• 2 years ago
This cat was not deemed ideal. Do you agree?
00:00 They thought that Noodle was sick because his eyes looked weird.
00:03 I'm Rebecca and this is Noodle's story for GeoBeats.
00:08 My husband got Noodle as a kitten from a cattery that was being shut down.
00:13 He sounds like he's meowing in lowercase.
00:16 According to the cattery, he was not an ideal cat because he didn't have the folded ears
00:21 like the rest of his litter.
00:25 And they thought that Noodle was sick because his eyes looked weird.
00:29 His eyes are huge.
00:31 Because Noodle was so different, he might have ended up at a shelter.
00:33 I met Noodle through my husband and a few months into dating, he had to move a few hours
00:38 away.
00:39 We decided that Noodle would be more comfortable staying with me.
00:42 There wasn't any period of adjustment for Noodle.
00:45 It was just like, "Okay, you're the one who feeds me now."
00:50 So I became his primary caretaker for the next three years.
00:57 My husband, Noodle Dad, as we call him, is Noodle's favorite person in the house.
01:02 My husband is a type 1 diabetic.
01:05 Noodle can sense when my husband has low blood sugar.
01:08 When he's asleep sometimes and he'll go and lay right next to him, he'll just very gently
01:13 paw it to try and get him to wake up.
01:16 Initially, Noodle did not meow.
01:18 I had four cats total.
01:20 Atlas is very chatty.
01:21 And Noodle has been learning to meow through Atlas.
01:24 His meows have been described as sounding like a cow, like a moo.
01:35 And then he also sounds like Simon's cat.
01:37 The little animation where someone is voicing, like he sounds like a person trying to meow
01:42 instead of a cat meowing.
01:43 There's a whole other side of his personality, which we like to call needle, for when his
01:48 eyes squint and he looks angry when he's just had enough.
01:51 He gets mad at me when I brush him, especially because he has the long fur.
01:57 He loves food.
01:59 That's his comfort.
02:00 If he's ever feeling stressed, he'll just go and run to his food bowl.
02:04 He deserves his snack.
02:05 He likes to be pet when he's eating.
02:07 He likes to be comforted, like everything's okay.
02:10 His eyes are very expressive.
02:11 When he hears the food bag rumble or he sees a toy or he hears a sound in the distance,
02:16 his eyes will go stretch wide.
02:25 His little vacant expression is just so funny, just staring off in the distance.
02:31 We don't know what he's looking at.
02:33 I'm a cat painter and Noodle is the star of my cat paintings online.
02:38 I feel such overwhelming joy looking at him, just watching him go about his day.
02:43 I'm grateful that I even had the chance to meet him.
02:56 (gentle music)
02:59 (gentle music)
