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Anonymous E7 Bad Behavior HD Full Movies
00:00 [MUSIC]
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00:49 Hey, little ladies.
00:51 You're all so pretty.
00:54 You guys are out awfully late.
00:56 I mean, the street lights are on.
00:57 Do your parents know you're out here late?
00:59 Are they around here?
01:01 They gotta be watching us.
01:03 No?
01:04 No?
01:06 Well, I've been out here for a while.
01:08 You, what's your name?
01:10 McKenzie.
01:11 Oh, that's a pretty name.
01:12 I just like that smell.
01:14 How about you, little one?
01:15 What's your name?
01:17 McKenzie.
01:18 McKayla.
01:19 McKayla?
01:20 You?
01:22 You're a date.
01:24 Oh, that's what I thought.
01:26 Okay, I get it.
01:27 I understand.
01:29 I know Mommy and Daddy taught you not to talk to strangers.
01:32 And that's good.
01:34 But I'm not a stranger.
01:36 I'm your neighbor.
01:37 I live right around the corner.
01:39 I live on the other block.
01:40 I've actually seen you before.
01:43 You haven't seen me before?
01:44 You remember this face?
01:45 No?
01:47 Check this out.
01:48 You hungry?
01:51 All three of y'all look pretty hungry.
01:53 Looks like you've been out here for a while.
01:56 What do you like to eat?
02:00 I think I heard McDonald's.
02:02 Is that right?
02:04 Good.
02:05 There's a McDonald's right around the corner.
02:07 But we gotta hurry up.
02:09 I'll take you guys to McDonald's and I'll bring you right back to your Mommy and Daddy
02:12 like and they'll never know that you left.
02:14 How's that?
02:15 All right, come on.
02:16 Open that door.
02:18 We gotta make it quick.
02:19 McDonald's is closing in ten minutes.
02:21 Come on.
02:27 We need to talk.
02:31 Where's Ross?
02:34 Hello?
02:36 Where's Slick?
02:40 Hey, girls.
02:42 Do you guys know what the word traffic means?
02:45 No, I'm not talking about the 405.
02:50 You see, the man's car you just got into, he's a world-renowned trafficker.
02:56 Drugs, girls, doesn't matter.
03:01 So, you need to be careful on whose car you get into, okay?
03:05 'Cause it might be your last time.
03:07 So let's go.
03:08 Come on, let's go.
03:10 Come on, little one.
03:11 All right.
03:12 Now go.
03:13 Go.
03:16 Hi, Toots.
03:18 Nothing, huh?
03:22 You don't know nothing.
03:25 I get it.
03:26 It's admirable.
03:27 Loyalty.
03:30 Beautiful thing.
03:33 The problem you have is I'm gonna test that loyalty.
03:42 You're gonna love this.
03:45 You see, these two guns I have pointed at your head have hollow points in them,
03:50 which is gonna splatter your pretty little head all over this car.
03:56 But the good news is only one of them has a hollow point ready to go,
04:02 and the other has an empty chamber.
04:06 Let's see how this plays out.
04:09 So the questions are, where is Frost?
04:16 Slick?
04:19 Answer, or Vex pulls the trigger, motherfucker.
04:23 He's back at the house waiting for me.
04:28 Hey, you see how easy that was?
04:32 Why do you make me play games with you?
04:36 All I want is the truth, and because you told me the truth,
04:44 I'm gonna let you pick.
04:46 Pick what?
04:47 Which one of these guns has the bullet?
04:50 You have three seconds.
04:51 One, two--
04:57 Damn it.
05:02 Shit, that was close.
05:05 Shit!
05:08 That shit was close, huh?
05:13 So I assume while you were out here chasing young girls,
05:19 you neither killed nor found Artemis.
05:30 Any more girls in the car?
05:48 Start the car and let's go get Slick.
05:55 Olivier, get in.