• 2 days ago
Universal Pension Scheme: भारत सरकार ने एक बड़ा फैसला लिया है! अब हर नागरिक, चाहे वह नौकरीपेशा हो या नहीं, यूनिवर्सल पेंशन स्कीम (Universal Pension Scheme) का हिस्सा बन सकेगा. Universal Pension Scheme सभी नागरिकों को सामाजिक सुरक्षा प्रदान करेगी. यह योजना स्वैच्छिक और अंशदायी होगी. वीडियो में जानिए क्या है योजना और सारी डिटेल्स!

#UniversalPensionScheme #Pension #PensionScheme #Scheme #NPS #OPS #NewPensionScheme #OldPensionScheme #EPFO #ModiGovt #PMModi #PensionPlan #AtalPension



00:00After a certain age, everyone wants to lead a comfortable life, but it is not easy for everyone.
00:13Until now, only government and private sector employees have been getting pensions.
00:17But now the government is planning to bring a new pension scheme for all citizens.
00:22For this, the government is planning to bring a universal pension scheme
00:26which will benefit every citizen.
00:29That is, if you are a government employee, a private employee, or you do not do any job, you will still get a pension.
00:37How and what is this government scheme? Let's know in the video.
00:40The other pension schemes currently running can be merged in it.
00:44And the purpose of this is to provide economic security to every person in the country in old age.
00:50According to media reports, the Ministry of Labour and Employment is discussing the preparation of this scheme.
00:56It has been said that this scheme will be completely voluntary and contributory.
01:02It will not be related to any job, so anyone can contribute to it and take a pension.
01:07The Employee Future Policy Organization is preparing for this scheme.
01:13And once the implementation of this scheme is ready, the government will discuss with all parties to implement it.
01:19The government is planning to bring this scheme under the EPFO.
01:24Now let's see who will benefit from it.
01:26The purpose of this scheme is to bring such people into the circle of pensions who have not yet come into the circle of any scheme.
01:32Like unorganized workers, small businessmen, self-employed people, and people over 18 years of age who want a pension after 60 years.
01:42The government can include some existing schemes to attract people towards the new pension scheme.
01:49This will give more benefits to people and it will be easier to implement the pension scheme.
01:55At present, under the Prime Minister's Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana and National Pension Scheme for Traders and Self-Employed,
02:02a pension of Rs 3,000 is received every month after the age of 60 years.
02:06In this, you have to invest Rs 55 to Rs 200.
02:10It depends on the age of any person.
02:13The more you invest, the more investment is made by the government.
02:17If we talk about which major government pension schemes are running in India, let's know that too.
02:23The work of these schemes is to ensure the security of every person.
02:28The first scheme in this is the Atal Pension Scheme.
02:30If you work in an unorganized area and are worried about your retirement, then this scheme can be beneficial for you.
02:37After the age of 60, you get a monthly pension of Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000.
02:42The second is the National Pension Scheme, which we have also talked about.
02:46This is a self-employed scheme that is open to government, private sector employees and ordinary citizens.
02:53By investing in it, you can get a lump sum amount or pension for retirement.
02:59After this comes the Employee Pension Scheme.
03:01This scheme is made to ensure the security of your future.
03:05This scheme is running through EPFO.
03:08In this scheme, the employer deposits 8.33% of his salary fund, which gives you pension after retirement.
03:17It is being prepared to merge in any scheme.
03:21The Universal Pension Scheme can be brought.
03:25You come from any area, you have your own small business.
03:29Or if you are a government or private sector employee, then you can benefit from the scheme.
03:37That's all in the video.
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