• 11 years ago
Ghizer District is the westernmost part of the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Its capital is Gakuch. Ghizer is crossroads between Gilgit and Chitral and also to China, Tajikistan via Qurumber pass through Ishkomen/Darkut Yasin (which are connected via Shandur Pass). Ghizer is a multi-ethnic district and three major languages are spoken; shina, khowar and Burushaski. There are also Wakhi speakers in Ishkoman and some Gujjars and Tajiks.

Ghizer is a distorted form of the name "Gherz" which means "refugees" in Khowar. Whenever the Mehtar of Chitral did unjust with their people in Chitral and forced them to migrate towards Gupis. They were settled in the area between Chitral and Gupis and the area called Gherz and the people were called Gherzic. When Zulafiqar Ali Bhutto the President of Pakistan abolished the FCR and Rajgi system and made another administrative district comprising the Tehsils (Political districts) the name Ghizer was agreed and unanimously.


