Today I asked you to send me your WORST clip of season 2, and these were terrible.
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π₯ Produced, and Thumbnail by: JackZenn:
Produced by: James
Edited by: Camilo
#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
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π₯ Produced, and Thumbnail by: JackZenn:
Produced by: James
Edited by: Camilo
#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
00:00fortnite season 2 has been out for a bit so i asked you guys to send me your absolute
00:04worst clips that you've unfortunately got so far
00:10the car is on 50 hp brother we can find a new whip right you can certainly afford to find a new car
00:15what are we doing what are we doing bro the car is on 50 hp what are we
00:22what are we doing
00:25he's gonna do damage to it now because you're in the passenger seat by the way
00:33where'd he go bro where'd he go ain't no way bro i hate the train
00:45huh what who is that is there a car in here what was that
00:53what was bro build build man you're not playing zero builds i saw you had bats build
00:58what happens if more people go in the hot tub oh god what happens we better find out
01:08is this gonna kill us it is
01:15you probably could have landed in the in the water behind you if you aim for it
01:20oh oh bro's got a baseball bat oh no couple good shots oh no he's on you bro he's on you he's on
01:26you kill him no he had one shot bro the rat running up to you super fast after turning around
01:34was so funny bro look how fast he ran up on you oh my god that's great all right biggest instant
01:44karma i've experienced in a while we're playing fortnite reload teammate gets knocked we knock
01:50him donkey laugh there's a guy standing on top of no way wait you almost got him too
02:01that's so unfortunate bro the combat kit all right rose sky basing with the combat kit so
02:08you can save himself from fall damage just in case it's a 1v3 situation brother looking for
02:13him you're gonna shoot them with this gun bro bro you gotta start building oh wait he's he has no
02:18mats okay here we go you don't need to land in the water no no when you have the gloves out you
02:27walk on water so if you walk on water and you land on the water while being able to walk on water
02:34your feet are gonna be in your spine this happened to me again in hide and seek okay so this guy's
02:45playing a hide and seek probably like a video that we were recording he's in a tree with 20 health
02:53he's gonna fall to his death he's gonna he's gonna fall to his death and that did not make it
02:58into the final cut i can tell you that fortnite we need to fix your game i'll be the judge of that
03:05all right we're on top oh oh yeah i guess the shockwave goes through that
03:12it doesn't land on the top
03:16all right we're gonna fall to our death um i can see it i can see the vision here
03:26how did that happen though what did somebody call an airstrike on you
03:32okay we're looting but is that is that the boss shooting us in the back we don't we're
03:36not ignoring that guy right oh you're done but you gotta put some respect on these npcs they
03:42don't play around when you're trying to open that vault bro the ai is crazy oh god
03:49oh my god yo when you get close enough to the ai they really do not miss don't mess with armored
03:58trucks jeez man how did you get a victory royale bros final why are you in a custom
04:07game fighting the armored trucks there's no one in your match teaming in the big 25 is crazy
04:14wait these guys are teaming
04:17maybe they maybe they just can't really shoot each other because they're both in the armored
04:21armored car okay bro there's a car coming towards you you know that right
04:29is the baseball bag gonna save you hold up
04:33oh i like this i like this strat
04:37oh he actually won they might have not been teaming it might have just been that they
04:42both hopped in and like they really can't shoot each other because one's driving the
04:44other one's the passenger ai hits nasty clip okay bro you have 29 health and you decided
04:51to shoot a full stack of ai why 360 on me he just 360'd you hit him with the meme strat
05:03you know what i haven't done this yet i haven't done this yet i gotta do hiding in the vaults
05:07like this season i haven't done it yet the npcs are outside fighting i don't know how this looks
05:13the other guy this i don't know if this would this would work i would honestly farm something
05:19but it worked oh my god it worked oh my god that was good all right chris
05:30in our car hopping out zipline enemy player
05:39not looking good gonna hide not gonna heal and we're gonna get baseball batted off the side of
05:45a mountain no we're just gonna get baseball oh oh all right let's take a look one v two situation
05:58got baseball batted to your death oh no all right obvious
06:05bros running around getting shot all good we're gonna use this corner here
06:12bang bang bang didn't hit a single shot not a single bullet
06:17cypher pk custom discord game all right bros in the custom top seven situation clutching up
06:27was this the one with vico seven hp on the low ground trying to get it with a baseball bat
06:35oh misses the shot oh gets the kill the storm is closing the storm is closing no
06:46that was actually so good though that was actually really good
06:50good muffins playing our new mammoth pistol one-shot map going for a 360 oh okay clean
06:58okay oh my god it's cam got an enemy he's gonna get thrown and smacked
07:08that's toxic but i love it i gotta do that in my next game
07:12gluzy also on our mammoth pistol one-shot map with the super mammoth pistol show me some
07:20show me some oh wait he just killed omg it's cam and omg it's cam submitted a clip right before him
07:28bro submitted a clip of him killing the guy that just submitted a clip before him that's crazy
07:32legally bruh in crime city
07:39getting mischievous in crime city oh someone pulled up on us we're gonna knock them we're
07:47low on health going for the thirst gonna miss a couple shots and fatality finish him
07:57my aim is really bad
08:01it's not that bad
08:06oh man you're peeking a little too hard he has a sniper bro
08:09put put oh no put the mythic mammoth away bro pop some minis don't peek
08:14bro you're gonna die you're peeking so hard bro bro oh my god man i thought it was over for you
08:22this is a bot or a real player
08:29which one are we talking about are we talking about this guy or that guy i don't know
08:35who's the real who's the bot who's the real player i don't know
08:39this is a trick question jeffrew git doe
08:46i think these are i think these are real players by the way uh those are not ai those those were
08:50they were all unfortunately real players i hate ranks what happened
09:01oh you can't run in a straight line down the hallway when you know there's somebody there
09:07the season's going so great don't sit still don't sit still you can move
09:11and heal at the same time now don't sit still oh someone's here
09:16what are we doing oh god use your use your use your use your if you use the ice gloves you could
09:22have saved yourself love the new movement oh he's gonna run out of stamina right before jumping and
09:27he's not gonna get fall damage immunity oh the dodge roll oh the wall kick oh we done it's over
09:34i thought i was cooked
09:41he's one he's one bro if you didn't kill him right there you were gonna get a storm
09:48stolen plays
09:51all right rose not that healthy he's flying down one v one situation getting shot last guy's tagging
09:59him he's behind the tree the boss up top is gonna kill you is that is that what's gonna happen
10:03the boss of top is gonna target you with
10:07one elimination victory royale for shogun x bro is not the main character running towards the
10:14danger okay relax bro your 40 health pops and minis oh oh oh oh my god i thought you were
10:29about to get put down first day of the season all right we're looting the oh
10:38oh no no no no free loot for you man davis
10:47we're on top of lone wolf lair we hear somebody we hear footsteps we're mantling looking we got
10:53him scanned we got him scanned get get him bro wait is he gonna fall to his death no he's below
11:01you he's above he's on the same floor get him what just happened man is that your internet or what
11:16what is this first person glitch oh yeah this happened to me as well
11:19a crazy like fov glitch oh my god first person confirmed coming to fortnite
11:26what am i doing i'll be the judge of that what are you doing your teammates knocked
11:32you canceled your med kit you have the the healing mist just throw it on the ground
11:37throw the healing mist on the ground you stuck yourself did you manage to stick yourself bro
11:44oh no he stuck the ground but he ended up killing himself with his own sticky grenade launcher bro
11:51all right let's go come on you drive all right man you drive get us out of here
11:58what okay they broke the car
12:05this thing has good mobility watch i'll show you all right show us show us show us the good
12:09mobility he's gonna slide and fall off the edge and then fall to his death
12:19at least they got to laugh about it all right waiting for our teammate to hop in the whip
12:24oh oh our teammate is a menace our teammate is a menace society both of you got taken out
12:34bad luck
12:37all right you hit him for 120 you're gonna push him shocking out 34 crack nice reload
12:49okay that that was a blank but oh my god
12:54he lives on 10 hp bro pulled out a calculator and did the math oh that's rough
13:00oh that was a good good clutch finally somebody used the ice gloves to save
13:06himself from fall damage finally maybe it's my fault
13:12okay our aim is a little shaky there
13:17oh that was a good good clutch finally somebody used the ice gloves to save
13:22themselves from fall damage finally maybe it's my fault
13:25okay our aim is a little shaky there we got to reduce our sense a little bit
13:32a little bit of fall damage that's okay got our gun out goodness gracious what did this man just
13:37hit you with your full healthful shield nearly oh my god this is the worst up in the server i'm
13:43telling you okay zip line up you and your teammate we're up top we're chilling you and your teammate
13:53we're up top we're chilling teammate falls to their death we're all oh yeah that that is
14:00embarrassing that's pretty bad that is pretty bad calhoun oh he's dead he's way too close you
14:08gotta keep your distance from these guys yeah three two one first of all we missed our first
14:12three shots on the ai yeah you're done get him out of here boys send him back to the lobby
14:17send him back to rocket wars he needs more practice i was so confident
14:24all right bro's pushing in the tournament
14:31i mean that that is not a good edit that is not a good edit bro he he is expecting you to do that
14:38i hate sub-zero wait bro hired sub-zero and sub-zero is just like
14:42sub-zero is just like jamming out oh sub-zero is chopping you out and now he's running into
14:49storm to die in storm yeah i'm not hiring that dude he's doing jumper jackson storm
14:56oh hell nah bro he died robbed okay you're watching this guy do all the work and kill
15:05the boss you're gonna run up and grab the medallion what is that goofy sound effect
15:12oh no no no we gotta we gotta call it there thank you guys so much for watching
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