Today Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 LAWLESS is here! There's a TON of map changes, brand new items and so so much more in this Heist and Vault season! Fortnite COOKED! Enjoy guys!
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Hey everyone it’s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another fortnite battle royale vid! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible! Hope you enjoy!
#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
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Hey everyone it’s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another fortnite battle royale vid! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible! Hope you enjoy!
#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, chapter 6 season 2 is here. We have a brand new biome right over here,
00:06four new POIs, a new battle pass, a bunch of new weapons, and brand new game mechanics. I'm
00:12going to break it all down in today's video. We are landing in Lone Wolf Lair. This is going to
00:17be one of the most hot drops of the season because this spot does have a vault to break into. We're
00:24dropping in, dropping in. Just going to walk right on in. So we got the brand new collateral damage
00:33assault rifle. This is going to kind of work similar to a combat assault rifle. Oh, give me
00:40this legendary chest. Come on. Okay. Okay. The plasma burst laser.
00:53This guy just tried to hit me with melee attacks, bro. Oh my God.
00:56What is going on at the top of my screen? I see a little check mark. Am I supposed to get like four
01:01kills? We got the new plasma burst laser. This thing's how you break into the vaults.
01:10There's also the new kneecapper, which is a melee attack. You can even charge it up for a big swing
01:16of damage. And while you're holding this, you actually sprint faster and use less stamina,
01:21which is good for mobility. But now we got the thermite. The thermite, you throw this down.
01:30This is very loud. And this is going to break. Oh my God.
01:40It breaks all these structures, bro. It is way too loud in here. I'm getting out of here.
01:45Let me come out here real quick. It is way too loud in there, bro. I thought Epic
01:49understood the assignment about not making these POIs extremely loud.
01:54Med mist smoke grenade. You throw this on the ground and it just gives you the med mist effect.
01:59And we also have the new Falcon sniper rifle, but I'm hearing the Falcon sniper rifle
02:04can not one-shot headshot unless it's in gold rarity. All right. What do I want to carry here?
02:09The med mist, the kneecapper. Let's keep the kneecapper on the ground for now. All right. I
02:14want to see how this med mist actually works. You throw it down and it just gives you the med
02:18mist effects. That'd be really good for you and your group. I'm assuming the ball is at the bottom.
02:27Oh yeah. All right. Open up!
02:47Okay. This guy's leaving. We're just going to let him leave because I
02:49do want to see what's in the vault. I'm sure he left me some loot.
02:53Oh, he actually did. Old shotgun. Okay. So I remember in the trailer, there was the new
03:00medallions in here. So I actually, I can't let that guy leave. I made a big mistake. I got to
03:05go kill that guy. Excuse me, sir. I made a mistake letting you leave. I kind of need you to come back.
03:12Bro's using the new kneecapper. He's just flying around with it.
03:20Oh, he's actually outrunning me with this thing. I should have kept it. Now I can't even find this
03:27guy. Let's kill these guys instead.
03:31This guy's trying to leave again.
03:36I cannot keep up with him. And he's just running with no health. He's just running with no health
03:40in the open. There we go. Okay. Let's go check his loot. He has the vault loot. So he has the
03:47medallion. He has a medallion with no health. He has the medallion. He has the medallion.
03:53There he is. There's a guy. We're going to try to kill him.
03:58the vault loot. So he has the medallion, I think, and whatever else was in the vault.
04:05Holy moly. All right. All right. All right. All right. I got to look at this again.
04:10So regular legendary shotgun.
04:18I don't, what is this? What is this? A bulky and confusing crypto coin.
04:24Dilbit. These coins are ideal for shady black market trades. Oh yeah. Okay. So where is the
04:30black market? There's one at Magic Mosses. I'm going there. I'm going there. I'm going
04:34through the whole system here. Low key. The laser is good. The laser is good, but I'm going to keep
04:41the bat because I felt like that movement that this guy was doing with the bat was actually
04:45kind of crazy. Okay. So we're going to go to the black market and see what kind of mythic weapons
04:50or special weapons we can purchase. And by the way, there's this new like gold vein thing that
04:58you can... These real players? That's a real player. Come on, bro. I got to check the black
05:08market out. I need you to leave me alone for a second.
05:25Oh, the chug jug.
05:33Oh, everyone's so sweaty.
05:39He's not going to stop to heal.
05:51All right. That's fine. We got the new chug jug. This is the chug jug that we talked about before.
05:56It actually heals you slowly and you can use part of it and then share it with your teammates. And
06:01it doesn't take 15 seconds to pop. So this is the new and improved chug jug. All right. Now we're
06:07going to check out the black market. I believe it's underground. So I don't even know how to
06:12get there, man. Okay. So we've got to go down through here. There's like a secret passage.
06:18All right. Gain the slap effect when you mantle, hurdle, or wall jump. So I can buy this. There's
06:25also an enhanced AR. This is a mythic. So let me buy this mythic plasma rifle. And then we're
06:31going to buy this boon. Adrenaline rush boon. Gain the slap effect when you mantle, hurdle,
06:40or what did it say? The slap effect, if you guys forgot, gives you permanent sprint for like 20
06:46seconds. So if I land here, I land here and I just quickly, hold up. I don't want to have to die.
06:54I'll make it real quick. So I'm going to mantle over this wall. I'm going to see this in action.
06:59We also have the enhanced collateral damage AR. Fire rate, 12. Reload time, 1.9 seconds. All right.
07:06So here's the mantle. And now I can sprint for like 20 seconds. No stamina cost. Firmer sprint.
07:14And I can combine it potentially with this. Okay. So the sprites are still in the game.
07:18That's awesome. I want to see, I want to see this mythic AR in action though. I want to see it in
07:23action. Launch, the launch pad is in the game, like a throwable one in build mode.
07:33So there's, there's these brand new like gold ores you can find on the ground and it gives you
07:37like a gold rush effect. And there's these new gold splashes. I'll show footage of that. But
07:43basically when you farm them, or if you use the gold splash, you move faster and you farm faster.
07:50And it's actually insane for farming. Like you swing your pickaxe like three times as fast.
07:55You can find the gold rocks like in the new area, but you can also get those gold splashes.
07:59The gold rush splashes just from regular loot. All right. We, we, we kind of have to go fight
08:04this guy with the medallion. We kind of have to go challenge him. I need to see what kind of,
08:12okay, wait, wait, wait. Here's the new gold rush. I got to show this. I got to show this.
08:16So these new slap gold splashes, they give you the gold rush effect, which gives you some
08:22movement speed, but look at the farming speed. It gives you insane farming.
08:29And you can get that effect. Like I said, from farming gold ores on the ground,
08:34you can also get that effect from just using the gold rush splashes,
08:37which is probably going to be the best like form of healing in the game.
08:41All right. This guy's pulling up on the, on the NPCs for the medallion.
08:47He just, he just activated the, he's about to activate the satellite.
08:57Holy crap. He's going to run into his car. A hundred percent.
09:05This thing shreds cars and it reloads fast. Oh my God.
09:11Oh my God. He has everything. Hold up.
09:17He has a mythic burst rifle. He has a, he has the sniper mythic Falcon,
09:23I sniper this will one-shot headshot. And he has a medallion.
09:28I think, I don't think that was a mythic striker. I think that was just the gold striker.
09:32Okay. We got to see what medallion he has. Knock back enemies. You sprint into also
09:37increases sprint speed, knock back enemies. You sprint into and also increased sprint speed.
09:43That's kind of like the nitro effect, but it's a little bit different.
09:48All right. Let's, let's, uh, let's heal up here. Wait, I got to use this sniper.
09:52I got to use the sniper. Okay. Wait, the sprint speed is noticeably fast. Are you kidding me?
09:59That is so fast. No, you can't run into walls. I don't think with this thing,
10:04you know, I don't think you can just run in and break walls. All right. We're pulling up on this
10:08guy. This sniper does 97 body shot. I think it does like at least 200, at least 200 heads. I asked
10:18where'd this guy go to 18 headshot with the mythic version. So that's not going to one-shot
10:27headshot in zero build. Cause in zero build, you have 250 effective health, but that will one-shot
10:32headshot in build mode. And I think the legendary version of the sniper does 207, but the, if it's
10:37less than legendary, it will not one-shot headshot. If it's less than legendary, you won't
10:41one-shot headshot 97 body shot. Not bad. I got to put pressure on this guy. I already hit him for 97.
10:51I got to put pressure.
10:58The thing about this is the mythic AR
11:08I broke Rose actually cooking.
11:13I'm going to take height here, take height with the vehicle.
11:17Did he drop back down? I actually don't know if he fully healed.
11:21I'm not trying to get into like an awkward build fight with this guy.
11:26I bet he's in the bush and make sure he didn't wrap around. Yeah. He's probably in the bush
11:32with this sprint speed. I have, I'm not even worried about the storm.
11:47Bro. This AR is frying. Are you kidding me?
11:57Nah, this AR is something else, bro. He's, he's moving fast though too. I like,
12:02is it just the bat that he's using? I want to, I want to know how fast I can move with the bat.
12:15the bat plus the, uh,
12:21the medallion.
12:31I know I'm playing a little cheesy against this guy, but
12:37I mean, it's not my fault. Bro's wearing a superhero skin on the first day of the season.
12:44I have to play like this against him. Like if this guy was at least wearing a respectable skin,
12:48like I would, I'd play a little bit differently. I'm making him use so many materials to avoid the
12:56fry. The sniper is good, bro. This sniper is good. I'm loving this season. I'm loving the
13:07weapons. Everything feels good. I'm loving the new healing items of vaults. They're cooking,
13:12bro. They're cooking. Get ready for another fry right here.
13:19Ladies and gentlemen, this gun is crazy.
13:21Guys, new Fortnite season. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments down below.
13:30Don't forget to like, and subscribe. I'm also giving away some V-Bucks in my discord right now.
13:36So if you're not a part of my discord, you should join it. We have a V-Bucks giveaway happening.
13:43What if I get shot out?
13:44Thank you guys so much for watching. Don't forget to like and subscribe and join my discord in the
13:55description for the V-Bucks giveaway. I'll see you guys in the next video. Plenty of content
13:59coming this season.