• last year
The film follows Tang Xiaoyan, a high-flying insurance executive who returns to China and is unexpectedly transferred from the bustling city of Beijing to the quaint town of Neijiang in the Bashu region. In this serene setting, she encounters Duan Xiaoyu, a dedicated and compassionate individual running a local nursing home. Tang Xiaoyan, known for her sharp wit and tough demeanor, finds herself at odds with Duan Xiaoyu's honest and reserved nature. Despite their contrasting personalities, a unique and heartwarming love story unfolds as they navigate their differences and discover the true meaning of love and companionship.

#CrossingPaths, #LoveInNeijiang, #TangXiaoyan, #DuanXiaoyu, #BashuRomance, #SmallTownLove, #UnexpectedLove, #NursingHomeHero, #CityMeetsTown, #LoveStory, #OppositesAttract, #HeartwarmingRomance, #CulturalClash, #SerendipitousMeeting, #LoveAndCompassion, #JourneyOfLove, #QuietTownRomance, #HeartfeltConnections, #FindingLove, #RomanticDrama,

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