannot fly into flying.
03:32 The way I see it, you should be thanking me,
03:35 since you two can barely crawl.
03:37 What?
03:39 You have to crawl before you walk, hermanita.
03:43 Yeah, thanks, Zorro.
03:45 Who the fuck is this? Who the fuck is this?
03:47 Hey, I should be asking you the same thing.
03:48 Fellas, fellas, fellas, fellas, fellas.
03:50 This music we can all dance to, right?
03:53 Hey, nice move, man.
03:58 Dance, dance.
04:00 Money, money.
04:02 Oh, little money.
04:03 This could be Soul Train, and you can be Don Cornelius.
04:06 I don't give a flying fuck.
04:08 Five million dollar bonus on the head of Artemis.
04:12 Fifteen million if you get 'em both.
04:16 Now, come on.
04:19 Don't that make you want to twerk a little bit?
04:22 Don't it?
04:26 We're in the import/export business, gentlemen.
04:29 It's a billion dollar business.
04:32 When someone shuts down one of our ports,
04:34 it costs my employers millions.
04:37 I promised them these motherfuckers would pay,
04:40 and pay they will with their fucking lives.
04:43 Among the thousands of kids they stole,
04:48 one of them is very dear to me.
04:51 It's a boy.
04:53 Artem, there's a bonus for you.
04:56 Nothing is to happen to the boy.
04:58 Understood?
05:00 Understood?
05:01 Yeah.
05:02 Now, get the fuck out here and get him.
05:04 Today's your lucky day.
05:05 Somebody's gonna die.
05:07 You get to decide who.
05:09 Hey, Olivier, this man, he's a professional.
05:12 If you ain't got the ball, tell me now.
05:15 I'm a nut.
05:16 I don't give a fuck about that.
05:18 Nothing?
05:21 Good.
05:22 Now go.
05:23 Go!
05:25 And don't come back till the job is done.
05:27 Get!
05:28 Max.
05:40 Don't come in yet.
05:41 It ain't clear.
05:42 [♪♪♪]
05:46 [♪♪♪]
05:49 [♪♪♪]
05:52 [♪♪♪]
06:19 He's praying.
06:21 Who you praying for?
06:28 You.
06:37 [♪♪♪]
06:43 [♪♪♪]
06:46 [♪♪♪]
06:49 [♪♪♪]
