Today I Found this website with a ton of Fortnite clips that no one has seen before, so I had my team go through them to search through them... and lets just say we found some BANGERS. Enjoy!
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🎥 Produced, and Thumbnail by: JackZenn:
Produced by: Alexander
Edited by: Lance
Clips Sourced By: Tamara, Morgan, Avery
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#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
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🎥 Produced, and Thumbnail by: JackZenn:
Produced by: Alexander
Edited by: Lance
Clips Sourced By: Tamara, Morgan, Avery
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#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
00:00so there's this app that lets you clip fortnite moments but it automatically posts all of your
00:05clips and a lot of these clips of course have zero views but i'm sure there are some hidden
00:11gems among them so i had my team look into these clips to try to find some crazy moments
00:18weirdest visual glitch i've seen oh my god oh whoa whoa whoa he's getting bigger and bigger
00:24can they can the enemy see him he's about to get is he about to get sniped
00:30yes yes you are oh my god what is that bro this is a horror game it's like slenderman
00:36what is this guy's profile picture it's some big dude wrestling an alligator with pizza
00:43that's got to be ai go crazy bill good squad wipe all right bill show me the squad wipe
00:49we're in the bunker body shot snipe they also sniped him back teammate gets knocked other
00:54teammates looking like a bot also gets knocked oh my god who are you playing with bro all right
00:58these guys are pulling up quick knock another knock oh my god whoa why'd they all run down like
01:05that go crazy bill go crazy bill i'm gonna start saying that every time courage clutch don't say
01:12go crazy bill he's gonna be like i'm not bill i'm courage he's not gonna know i'm referring to this
01:16random clip that has 10 views all right this one is just called frieza they're running into another
01:21duo bubble shield comes out black master chief they're like pussies bro oh my god the backflip
01:27yo yo yo wait wait wait wait he stuck them and then his teammate hit them with the freaking
01:34baseball bat and they exploded in the air like a firework and then they both had the same exact
01:41laugh that's actually a crazy clip random clip with 22 views that's crazy welp all right let's
01:46see it what happened 84 oh bro's crazy with the uh infantry oh and a headshot too oh my god i love
01:57the infantry rifle epic triple kill bro's actually using the fire mask just blank shooting it out
02:03i knocked one nice wait his fireman is actually hitting people oh wait just go in just go in
02:09with another i cracked another blow up the car blow up the car blow up the car blow it up this
02:13is like a four-night trailer right here okay 125 oh there's one oh the car oh my gosh i was so
02:22cool put that in the trailer that was one of the coolest squad wipes i've ever seen
02:28good nice below you below you finish finish just finish just finish just finish what are you doing
02:37he's behind you you saw his body how many times now they're under the ramp all right get out just
02:44get out he's above you now you're gonna die how lost are you bro oh my god oh my god okay first
02:52of all first of all the guy who's dead inspecting he's not doing a good job like communicating
02:57but i would also be baffled if my teammate was that lost this is supposed to happen i'll be
03:03the judge of that i'll tell you what's supposed to happen wait wait wait wait bro pumped him in
03:11the face point blank inside his car that's not supposed to happen that is a unique victory royale
03:19and that clip this clip only has two views by the way uh these guys are fishing
03:25are they gonna do like the fishing thing where they make the fish appear bigger
03:29what wait oh these guys fell to their death bro they jumped off
03:35and just fell to their death free loot and victory crowns oh my god oh my god
03:41what just happened wtf fortnite all right bar is kind of weak
03:48all right there's a guy right there
03:50oh no what is going on they just fell through the map into that bunker no way all right pro loot
04:02goblin for this chest this kid's gonna contest you for it but you have the world's best macro on
04:07everything what what what macro are you using bro way that's against the rules how did you take all
04:15that and you headshot sam tim that's disrespectful you gotta report this guy next up is bizarre
04:21godzilla car glitch i'm not gonna lie godzilla was a disappointment i wish he was stronger but
04:26that's besides the point looks like he's low on health he's about to die cars beneath him he's
04:33dying he's in a car is it because he turned into godzilla while he was in a car what is bro doing
04:42can he move og fornite tournaments in a nutshell yeah you can't wait too much because yeah yeah
04:49that's why i'm telling you not to like bro what do you mean like is that my fault that i mean the
04:56other guy's talking like he knows there was two people hiding in the house he did not know yeah
05:05they're a little panicked i'm not gonna lie
05:07you need to win this
05:11nice oh my god oh my god build build build
05:21why didn't he build he had he had enough mass to at least make this a protected res
05:25okay we have another clip from this guy from max
05:30bro kind of sounds like mongrel oh he's not having a good time he is not having a good time
05:35fantastic fox using the typhoon blade jumping up in the air
05:44what okay this is what happens when you try to fight a blade master when you're just a blade
05:49apprentice bro jumped up like levitated up in the air for three seconds had him looking lost
05:57bro was looking around looks up this dude has the sword out like this at that point you just know
06:02it's over you just know it's over big pot thought it did something it's yummy goodness i want to
06:09drink this but i'm afraid to be minis right here oh he was right that's the clip that's the whole
06:13clip he found minis it would have been funnier if he started popping the big pot turn the corner
06:17and then saw the mini okay knocked out by a fall 23 meters bro had to specify that it was 23 meters
06:25i don't i already don't like the way he's moving oh he's gonna land on that guy's head
06:29he lay on that guy's head and then gets knocked over
06:34no way dude all right drive by squad wipe yes i'm trying to kill those guys i'm trying to get
06:41our teammate right now 17 players alive in this small circle geez that was an insane rpg by the
06:49way i'm pretty sure he hit somebody directly with that thing did he shoot the wall no he shot the
06:54wall he got all three bro with the legendary rocket that's crazy that was awesome untitled
07:0112 views all right we have no idea what's gonna happen zero build reload finds the guy at the
07:08bottom finds another guy these guys are playing with their feet triple knock third guy fourth
07:15guy comes in squad wipe oh my god right as reboots are about to end too that's kind of crazy bro
07:21famous last words uh wait i think is that someone up there oh yeah it is bro you got we gotta have
07:31faster reaction time we got it we is that someone up there as they're lining up the shot untitled
07:37montage i'm pretty sure your your opponent gave up bro like he's watching you miss all
07:52these edits i feel like he gave up wait we're not going into replay mode to watch this right
07:56bro that's a little that's a little extra ammo dot mp4 43 views february 19th
08:11what'd you get for christmas
08:1540 ammo bro take it or leave it
08:19you're on the naughty list my boy no way all right four views from a simya
08:27oh he's getting pushed i think he's gonna edit it down edit it down
08:34double kill edit down i like that i like that um another smart
08:45oh this guy's actually nasty double kill oh my god wait what why is bro crazy with it
08:54that inspired me dumb boy they ran away immediately bro he he knew he knew he was
09:02dead just a second too soon instant clipped oh no 16 hp
09:16oh no oh no bro oh no wtf fortnite from queen lolo
09:30okay okay so they got shot she jumped into the bugged car and just goes flying
09:38yeah she's not finishing out the rest of this game i'll tell you that it's over for
09:42untitled eight views i'd be so angry
09:47all right we're pulling up on a squad with the pump oh yeah
09:54rpg doesn't hit you oh wait wait wait wait oh no you just said
10:00bro's crazy bro's crazy with it stop giving this fortnite
10:11okay okay clutch 5 hp
10:17wait he's doing it oh my god
10:20he bro damn he died at the very end bro i thought it was gonna be a hero story man
10:26uh this one's untitled 14 views
10:31is bro aimbotting
10:35oh is bro aimbotting what was that
10:43they just got double rpg killed by this solo
10:46no way did they not hear the rpg coming bro what the hell fortnite
10:54oh they're gonna get shockwaved oh no oh they're done
10:57are you serious my brother all right we got cactus dad running up on this guy screaming
11:07and then one pumping him which is just insane and he's on mouse and keyboard i wasn't even
11:11an amos this thing bro just screamed one pump casual oh my god oh wait hold up there's cactus
11:18dad we're watching cactus dad's e-cat i don't want to know what that means but that was a
11:23good pump shot we're not gonna look further into that bro was lost perfectly time drop
11:27into his box all right popping a man does this kid have like a like a grudge on me or something
11:34jumps in he's right behind me isn't he
11:41i don't know if we needed all that that extra editing but it is what it is
11:45this clip is called mid off posted by meat baller someone's swimming up behind him
11:51uh-oh uh-oh we got him cracked pulling up our second assault rifle
11:59somehow we have 10 kills as a squad this guy only has two ars
12:07it's okay they're a default obviously like new to the game we
12:11are not gonna judge them okay miku destroy is the title of the clip
12:20that's an ai funk logic 17 something fishy 3 and we clipped that this is why ais are in the game
12:26some people don't know they're fighting ais and they think they're just like the next booga bro
12:30found that hysterical all right i don't know why that was that funny to them but i'm glad they're
12:38having a good time all right stein oh nice little snipe from long range with the semi-auto another
12:45from long range oh my god wait she's crazy with a sniper
12:54okay dude that's kind of impressive from that far away this one's in spanish i don't know
12:58what it means but we're about to find out is the tire gonna push her off the mountain yep
13:08oh oh no we're not getting squad wiped off this mountain right oh my god i thought it was over
13:12i thought all three of them were about to fall off that would have been crazy biggest
13:16rage moment i broke the sound barrier okay we're gonna have to be prepared for this
13:23you have 430 metal by the way you can build good shot
13:31six health on that guy you hit him for 24 point blank
13:35i think we're being protected because his his mic might might like
13:43is he smashing something right now
13:50bro bro's going through every stage of grief right now okay guys like and subscribe goodbye
13:56like and subscribe goodbye i should i should end the video like that subscribe goodbye