• 2 years ago
Cat is so loving with family that adopted him
00:00 Frank's originally from Greece.
00:01 Yeah.
00:02 He's missing one of his front legs.
00:03 I don't know exactly what happened to him,
00:05 but he was rescued from the streets by a lady who had set up a sanctuary over in Greece.
00:11 And then very sadly, she passed away.
00:13 So the people who ran the sanctuary that she set up,
00:16 they tried to get someone to adopt him.
00:18 Frank is approximately 15 years old.
00:20 If they're senior with a disability, then well, forget it.
00:23 There's not many people who want to take that on.
00:25 I saw his story online and I said to my husband,
00:28 "What do you think? No one's come forward. Can we help?"
00:31 He said, "Let's go for it."
00:32 So we contacted the rescue and they arranged for him to fly over to us in the UK.
00:37 I'm Lexi and this is Frank's story for GeoBeans.
00:40 Frank is amazing.
00:44 The big cat, as soon as he came out of the carrier,
00:48 he was literally a massive cuddle bunny.
00:49 It's a needy cat this morning.
00:51 You needy.
00:52 He leapt into our arms and he hasn't got out of our arms since, really.
00:58 It was like he was always meant to be here.
00:59 I've never known a cat that cuddles like Frank.
01:02 He's absolutely amazing, aren't you, mate?
01:04 He's got FIV virus, so he needs TLC, but he's absolutely adorable.
01:10 He runs up the stairs when he wants to run.
01:13 He has little steps up and down to the windowsill,
01:16 but he copes really, really well with everything.
01:18 Please, leave me here with you today.
01:20 He'll sit and watch and then as soon as he thinks you're going to stop,
01:23 he'll then come in and then sit on the side as if to say,
01:26 "Well, pick me up now, you've stopped."
01:28 He's such a needy baby.
01:30 Look at him, literally clinging on.
01:32 If we sit down in the living room to watch TV, for example,
01:35 it doesn't matter whether you're trying to eat something or...
01:38 No, no, no, no.
01:39 He's there.
01:39 He's in the way, pushing everything out the way to get as close to you as possible.
01:43 Sometimes it's just not feasible to stand and cuddle him for a long period of time.
01:48 I have other things to do.
01:50 So if that's the case, then I'll put the baby sling on and pop him in the sling
01:54 and then I'll get on with whatever I had to do.
01:56 And he's really happy.
01:58 He stays in the sling purring and loving it.
02:01 He's making biscuits on the back of my necklace.
02:03 That's nice.
02:04 Frank has quite a human looking face, I would say, for a cat.
02:08 And he has a real piercing look when he wants your attention.
02:12 I've always loved senior animals.
02:14 High five, Frank.
02:15 Yeah.
02:16 Hands-free snuggles.
02:20 Senior ones are just so overlooked.
02:24 He literally throws himself at me and holds on with his one arm.
02:27 Don't you?
02:28 Frank, I love you.
