• 4 years ago
When Dr. Robin Armstrong used the triple therapy involving HCQ this channel described it as either "Bold or Wreckless"

It was an "Investigative report" implying that the use of the treatment Protocol involving the Drug may have been unethical or illegal.

As with most mainstream media reporting on HCQ we here the phrase "Touted by president Trump".
To talk about a medication being "Touted" is to immediately cast doubt on any validity of the Medication as it is considered to "talk up" or boast a drug.

The amount of backlash and negative press that Dr. Robin Armstrong received for saving his patients was so great that it raised huge questions as to why a safe and responsibly prescribed medication received so much coordinated negative media and so many clinical trials were set up to fail with this HCQ
These clinical trials set up to fail are now easily identified to include one or more of the following intentional deviations from the effective Protocol
a) The do not include Zinc - Common Knowledge among "experts" that it is Zinc that stops the Virus Replication and HCQ is the Ionophore for Zinc to get it into the cells- quite "odd" they don't have zinc in their trials........
b) Use Much higher doses of HCQ than the common early treatment protocol that of only 400mg Zinc per day
c) Focus on the Hospital Phase pateitns; also common knowlegde that HCQ (in combination with Zinc) loses efficacy as you go into phase 2 of the disease and beyond - so why focus on this group......
d) Does not limit the study to High Risk Patients which is where the most obvious efficacy will be seen - hence you can not expect to see ANY differences on the measures for young adults anyway... why focus or include low risk patients......

Anyone with a moral compass that even thinks to Demonize HCQ or prevent HCQ from being a treatment Option for stage outpatients in the High Risk Stratified Group needs to watch this series very carefully; before they add to the Evil collective in group of - happy to risk other people’s lives - to push their own agenda or support a political or Company stance.

Please sign this petition to let Australian Doctors Prescribe HCQ
Please then post it to your facebook from the petition page


