Wanda Productions

Wanda Productions

We are a Commercial, Music video and Digital production Company.

We produce directors, graphic designers, photographers, art directors, performers and contemporary artists.

We believe that each director has his own universe and path to accomplish. Our commitment is to invest important means in order to allow them to reach their goals, and to support their development with our knowledge of the markets. We think that, for each one, we must be a particle accelerator that provokes favorable situations.

We also believe that a production Company has the duty of committing to its vision to bring the right 'production value' to a project. This principle implies the restitution of Producers at the heart of the production chain.

By bringing these principles into play every day, we've built and will continue to build our Company's reputation in the world of advertising.

Founded by CEO Patrick Barbier in 1991, Wanda Productions is one of the top Commercial, Music videos & Digital production Companies in France today. Listed several years in a row in the top 20 production Companies Worldwide by the Gunn Report, Wanda ranks among the most renowned Companies in its field and also among those that have won the most awards in international festivals.

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