• last week
The European Union announced that they are now waiting until mid-April to slap some U.S. imports, including whiskey, with retaliatory tariffs. Congressman Morgan McGarvey (D-KY) joined "Forbes Newsroom" to discuss how the looming retaliatory tariffs will impact his state's bourbon industry.

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00:00Hi, everybody. I'm Brittany Lewis, a breaking news reporter here at Forbes. Joining me now
00:07is Congressman Morgan McGarvey. Congressman, thank you so much for joining me.
00:12Thanks for having me.
00:13Your state has been in the news because there is something coming down the pike in Kentucky.
00:18The European Union announced that they are now waiting until the middle of next month
00:23to slap some U.S. imports with retaliatory tariffs, and those products do include whiskey.
00:29This is really going to impact Kentucky because, reportedly, 95 percent of all the bourbon
00:33made in the world is made in your state. So what's your reaction to the news that these
00:38tariffs are even happening in the first place and that they were kicked down the road just
00:42a few weeks?
00:43Yeah, the reaction to the news of the tariffs is, I mean, it's devastating. And this isn't
00:47a guess. We saw this in Trump's first term. And in Trump's first term, when we put these
00:52broad tariffs on products, the retaliatory tariffs to the bourbon industry cut our exports
00:58in half. I mean, think about that. When you're thinking the bourbon we're sending out of
01:03this country, it cuts them in half. That impacts everybody. That impacts the farmers who put
01:09the corn in the ground. That impacts the coopers who put the bourbon in the barrel, the union
01:13workers who put the bourbon in the bottle, the people who drive it to the stores. Bourbon's
01:17a nine billion dollar industry for my state. You said 95 percent of the world's bourbon
01:21is made in Kentucky. We know what happens when they retaliate with these tariffs. And
01:26those were a 25 percent tariff. Now the EU is talking about a 50 percent tariff. So twice
01:31as much for the tariff and already it cut exports in half. I mean, people here are really
01:36worried. They're really anxious. And even though the tariffs have now been announced
01:40that they're delayed, there's still that chaos. There are still people in Kentucky right now
01:45who are going to go to sleep tonight wondering what happens when these tariffs go into effect.
01:50Are they going to have a job? Are they going to be able to feed their family? And that's
01:53really problematic for us here at home. And I think if I'm a business owner and you're
01:58saying this cuts the exports in half of my product, I would be terrified. And this is
02:04affecting, as you said, everyone from the farmer to the person who puts it in the bottle
02:08to the person who drives it to the store. What are your constituents saying to you?
02:13You know, if you live in Louisville, Kentucky, you probably know someone who works in the
02:17bourbon industry. It is it is our signature industry. So this isn't some far away removed
02:23problem where we have to use fancy economic terms to talk about it. You know, your neighbor
02:27down the street who does something with the bourbon industry. And are they going to have
02:31a job? Are they going to be able to continue to provide for their family? Is this going
02:36to cut revenue as much as it did the last time? In Trump's first term, we lost hundreds
02:41of millions of dollars in revenue in the bourbon industry in Kentucky. And again, that was
02:47when the tariffs were 25 percent. These 50 percent tariffs go through. I mean, people
02:52here are worried because we know it's going to be devastating.
02:55Let's talk about those economic impacts just a little bit more, because as you said, it
03:00could be devastating. It could affect the industry by millions. So when this goes into
03:04effect and if it does, how does that affect Kentucky's bourbon industry? And Kentucky's
03:09a red state. I know you're a Democrat, but it's a red state. So what are your conversations
03:13with your Republican colleagues looking like here?
03:17You know, this is one where I hope as Kentuckians we see this the same way. We know this is
03:23devastating for the bourbon industry. There's not a dispute about that. There's not a
03:26partisan dispute. There's not a dispute among economists. And even you've heard Mitch
03:31McConnell and Rand Paul come out against these broad based tariffs. Mitch McConnell put
03:37an opinion piece in The Courier-Journal where he said that these Trump's tariffs could
03:41cost the average Kentuckian over $1,200 a year in the cost of our goods going up. That
03:46doesn't mention the impact of our state's signature industry. So we know it's going
03:50to be tough. We know it's going to hurt people's pocketbooks. We know it's going to hurt
03:53people's jobs. And the chaos right now, the chaos that's happening from Trump's on
03:58again, off again plan, I don't even want to call it a plan because it's there was one
04:03week here recently where on Monday the tariffs were on, Tuesday they were off, Wednesday
04:07were on, Thursday they were off. And the bourbon industry, how do you prepare for that?
04:12So we've talked about the direct impact to the bourbon industry. We also have a lot in
04:16Kentucky with bourbon tourism, where they're trying to invest in distilleries, invest in
04:22the bourbon trail, invest for people to come into our state, which impacts so many other
04:25industries. If I were running a company right now and looking at my exports being cut in
04:30half or worse, you're probably not planning those investments, which hurts other industries
04:36here in Kentucky. So we know it's bad. And I think you see a lot of us pushing back against it.
04:41And I want to talk about the effect of other tariffs, because as you know, the United States
04:45has been in a back and forth tariff threat. They're on again, they're off again with Canada,
04:50paired with President Trump calling former Prime Minister Trudeau, the 50 for Canada,
04:55the 51st state Trudeau, the governor. Canada is really angry by this. Some provinces are
05:02pulling American liquor off the shelves. Is that impacting Kentucky as well?
05:06Absolutely. I had one bourbon company here in Kentucky tell me they expect to lose 40
05:11to 50 million dollars in sales in Ontario province alone. And not only are they taking
05:17the bourbon off of the shelves, they're canceling orders. I think that's really important to note,
05:22too. It's not just that everything's going to go up here at home. Our cost of our goods are
05:27going to go up. Canada is Kentucky's largest trading partner, by the way, just as as a side
05:31note that they're also canceling the orders to our bourbon companies here. So we're we're looking
05:37at losing exports across the globe. Canada's canceling orders. They're removing bourbon off
05:41the shelves. This has a major impact for us here in Kentucky, losing orders, canceling orders,
05:47losing exports. Millions of dollars hangs in the balance right now for your state.
05:53How are you telling your constituents who are really concerned by this chaos?
05:57How are you even telling them how to prepare?
05:59Yeah, well, I mean, you can't prepare for something that has no strategy or plan. And
06:04that's clearly what these broad based tariffs that Donald Trump is putting into effect.
06:09They're doing right. They're broad based. They're they're on our allies. They're on
06:13all sorts of different goods. And there's no clear strategy involved.
06:17Now, I tell people all the time, a tariff isn't good or bad. A tariff is a tool and it can be
06:24a powerful tool if it has a plan behind it. So think about like when we're trying to incentivize
06:29the making of semiconductor chips here in the United States, you pass legislation,
06:34you incentivize it, then you put a tariff on it so that people would have to pay more for those
06:39same chips that are coming into our country made other places. Now they're paying they're buying
06:44them from American made companies, helps manufacturing, helps jobs, helps national
06:47security, does those sorts of things. There is no plan behind Donald Trump's tariffs.
06:53There is no clearly articulated strategy. And so he is taking this tool and he's using it in a
06:58really inappropriate way. And I think about a tool you would use. A hammer is a good and useful tool
07:04for putting a nail in a wall. It's not so good for fixing your iPad. And so the way he is using them
07:10are going to be destructive and they're hurting us. They're hurting our friends,
07:13our neighbors, our signature industry here at home. To your point, I haven't had one conversation and
07:18I feel really lucky in my position. I've talked to Democrats in the House, Republicans in the
07:23House, as well as economists. No one has said they liked tariffs before the tariffs went into effect.
07:28I had a Republican congressman who's a staunch supporter of President Trump saying, hey,
07:33I don't really like tariffs at all. The markets certainly don't like tariffs. They were screaming
07:39when President Trump implemented them. And to your point about the slapdash nature of them,
07:43I had an interview a few weeks ago. Tariffs were one way. By the time the interview was over,
07:49the tariffs situation went a completely different way. So when you're thinking about
07:53President Trump's, what he says his reasoning is behind the tariffs, he's saying everything from
07:59the United States is being taken advantage of to this could bring manufacturing back to the
08:03United States. This is putting America first. This is curbing the fentanyl and immigration crises
08:08in the United States. Is this putting America first? What's your message to President Trump
08:14from Kentucky about these tariffs? I mean, just look at what the chairman of the Federal
08:19Reserve, Jerome Powell, said this week. Inflation is sticking around and you're
08:24paying more for stuff because of Donald Trump's tariffs, because there is no plan. There is no
08:29strategy. There is no articulable goal really behind these tariffs and what they're supposed
08:36to do. So here's what they are doing. They're getting us in a trade war with our allies and
08:41our friends. They are making the cost of everything we buy here at home more expensive.
08:47They are threatening jobs because when we put these broad-based tariffs on other countries,
08:52they then put retaliatory tariffs on us. That's what's happening with the bourbon industry. If
08:56these 50% tariffs go through on the bourbon industry, again, half of the bourbon exports
09:02were gone with a 25% tariff. Now you're going to double that. It's not hard to point out to
09:11people how this is going to hurt because everyone saw it with their own eyes during Trump's first
09:16term. The tariffs certainly aren't popular vastly amongst the American people, amongst members of
09:23Congress, Democrats specifically. I know you're a Democrat. I know you're saying, Kentucky,
09:28we're united here that this is going to devastate the bourbon industry that so many of us are
09:33involved in. But aside from Kentucky, when you're thinking about other Republicans that are your
09:38colleagues, what do those conversations look like? Does it feel that House lawmakers are in
09:44unison here that these tariffs are a bad idea? When you talk to people privately, you can kind
09:51of say, the cost of everything in your district is going to go up too. It's going to cost more
09:55to build a home in your district. It's going to cost more to do these things. It's going to cost
09:58more to buy these products in your district too. They know that. What I sense right now is a fear
10:04by House Republicans to stand up publicly to Donald Trump, even when they know what he is doing
10:10is hurting American consumers. It's hurting us and the stuff we buy. And so I would like to see
10:16them stand up and just say, we know what happened. We saw it in your first term. There's a reason
10:21that economists from across the ideological spectrum, this is not a left or right position,
10:26are saying that Donald Trump's broad based tariffs with no plan and no strategy are not good for us
10:34as Americans. And so let's stand up. Let's say it. Let's try to get these costs down. I mean,
10:39you walk around Louisville, Kentucky right now, and I'll tell you what people are talking about.
10:43People are talking about March madness. People are talking about what's the cost of goods?
10:48Are they gonna be able to pay rent? Are they gonna be able to pay child care? Are they gonna
10:51be able to do these things? Donald Trump promised to fix it on day one and said our costs have gone
10:56up in part because of his plans. Are Republicans saying that to you privately? I'm scared that
11:01Donald Trump is going to primary me if I stand up if I say this, because the retaliatory tariffs
11:07are going to impact goods in red states. You know, they don't have to say it. It's one of those
11:12things. Their silence makes it obvious. Because when you have a policy like this, that we know
11:17is not beneficial. They are not standing up, I think because Donald Trump has showed if you
11:23disagree with him, he's going to go after you. We saw this recently, when a congressman from
11:28Kentucky, Thomas Massey, said, you know what, I'm not voting for this budget. It's not any good. I'm
11:34not voting for this, this thing. It's gonna, it's gonna raise the debt in this country. He's right,
11:40the budget reconciliation will raise the debt in this country. Donald Trump said he's coming
11:44after him. And that's why I think Thomas Massey was the only Republican who voted against it.
11:49I'm curious what you're looking out for next, because the EU paused this, it was supposed to
11:54go into the first wave of these retaliatory tariffs, supposed to go into effect April 1.
11:59Now they're kicking it to mid April. What are you specifically looking out for between now and then?
12:05What would be wonderful is a recognition that this broad based trade war without any clear
12:12objectives is not helping Americans. In fact, it is hurting American consumers. It's hurting our
12:19signature industry in the bourbon industry. And when you look at, look at spirits in particular,
12:24and I think it's important. To be a bourbon, you have to be made in America. We're not incentivizing
12:29the making of bourbon through these tariffs. You have to be made in America to be a bourbon.
12:33To be 100% agave tequila, you have to be made in Mexico. To be a champagne, you have to be made
12:39in France. We can't just make those products here with these tariffs. And so, you know,
12:46in that industry in particular, you can see it doesn't work. And it hurts our companies,
12:51it hurts our jobs, it hurts the people who want to buy it. And if these, if the rhetoric keeps
12:56getting escalated, and the temperature keeps getting hotter, you know, eventually Americans
13:01are going to be paying a hell of a lot of money to get a Guinness or a Heineken.
13:08Congressman, I appreciate your time today. I appreciate the conversation.
13:12You are welcome back anytime. Thank you again.
13:15No, thanks so much.
