In the quiet yet crime-ridden city of Cheonan, notorious crime boss Jang Dong-su barely survives a brutal attack by a serial killer, becoming the sole survivor of the maniacās rampage. His near defeat leaves his reputation in ruins among his gang, and the only way to regain their respect is to hunt down the killer and exact revenge. Meanwhile, principled and relentless detective Jung Tae-seok despises organized crime, yet finds himself in an unlikely and uneasy alliance with Dong-su to take down the even more loathed murderer. As they pursue the maniac, the lines between justice and vengeance blur, leading to a dangerous game of trust and betrayal.
#ShadowAlliance, #CrimeAndRevenge, #UnlikelyPartnership, #SerialKillerHunt, #JangDongSu, #DetectiveVsGangster, #ManiacOnTheLoose, #CheonanUnderFire, #AllianceForJustice, #VengeanceOrJustice, #CrimeBossSurvivor, #ThrillerDrama, #GangsterDetectiveDuo, #DeadlyPursuit, #BlurredLines, #HuntForTheManiac, #KillerInTheShadows, #EnemiesUnited, #ActionSuspense, #DailyMotionThriller
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#ShadowAlliance, #CrimeAndRevenge, #UnlikelyPartnership, #SerialKillerHunt, #JangDongSu, #DetectiveVsGangster, #ManiacOnTheLoose, #CheonanUnderFire, #AllianceForJustice, #VengeanceOrJustice, #CrimeBossSurvivor, #ThrillerDrama, #GangsterDetectiveDuo, #DeadlyPursuit, #BlurredLines, #HuntForTheManiac, #KillerInTheShadows, #EnemiesUnited, #ActionSuspense, #DailyMotionThriller
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