Unified Pension Scheme: PFRDA ने एकीकृत पेंशन योजना (UPS) को अमल में लाने वाली अधिसूचना जारी कर दी. योजना के तहत Retirement से पहले के 12 महीनों में मिले औसत मूल वेतन की 50 प्रतिशत राशि को सुनिश्चित पेंशन के तौर पर देने का प्रावधान है. यह Notification राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली (NPS) के तहत आने वाले केंद्रीय सरकारी कर्मचारियों के लिए सरकार द्वारा 24 जनवरी, 2025 को जारी UPS अधिसूचना का अनुसरण करती है.
#centralemployeesnews #unifiedpensionscheme #nps #ops #retirement #pfrda #hindinews #breakingnews #centralgovernment #pmmodi #modi
#centralemployeesnews #unifiedpensionscheme #nps #ops #retirement #pfrda #hindinews #breakingnews #centralgovernment #pmmodi #modi
00:00Hi, this is Bhavna and you're watching GoodReturns.
00:02Government employees, especially central employees, have good news.
00:07The government has issued a notification for the new pension scheme, UPS, Unified Pension Scheme.
00:13Employees can fill out the form from April 1 and join this new pension scheme.
00:19In the upcoming Bihari Vajpayee government, the old pension scheme,
00:22has been suspended from April 1, 2004 and a new pension scheme, NPS, has been implemented.
00:30There has been a lot of opposition to this.
00:32In this, the government took note of the benefits of the old pension scheme and NPS
00:37and started thinking about a new pension scheme.
00:39On August 24, 2024, the Unified Pension Scheme, UPS, was approved in the presence of the Central Ministerial Committee.
00:47Now, the notification will be issued and it will be implemented from April 1.
00:51The question is, what are the benefits of this new pension scheme?
00:55How much pension is to be given and which employees are eligible for pension?
00:59So, let us tell you in detail about the new pension scheme, Unified Pension Scheme, in this video.
01:06First, let us know about the main points of UPS, Unified Pension Scheme.
01:12During retirement, you will get 50% of the basic salary of the last 12 months as pension.
01:20Second, the employee will have to work for at least 25 years to get the benefits of UPS.
01:27If the job is done between 10 and 25 years, then the pension will be given in the same ratio.
01:33Next, the minimum pension under UPS will be Rs. 10,000 per month.
01:39If the employee has completed at least 10 years of work, then he will get a minimum pension of Rs. 10,000.
01:47The employee will have to contribute 10% of his salary,
01:51whereas the contribution of the government will now be 18.5% more than the previous 14%.
01:57As inflation increases, the DNN's relief, i.e. DR, will also get a hike.
02:02Apart from this, only those government employees will get the benefits of UPS, who will remain in the service.
02:08In the condition of resignation, dismissal or removal, the benefit of the scheme will not be available.
02:14If we talk about other benefits, then upon the death of the employee, the family will get a 60% pension.
02:20Gradually, during retirement, a lump-sum payment will be made.
02:25The final pension amount will depend on the market return,
02:29because the investment in this will be done majorly in government bonds.
02:34After completing 25 years of service, those who take the voluntary retirement scheme, VRS,
02:39will also get the benefit of pension before a certain age.
02:43Apart from this, 23 lakh employees will now have the option to choose between UPS or NPS.
02:50Apart from this, there will be a separate pooled fund,
02:53which will be supported by the government by an extra 1.5% contribution.
02:58That's all for this video. UPS is in effect from April.
03:02What is your opinion on UPS? Do tell us by commenting.
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