• 3 days ago
The job market - the country needs 11 million graduates by 2035 to appeal to the evolving jobs market


00:00Sick to death of it, it's a waste of space, no wages you can live off, it's like how much
00:06you can lose, that's where you've got to go in, not that you can ever buy a house because
00:10that'll never happen because everything's priced with stupid money.
00:15We can't all be a university professor, but basically what we need to train young people
00:20up is give them skills, and that's what's sadly lacking, and we've got to motivate them
00:25with love.
00:27Quite clearly IT, everybody picks that out, but things like, just simple skills like communicating,
00:34talking to one another is a great idea, rather than just looking at your phone.
00:39When I was young, I'm 80 now, when I left school in 1960, there was hundreds of jobs
00:45you could go in for, I didn't want to.
00:48I started working one job in the morning, didn't like it, started another one.
00:53When I left school in the 60s, there were lots and lots of jobs to choose from.
