• 2 years ago
Video Information: ShabdYog session, 28.01.2014, Advait Bodhsthal, Noida, India

What is the root cause of all the problems?
What is observation?
How to know oneself?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 I fear a student who would fully surrender and dislike a student not attentive.
00:12 If both the states and anything in between are only re-informing my ego, can the session
00:18 be of any use to the student?
00:23 Who is facing this problem?
00:27 Is the student asking this question?
00:35 Right now whatever he is saying is a concept of his own mind.
00:38 When he says can the session be of any use to the student, the definition of use is coming
00:46 from the mind of the teacher.
00:52 You would regard one particular thing as useful to the student and she would regard another
01:00 thing as useful to the student.
01:04 You might regard that if I could get the student to laugh, it indicates that the session was
01:11 useful.
01:16 She might regard that if I could get the students to silence, then the session was useful.
01:24 So when we say that my session is useful to the students, what do we mean?
01:31 Whatever we will mean will be an indicator of my own life.
01:36 What I think of as useful for myself that I'll think of as useful to the student.
01:48 I live in one room which would be hardly what 7 feet by 15 feet.
02:04 You come to me and say, "Sir, you know what?
02:09 I wanted to buy a 3500 square feet thing, but instead of that I could get only a 2500
02:17 square feet thing.
02:18 Now will I say that you have met with a great calamity?
02:26 When I am living in something which is 100 square feet, will I feel great sympathy for
02:35 you if you have had to live in just 2500 square feet?"
02:46 I find money very, very useful to me.
02:55 All the time I am thinking of that.
02:57 It features in all my mental activity and the mind is all the time calculating.
03:04 So the student comes to me and says, "Sir, you know what?
03:07 I could not get that higher paying job.
03:10 Instead I had to settle down with this average one."
03:14 Will I feel that the student has lost out on a great deal?
03:22 You do not give money a great regard and a student comes to you and says, "Sir, I cannot
03:30 attend your session today because I have to prepare for that particular interview and
03:37 that company pays me so much.
03:40 So that preparation is very useful to me."
03:43 You will surely allow the student to be absent from your HIDP if you yourself are money minded.
03:52 If you are money minded, then you will immediately feel the need to allow the student to be absent.
03:58 Do you see this?
03:59 You are standing in the student's room and say, "You know, sir, they are paying so much.
04:03 I need to go and prepare."
04:04 And impulsively you will say, "Yes, yes, go and prepare.
04:07 It's a great opportunity.
04:08 Yes."
04:09 Now you do not see why you allowed him away from your class.
04:14 Why did you allow him?
04:18 Because to you money is important.
04:19 How about the student? money is important to you.
04:22 So the moment the student says, "Sir, a high paying company is coming."
04:29 You immediately let the student go.
04:39 All of these are purely your own concepts.
04:45 Even the problem that you have mentioned, I fear a student who would totally surrender.
04:54 I'm not asking whether one must fear.
05:01 I'm asking do we know what is fear?
05:06 Had we really known what is fear, just as we don't know what is use?
05:11 Do we know what is fear?
05:13 Had we really known what is fear?
05:20 How could we have said that I fear surrender?
05:23 We don't know use, we don't know fear, we also don't know surrender.
05:39 Even if I'm afraid, will I be able to know whether there is a surrendered mind or not
05:48 in front of me?
05:50 What am I to do?
05:59 Forget about the student, first thing.
06:09 Because only in forgetting about the student, can you do the student the best you can.
06:21 You see the best method that the mind finds to escape looking at its own fact is that
06:34 it, yes, complete the sentence.
06:38 What is the best way to avoid looking at myself?
06:42 Find somebody else to be occupied with.
06:45 I have a student, I have a very important task.
06:53 Somebody is in my house.
06:58 Something to achieve.
07:01 You don't even realize that all of these are only shrewd escapes of the mind.
07:14 See I'm asking you a question, please look at this, answer each one of you.
07:19 Can the false declare itself to be false?
07:25 Will the false ever come and say I am false?
07:34 What is the only method for the false to survive?
07:40 So it will say that I am real, I am important, I am the truth.
07:51 Will it say I am false, yet be attached to me?
07:56 Will it say I am false, yet keep thinking of me?
08:00 What will it say?
08:02 I am important.
08:05 So all of us have something important in our life.
08:11 Something important and you think that this is genuinely important.
08:23 You have to think that way.
08:25 Otherwise, how can it remain important in your life?
08:30 Are you getting it?
08:35 How can the false remain important to you without telling you, of course falsely, that
08:42 I am important?
08:49 Can you come up to me and say, sir, I am not coming to the session because I have something
08:54 unimportant at home.
08:56 Will you come and say that?
08:59 Sir, I cannot attend sessions because I have something unimportant at home.
09:02 Will you come and say that?
09:04 What will you say?
09:09 So that is the game of Maya to give you something important in life.
09:15 And of course, whatever is important is false, but it will not declare itself to be false.
09:24 It will declare itself to be very real.
09:27 It will demand all your concentration.
09:30 It will say I am the object at which the mind should be centered.
09:36 I'm important.
09:37 I have something important in life.
09:40 There is something important.
09:42 I must take care of it.
09:45 And you'll say I'm genuine.
09:47 I'm sincere about this.
09:48 There is something important.
09:49 Is it important?
09:50 Don't be too sure that this is important.
09:57 Is it really important?
10:04 Nobody is wicked.
10:05 Nobody is evil.
10:06 It's just that we don't summon up our power for attention.
10:15 Attention has to be called.
10:17 You have to decide to be attentive.
10:19 We don't decide to be attentive because you're already sure that I know what is important
10:23 in life.
10:24 When you already know what is important in life, then you're asking a question.
10:34 Please check your assumptions.
10:38 You know what is an assumption?
10:40 That which is already taken as proven.
10:43 When something is already taken as proven, that becomes the foundation of all further
10:49 perception.
10:50 If I ask Dhawanji, what is this?
10:56 What will he say?
10:57 What will he say?
10:58 He will say this is a wall.
11:03 But will he say this is a wall in my frame of reference.
11:09 This is a wall because I am Mr. Dhawan.
11:10 Will he say that?
11:11 No, he'll not say that.
11:12 He'll say this is a wall and there is a great underlying assumption which he'll not even
11:17 talk of.
11:18 What is that assumption?
11:21 If this is a wall, for this wall to be there, something has to be there.
11:25 What?
11:26 The perceiving personality.
11:29 But that personality has already been taken as a conclusion, as a foregone conclusion.
11:35 So he'll not talk of this and that is the game of Maya.
11:40 You make assumptions and then you believe they are real.
11:44 So what are your assumptions in this question?
11:47 What is it that you are assuming as the truth?
11:54 What is it that you are not talking of?
11:56 What is it that you are not writing?
11:58 Just assuming and conveniently believing in it.
12:05 What is the belief?
12:06 Ask that.
12:08 What is the belief, hidden belief?
12:26 What is the hidden belief?
12:28 I fear a student who totally surrender and dislike a student not attentive.
12:33 If both the states and anything in between are only reaffirming my ego, can the session
12:41 be of any use to the student?
12:45 What are the assumptions?
12:46 When I am doing a class, it should be some use to the student.
12:47 When I go there, they should get some use.
12:48 And I know what is to be called as use.
13:12 And I think that and the central point you're making is if anything,
13:29 if both the states and anything in between are only reaffirming my ego, you are assuming
13:34 that you know this.
13:36 You are assuming that you are in control of this.
13:39 You are assuming that you know that these are reaffirming your ego.
13:43 May I postulate something?
13:45 I'll say more than that, this is reaffirming the ego.
13:51 That I know that these two are.
14:06 You know what, there are these dictators in countries and everybody wants to kill them.
14:20 Just as in this room, everybody becomes a sharp shooter and wants to kill the ego.
14:28 The dictators in various countries, there was Saddam Hussein, there was Gaddafi, all
14:33 these people are on the hit list of organizations, countries as well as the individuals they
14:41 might have harmed.
14:42 So they want to kill them.
14:43 They are always under threat.
14:44 So what do they do?
14:48 The dictator, so that he may not be killed, would create look-alikes.
14:56 So one Saddam Hussein would have 20 Saddam Husseins walking across Iraq and that dummy
15:05 is often targeted and killed.
15:07 That is a beautiful way, a very successful way of defending yourself.
15:17 Create a dummy and let the dummy be targeted.
15:22 Now you know what I am going to ask.
15:24 How would the ego want to defend itself?
15:32 Name some small thing as ego and kill it and believe that ego has been killed.
15:41 Now the dummy has been killed.
15:42 The real thing is hiding somewhere.
15:45 But you are happy.
15:46 What have I done?
15:48 I have killed ego.
15:56 You know, sir, I am greatly egoistic.
15:59 How?
16:00 Sir, you know, I did not used to talk properly to my driver.
16:10 Ah, here you are.
16:15 You have identified ego and you have also confessed.
16:18 So now you are a saint.
16:20 Now today you go and share a meal with your driver and then you are free from ego.
16:27 Now the bugger is greedy, obnoxious, vicious, hateful, insecure, accumulative.
16:43 He cannot look at all these monsters in his mind.
16:46 What did he find as his ego?
16:49 You know, I don't talk properly to my driver.
16:52 A dummy ego has been identified.
16:54 Now this can be easily shot down.
16:59 This can be very easily shot down.
17:02 I am such a big sinner.
17:04 And what is my sin?
17:05 I do not talk properly to my driver.
17:08 Hey, talk properly to your driver and then you will be eligible for the kingdom of heaven.
17:18 Dummy has been shot.
17:20 The real one is laughing.
17:25 Dummy has been conveniently shot.
17:28 Sir, I am such a sinner.
17:32 Why?
17:33 What have you done?
17:36 Sir, I eat non-veg.
17:38 Ah, great sin.
17:40 Thou must repent.
17:43 So what will you do from today?
17:45 You will not eat any flesh.
17:53 Now this bugger drinks the blood of so many people around him.
18:06 He is an exploitative employer.
18:10 But he has become ego free by giving up on animal flesh.
18:16 The dummy has been shot.
18:20 The dummy has been shot.
18:25 Sir, there is nothing in my life.
18:32 It is so dry.
18:37 I am living a wretched existence.
18:40 Why?
18:41 Sir, I do not talk properly to my wife.
18:46 Yes, son, you figured it out.
18:50 Today evening you will gift a black rose to your wife and take her out for dinner.
18:59 In that way you have dissolved your ego.
19:06 Now this bugger is corrupt in all ways.
19:12 He is violent towards the entire world.
19:22 He hoards, he kills.
19:27 He terrifies.
19:34 But he has identified his biggest problem as not having dinner with wife.
19:42 Now if the problem is this, then it can be easily rectified.
19:45 The dummy can be easily shot.
19:49 Is this the real problem?
19:52 Where are the real ones hiding?
19:54 Why don't you bring them out?
20:00 It's like going to a brain surgeon and saying, sir, you know, there is some problem with
20:04 my nail.
20:09 And he says, here is a nail cutter and we'll trim your nails.
20:13 Yes, now the tumor in your brain has been cured.
20:17 Go.
20:18 And he comes back with very nice nails.
20:21 Where is the real problem?
20:24 Don't you see that by presenting dummy problems, you're only hiding the real ones.
20:32 And that is the reason why we need to have small, small, small, small problems in our
20:37 life.
20:38 Today the milkman didn't come.
20:43 You know, the electricity fluctuates too much.
20:45 My son has got only 74%.
20:49 These small problems are important, very, very important.
20:54 They are important so that you never look at the real issue.
21:00 So that your mind is always filled with this little stuff.
21:06 With these petty problems, this pettiness is needed.
21:12 The car needs to be serviced.
21:15 Existential problem.
21:18 One of my tooth is aching.
21:26 It's raining.
21:27 My son's diapers are still wet.
21:30 How can I go to the clarity session?
21:34 These problems are so important.
21:37 Today she didn't wish me.
21:45 Oh my God.
21:46 I'm heartbroken.
21:49 Call the ambulance.
21:53 I haven't shaved today.
22:00 Great problem.
22:01 What will be the result of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections?
22:10 Existential crisis for me.
22:13 But all these things are important, very important.
22:16 So that, that which is deeply sick in our lives, the central rottenness, that can be
22:27 defended.
22:28 To secure that, we create all these dummies.
22:35 That is hidden like an assumption.
22:41 Just as the assumption is never seen, only the words are seen.
22:46 Similarly, that is never seen.
22:52 So this is nothing.
22:53 This means nothing.
22:55 Identify the real question.
23:03 The real problem.
23:16 Isn't it a good tactic to fill up your mind with so much of trivia?
23:29 But there is no space for anything else.
23:34 And you are busy.
23:35 And you can also get a feeling of being a conqueror.
23:37 Because if it is trivia, you can probably do something about it easily.
23:42 Even without any change, you can do something about the trivia.
23:46 The milkman didn't come.
23:47 You can call him up and rough him up.
23:51 So what do you feel like?
23:53 I am strong and I can solve the great problems of life.
23:59 The milkman has been admonished.
24:02 Yes, I am Caesar.
24:07 Caesar the admonisher of all milkmen.
24:10 I have solved a great problem.
24:14 Mobile is not working.
24:18 Solve this problem and feel like a winner.
24:27 I'm not getting an auto.
24:29 Feel deeply terrified.
24:30 Oh, there is no auto.
24:32 Feel terrified.
24:33 And there is a great use in feeling terrified.
24:37 I'm not getting an auto and you feel great sense of fear.
24:40 Work yourself up.
24:43 Psyche yourself up.
24:46 Auto psyching.
24:51 The heavens are about to crash down.
24:53 I'm not getting an auto.
24:55 And then you get an auto.
24:56 And how do you feel?
24:57 Yes.
24:58 The great existential mystery has been solved.
25:04 I have hired an auto.
25:06 You need all these problems.
25:08 Such trivia is needed so that you may overcome it and feel like a winner.
25:12 So that there is some meaning in life.
25:15 So that you don't feel absolutely wretched.
25:18 This is very important so that there is some meaning in life.
25:30 The more you will be afraid, the more the occasions on which you will be afraid, the
25:35 more will be the occasions on which you will be able to do something about that fear.
25:43 The more will be the chance that you will feel like a full man.
25:51 You know what?
25:52 Yesterday there was a disaster.
25:54 What was the disaster?
25:56 One monkey came and he was eating my tomato.
26:04 Now I brought ammunition and targeted that monkey and the monkey is gone.
26:09 Now give me a Padma Shri for that.
26:15 How great I feel.
26:16 Let me give you an example.
26:22 Just for two hours, your mobile signal is unreachable.
26:27 Kundan was mentioning to me when it is said that please switch off your mobiles.
26:32 Many of you first message your loved ones, so called loved ones, that you know, I'm switching
26:37 off my mobile, darling.
26:38 Please don't feel insecure.
26:42 After all, it is nighttime and you know.
26:47 Now just for two hours, your darling is unreachable.
26:52 And what does it become?
26:53 A great problem.
26:55 And then how does it feel when you are again able to contact him after two hours?
26:59 How does it feel?
27:01 Great relief.
27:02 Darlu is still within reach.
27:08 I can still lay my hands on him.
27:12 He hasn't escaped.
27:17 Now to feel this sense of relief, what is important?
27:20 What is needed?
27:22 That you must first be terribly worried.
27:25 There must be a problem.
27:26 What is the problem?
27:27 Darlu is unreachable.
27:32 So first create a problem out of nothing.
27:39 And then solve it.
27:42 And feel good.
27:43 Life is worthy.
27:46 That is the mantra of living.
27:49 Spend the first half of the day creating problems.
27:53 Spend the second half of the day solving it.
27:56 And do not see that this mind that wants to live in this escape is itself the biggest
28:02 problem.
28:03 Hide that like an assumption.
28:04 Keep that buried.
28:05 The real dictator is hiding and all the time creating dummies so that you can keep shooting
28:10 the dummies and feel like a winner.
28:23 Look at that which really bothers you.
28:38 Look at the core of your fear.
28:45 Go to your innermost pain point.
28:53 See what is it that makes you cry out without any apparent reason.
29:01 Touch your innermost suffering.
29:05 Only that can be true relief.
29:10 Not that I am greatly happy because I got a 2% discount on my new sweater.
29:22 Touch your innermost suffering.
29:26 Not surface trivia.
29:27 That these days I am suffering greatly because the temperature is in the range of 15 to 19
29:39 degrees.
29:40 Whenever the temperature is in this range, I suffer.
29:43 This suffering.
29:50 Is an escape.
30:07 What is the problem of problems?
30:09 What is the mother problem?
30:12 Can we find that out?
30:16 What is the soil on which all these problems germinate?
30:20 Can we find that out?
30:24 Or will we keep ourselves occupied with rubbish?
30:32 Yes.
30:37 What is the problem of problems?
30:39 Yes, go ahead.
30:41 What is the problem of problems?
30:43 Look at that.
30:46 What is the real dictator, not the dummy ones?
30:52 Yes.
30:55 Of what?
31:06 What is that one mystery which when dissolved would dissolve everything else?
31:16 What is that one question of consequence?
31:26 And why not look at that directly instead of this and that and here and there and several
31:32 and diverse questions?
31:34 Why not go into that?
31:52 What is that?
31:53 The problem of problems?
31:55 What is that?
32:03 I am what I am.
32:07 That is the person.
32:08 The person that I consider myself to be.
32:11 That is the problem of problems.
32:14 The person that I consider myself to be.
32:20 That person will want to remain like that.
32:22 You don't want that person wants to remain like that.
32:25 That is his basic property.
32:36 What is the problem of problems?
32:40 Something is hiding.
32:44 Something is hiding.
32:53 What is the problem?
32:56 What is the problem?
32:59 We want to be ourselves.
33:05 The identities which we want to have with us all the time.
33:21 And who wants to have that identity?
33:24 The Atman?
33:27 Then who wants to have that identity?
33:32 Which itself is identity.
33:34 So identity wants to have identity.
33:38 Then what is the problem?
33:39 Whose?
33:40 To the identity.
33:41 Identity is attached to identity.
33:48 But what is your problem?
33:54 Who wants to come out of it?
33:55 The identity?
33:56 Another dummy.
33:57 The capital self.
34:08 This one is called the Atman Saddham.
34:15 Whenever the actual Saddham is under threat, it says, you know, that is Saddham with small
34:21 s.
34:24 I am the Saddham with a capital S. Kill me.
34:39 What is the mother problem?
34:58 I am the mother problem.
35:21 I.
35:22 Isn't it a good funny game?
35:23 Everybody is happy.
35:24 You have shot down 10 dummies.
35:25 So you are happy.
35:26 You are happy thinking what?
35:31 I have done it.
35:32 I have done it.
35:33 And Maya is also happy.
35:34 Why?
35:35 She has also done it.
35:36 Everybody is happy.
35:37 It's a good game.
35:38 Win-win situation.
35:39 You think you know.
35:40 So you are happy.
35:41 Maya knows that you don't know.
35:42 So she is happy.
35:43 Good game.
36:02 Keep feeling nice about yourself and your life.
36:09 I was unemployed.
36:10 I got a job.
36:11 Yes.
36:12 I solved the problem.
36:13 I felt lonely.
36:14 I got a wife.
36:15 Yes.
36:16 Solved the problem.
36:17 Keep feeling good.
36:18 You are happy.
36:19 She is happy.
36:20 Everybody is happy.
36:21 That's why the world is like this.
36:22 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:23 Then everybody is happy.
36:24 Why should there be a change?
36:25 Every day you are solving problems.
36:26 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:27 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:28 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:29 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:30 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:31 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:32 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:33 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:34 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
36:57 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:24 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:28 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:29 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:30 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:31 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:32 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:33 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:34 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:35 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:36 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:37 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:38 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:39 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:40 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:41 That's why there is no or little possibility of change.
37:42 (birds chirping)
