• 2 years ago
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) slams former President Trump for attacking Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu at last night's rally.


00:00 - Last question, one minute, final question.
00:02 - Former President Trump was critical
00:03 of Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday.
00:06 What do you make of those comments
00:07 and having yourself been to Israel and met with Netanyahu,
00:10 what do you make of his leadership,
00:12 especially in this moment of crisis?
00:14 - Now is not the time to be attacking our ally.
00:17 Prime Minister Netanyahu is somebody
00:19 that I've become friends with.
00:21 He is managing one of the most difficult situations
00:24 Israel's ever had to face.
00:27 You may have a personal vendetta or beef with him,
00:30 but is that really the time to be out there doing that
00:33 and to be attacking the Israeli defense minister?
00:35 I don't think so.
00:36 So we're standing behind Israel.
00:40 We want them to be able to defend themselves
00:42 and we want them to be successful in this conflict,
00:45 but you're not gonna find me throwing verbal grenades
00:49 at the Israeli leadership.
00:51 It's easy to kind of do that.
00:53 You can always second-guess people,
00:55 but that's not what we need now.
00:56 What we need is to come together
00:58 and we need to win a victory.
00:59 We need Israel to win the victory
01:02 and we will be supporting their right to do so.
