杨澜访谈录Yang Lan One on One Official Channel 《杨澜访谈录》开播已经11年,是国内最早推出的高端访谈电视节目。秉承着“记录时代的精神”的节目理念,主持人杨澜女士邀请政治、经纪、文化等各领域精英翘楚,坐而论道。力图穿越风云际会的有限时空,将嘉宾的人格力量和社会价值作为节目的终极呈现。 节目就政治、经济、社会、文化等众多领域的热点话题,与世界各国的知名人士进行广泛探讨。到目前为止,《杨澜访谈录》已采访了包括比尔·克林顿、查尔斯王子、潘基文、比尔·盖茨、保尔森、科比、席琳·迪翁在内的全球600多位各界精英人物。 节目在北京卫视及全国40多个地面频道播出,电视收视人群超过一亿五千万。节目还通过国际频道、海外频道落地北美地区、东南亚地区及新西兰。同时,节目在新浪、搜狐等各大门户网站,及优酷、爱奇艺等视频网站同步播出,平均每集累计点播量超过百万。
A signature TV talk show in China, Yang Lan One on One focuses on getting to know world leading figures, from the fields of international politics, business, society, sports, and culture. In this program, Yang Lan profiles her guests’ life stories, career experiences, and personal insights. Since launching in 2001, Yang Lan One on One has presented interviews with over 600 leading figures from various aspects of life. She has talked with political, business and cultural leaders including Ban Ki-Moon, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, HRH Prince Charles, and more. This program is widely seen as a prestigious bridge between China and the world, with each episode receiving widespread press coverage. This highly influential program is widely applauded for its sense of humanity and diversity. This talk show is broadcast in China on Dragon TV. Under the Shanghai Media Group (SMG), Dragon TV is one of the first pan-regional satellite television networks, which can be watched in many parts of the world, including Asia and the United States. The average viewership of the show is between 15 to 20 million viewers per week.