• l’année dernière


00:00The Legend of Korra Patterns in Time
00:04It starts by showing Katara teach Korra waterbending.
00:08Korra snowbends her to show off her strength again.
00:11She's lucky her parents are still a part of her life because Aang doesn't get that.
00:16Korra's mom apologizes to Katara and tries to help her up.
00:20And Katara says she's fought more dangerous waterbenders and still thinks Korra doesn't know how to control her power.
00:27When she clearly does know how, if she did this in the first lesson.
00:32Korra's father puts his hand on her shoulder while saying she was being too rough.
00:37He's not drawn exactly like he should be, even considering that he's younger.
00:42There's a storm that cuts their training short, so Katara leaves because she doesn't live with them.
00:49And Korra wants to play with the polar bears.
00:52She even approaches one on her own.
00:54To be fair, she's got bending, but she could still get bitten by one by surprise and be too hurt to protect herself or escape.
01:01She offers it food and moves around it.
01:04And then doesn't know which way is home anymore because the blizzard got rid of her tracks.
01:09She pats the animal that's conveniently already tamed, but is an alien compared to our animals.
01:16She snowbends to make an igloo.
01:18Screams at seeing a little fireball.
01:21And conveniently the bear dog doesn't bite her.
01:24She says she's not a good firebender yet.
01:27Although even at this skill level, she should still be able to aim fire at the ground to make a bonfire at least.
01:34She hates all the rules she has to deal with.
01:37Eventually her parents find her.
01:40And asks to adopt an animal that she just assumes lost its pack for no reason.
01:45Neither parent trusts the animal, realistically.
01:49Katara says every avatar had an animal guide in the past.
01:54What are the chances of that?
01:56She says the pet's just what an energetic girl needs and there's a page full of core growing up with it.
02:03The story went exactly like it expected it if you try to predict how the plot was gonna be.
02:08I move on to Skyscrapers.
02:11Where young Asami gets told by her mother about what blueprints are and how benders make skyscrapers.
02:17It's more like an education story than a plot.
02:20This would be more interesting if we saw what she was talking about while her dialogue was in a narration text box.
02:28She makes paper triangles as her mother keeps humoring her by telling her all of this.
02:33She's a great parent.
02:35She asks if she could help build a school and gets told she could design an art floor for the students to use to draw blueprints.
02:44She's hugged and the story ends with her mother having her hand on her shoulder.
02:48In the next story, some narration says an airbender flew to a mountain in the north,
02:54almost losing his paper to give himself some character right away because he was looking for advice from a poet who wrote stuff down and took off like an antisocial.
03:03That's it?
03:05I didn't even know these people.
03:07That's hardly a plot.
03:09Now for Lost Pets.
03:11Tenton and her kids help serve lunch at a temporary evacuee camp, and Milo doesn't feel like helping.
03:18He's called a bunch of synonyms for the same word, as he points out when he's scolded.
03:23Cora says she has an idea right beside him, so he should know she wants him to get him to help with this.
03:29She lies to him that she trusts him to go with her on a secret, deadly assignment.
03:34He's offended at being told to find Lost Pets.
03:38He's told that he'd hate it if his own pet was lost, so he agrees.
03:43Cora uses the favorite toy of one of the pets as something for a pet to sniff to pick up a scent trail.
03:49I don't see how she needs Milo's help with this, and he should know that too.
03:54Eventually they find the pet, and Milo has to glide after it in his flying squirrel-like outfit.
04:00That sure would've been useful for Aang to have.
04:03I guess they weren't invented yet.
04:05He conveniently finds every missing pet at once because it's a short story.
04:09Someone doesn't want to let go of the pets because he grew attached to them after feeding them.
04:14It makes sense that someone really old would refuse to evacuate his house.
04:19I think I've seen that before.
04:21And based on where the finds are, I guess he's lucky his house is as intact as it is.
04:27Milo shows him photos of the owners showing affection to their pets.
04:32And after some hesitation, he decides to let them go home and hugs one of them.
04:38If it was a longer story, it wouldn't have been that easy.
04:41Milo says he could follow them to the camp and take a bath there.
04:45He gets thanked twice and is happy to be of service.
04:50Someone hugs a pet, and Milo gives him some flying lemurs as pets because he knows where a million of them are.
04:57Then he's told to clean out all of the outhouses and is dragged away as the story ends.
05:03I guess this extra unnecessary cruelty was written because most fans find him annoying.
05:08And he's a brat with an annoying voice, but he's at least an entertaining brat, unlike his sister Ikki.
05:15In the next story, In the Earth Kingdom, Asami says she had to make a rough landing with her biplane because of a strong wind out of nowhere.
05:23And she's cold.
05:25Korra gives her affection and gets it back as a reward because she's miraculously lucky like that.
05:30Korra wonders if the wind upset those spirits and made them attack their plane.
05:35They swarm their plane, and Korra keeps it steady with airbending.
05:38Jinora says the strong wind scattered the spirits and they're scared and lost and are blaming the plane.
05:44She thinks they need some soothing in the spirit world, and she can't go into it because lately every time she tries to meditate,
05:51she starts thinking about the fact that the temple has more airbenders and while she's trying hard to help, it's never enough.
05:57And some people still don't take her seriously.
06:00She tends to care about being less skilled at what she's most proud of and gets comforted by the girls in a predictable way for an overly long time.
06:08The whole time I'm thinking that the girls are lucky Korra can keep the plane from being pushed off a cliff while talking to her.
06:15Jinora astral projects and tells the spirits that they know where to go even though she had no way of knowing for sure where they needed to go,
06:23and she blows and sends them somewhere.
06:25That saves the day effortlessly.
06:28Well, that was easy.
06:30Jinora puts her arms around them and thanks them.
06:33I would've enjoyed this more, but I'll always miss her original design.
06:37In the next story, which is badly drawn at first despite needing to make a good impression on the first panel the most of all,
06:44Korra's introduced to her firebending teacher, who says he won't put up with any foolishness like her other teachers.
06:50At least the art gets better.
06:52It's not so bad that it's not the show's art style because Korra's a different age.
06:57The teacher expects her to spend every day here on the training ground every hour.
07:02He's told she's looking forward to the spirit festival and is forbidden from talking about it.
07:07She isn't doing a good job with keeping focused on firebending because she wants to go to the spirit festival.
07:13And somehow her teacher doesn't realize that the solution is to give her permission to go there so she'll stop thinking about it.
07:20Instead, he tells her to write something.
07:23So she sneaks out to the festival to play one game.
07:26She wants to play a game, and the person nearby doesn't want her to join in because she doesn't know her.
07:32I assume, or why else did she ask her who she is?
07:36From desperation, she admits she's the Avatar, and at first she's instantly believed.
07:41Then she gets taunted into using firebending.
07:44And the fire is put out, but sadly, it's not by Korra.
07:48Instead, her father showed up because he heard she was here.
07:52It turns out the firebending teacher came with him, so that means they somehow found out she left,
07:57even though they had no reason to check on her at all and followed her here.
08:01She eventually sees some kids ready to play the game with her because of her parents.
08:06Instead of her firebending teacher getting character development and humoring her himself from the obvious lesson he had to learn.
08:13In clearing the air, Tenzin hears his kids arguing because Ikki tore his scroll by accident.
08:20He decides to tell them a story about his childhood, and this works as discipline because Ikki doesn't like that.
08:27Tenzin notices some smoke because a bender is vandalizing some relics,
08:31and he flew after them and caused them to crash into something.
08:35He eventually got tied up just like the other kids by metal-bending cops that gave no explanation as to why they were right here,
08:42so he didn't take this seriously.
08:44He gets brought to Toph, who thankfully acknowledges that she loves a good fight and explains that they could've gotten hurt.
08:51He gets to explain himself, and she tells him that he could've reported to the cops instead.
08:56She's not happy to see Aang, who apologizes and offers to pay for the damages.
09:02I wish he didn't have facial hair because it makes him look too much like Tenzin usually does instead of feeling like Aang.
09:09Toph says nothing was damaged, and she's letting off Tenzin with warning,
09:13but the other kids will be spending the night in the slammer.
09:16He says he'd rather she let him take the kids back to his island,
09:20and she says he's undermining her authority even though he gave a legal excuse for it.
09:25One of the kids begs for him to not take away his bending out of nowhere,
09:30but it makes logical sense that at least a few benders would've been scared that the Avatar would de-bend someone other than Ozai,
09:37especially since he considered doing it to someone else in a comic.
09:40Not to mention they're cynical enough to do graffiti in the first place,
09:44so they probably got stressed to work out.
09:47Naturally, Tenzin doesn't trust the kids not to do anything else wrong,
09:51and he complains in front of Aang for a long time.
09:54I love getting to see how he contrasted his father as a kid.
09:59Aang says the gates aren't important.
10:03He says Tenzin could never let him down,
10:05and apologizes to him because he bears the responsibility of being an airbender.
10:09It's so nice of him to lie to him that he could never let him down.
10:13I mean, the fact that he's serious...
10:16is already kind of a letdown because he's nothing like him when he was a kid.
10:20And I'm sure in all the time he's been alive he's disappointed him before.
10:25Eventually he says that in the Air Nation, when a crime was committed,
10:29an elder would call the victim and offender to meet,
10:32the victim would explain what he needed in order to heal,
10:35and the offender would have the chance to suggest ways to make amends.
10:39This could result in the victim asking for too much,
10:43but otherwise it sounds pretty nice.
10:45I'd rather the victim be the one with the harsh punishment
10:48instead of a random judge with no stake in the situation.
10:53Then the group was led through a ritual to recirculate the air to purify it.
10:57The kids clean the graffiti,
10:59but conveniently they seem happy about it for some reason.
11:03And the story ends with Milo cleansing the air early and the room being a mess.
11:07In the next story, Milo wants to spend more time with Tenzin,
11:11but because Lynn and the president need his help,
11:13he has to leave him on serious business.
11:16I have to assume he doesn't trust them to not be a hindrance,
11:19because otherwise this is dumb since he's an airbender too.
11:23Tenzin thinks it's Bumi's bad influence that made Milo who he is,
11:27even though Bumi barely spent any time with him in his childhood.
11:30Milo complains to his uncle Bumi who relates to him that his father stood him up,
11:35so they decide to hang out.
11:37It's entertaining that they look forward to getting in danger
11:40and leave without emptying the trash cans.
11:43It's refreshing that there's someone who loves Bumi's stories
11:46instead of everyone hating them.
11:48They head for a place and see planes.
11:51Their crazy assumption that the island's being taken over by pirates is true.
11:56They have a dialogue that the pirates sound silly.
11:59Bumi got tied up and Milo catches a shot out rope
12:02and flings himself back at the pirates to send her off the biplane,
12:06which could kill her.
12:08He puts a hat over someone's head when he's flying the plane
12:11and Milo unhooks Bumi and he falls to the ground,
12:14with nothing happening to slow down his fall.
12:17It's pure cartoon logic that he isn't injured after that.
12:21Then Bumi has a boring talk about Aang.
12:24He says Aang had a lot of pressure on him and when he was a kid,
12:27he didn't know that.
12:29Milo wants to earn his father's respect to get more time with him
12:32and gets told that everything his father does is to keep him safe.
12:37Bumi puts his hand on his shoulder saying that Tenzin's proud of him,
12:40even though he'd only be proud of the fact that he's an airbender,
12:43based on his bratty personality.
12:46And he says he's proud of him too,
12:48even though he spent almost no time with him until recently.
12:52Milo says he's proud of him too,
12:54which is just as nonsensical,
12:56but he is humoring him.
12:58And the story's boring and annoying
13:00until Bumi makes a plan to hang out anytime his father stands him up.
13:04Somehow they see a statue of an airbender that looks silly.
13:08So Bumi says the reason Aang kept finding peace here
13:11was because he was still playful and fun.
13:14This was by Brian Konietzko and Michael DiMartino,
13:19and it had so many stories that I didn't feel like summarizing them.
13:23They're alright.
13:25Aside from the one that's barely even a story
13:27because it's like two pages with characters we don't even know.
13:31With the only common problem being that sometimes they're boring.
13:35But that's a problem with all of fiction.
13:37And being short stories makes the pacing faster than usual.
13:41Sometimes the endings even felt rushed because they're so easy.
13:44Like the Puffball Spheres,
13:46where I don't know how Jinora knew how to resolve the plot
13:49without knowing where they're supposed to go.
13:51Other than that though,
13:53I feel like the stories made sense.