• vor 15 Jahren
East of the Turkey where a swarm spot of Zionist agents,prearranged with pkk but in entirely Turkish nationalists shot ...aim to drive to the ordinary kurdes toTurkey..fake Turkish nationalists are needed for this..telaviv a plot-centric .. aim in all areas of public incitement to rebellion..like ''bastard kurde'' and pkk help
organizations..completely humiliate Kurdes citizens in Turkey.Those who resist events to accuse them be ''greek'',''armenian'' kurde etc...They established and ''antidanhowe'' group for this..we have removed the backbone of the that group...Telaviv connection emerged and best way to prevent ''Turks and Kurds are brothers''
common sense need this ,PKK -Israel plan was discovered by most of kurdes.Kurdes are our citizens we fought together on galliboli,channakkale,Independence war.
TheVideoTurk=gezerbey accounts show his identity
provokator adress:http://www.youtube.com/user/fkxp


