• 2 years ago
Dive into the heartwarming love story of Hardik Varma and Gabriela Duda, an Indo-Polish couple, as they share their extraordinary cross-border journey in this exclusive interview. From cultural blends to language challenges, witness the unique dynamics that define their relationship. Join us for an insightful conversation filled with love, laughter, and the universal language that transcends borders. Don't miss this exclusive peek into the Indo-Polish love story that reminds us of the beauty found in embracing diversity and forging connections across continents. Subscribe now for more heart-touching stories and interviews!

#HardikGabriela #India #Poland #IndoPolish #CrossBorderCouple #CrossBorderRelationships ##LoveStory #ExclusiveInterview #Interview #OneindiaNews
00:00 I love India a lot
00:02 and Hardik
00:06 That's sweet
00:08 I learn a lot of Polish language
00:10 and he speaks very well
00:11 so I can manage with her parents, her family in Polish
00:16 Usually I call him honey
00:18 and well to me India was like a dream travel destination I would say
00:27 but we share a lot about food as well because we love food
00:30 like Hardik teaches me to cook Indian dishes
00:33 Hello and a warm welcome viewers
00:36 You are watching One India News with me Arushi Ranjan
00:39 and today we delve into the topic of cross-border relationships
00:44 or we can say cross-border love stories
00:46 Today we have special guests from there only
00:49 Gabriela who is from Poland
00:51 and Hardik who is from India
00:53 has come together into a beautiful married life
00:56 Before we meet them I want to tell you about Indian cuisine
01:00 If we talk about Indian food
01:02 what's a better way to connect with someone else than food?
01:06 And in Indian food the spicy samosas, the chads
01:09 all the junk foods or the Indian cuisine
01:12 it's something which nobody can resist from eating
01:16 and that's what happened with Gabriela I guess
01:18 and Gabriela is right now in India
01:21 and they just married
01:22 their Instagram pictures are going viral
01:24 and we will delve into this interesting conversation
01:28 with the beautiful couple
01:30 So first of all, Gabriela and Hardik, how are you doing?
01:32 How's the married life going?
01:34 Well, it's great
01:37 I mean, I think nothing really changed between us
01:41 Our bond is stronger definitely
01:44 but nothing more than that
01:45 But we have more blessings from our parents
01:48 And I've changed my looks I think
01:50 Oh, I can see you're wearing Indian
01:53 You're looking extremely beautiful, Gabriela
01:56 I love it
01:57 Thank you
01:58 Okay, so the first question which everyone wants to know
02:02 even you shared on Instagram that the media
02:04 which they are showing about your relationship
02:06 is not actually correct
02:08 There is more about it and about your love story
02:11 Like how did you guys meet?
02:13 How did the proposal happen?
02:15 And where did you meet first?
02:16 What I know you guys met in the Netherlands
02:19 where Hardik was working and you were also there
02:22 You met in the Netherlands
02:23 You're from Poland, I know
02:25 but the media is showing that you're from the Netherlands
02:27 I know the wrong information
02:28 Just clear the air here
02:30 It's your time
02:31 Just tell us about your love story
02:33 Yeah, of course
02:34 So we've actually met three years ago
02:37 and it was in Poland
02:38 because Hardik first came to Poland to study
02:42 It was about seven years ago, right?
02:44 Yes, it was seven years ago
02:46 So a lot of his friends stayed there after the study
02:50 but he moved on to work in the Netherlands
02:52 and still kept coming for the friends
02:55 and once he stopped in my hometown
02:58 and because my hometown isn't quite that big
03:01 I was very curious to see some Asian boy
03:04 We met in a cafe
03:07 I speak very good English for like many, many years
03:10 and I decided to help him
03:13 as he had quite a bit misunderstanding there
03:17 After that, we exchanged contacts
03:21 and we chatted on WhatsApp for so, so long
03:24 Yeah, about the proposal
03:26 First, it was a joke
03:28 After this, since we know each other
03:31 we started dating
03:33 and the proper proposal took place in summer 2021
03:38 When Gabi came to the Netherlands for the first time to visit me
03:42 during her summer holidays
03:45 and yeah
03:47 Who proposed first?
03:49 Who took this hard step that now in my town
03:52 we need to give a name to this relationship?
03:55 Who did that?
03:56 It was me
03:57 Of course, it has to be the boy, right?
03:59 Yeah
04:00 So Hardik, you are from Patelpur, Uttar Pradesh, right?
04:04 Yes, basically my family belongs there
04:08 but my birthplace is Kallol right now
04:12 where we are living in Gujarat
04:15 Oh
04:16 Yeah
04:17 You have visited so many places
04:20 either it's India or Poland or Netherlands
04:22 I can say that
04:23 You are such a tourist person on your own
04:26 And Gabriela, you are from Poland
04:28 May I know where exactly you are from Poland?
04:30 I am from Kielce
04:32 It's a town located like in the middle
04:34 between one of the biggest cities
04:36 Warsaw and Krakow
04:38 Okay
04:40 So you guys met, you guys connected
04:42 That's understandable
04:44 But marriage is a thing which is a big deal
04:46 for our parents, our families too
04:49 So I want to know that as your cross-border couple
04:52 how did your parents react
04:54 on knowing that for Hardik
04:56 if I say that my son is going to marry a girl from Poland
05:00 and if Gabriela you say then
05:03 how did your parents react when they got to know that
05:05 leaving this Poland
05:07 my daughter wants to marry someone from India
05:10 an Asian guy as you said
05:12 What was the reaction of both of your parents?
05:14 I want to know one by one please
05:16 Gabriela, ladies first
05:18 Of course
05:19 Well, for us it was like this
05:21 that after we've been dating for about like 3 months
05:24 he came back to Poland to visit me again
05:28 and I just asked my parents that
05:30 there is this boy who I'm chatting with
05:32 we are basically a couple
05:33 and can he come over for a dinner?
05:35 So
05:37 What was the reaction on that?
05:39 It was quite risky
05:41 because my parents are very strict
05:44 and they were very afraid of the big cultural differences
05:48 between us
05:49 but once it got clear they are very supportive
05:51 and they really like Hardik
05:53 and they love our relationship
05:55 soon they are coming to visit us here in India even
05:57 so it goes well after all
06:00 And how did your Indian parents react Hardik?
06:03 Was it typically the Indian reaction?
06:06 Yeah, first of all it was
06:08 but then over the phone was the first conversation
06:11 then I told them that I'm in love with Gabby
06:16 and then I started to be introduced slowly slowly
06:19 because you know in video calls and everything
06:21 then we decided to come to India
06:25 and that's how first time they see her
06:28 and they were really happy to see that
06:31 a foreign girl wants to adopt our culture
06:34 and respectfully and everything was really well
06:37 From my point of view his parents were
06:40 his parents were very open for me
06:42 and I didn't feel kind of nothing wrong
06:45 in our connection with his parents
06:48 so this was really nice
06:50 I'm kind of like that
06:51 they don't make you feel stranger
06:53 No
06:55 So you just said in between the answer
06:58 that you call her Gabby nickname
07:00 Yeah, Gabby
07:02 And what do you call him, Gabriela?
07:05 Usually I call him honey
07:08 Oh, that's sweet
07:11 So Gabriela and Hardik
07:14 the internet is a place where
07:16 everything goes viral in spontaneous situation
07:21 Like we take the recent case of Seema Haider
07:24 who is from Pakistan
07:25 she came all the way to India
07:27 the illegal way she took
07:28 and she married an Indian man
07:30 and then it went viral
07:32 and people are saying that
07:33 this is just for money to go viral
07:35 and also in internet nowadays
07:37 many, if I say mostly the man from India
07:40 and a foreign woman who are married
07:42 they are going viral
07:43 so they say that it's another tool of PR
07:46 another way of going viral on internet
07:49 that people are marrying
07:50 intercultural marriages are happening
07:52 or cross-border relationships are happening
07:54 So what do you say on that?
07:56 What's your take on that?
07:58 Saying people that it's a way of going viral
08:01 where if you guys are in real love
08:03 which I can see
08:04 they would even say that
08:05 now that you are also doing it
08:07 for the popularity on internet
08:09 Well, to be honest
08:11 we didn't mean it at all
08:13 and it was quite a big surprise
08:14 to discover that our pictures are going
08:16 very very viral
08:18 and yeah
08:20 We wanted to do quietly kind of
08:22 not quietly from
08:23 but we want to just keep for family
08:26 and like publish it our way
08:28 because you want to say that it was natural
08:31 the viral thing happened
08:33 you didn't do it
08:35 To be honest with you
08:36 on the morning after our wedding
08:39 we rejected all the interviews
08:40 we had like 2 or 3 journalists coming
08:43 and we rejected to give them any information
08:46 or pictures, anything
08:48 only not to get in this viral condition
08:51 We go slowly with our YouTube content
08:53 because we publish a lot
08:54 under the Spice Masala name
08:56 on the YouTube
08:57 We will go to that topic, yes
08:59 Go slowly slowly with it
09:01 and then suddenly we discovered
09:03 that we are already viral
09:05 without any idea about it
09:08 I am glad you rejected the interviews
09:11 and you are here giving us interview
09:12 Thank you so much
09:13 So, we got to know that
09:16 before your wedding day
09:17 there was a police enquiry, right?
09:19 The police thought that
09:21 Gabriela might be a spy or something
09:24 from the foreign country
09:26 How did you deal with that?
09:28 What happened?
09:29 And I also got to know that
09:30 the police at the end
09:31 left you guys
09:33 knowing that you guys are not doing anything wrong
09:35 What happened exactly?
09:36 Yeah, it was some people in village
09:38 they were curious about
09:39 what is going on and how it is
09:41 Because as you know usually
09:42 when there is a marriage happening in India
09:45 there are present parents and families
09:47 of both of them
09:48 different from couple
09:49 In our case it was different
09:50 It was only her
09:51 So, that's why they are getting curious
09:54 that what's going on
09:55 and how is going
09:57 So, they just report to police
09:59 and next day after wedding
10:01 police was at home
10:02 They took all documents from Gabby
10:05 Then second day I got call from LIU
10:08 which is like this local investigation unit
10:14 which is controlling all foreigners
10:16 They also called
10:17 They came to our place
10:19 They checked her details
10:21 They registered her as well also
10:23 They took sign
10:24 They took our pictures
10:26 But everything was correct
10:27 Because I have 5 year visa holder
10:29 And I am over 18 obviously
10:31 So, like
10:32 And also if you are right
10:35 Then you don't need to fear about
10:37 anyone or anything
10:39 Why not except police?
10:40 Because you guys are right
10:41 Okay, so Gabriela
10:44 It was your first time
10:46 to our beautiful India
10:48 How are you feeling?
10:49 And one thing I wanna ask
10:51 One thing which you find in India
10:53 that is so beautiful
10:54 but you don't find that in Netherlands
10:56 or Poland
10:57 Whichever country you wanna pick
10:58 where you have lived most
11:00 And one thing which you think
11:01 is not good here
11:02 but it's good in Poland or Netherlands
11:04 What is that?
11:06 Oh, well
11:07 First of all I'd like to correct you
11:08 I am sorry
11:09 But this is not my first time
11:10 I am here for the third time
11:13 Oh, I didn't know that
11:14 Thanks
11:15 It's fine, of course
11:17 And well
11:19 To me, India was like a
11:21 dream travel destination
11:23 I would say
11:24 I dreamed to visit India
11:25 for like many, many years
11:26 Before even I met Hardik
11:29 So, I remember that
11:32 my first time was really, really exciting
11:34 And I couldn't just wait to come here
11:37 Then of course
11:38 the thing about meeting his family
11:40 added up more to it
11:42 What is great about India?
11:45 I would say that I love
11:47 I love the atmosphere in India
11:50 Like the colors
11:52 and the culture
11:53 and like the
11:55 the positive
11:57 Yes, of course the cultures
11:58 You are saying
12:00 In your wedding or marriage also
12:02 Indian culture has a lot of traditions
12:05 You might have done that
12:07 And that's so interesting to do
12:09 I must say
12:10 Did you enjoy that in your wedding?
12:12 Oh, so much
12:14 So much
12:15 Actually, favorite day of my wedding
12:17 except of course the wedding rituals
12:20 was Haldi
12:21 Haldi was great
12:23 All the family members
12:24 made me feel that
12:26 I am part of this family
12:28 So, it was awesome
12:30 And then of course
12:31 the wedding rituals itself
12:32 like taking the seven rounds
12:34 or just exchanging the garlands
12:38 It was awesome experience
12:39 We don't have that much
12:41 warm, I would say
12:43 ceremonies in Europe
12:45 We wish you a very happy married life
12:48 Gabriel and Hardik
12:49 It's so nice to talk to you
12:51 Let's talk about your YouTube channel
12:53 The Spicy Masala
12:55 It sounds spicy in itself
12:57 So, Hardik and Gabriel
12:59 As I was talking initially
13:00 about the Indian food
13:02 It's something which nobody can resist about
13:04 So tasty and so delicious
13:06 So, as an inter-culture
13:09 or inter-border relationship
13:11 which we are sharing
13:12 There are a lot of things
13:14 which you could have done on
13:16 Why did you choose food
13:18 to go with on your YouTube channel?
13:20 What made you think about
13:22 opening a YouTube channel on food
13:24 or Indian cuisine?
13:25 Or do you share all the cuisine there?
13:27 What it is about?
13:28 Please tell us or our viewers
13:30 so that they can subscribe to you
13:32 and they will also enjoy more
13:34 Yeah, of course
13:35 So, we share mostly about
13:37 travel and lifestyle content
13:39 Usually, those are travel vlogs
13:41 But we share a lot about food as well
13:43 because we love food
13:44 Hardik teaches me to cook Indian dishes
13:47 And Indian cuisine is like
13:49 the main cuisine in our home for sure
13:52 Okay
13:54 Who is the biggest foodie among you both?
13:57 Who eats more?
13:59 It's hard
14:01 It doesn't seem
14:03 But he eats much more
14:05 Yeah, because when I moved to Europe
14:07 It's hard to get Indian food
14:09 Then I started to learn how to cook
14:12 And yeah, slowly, slowly
14:14 it's spicing up everything
14:16 What's your favorite cuisine in the world, Hardik?
14:19 You have roamed around the world
14:22 What's your favorite?
14:24 Yeah
14:25 In the world, I would say
14:27 still I will go with Indian dishes, Dosa
14:29 But in Europe
14:31 Yeah, only for Europe
14:33 I would say
14:35 I tried Italian pizza
14:37 It's really delicious
14:38 But the proper Italian, right?
14:40 But from Italy
14:41 Proper Italian pizza
14:43 Okay
14:44 And Gabriela, what's your favorite cuisine in the world?
14:47 Except for Indian again
14:50 I would say Mediterranean
14:52 Okay
14:54 So, Gabriela and Hardik
14:56 as we were talking about your family
14:58 So, you both have a different language
15:00 But for a common conversation
15:02 You use English
15:04 But the families
15:06 What do you speak in Poland, Gabriela?
15:08 What's the language your family uses?
15:10 Polish
15:11 It's Polish
15:12 And in India, of course, Hindi
15:14 So, how do your parents communicate?
15:17 You both are communicating well
15:19 I can see that
15:20 But how do the parents communicate?
15:22 I want to know that
15:24 Yeah, with Gabi's parents
15:26 I can speak Polish
15:27 Because as we told
15:29 I was there for one year or something in Poland
15:31 I learned a lot of Polish language
15:33 And he speaks very well
15:35 So, I can manage with her parents
15:38 Her family in Polish
15:40 But here in India
15:42 With my parents, it's a little bit hard
15:44 I speak English
15:46 They try to understand as much as they can
15:48 And I speak a little bit of Hindi
15:51 A little bit of Hindi
15:53 When you speak a little bit of Hindi
15:55 Please say something in Hindi
15:56 Just one line
15:58 How much have you caught up in these years?
16:02 I speak very little
16:04 I love India and Hardik in Hindi
16:09 I love India a lot
16:15 Yes, yes, please go on
16:17 And Hardik
16:19 That's sweet
16:21 Gabriela and Hardik
16:23 It was so nice talking to you
16:25 Thank you so much for joining in
16:27 I hope the air is clear now
16:29 What you were talking about in the Instagram post
16:31 I hope people know you better now
16:33 And if you want to know Gabriela and Hardik more
16:36 Please go and subscribe to their YouTube channel
16:38 The Spicy Masala
16:40 And after talking to Gabriela and Hardik
16:42 One thing is clear
16:44 That love knows no boundaries
16:46 And that was it about our interview
16:49 Gabriela and Hardik
16:50 Thank you so much
16:52 I wish you a very luck
16:53 A very happy married life
16:55 Keep watching One India News for more such updates and interviews.
