This is the second half of my last video *cough* ... I know ...
The iconoclasm and Bundeswehr witch-hunt Franco Albrecht and others fell victim to is permissible in a culture that has been accustomed to excessive anti-military skepticism for a long time. The German-language Wikipedia entry for the Bundeswehr reflects perfectly its weird presentation of the armed forces as a white-collar office with an attached sports ground. Girls preferred. The constitution expressively commands that no offensive war must be started. And it sounds so nice ... until you wonder what modern government ever said it starts a war for fun. Is that the voice of peace or is it just the voice of immaturity? An institutional expression of that anti-military skepticism is a secret service specialised in the surveillance of the ideology of our soldiers, the Military Defence Service (German akronym: MAD, stands for Militärischer Abschirmdienst). In order to surveil reservists they have formed a joint task-force with the civilian thought crime spy agency Verfassungsschutz. Both agencies are an expression of the paranoia that is commonplace among all corrupt elites around the world, but a specialised secret service that looks into the thoughts of security forces are the cream on the cake. The legal foundation for the elite’s fear of the wider public is the Streitbare Demokratie (something like "defensive democracy" or "ready-to-fight democracy"). It is the idea that only Germany alone had ever experienced tyranny and persecution and that Germans must take different measures than Western nations. In the detail it allows to deprive the citizenry of all rights. The elites present themselves as innocent angels and reinterpret history so as to create the impression the now unwilling Nazis were driven by a braying, savage population into their crimes. This in turn is a common popular misreading of Max Weber's "monopoly on power" or “monopoly on violence”(Gewaltmonopol) idea that describes statehood and is often mistaken for a normative command. In the eyes of our elites control ranks higher than creating trust. The question at this point is: Is the left able or even willing to deescalate? Reflecting on this cultural context, I have video-taped a corresponding talk here.
Legal note: The video includes a picture of a swastika which Lieutenant Franco Albrecht is accused of having scratched into a gun case. My use of the swastika serves exclusively the explanation of current event which is legal under German jurisdiction ( The accusation and the explanation of error by magazine SPIEGEL makes it neccessary to show the image. The image is also legally shown in this video of Springer's newspaper WELT for the same purpose and on the same legal basis:
The iconoclasm and Bundeswehr witch-hunt Franco Albrecht and others fell victim to is permissible in a culture that has been accustomed to excessive anti-military skepticism for a long time. The German-language Wikipedia entry for the Bundeswehr reflects perfectly its weird presentation of the armed forces as a white-collar office with an attached sports ground. Girls preferred. The constitution expressively commands that no offensive war must be started. And it sounds so nice ... until you wonder what modern government ever said it starts a war for fun. Is that the voice of peace or is it just the voice of immaturity? An institutional expression of that anti-military skepticism is a secret service specialised in the surveillance of the ideology of our soldiers, the Military Defence Service (German akronym: MAD, stands for Militärischer Abschirmdienst). In order to surveil reservists they have formed a joint task-force with the civilian thought crime spy agency Verfassungsschutz. Both agencies are an expression of the paranoia that is commonplace among all corrupt elites around the world, but a specialised secret service that looks into the thoughts of security forces are the cream on the cake. The legal foundation for the elite’s fear of the wider public is the Streitbare Demokratie (something like "defensive democracy" or "ready-to-fight democracy"). It is the idea that only Germany alone had ever experienced tyranny and persecution and that Germans must take different measures than Western nations. In the detail it allows to deprive the citizenry of all rights. The elites present themselves as innocent angels and reinterpret history so as to create the impression the now unwilling Nazis were driven by a braying, savage population into their crimes. This in turn is a common popular misreading of Max Weber's "monopoly on power" or “monopoly on violence”(Gewaltmonopol) idea that describes statehood and is often mistaken for a normative command. In the eyes of our elites control ranks higher than creating trust. The question at this point is: Is the left able or even willing to deescalate? Reflecting on this cultural context, I have video-taped a corresponding talk here.
Legal note: The video includes a picture of a swastika which Lieutenant Franco Albrecht is accused of having scratched into a gun case. My use of the swastika serves exclusively the explanation of current event which is legal under German jurisdiction ( The accusation and the explanation of error by magazine SPIEGEL makes it neccessary to show the image. The image is also legally shown in this video of Springer's newspaper WELT for the same purpose and on the same legal basis: