• 11 hours ago

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/morganadams
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: morganadamsvlogs@gmail.com

& HIS PODCAST!: @thesipwithrylandadamsandli5476
SHANE: @shane @Shane2
MOM: https://www.instagram.com/vickiadams26/?hl=en

Videos mentioned:
Roller coaster POV: https://youtu.be/eutGFhcoJpY?si=JIpqw-_JhljOIGN5
Lip contour: https://youtu.be/mgrMcCXSFKQ?si=105A8ty4pkotmvL4
Lip tint: https://youtu.be/mgrMcCXSFKQ?si=hFVsd7DWPuHdCp2i
Packet blush: https://www.rhodeskin.com/products/pocket-blush-toasted-teddy
KHY: https://www.khy.com/?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=21864310287&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA9vtq0nDv_EpuYg8XzyMOIUux6lqC&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7dm-BhCoARIsALFk4v_anwAjzE49Zinm3kwd-Tegm8Do_TvMrgx8eOMK3MYZbrWoY14d7XkaAvnHEALw_wcB
Call her daddy:


0:00 - wtf are celebs doing
1:42 - Blake what are these hair products girl
10:08 - my family hates KHY
21:46 - TACO BELL!
24:28 - Rhode Beauty (supporting baby biebs)
33:06 - We are UNWELL

Brands Mentioned: (these aren't affiliate links i'm just not in the mood to get sued LOL)
KHY: https://www.khy.com/?srsltid=AfmBOor8USc4H1BWiWL3k1tvuogAAd8CeVa9jOqqdpmxuVtaYHastNsl
RHODE: https://www.rhodeskin.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17448150165&utm_adgroup=141398040630&utm_content=602982285976&utm_term=rhode%20beauty&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAok-sx_96j8jZYRjwfg5lKITlKOyC&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7dm-BhCoARIsALFk4v-m5WqpGbqtZDjffux8DYnusIo9x8FJV82opnxBPvlc3qrK7Y17-vsaAptwEALw_wcB

If you're reading this comment "ryland taking morgans wardrobe to the goodwill"


00:00Good evening, everyone. It is a good evening, indeed. Do you ever just sit and ask yourself,
00:10what is going on? What is going on? Because this is what I've been thinking about. What
00:16are celebrities doing, you might ask? Being insane. And what are we the people doing,
00:21you might ask? Talking about them being insane. What are they gonna do about it? They're gonna
00:27release a new product. I was in the mood to do a little investigating. I was in the
00:32mood to do a little detective work. I've been sleeplessly researching the most viral, the
00:38most controversial, the most chit-chattered about online celebrity products. Again. Again.
00:48It's a hole. It's a deep, dark hole, and once you fall into the hole, it's really hard to
00:51find your way out. I wanted to hit the core four. Makeup. Clothes. Three, two, zero. Zero,
01:02one. I gave her one for effort. You get one out of 30, Kai. It's really, really bad. I would send
01:08that straight to the Goodwill if it came to my house. Food. Wait, did it not say orange? You said
01:15orange. I feel so fucked up right now. Hair. If I went to prison and they wanted to thoroughly
01:25punish me, they would shove me in a small room and spray this all over the place. I wanted to
01:29go on a deep, dark journey to find out who is serving us bops and who is giving us absolute
01:35flops. It's a long journey. Here we go. Let's walk and talk. Where are we going? I'm allergic
01:49to whatever he's doing. I hate it so much. Do men think that women like that? We're going on
01:55a super secret undercover mission. Called my mom today and I was like, do you want to go to Target
02:00with me to get the Blake Lively hair products? And she was like, ugh, you don't want to be seen
02:04using that. And I was like, yeah, that's why we're going at night. We're racing in an hour
02:09before close. You don't want to be seen supporting Blake. Actually, I don't even know really what
02:14she did. Mom will tell you all about it. Well, I hate to get contoured. What do you got to say,
02:18sister? I just, I think it's really coming down to Ryan Randall's is a jerk. Oh my God,
02:27they have the Easter candy. Where's the Cadbury eggs? Oh, I don't know. Oh my God.
02:34Oh, we can't buy them. Well, screw Blake. Let's get these. We can only look at them. We can't
02:39buy them. They're 25% off. We just spent an hour in Pilates. Name? My name is Bella Hattie. Oh my
02:45God. We might get lucky. It might be on clearance. Blake and Ryan showed up at SNL Saturday Night
02:52Live 50 years and Ryan Randall's just stands up and said, Hey, I have a question. Oh,
02:58hi Ryan Randall. I think it was Amy Poehler says, how's it going? Great. Why? What did you hear?
03:06And Blake just went white. Like, like the ghost of her past life. Yeah. Feel my back hip right
03:15here. It's shaking. Do you feel it? Oh, I do. Oh my God. It's almost like when a baby kicks. Oh
03:20my God. I ate so much this week. I have a baby growing out of my ass. Don't say that.
03:26The kids are in bed. It's eight 30. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh my God. It's sold out.
03:36What is Allison DeLaurentis doing on a Clariel root touch up? Fundamental strengthening shampoo.
03:43Wow. Oh my God. These are expensive. I heard today that Blake and Ryan are in Hawaii,
03:48but they said it's not vacation. It's more that they need time to regroup because they realized
03:56that things are getting out of hand. I'm going to try this, but it lasts a long time. No, I'm not.
04:02Oh, how is it possible that so many people have bought this that they don't even have?
04:06I'm just going to get the shampoo, the mask and this little wonder thing. And she's going to act
04:11like it's for me so that she's not embarrassed. No, I'm not going to act like it's for you. I'm
04:17loud and proud with my purchase. But then why am I here? I'm not purchasing it because I think it's
04:21going to be good. I'm purchasing it because the theme is controversial products. We're digging
04:26into the controversy. You got to get in the act. Okay. Mom's too nice for this. They said on the
04:32set that she had her own personal bodyguard and that the bodyguard would walk with her even from
04:38the set, just off the set. And people were instructed not to make eye contact with her.
04:44Can you imagine? Oh my God, Mom, you should become a drama channel. No, I shouldn't. And I shouldn't
04:50talk about it with you because I don't like when people do that. And here I am. I'm just telling
04:57you what I watched. She's just telling you what she allegedly heard. Allegedly. We're leaving the
05:05mothership with no conditioner. Bummer.
05:14The time has come. I was going to call her sneaky Blakey just because it rhymed, but I
05:18am here to review products, not people. On the roster this morning, we have the Fundamental
05:24Strengthening Shampoo, Sandalwood Vanille, not vanilla, vanilla strengthening mask.
05:33All in wonder, a little play on words, leave in powder and a dry shampoo, excruciatingly perfumey.
05:41I guess this is the shampoo. This is the conditioner. I thought it would go like this,
05:45but it goes like this. As I'm sure you can tell, I look like I just walked out of a grease monkey
05:49and I really need to get my oil changed. So in the least weird way possible, let's take a shower
05:56together. Step one, submerge. Nice and wet. It's definitely like a gel, not a creamy consistency.
06:10Sub-smear, it's definitely sub-smear. My hair feels really dry. Like it could
06:18snap off like a tree branch. This one definitely smells way better than the shampoo.
06:23And now we wait for three to five minutes. My internal clock is absolute shit. So I guess
06:29I'll just wait until I feel like it's settled. I can't more or less rinse. Refresh.
06:38Every time I whip my hair like that, I always think I'm going to look like an NFL cheerleader
06:42and I always, it's just, it doesn't have the same impact. Real dumb right now. Look at you,
06:46stupid. You're dumb. You're fucking dumb. Let's do a brush test.
06:54First impression, my hair is drier than the Sahara desert. We're in a drought up in here.
07:00I'm gonna let it air dry like 80% and then I'll get back to you whenever that may be.
07:06I'm either clearly very uninterested in this brand or I just simply can't read. I thought
07:10this was a wonder powder, but it's all in wonder leave-in potion. So it's a
07:16spray. Different scent. Bergamot woods. Soften, prime, define, detangle, defrizz, and fragrance.
07:23That's a lot of promises in a little bottle. Oh, is it sticky? Oh my god, it's making my hands
07:31sticky. It feels like hairspray from Sally Beauty's in 2008. Oh my god, am I just being a big fat
07:37hater? Or like, am I culturally impacted by things that I don't even know to be true subconsciously?
07:42Because I really did like the It Ends With Us movie. I watched it in the movie theater and
07:46I watched it on Netflix and I love Blake Lively's Mad Gala looks, so. A lot like her wonder potion,
07:53things are getting sticky-icky-icky. If we're looking at the positives, I do really think that
07:57the packaging is cute. You gotta give points where points are due. A full face of makeup and a few
08:01hours later, this is what we are left with. Fully air dried. I'll show you all my four corners. This
08:08is me from the front, from the left, from the right, and from the back. Yes, I have a little bald spot
08:14from when I cracked my head open and we're just gonna ignore it. I'm not sure if this is a common
08:18ritual among the fine hair people of the world, but I dry shampoo the day that I wash my hair
08:25because I feel like that's the only way my hair doesn't get greasy by the end of the day.
08:35I hate the smell. Whatever the fuck vanilla with an E is, I hate it. Add back in the A and give
08:42vanilla the justice that vanilla deserves. Oh my god, it's driving me crazy. This is not vanilla,
08:47this is Halo Top chemical. This is aspartame scent. If I went to prison and they wanted to
08:53thoroughly punish me, they would shove me in a small room and spray this all over the place. It's
08:57awful. It's awful. Yuck. Sorry about my little meltdown. Final thoughts and reviews. I'm going
09:03to keep it short, sweet, simple, and to the point. Why is nobody running? Why is nobody sprinting?
09:09Why there is not a single person on earth getting a speeding ticket running to get this product in
09:14Target? It's because I can promise you with a 98% guarantee the shampoo that you have sitting in
09:19your shower is the exact same as this and every shampoo you've ever owned is the exact same as
09:23this. This brand didn't need to exist. It's not giving us anything unique. It's not giving us
09:29anything new. It's not giving us anything that's worth $18.99. I can tell you that for damn sure,
09:34Blakey. It's not a bad product. It's not burning my scalp and making my hair fall out.
09:39It's just not anything that anyone would ever remember three years from now and be like,
09:43oh I loved when Blake had a shampoo line. Loved it. When it inevitably gets discontinued will I
09:51even notice that it's gone from the Target shelf? No, I will not. No, I will not. What did we learn
09:58today, ladies and gentlemen? Just let vanilla be vanilla. We don't need to add the E. I hate it so
10:03much. I hate it so much. I'm docking a point for the E. Four out of 10. Hello. I haven't even
10:18explained what we're doing, but now the camera's perfect. You haven't started the video at all.
10:23Brought my Kylie clothes here so you guys could rate them. Oh, it looks like an intervention.
10:29Are you guys going to try and tell me something at this moment or something? You're becoming more
10:33and more like grandma every day. That is a good intervention. Now, what do we do to start?
10:39All right, there we go. Okay. Are you guys all ready to be outfit panel judges? Okay,
10:44so should we hold it? Oh, oh, we have- Should we hold up scoreboards? From the podcast, yeah.
10:48You did? You have them? I am sitting in damp- Okay, do I have to move? I am sitting in damp
10:53pants. These didn't dry all the way in the dryer and now you're not even seeing my pants,
10:56so it doesn't matter that I put jeans on for all of you. Why do you keep moving the camera? Well,
10:59now I screwed up the angle. She was right. Oh, shit. I'm wondering, do you think we need to
11:03back it up some? I'm going to get the scoreboards. Okay. Basically, the girls of TikTok are not
11:10loving Kylie Jenner's new clothing brand, and the point of the clothing brand, I did a whole
11:15deep dive. Now that I already messed up the angle, it might as well be a little closer to you.
11:18Okay. And who's Kylie? Jenner? She's trying to bring her celebrity high-end, high-fashion,
11:26high-designer wardrobe to us everyday peasants across America at an affordable price. I don't
11:33know who's running this because it's clearly not the people that are running Skims because
11:36their website's a little bit of a mess. It's prisons. It's a theory I have. It's a lot of
11:42leather. Oh, I guess Shane did get me sweatpants from Kai. And my beef with her is there's no
11:47pockets. Who wants to be around their house, lounging it up with no pockets? For not I.
11:52So you don't carry drugs. Are we rating really honestly? It's not going to offend you because
11:57we're not rating you, we're rating the clothes. You're not rating how glorious I look in the
12:00outfits. You're rating, if you saw some girl walking around Beverly Hills with her Birkin
12:04wearing this, would you be like, oh, she's killing it? Or would you be like, oh, 9-1-1,
12:09SAT. ASAP. She looks smart. She needs to take the SATs. The first collection that we are dabbling
12:16into is the Kai and Sia Arnica. I found the sequin cutout dress that retails for $128.
12:27I didn't bring any shoes for this, so. Oh, I might have a high heel or two.
12:32This is for a casual lunch. Oh, oh my God. Oh. The edges make it look unfinished.
12:43That's the purpose. You're like, oh, I just got off the runway.
12:47To go to lunch in Beverly Hills? Wouldn't you want to be on the scene with me?
12:51One time I went to Cheesecake Factory with a YouTube friend and I thought she was a hooker.
12:55Story time. It looks like a cheese. Like, it's like a weird, you don't look like cheese.
13:02It looks like a Swiss. It looks like something you would get murdered in.
13:07The edges. If you were on Drag Race, it feels like you failed a sewing challenge
13:11because it feels like it's unfinished. It's kind of like the Flintstones. Yeah,
13:16that's true. Especially the rock edges. The Flintstones. Three, two, one.
13:22One. Oh, I was the nicest. No, I said six. Oh, six. I'm confident with the six. Wow.
13:31In the reflection, it looks like a two. You saw someone in a restaurant and she'd be like,
13:36six? Five and below, I feel it's like, we're not wearing the outfit. I gave it a six because it's
13:41like, you could wear it, but I'm not pleased by it. It's like what you get on Alibaba. The marketing
13:46probably looks fantastic and then you get it in person and it's like, whoa. I didn't want to try
13:52it on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Thank you. It needs more of a mature look. Okay,
13:57the battery's going to die. We better keep it moving.
14:05This is one of the original drops, Kai and Namilia. All I could find in my size was this
14:12leather daddy top for $78 and seamless leggings for $58.
14:23Oh, okay. I think individually, they're fine. Together, it's not right.
14:31There's no way she's going to Bristol Farms in that. It's a matching set.
14:36I see girls wearing things like that every day now at the grocery store. Oh yeah, they're okay
14:42when they're not together. Are you not seeing these pants? I think the pants are fine.
14:46What's wrong with the pants? A little invasive. Oh my gosh, they are so see-through. It does kind
14:52of look like a drag queen before they put their clothes up. Oh my gosh, like the shapewear. I
14:58don't know where you could go in this. I feel like it'd be cottage cheese in the back in the sunlight.
15:02You kind of look like a Pixar villain. I like the shirt and I'm not a halter girl, but
15:07I like the shirt. Velcro in the back if that helps. Yeah, okay. Three, two, boom. I give it
15:16A across the boards. Really? I think it's a good outfit. I mean, I think the pieces are good. The
15:22pants are see-through. I don't see through. I think the pants are very see-through and that's
15:27what bothers me. Winning outfit or the winning pieces, are you going to wear them out in the
15:31world? Yeah, we'll go somewhere in it. We can try the mini crunch wrap. But we have to go in to
15:37Taco Bell. You can't go through the drive-thru. If you're trying to show your outfit, you can't go
15:40through the drive-thru. I can't even go out with you with those leggings on. Leggings.
15:53This is the newest and fuzziest collection with entire studios. I really wanted to serve climate
16:00change polar bear. I got the knit low back dress for $128. Okay, I'm browsing Kylie's website and
16:07I will say, although a lot of these aren't practical, I will give her like, it definitely has
16:14a theme and it's creative. Well, it's real creative because I'm not sure what season this is for.
16:23I was just looking at that one on the website, the knit dress. I actually think this is pretty cute.
16:30I have one complaint. It looks like old man chest hair. She needs to work on her edges. Shoulder hair.
16:36It's triggering. Oh, that's funny. It is. That part's, I hate that. What's wrong with her seams?
16:42She cannot figure out the edges of her garment. Oh yeah, that side is bad. The seams on that side is really bad.
16:47Wow, I really do have to duck two points for that. It looks like it got peed on.
16:52Why does it look like pee? Do you know what I mean? It's like a rug that got peed on? It's eye-pointing.
16:56The fit is really nice. It's not see-through. Good job, Kai. Honestly, I would say this is like
17:04the perfect little dress if it didn't have chest hair. Fall, winter, spring, I don't know. This is September
17:10to March in LA for dinner. Where it's still warm outside, but it's like, it's Taco Bell.
17:17That's, you gotta wear that to Taco Bell. I don't hate the shape of it. It just looks like old
17:23pubic hair. The place in where it cuts off is also weird.
17:34Oh, you guys hated it? Three is bad. The more I look at it, I don't like it. I think the fit's nice.
17:40It's not the fit, it's the hair. It looks very cheap. I would say 7.5, 9.5 if we trim the pubes.
17:48Bridal shower, like the night before, like the rehearsal dinner.
17:59Should we get tattoos? These are winter coats that are supposed to be simplistic with a
18:06contemporary edge. For only $198, you too can feel like a tent.
18:12I'm pretty sure that I live in New York. I just paid the paparazzi to come take my picture getting my coffee.
18:23With my matching feces. I don't love the headpiece. How bold is it when the hood's down?
18:30Oh, I love it. That's better. I would wear this. When you first came out, I thought maybe it was for NASA.
18:38I like the coat. I don't know about the tights. I like it. I like it. My only thing is, and I know
18:43they're sisters, but to me it looks like Kim. I really like actually all the details. I like the
18:48hood, I like that it closes the way it does, and I really like the color. It's a nice pocket placement
18:54to not have to go in. Oh, there's pockets here too. Wow, this might actually be good. You know,
19:00whatever. I'm giving it a 10. May I request to feel the fabric? Oh, pretty nice. Oh my gosh.
19:10How's the inner? The inner? Same. Oh, you should have stayed far away. Yeah, you should have stayed
19:17far away. I still like it. We were at a 10, and now that I'm seeing her up close. It's starting
19:22to look like a comforter if you pee the bed. Like a hospital, like a nice one. When I'm about 15 years
19:27older. And it's green to cover the, you know, stainage. You gotta be cinched. Otherwise,
19:32it is a sleeping bag. Oh. Oh. Oh no. That changed everything. One. Oh.
19:48Sweetie, you're doing amazing. A wide spin. So proud. So proud. Sweetie, so proud.
19:57When you hear the collection is called Kai's Wardrobe, I'm 100% certain this is exactly what
20:02you would expect. You think it comes with a shirt? Think again. And a micro mini to top off the look.
20:09Okay, this is for your everyday business meeting.
20:17I don't think so. Oh, wow. No. Are you supposed to wear it open like that?
20:22I'm offended. I would send that straight to the Goodwill if it came to my house.
20:27Oh. Oh gosh, I'm offended. Um, huh. I hate every piece of it. Here's the thing. I buy a lot of
20:36costumes for the podcast. It looks like a costume I bought. But worse. What is it? Like, what's the
20:42fabric? Oh, do you want to smell it? No. Yeah. Oh, I already can. Oh, it smells like feet.
20:50This isn't what you guys would wear on a casual Sunday going to brunch with your family.
20:54Maybe I'm just too prude for this. Or maybe it's just because it's my sister. But oh, I hate it.
20:59None of these look like Kylie to me. They look like other people. Like that looks like Hailey
21:02Bieber. Mm hmm. The other one looks like Kim. Where's Kai? Where's Kai? She's a mom. You might
21:10have to sell all of them to Taylor Swift. When we went to Knott's Berry Farm, I saw what Gen Z looks
21:15like. And they don't look like that. What's interesting is what the celebrity is doing
21:20right now is very different than what the Gen Z-er is doing right now. Kai needs to get with
21:26the times. We all hate it. Yeah, we hate it. You've done great things, Kylie. And this is not one of
21:31them. Three, two, zero, zero, one. I gave her one for effort. You get one out of 30, Kai. It's really,
21:41really bad. I could wear the puffer. I'm not wearing the dress into Taco Bell.
21:54Why did these work for Shane? You want a new outfit or what?
21:58I think I'm allergic to bide. It looks like a bougie bib.
22:04I felt like she looked like NASA. Now I look like, well, I always look like a minion.
22:09Please, no autographs.
22:15Hey. This is too much. Wow, you look like the picture Katy Perry got canceled with.
22:21Oh, this is horrible. I don't care if they cancel me.
22:26They have an all-gender bathroom, so we're fine. They get it.
22:30I think that dress is nice. I feel like I could get a lot accomplished in this dress.
22:36Oh, I want a dirty Baja blast. Tell me if you saw me walking into Taco Bell like this,
22:40you wouldn't be like, wow, the girl of my dreams in Taco Bell.
22:44Mom and I have been having a self-timer photo shoot.
22:46What? Oh, my gosh.
22:48Oh, wow, this is a blooper.
22:51No one wanted to be in here with us. You're homophobic. Just say that.
22:55Leave a comment below. Oh, my gosh.
22:58Wow, that is cool.
22:59First of all, I'm going about my business. Those are so cute.
23:04They come in two sets.
23:05That is so cute.
23:06And it comes with this sauce. Oh, no, this sauce.
23:08Everyone, here's your Crunchwrappers.
23:12We're all in Taco Bell, living mosque.
23:16Oh, it's steak.
23:18That white cheese dipping sauce is right.
23:20The bread-to-filling ratio is a little, but it's delicious.
23:24The second bite is better.
23:26If you were just going about your day and needed a quick little pick-me-up.
23:29They're not messing around, either. There's a lot of steak in here.
23:32Dirty Baja.
23:34How's the dirty?
23:35Oh, that's... Mom, you'll love that.
23:37Oh, look at those.
23:39How dirty is she?
23:40Oh, my Lord.
23:41I don't know if I'm just starving or if this is the best food I've ever had.
23:45These are so good.
23:46Mom's wondering why all the Del Taco's closed. It's because you can't beat this.
23:49The most controversial thing about my parents is they're Del Taco people.
23:53Well, that's because they're weird.
23:55Well, that's because there wasn't a Taco Bell by our house, remember?
23:59Taco Bell's replay beans.
24:01So good.
24:02We totally get married at a Taco Bell.
24:04Then have these be passed out on a tray as appetizers.
24:08You should do that.
24:09With toothpicks.
24:11People ask me all the time why I don't cook and I don't know why you would
24:13if you have things like this at your fingertips.
24:16It's funny that we came here in these clothes to see what people got
24:19and there's no one here and they don't even have people working at the front.
24:22I got judged a couple of times.
24:24Were they judging or admiring?
24:26No one could ever know.
24:33This is where we're at today and this is the best that you're gonna get.
24:37I was going to say good morning.
24:39Whoa, whoa, whoa.
24:40It's three o'clock in the afternoon and a very, very highly anticipated,
24:49very controversial, very long shipping.
24:52Hi, everyone.
24:53It's Hailey and today I'm going to be talking to you guys about our new addition
24:58to our RODE family, the peptide lip shape.
25:01I'm so, so excited about these.
25:02I have been teasing them for the longest time.
25:05Controversial opinion.
25:08I like Hailey Bieber.
25:09I think she's hot.
25:09I think she's pretty.
25:10I think she's doing the damn thing.
25:12Granted, last time I trusted her with my face,
25:14with her little peptide glazed donut things,
25:17I did get third degree burns on my skin.
25:20But I could have maybe potentially,
25:24hypothetically been having an allergic reaction to something else.
25:27I don't know.
25:28Okay, I'm not a scientist.
25:29I don't have the proof behind this.
25:30I don't have the factual evidence to back up that the RODE peptide donut shebang thing
25:37is what made my face look as if I came out of a pizza oven.
25:41I don't have any proof to back that up.
25:43Am I gonna try her skin products again?
25:46Do I feel bad for her in a way?
25:49People are so mean to her.
25:52For what?
25:53For what?
25:54Hot take.
25:55There's no way that taking care of her actual baby
25:58is harder than taking care of Justin Bieber.
26:02Anyway, moral of the story,
26:04I think Hailey Bieber is cute
26:05and I really liked when she was getting ready with people in her bathroom.
26:07Welcome to the world of RODE.
26:11Oh, wow.
26:13It's Tate McRae and her little socks and heels.
26:15I love Tate McRae's new album.
26:17Okay, I'm actually really excited.
26:21I basically just picked two shades of each of the most popular products right now
26:25that I see everyone yip-yapping about.
26:27These are the Pocket Blushes,
26:30Piggy and Freckle,
26:32Peptide Lip Contours that has everyone up in arms,
26:36Lift and Twist,
26:38Peptide Lift Tints,
26:40Ribbon and Toast.
26:42Let's start with the blush.
26:43I was thinking we could just do a little split face action.
26:47I'm no guru, so I don't know how well that's gonna go.
26:51The description of the blush from Hailey, not from me.
26:53A flush of satiny buildable color that melts seamlessly onto the skin.
26:58Oh, oh, a little flush.
27:00That reminds me of Flush Away,
27:01the movies about the rats that get flushed down the toilet.
27:04But the thought, the concept is there.
27:07Adorable, gorgeous.
27:09I like the little mocha brown.
27:10It kind of looks like a vape, you know,
27:12when people are searching for their vapes and they're like...
27:16That sound, that does it for me.
27:19It's just a little twist.
27:21Starting with Miss Piggy.
27:23I'll tell you, I feel like Miss Piggy.
27:25I've been eating like a crazy person all week.
27:28Oh, is this like how you do it?
27:31For science research purposes,
27:33I'm gonna go a little crazy with it, I think.
27:35Oh, I always see her doing the little...
27:38I'm more of a brush girl.
27:40Oh, wow.
27:42I love to be a hater, but wow, I feel really snazzy with that on.
27:46Oh my God, I get it now.
27:47I do feel flushed.
27:48Miss Piggy is doing it for me.
27:50It's infused with peptides,
27:51so maybe I will look like a Halloween character again.
27:53What the hell is a peptide?
27:55Anyone know what that is or does it just sound good?
27:58It's the same family of word as collagen.
28:02We're just like, oh yeah, that must be good for you.
28:04The three syllables just make it sound like,
28:06oh yeah, put it in my smoothie and call it a day.
28:10This one is a little more mauve.
28:12Oh, oh, hmm.
28:15This one to me is screaming fall, September,
28:17and the leaves start to turn,
28:18and you're gonna pretend that you wanna go to a pumpkin patch,
28:20and then you're gonna get there and realize that it sucks,
28:22like fall.
28:24This to me is March, April, May.
28:27Oh, the sun doesn't set at 4 p.m. anymore.
28:30I have a will to live again, and I'm coming back to life.
28:33As much as I have been avoiding buying one of these for so long
28:37for a reason that I don't know,
28:39and as much as I would love to tell you that I hate it
28:41and I don't think it's worth your money,
28:42I do think that you might need one of these
28:44because I feel really like, ooh.
28:46I feel like these would be really good
28:48for like a first date or a job interview.
28:50Don't I look like I just fell in love with you?
28:52I feel satiny and seamless, I don't know.
28:54Okay, this might be a little harder.
28:56The lip contour.
28:57I have seen everyone and their mother
29:00and their grandmother give a review of this.
29:02Supposedly, this is supposed to enhance your natural lip shade
29:06by shading the outline of your lips
29:08and blending it inwards with the smudging
29:10to create a contour effect.
29:12It has this seemingly useless little sponge.
29:16This is one of the lightest ones.
29:18It's Lift.
29:19Pretty pinky.
29:22Um, I don't know if it's doing anything.
29:24Uh, hello?
29:26She was real stingy.
29:29There's not a lot in here.
29:30Interesting, interesting.
29:31This one is darker.
29:32It's called Twist.
29:34This is the one that I always see Miss Haley using.
29:39What's her kicks and giggles?
29:41Try the little...
29:43What the hell is this for?
29:44Who, what, where, when, why, what is this for?
29:47That just made it look worse.
29:48Oh, oh, oh my god.
29:50Now I really look like a botched bratz doll.
29:52That made it worse.
29:53Peptide lip tint in Ribbon.
29:56The peptide lip tint.
29:58So it's the same formula as our peptide lip treatment,
30:00which I'm very obsessed with.
30:02Cannot live without, but with a tint of color.
30:07You gotta give it to her.
30:09That does feel really buttery, slickety smooth.
30:13That feels like I want to give myself a kiss.
30:15Given that I can't just walk into a Sephora
30:17and buy this whenever I please
30:18and I have to order it and wait two weeks for it to show up,
30:21why is she so stingy with the amount of product?
30:25You have Bieber money.
30:26You have Get Ready With My Bathroom money.
30:28You have I Have The Budget For Tate McRae money.
30:31Where is the rest of the product?
30:33The same lip tint in the shade Toast.
30:36I really do like her shade name.
30:38Oh yeah, it's not as dark.
30:40I definitely look like I just walked out
30:42of some sort of surgeon's office.
30:44Like my top lip.
30:45Look at my top lip right now.
30:47Maybe I'm just uncomfortable seeing myself
30:49with a lip color this dark.
30:50It feels like I look like I poop on my lips.
30:52That's why I don't like to do dark lip shades.
30:54I have such a ghostly white complexion
30:57that doing a dark lip on me looks crazy.
31:00They look huge.
31:02Going back to factory settings,
31:03I'm gonna try just the light pink one.
31:05So the Lift.
31:06As much as I want to support Baby Bieber,
31:08this would not be the thing that I would buy again
31:10because I just tried so hard to get so much of it on my lip
31:14and I don't think that it's actually doing anything.
31:19This however.
31:22It feels really smooth.
31:23It feels really plump.
31:24It tastes good.
31:24It smells good.
31:26Do I like it more than my Pink Sugar Summer Fridays?
31:33I think I would give this a solid 9.5.
31:36Give these little vape-shaped blushes 10 out of 10.
31:41Try one of these once in your life.
31:42These raging waste of money.
31:44Don't waste your time.
31:45Don't waste your money.
31:46What the hell is the brush on the end, Hayley?
31:48What is the brush on the end for?
31:49Good product, just not my personal color palette.
31:53Maybe I just have a soft spot
31:55because I am someone whose appearance
31:58and life and family has been picked apart
32:00to the nitty gritty depths of hell
32:02for the past eight years of my life
32:04and I know that it really does hurt your feelings
32:06a little, a little wee bit.
32:08I have that on 1, 1,000,000th of the scale
32:10that Hayley Bieber does
32:11and I still feel a little like sad, you know?
32:16Hey, this is about lip gloss.
32:18This is about lip gloss.
32:20Like Hayley Bieber has a baby at home.
32:22Why are people so mean to her?
32:24Like give the girl a break.
32:26Hot take, Selena is way messier than Hayley.
32:29I think she's doing a really, really good job
32:32and I think all of her things are really cute.
32:36I'm not trying to get emotional.
32:38I saw a baby deer in my yard this morning
32:40that had three legs, three legs.
32:43I am on edge, okay?
32:45Yeah, I don't know how that just went there.
32:47I woke up, saw the three-legged deer
32:49wobbling around outside, cried.
32:51Now I'm thinking about how mean people are
32:53to Hayley Bieber, like I can't.
32:55Rode, cute, loved it.
32:57I'm keeping the blushes and gloss.
33:02Today we are trying Alex Cooper's
33:05new and ever so popular hydration drink, Unwell.
33:10And since the theme of the day is Unwell,
33:12we decided to inflict serious brain damage
33:14on ourselves first.
33:19How many do I have to go on?
33:21All of them.
33:22That is nuts.
33:24Oh my God, we're gonna puke.
33:25That's gonna be Shane.
33:26I can't do that one.
33:27We're gonna pass away.
33:28Some would say we might be unwell.
33:33Are you enjoying your new life as a theme park girl?
33:36Well, I, yeah, I was excited.
33:38And now I'm a little like, what am I doing?
33:41This is what we get for letting Shane be Captain Fun.
33:44Oh my God.
33:46I'm gonna pee my pants.
33:48More food.
33:50Oh, they do have Dole Whip here too.
33:51My jeans don't fit.
33:53I had to wear my sweatpants
33:55after a week of hanging out with you.
33:56But we've got to get the Dole Whip.
33:58It's incredible.
33:59I've learned on the feeder, I guess.
34:00Yeah, we've had cake for seven days in a row.
34:03The screams of innocent children.
34:05Mom's giving us a play by play.
34:07Look at that, it's still upside down.
34:08And twist.
34:09They do a full twist.
34:11Just a general view is nutty.
34:17Oh my God.
34:18That is nuts.
34:20Look at him.
34:22They're like,
34:23How do we do this one?
34:31Oh my God.
34:32It's time for Tatsu.
34:33Legitimately one of the scariest coasters
34:35in the world, in my opinion.
34:36Here we go.
34:37Cannot wait to be on this.
34:38Phenomenal ride.
34:39Here we go.
34:50That's like a dream when you're falling,
34:52but in real life.
34:53And it goes so high.
34:56I didn't think it was that bad.
34:58It was very smooth.
34:59The part that gets me though,
35:00is the upside down loop-de-loop.
35:03Get ready, the pretzel loop.
35:05Oh my God.
35:06I'm ready for this.
35:14Oh my God.
35:16It's not a little loop.
35:17It's a big loop.
35:18You're spinning around like this.
35:20And then I just like,
35:21I can't stand just looking straight down.
35:24Because you're just thinking,
35:25if you drop out, what?
35:26I loved it.
35:27I kind of felt like I was getting hugged.
35:29I liked it.
35:30I thought we were flying.
35:31It's a little spiky.
35:32I want to do it again though.
35:33Oh my gosh.
35:34Look at us, we're so crazy.
35:35I'm like, I feel like a survivor.
35:37Are you kidding me?
35:38I have kids.
35:39Party pooper, party pooper.
35:45Who's ready for the post swell unwell?
35:49I've never felt more unwell in my life.
35:52I feel like I've been reinvigorated.
35:54Are you going to tell them about your whoopsie upstairs?
35:57You broke my bidet.
35:58I walked into the closet
36:00and I realized mom's in her underwear,
36:02but I also realized she's going down
36:04and she had her jeggings around her ankles.
36:10What are jeggings?
36:11She needs a good well below.
36:14Best enjoyed unwell.
36:16Wow, I'm unwell.
36:17What's her name?
36:17Oh, Alex Cooper.
36:19Not to be confused with Alex Earl
36:20because they are feuding right now.
36:22They are?
36:23Alex Cooper dropped Alex Earl from her podcast network.
36:26Maybe you should invite her on
36:26and you can get the drama.
36:27And you want to know the real trauma?
36:29We're using an Alex Earl light and Alex Cooper drinks.
36:31That looks like piss.
36:34Does she not have enough money?
36:36I'm not trying to be a hater.
36:37We were going to drink it there,
36:38but we were occupied going round and round and round.
36:41Ooh, there's a floater in mine.
36:43I'll just try to miss the floater.
36:45That's why you should store your cups downward.
36:50Ew, it tastes like Alka-Seltzer.
36:52It tastes like Pedialyte.
36:54It does taste like Pedialyte.
36:56Maybe we're not unwell enough.
36:57The other girl is the one that started the unwell thing.
37:01That's my controversial opinion.
37:02I liked it better when it was the two people,
37:04but I don't listen to it as just her.
37:06Well, because now it's like an interview show, right?
37:10I liked Sophia Franklin.
37:11I feel like she's dead.
37:12I think she has a podcast too.
37:13She does.
37:13Sophia with an F.
37:14But she always says on her Instagram
37:16that she came up with the unwell branding
37:18and then Alex Cooper stole it from her.
37:20Alex Cooper.
37:22Well, apparently Alex Cooper has beef
37:24with all these people that I like.
37:26Sophia with an F and Alex Earl.
37:27So who's the common denominator?
37:29I'm all for you being rich, girl.
37:31Go for it.
37:31I might have to look her up.
37:33I give it a one.
37:36I guess a three.
37:39They all look like your boyfriend peed in a bottle.
37:41Yeah, they all look like piss.
37:43This is mango citrus.
37:45This one smells better.
37:47Oh yeah, we did an orange.
37:48Mango citrus.
37:50Are you drunk?
37:51Did it not say orange?
37:52You said orange.
37:53I feel so fucked up right now.
37:58We've done three theme parks in a week
38:00and we've hit every single ride at every single park.
38:03We're like maniacs.
38:04We go in there and we're like...
38:06I've never done psychedelics,
38:08but I feel like this is what you would feel like.
38:13It tastes like Pedialyte.
38:14It's not for me.
38:15It is Pedialyte.
38:16I can appreciate that she did low sugar.
38:19I liked this more than the other one.
38:21I like the font and the branding.
38:24What do we give mango citrus coaster crew?
38:28I wouldn't purchase.
38:28Coaster crew.
38:29So a four.
38:30I say five.
38:31If somebody gave it to me...
38:32Shane said one.
38:33I would drink some of it.
38:37Four being nice.
38:42Oh, this is strawberry.
38:44Cheers so we can eat cookies instead of this.
38:51They all taste like Pedialyte.
38:53They're all the same flavor or am I wrong?
38:56They all taste identical.
39:01Random middle of the night observation.
39:03So I went back and I watched a few Call Her Daddy episodes
39:07because I wanted to see, you know, what's going on here.
39:09What is this all about?
39:13Alex Cooper is cute.
39:14Alex Cooper is great.
39:15They do the perfect little product placement of the unwell drinks.
39:20But what is so funny to me
39:22now that I know what they taste like is you get to the end of every episode
39:26and not a single guest ever even opens them.
39:30You can click on any random episode.
39:32The unwell drinks have not even been touched.
39:36Like just thought I would put that out there.
39:41125 million dollar deal with Sirius XM.
39:45How does Sirius XM have 125 million dollars?
39:48Who is purchasing that?
39:49And with one person?
39:50I am a subscriber.
39:51You subscribe to Sirius XM?
39:53Oh my god, you're old.
39:55We listen to a radio show on it.
39:58Don't you have a Spotify?
39:59It's not on Spotify.
40:00It's the Sirius XM is trying to do what Spotify did
40:03which is like giving all these people podcasts and radio shows.
40:06Giving them like huge budgets.
40:07Well, why don't you get a Sirius XM?
40:10Nobody's ever gonna give me deals like that.
40:12They may.
40:12Don't manifest bad things.
40:13Oh no.
40:14I mean, I agree with you.
40:16I'll build you one on the property.
40:18I offer free babysitting and free editing for that.
40:23You're good with the babies.
40:24Oh, thanks.
40:27I think I'm on drugs.
40:28I feel insane.
40:31Let's just give a one more round of applause to mom's photo.
40:37Was this vlog a Kylie rollercoaster break day unwell?
40:42I think it makes sense.
40:43Yeah, no, it does.
40:44Wow, good luck editing this.
40:48That's quite the adventure actually.
40:49I think there's a theme.
40:51Five part video.
40:53We are unwell.
40:55Yes, we are.
40:56Okay, bye.
41:05How disappointing is it that of all of these brands,
41:09of all of the products we've seen today,
41:12of all of the research and the money I've spent,
41:14the one and only, only memorable product is the mini Crunchwrap.
41:22Is the mini steak Crunchwrap with the queso sauce.
41:25That's what I will dream about.
41:26That's what I will go back to.
41:28If you want to buy anything from this video,
41:29put your little road blush on
41:31and go to Taco Bell and spend $3 and get a mini Crunchwrap.
41:34And if you don't want to buy the road blushes,
41:37go to Taco Bell and get a mini Crunchwrap.
