• 2 years ago
"We just need to keep going and remind people that there are people who need our help."


00:00 The only thing I could really think of and come up with is that Edmund Burke quote.
00:05 You know, the 1780s, he was a politician.
00:08 He said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
00:13 And I think that's incredibly relevant.
00:29 I was asked to play in a charity football match.
00:34 And I was told that a lot of ex-arsenal players like Robert Pires and Klici and guys like that would be playing.
00:41 So I have to confess, my first enthusiasm for the match was the fact that I would get to meet all these legends who I'd grown up supporting.
00:49 But then when there, I bumped into Shevchenko, who had actually played in a charity match a couple of years before for Soccer Aid.
00:59 And he's a very lovely man and we became good friends.
01:03 And then I met Zinchenko, who's another Ukrainian footballer who plays for Arsenal.
01:07 And realized while I was there over the course of a couple of days that we were training for the match,
01:12 you know, that the whole thing was being done for United 24, which is President Zelensky's fundraising arm.
01:17 And it was in aid of raising money for Ukraine.
01:21 And that kind of opened my eyes to that.
01:23 And then I got talking to the guys that were organizing it.
01:25 And they asked me for my help.
01:27 And it's very difficult when someone asks you for help to say no, frankly.
01:32 Well, I decided I'm going to try and raise $60,000 for a school in Uman, in the Cherkasy district.
01:39 It's called the Dmitry Shchivsky School or Lyceum.
01:43 And it has 327 pupils.
01:46 They need a bomb shelter, you know, which is insane when you think that you need to say that sentence,
01:51 that a school needs a bomb shelter.
01:53 But it's about two and a half hours from Kiev.
01:56 And in order to enable them to study, this bomb shelter will be incredibly useful
02:01 because they can go there should they be in danger.
02:05 It allows them to continue their education.
02:07 So that's something specific that I'm trying to raise money for right now.
02:11 [END]
