• 2 years ago
The Gold Award winner for Sustainability Champions: Cultural Ambassadors - Ibalarihun Mallai

Ibalarihun Mallai has transformed her village, Umden, into a thriving ‘weaving village’ over the last few years. She works closely with Ribhoi weavers to sustain the weaving traditions of the region and promote the Ryndia fabric while creating an alternative source of income for all.

Video credit: Ink Creative Consultancy and Ka Knup Creatives

#Meghalaya #IRTSA #IndianResponsibleTourismStateAwards #MagnificentMeghalaya #SustainableTourism #ResponsibleTourismIndia #SustainableTourismindia #ResponsibleTourism #CelebratingPeople #CelebratingIndia


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 At Kini Ho, our purpose is to create mindfully
00:06 whatever designs.
00:07 We only use natural ingredients,
00:09 whatever we can avail locally,
00:13 like turmeric, like black, et cetera, for our colors.
00:16 We don't use any electric,
00:19 so there is zero carbon footprint there.
00:22 We started with two weavers in our unit,
00:28 and now we have over 16 weavers working with us.
00:32 We do get tourists and textile lovers
00:38 who come all the way, travel from all around the world,
00:41 coming here to know about this aerosilk,
00:43 because aerosilk is a very special fiber,
00:47 and it's very rare, as you know.
00:49 So that has helped the community to gain their market,
00:52 and also they understand the value of this craft.
00:57 (upbeat music)
01:00 (upbeat music)
01:02 (chimes)
