• 3 days ago
Which part of Sheffield city centre would you like to see redeveloped next?


00:00Do you tell me what you think they should redevelop next?
00:02Definitely Castlegate. It'd be really nice to see that back to its former
00:07place where you could go and shop. That'd be really nice. I don't even go down there no more.
00:13I really just, the area's not nice at all. So it'd be nice to see something done with that.
00:17I know they're working on it, but the whole area. Yeah.
00:23Yes, I'd like more decent parking. When John Lewis went, I stopped coming into Sheffield.
00:28Simple as that. Yeah. And until they sort the parking out,
00:32I don't, I just don't come in anymore. However lovely it looks, and it does,
00:37they've made such efforts to improve it, make it look better.
00:41But John Lewis in general, I would like to see something cool in there,
00:45like maybe a Manchester, like Affleck's Palace type vibe in there would be amazing with parking.
00:51Yeah, absolutely. Right. Well, I work down at near the Hilton, what used to be the Hilton
00:58Hotel in Victoria Quays, and they are busily getting ready for the new Castle Market
01:08Gardens down there, which seems to be taking a very long time in getting sorted out.
01:16I think that's the next area that I'd like to see done next, because I work down there.
01:21And I feel that there ought to be more going on down there. However, I do feel that the link
01:27from here down to there is going to be missing a major, a major keel, if you like, because there
01:34is no link between that part of Sheffield and this part of Sheffield. I've had to walk 10 minutes here
01:39to get any, any kind of interaction really. Whereas walking Asshole, Woolworths and around
01:48where the Haymarket were, it's absolutely dead, absolutely dead, and it's very disappointing.
01:53Please take a long time to come. We should go look around the Debenhams area. I think
02:01that needs sorting out. So the top of the moor? Top of the moor, yeah.
