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A dish best served cold... Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best on-screen moments where a character dished out some epic payback to their ex.


00:00 "I realize that nobody on Earth in their right mind would ever do anything remotely like that."
00:04 Welcome to Ms Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the best on-screen moments
00:09 where a character dished out some epic payback to their ex.
00:12 "That woman deserves her revenge."
00:16 Number 10. Fiery Vengeance - Waiting to Exhale
00:21 "The next time you wanna burn something, it won't happen again."
00:26 Bernie Harris is a good woman. She was dedicated to achieving her dream of running her own
00:31 catering business, but when she got married and had kids, she went the nuclear family route and
00:36 gave it all up to be a stay-at-home wife and mother while her husband brought home the bacon.
00:41 "I guess there's no appropriate time to tell you this, but I'm going to the party, just not with
00:49 you." But when Bernie finds out that he has been cheating and is leaving her for a woman at work,
00:54 she does not take it lying down. She puts his belongings into his precious car and sets it on
01:00 fire. While we're not condoning this behavior, there's no denying that watching the image of
01:04 her walking away from the wreckage is iconic. Number 9. Girl Code - The Hot Chick
01:20 "Now this new chick I got, dude, she is gonna be the hottest chick at the prom."
01:25 When Jessica accidentally switches bodies with a male criminal named Clive, she, as Clive,
01:31 gets hired as the janitor at her school. While working in the boys' locker room,
01:34 she inadvertently gets some insight into what her and her close friend April's boyfriend
01:40 really think of them. "That's what April is, she's my spare."
01:43 "Spare?" "Yeah, she's my backup. I mean,
01:46 she was a fun ride, no doubt about this, but she's a previously owned vehicle,
01:49 I'm into that new car smell." Jessica overhears Jake talking about how he hasn't been faithful
01:54 to April. Naturally, Jessica, as Clive, tells April, and the two of them decide to hell with
01:59 him and go to prom together. And the look on Jake's face when he sees them together is absolutely
02:05 priceless. Number 8. Teaming Up - The Other Woman
02:14 "We think Mark has another mistress and we're gonna go find her."
02:17 "What?" In a world full of love triangles and people
02:20 fighting over each other, this rom-com turns the idea of the love triangle, or in this case,
02:24 love square, on its head. Carly finds out that her boyfriend Mark has a wife, Kate, and that he also
02:30 has another girlfriend, Amber. Rather than turn on each other, they decide to team up to get revenge
02:36 on him, for cheating on all of them. "Oh no, that's the evil genius smile.
02:40 Is somebody about to get screwed?" "You screw me, I screw you back.
02:43 I'm a lady like that." They begin with small schemes to mess with him,
02:47 but what starts out as a series of sneaky tricks quickly turns into an all-out assault on his life,
02:53 in which they do more than just embarrass him. They expose him for defrauding his company,
02:58 and trying to blame it on Kate. Talk about teamwork.
03:01 "What, what, you're firing me now?" "Firing you? That's the least of it.
03:04 The only reason you're not going to prison is because your wife gave all the money back."
03:08 Number 7. Living Well - The Breakup
03:11 "You just said that you want me to help you do the dishes."
03:13 "I want you to want to do the dishes." "Why would I want to do dishes?"
03:17 It's a bit odd when both people in the relationship are seeking revenge.
03:21 Usually, one person is the jerk that gets what they've got coming to them,
03:24 but both Gary and Brooke deserve some of the blame in this breakup.
03:28 "I don't feel you appreciate me. And all I want is for you to just show me that you care."
03:39 The both of them try to get back at each other in some pretty creative ways.
03:42 They are ruthless in their attempts to get revenge, and dole out some seriously devastating
03:47 blows. But neither of them is really satisfied until they each finally move on. As they say,
03:53 the best revenge is living well. "How you been?"
03:56 "I've been really good. How have you been?" "I've been good."
03:59 Number 6. Ruining His Life - John Tucker Must Die
04:03 "I'm dating John Tucker." "Hey!"
04:09 Sorry, slipped. The tagline of this movie pretty much says it all. Don't get mad, get even.
04:16 John Tucker is a textbook ladies' man, or as they call him in the movie, an "operator."
04:21 He manipulates girls into believing he's the perfect guy for them, but is never faithful.
04:26 When Carrie, Heather, and Beth discover that he is dating all of them, their initial reaction
04:31 is to fight over him. But Kate makes the brilliant point that they should be fighting him instead.
04:37 "It seems to me that if a guy treats you like that..."
04:39 "You'd break up with him, blah blah blah blah."
04:41 "But John would have another girlfriend in a second."
04:43 "No, I didn't say break up. I could even."
04:46 The four ladies decide to team up and ruin his life. But when he somehow manages to put a
04:51 positive spin on everything they do to him, they decide to use Kate to break his heart,
04:56 just like he broke theirs. What goes around, comes around, John.
05:01 "John Tucker, there's only one guy out there for me. But you are not him."
05:07 Number 5. Not boyfriend material. Bring it on.
05:11 "You're a cheerleader?"
05:12 Just as Torrance becomes captain of the Rancho Carne Toro's cheerleading squad,
05:21 disaster strikes. As it turns out, the team's previous captain had stolen all of their award
05:26 winning routines from another squad, the East Compton Clovers. Torrance wants to do the right
05:31 thing and come up with all new routines, but almost her whole team is against her. Even her
05:36 boyfriend is against her. Aaron goes so far as to even suggest that she give up her captain spot
05:42 because she's not "captain material." "Maybe you're just not captain material,
05:49 and there's nothing wrong with that." Nice guy, right? Well, Torrance eventually realizes he
05:54 doesn't deserve her, and when she catches him with someone else, she mirrors his previous words to
05:58 her. She's right. He just isn't boyfriend material. "You're a great cheerleader, Aaron. It's just that
06:05 maybe you're not exactly boyfriend material. Bye-bye."
06:11 Number 4. Taking everything. The First Wives Club.
06:15 "Elise, this hurts me. I care about you, about us, about the magic. What exactly is going on here?"
06:21 After the death of their fourth in their crew, three best friends, Annie, Brenda, and Elise,
06:26 reunite for the first time in years to find all of their marriages in turmoil. Upon reading letters
06:32 that their deceased friend Cynthia left for them about her own troubles, and wishing they had all
06:37 stayed close, they decide to get back at their lying, cheating husbands in her honor. "All we
06:42 need is us, three women who aren't afraid to fight, to stand up for our dignity, for our
06:48 self-esteem, and then we'll let him have it." They gain blackmail dirt on all of them, and use it to
06:54 leverage the husbands into giving the first wives all of their money. In the end, all the women are
07:00 flourishing, and they open a women's crisis center named after Cynthia, using the money they received.
07:06 "Well, you must be very proud. Please tell me about your facility."
07:09 "This center is dedicated in loving memory to our very dear friend, Cynthia Swan."
07:13 Number 3. The Song. Begin Again.
07:15 "And you have broken every promise that we made. And I have loved you anyway."
07:27 When Greta moved to New York with her boyfriend Dave, who'd just scored the role of a lifetime
07:32 with a record company, she thought that the two of them were in this new adventure together. But
07:37 not long after, Dave gets wrapped up into the rock star life, and leaves Greta for another woman.
07:43 "Mim from the label, Mim, Mim. Mim who we met one month ago, Mim. Mim."
07:50 "Yeah."
07:53 After experiencing her own life-changing musical journey, Greta realizes that she deserves so much
07:59 better than him. As a final farewell, she writes him the ultimate breakup song, and sings it to him
08:04 over his voicemail. Like Dave himself says, who in their right mind would do that? Too bad for him,
08:11 he didn't realize what an awesome woman he had sooner.
08:14 "If I could somehow say something, or do anything that would undo what I did to us, then,
08:19 just tell me what it is. Help me."
08:22 Number 2. A Taste of His Own Medicine. Legally Blonde.
08:26 "So you're breaking up with me because I'm too...blonde?"
08:29 "No, that's not entirely true."
08:32 Maybe Elle Woods was a fan of Bring It On, because she owned her boyfriend in the same
08:37 epic fashion as Torrance Shipman. Originally, when Warner breaks up with Elle, he basically says
08:42 she's too much of a dumb blonde for him to ever be serious about her.
08:46 "But the thing is, if I'm gonna be a senator by the time I'm 30, I need to stop dicking around."
08:52 "Warner, I completely agree."
08:56 So, she decides to get accepted into the same law school as he does and prove him wrong. But
09:02 when he still takes her for granted, she decides to continue on not for him, but for herself.
09:08 She gets a big internship and wins an epic court case. And when Warner finally does come
09:14 crawling back to her, she parrots the same words to him that he said when he dumped her,
09:19 leaving him with his jaw on the floor.
09:21 "I've waited so long to hear you say that.
09:24 But if I'm gonna be a partner in a law firm by the time I'm 30,
09:29 I need a boyfriend who's not such a complete bonehead."
09:32 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
09:36 about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
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09:46 Number 1. The mother of all revenge. Kill Bill.
09:51 "You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you? You know, for a second there?"
09:57 "Yeah, I kinda did."
10:01 When Bill breaks up with someone, he breaks up hard. Not only does he ruin the bride's wedding,
10:06 but just as she confesses that she's carrying his baby, he puts her in a four-year coma.
10:12 But the bride revenges just as hard. She goes on a quest not only to kill Bill,
10:17 but also to tear down anyone who was even remotely responsible for what happened to her.
10:22 "And when I arrive at my destination, I am gonna kill Bill."
10:28 She defeats the Crazy 88, she digs herself out of her own grave, and finally, she ends Bill
10:35 with the infamous five-point palm exploding heart technique. After two full movies of build-up,
10:41 the moment the bride finally gets her revenge is like a huge exhale.
10:46 "You look ready."
10:50 What do you think is the best breakup revenge scene in a movie? Let us know in the comments.
10:56 "Don't do this, Kate. I love you."
10:57 "It's too late for that."
10:59 Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
11:03 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
11:07 [Music]
