• 17 anni fa
Thanks to my job as a magician, I have been able to acquire skills to materialize in our reality, effects that at first might seem completely impossible to achieve (except of course in special effects movies) like transforming a human being in a snow storm… Always surpassing limits is by far my favorite challenge.

Unfortunately I will neither be telling you on this tutorial how to cut your wife into four pieces (she will thank me) nor how to make your car levitate in the air (though it might be very useful when changing the tires)… Professional secrecy.

My main source of inspiration resides in movies, video games and science fiction. Well, what is the common point between TRON, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc???

Answer: The luminescent shapes which represent electronic circuits or magic spells. I have always been marveled by these visual effects and I do think I am not the only one.

I have recreated this effect on a cube in order to explain the main mechanism.
The goal here is to achieve reproducing this effect in any other object of everyday’s life; like a coffee table, a Plexiglas chair, PC modding etc. I have a list of objects I am already working on .

For more details go to http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-TRON-Style-Lamp-The-MADYLIGHT/

This is my first online contribution to the world of design and I hope the beginning of many others.
