• 16 hours ago


00:00Previously it's been a year now what you and Joe Jody. Yeah, I'm spending pretty much every week down in Bristol at the moment
00:06I've never seen him. I sweet man. Hey, it seems I've never created a bond
00:11I know seriously man our situation isn't ideal and everyone on this table
00:22I did say horrible things to on social media and I do apologize for
00:26Just cuz you don't put out that's why
00:34How's this happened
00:36Don't know I think you got scared
00:39in the night
00:41So we're gonna give this a proper guy then
00:43Yeah, don't try you never know
00:55So you
01:25Talk about making me feel single
01:28Sorry, sorry
01:46Hey guys
01:50How are you, yeah, I'm okay, thank you all about seeing you
01:54I just wanted to quickly move. It's the first time you've actually been in the same room in a while since Christmas since Christmas. Yeah
02:05Join it look lovely. Oh, yeah. Thank you Joe, but I'll be Matilda. It's young lovers dream I can see it
02:42Miss me
02:43Well, who are you for starters?
02:45You recognize it mate. You are done. I'm gone. Am I a you ever that sound am I? Yeah, I'm not in a month
02:52What does that in my I mean?
02:56Missing important missing in action. No, this is an action. Yes
03:01I feel you're gonna have to do some explaining what me Dan and I explain when you fell in love with so I've never
03:06Disappeared mine's a bit evil. Well, I'm just a bit mate. That's it when you get in love mate. No, I'm not boys out
03:12Yeah, I think me Dan and I have been having a few chats. Have you? Yeah
03:17We've been saying well, well, we've been having a chat. So you don't know if you'd have been
03:23I'm just happy
03:25I'm sorry. I just know I'm in a bubble. Yeah, it's quite nice. I think you've got a bit of a glove about y'all
03:31I do I mean that that aura probably loved up. It's nice
03:36Growing up. No more late-night kisses with Danny. Don't I?
03:43Yes, you've got the wrong shoes on my
03:45You're right. Well, what?
03:48Skate skate the ice king. Yeah
03:51How are you though?
03:53Yeah, Joe what it's going. All right. We said we give things a go at Christmas and
03:57Spent Christmas together and then yeah been seeing each other since so obviously we'll come and see you skate
04:02Didn't we which was a nice night and I think me as being your pal
04:05I think that's the first time I've seen Ella how she was
04:07Do you mean she was double paddy up and I thought yeah, she's banging up. Yeah, not gonna lie
04:11She's been very supportive of me. Yeah, we're getting on
04:14Better than we was before and it feels different this time. Yeah
04:17Everyone's happy. Yeah. Yeah, it's good
04:23Good a four-month apart from the four of everyone is dykes. Wait, look what he's going on
04:28She's nice because I'm well out the loop. Well bill. I thought something was up because
04:33There was about six seven weeks in a row. He was going down there
04:37Yeah, and it got right before Christmas and he rang me up and he was like my it's done. It's over
04:41I'm like, well, you know
04:43She's told him that she feels a bit different about stuff and that she can't see herself ever moving to Essex
04:49Which is obviously like but there's a pretty big thing to not
04:53want to do and
04:54Not tell your boyfriend. You don't want to do it. I actually do feel well. Sorry for him
04:59I'll be honest when she said it to me ran me up. He was in bits. Yeah, this
05:03It's tough. I don't decide relationships are tough
05:13Forget what I said
05:23How gorgeous does this look on them chips immediately? Yeah, but we're on a diet John
05:27Do you want to find hilarious guys? Why does everyone in Essex just love going to a Turkish?
05:31I think it's we love a Turkish in Essex. Don't wait. What's been going on?
05:38Christmas my Christmas was fine. But how was your Christmas? Well the dinner becks
05:43I've only just about recovered from that Christmas dinner meal. I went home bowed my eyes. I cried
05:51Do you know what I've really did I felt for you is that Christmas, you know that sitting at that table it weren't nice
05:57Everyone. Yep. Yep. Yep. So yeah, I didn't like it. I don't think my 30 years of living had like
06:06That didn't sit right with me and I didn't like it
06:08I wanted to make sure you was all right, you know what I mean?
06:11No, I appreciate you even though like you didn't go out your way to address everyone the whole table
06:16Are you still like give us a little?
06:19Situation ain't ideal but the way everyone just was on you. I like just didn't sit right with me
06:25Yeah, it's crazy though because a year ago this would never have been on my life
06:3020-25 bingo
06:32Hey, we've got you a safe Donny. Thank you guys. I thought we need a cheers
06:42What we choosing to though, what's the cheers good vibes 20-25
06:49No, it's so nice to see you's happy though, honestly Fred we don't stop laughing every day we on the floor
06:57But the two people that I am gutted about that you're falling out with
07:01He's obviously Danny and Ella. Listen, obviously me and Danny were once upon a time best friends and we were so close sad
07:07Yeah, listen, it is a shame and I'm not gonna sit there and say it's not a shame
07:10Have you reached out to her since Christmas? No, but I thought I don't feel there's a point of me reaching out
07:16To me and it's always I'm sick to death of being the one that constantly has to reach out to people and be like can
07:22We rectify this can we sort this out?
07:23But my thing is you've got a problem with him. You've got a problem with me. We come together and that is where I stand
07:42Tell me everything else bells so last I see at Christmas my lovely do me in the red dress
07:48Actually you and D boy DD I think stole the show is it back on it's on
07:57Yeah, no, we're happy
08:00Did you see my Christmas? Yeah, so join their Christmas Eve woke up Christmas morning opens our presents to give our massive bunch of flowers
08:07Oh beautiful pair of boots. What do you mean beautiful pair of boots? Well, I see him. Oh, they're glimmering things. Come on. Oh
08:17They're stunning. No, maybe I could have them
08:22What size they are four and a half I'm a seven
08:26So he's made the effort at Christmas. Yeah
08:28Yeah, it was really nice really nice and it was nice to like spend time with him around that time
08:33Yeah, you know what a time special time you to
08:36Hopefully this is the start of st. Proper now
08:39And like now it's been a lot longer than obviously before that when we are around like the other girls and stuff
08:44It's not that much awkward
08:46But it's sort of been forgotten about and I can tell he feels a lot and the girls seem like fine with you
08:51Yeah, we've come a long way Joe and Janay. They're sort of in the mix now
08:55Yeah, and I and to be fair when you do look at him, I do look happy
08:58What happened there?
08:59Cuz you haven't been talking to him if you're neither of them
09:01Look, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss both of them as friends because I did
09:06Yeah, Danny's my best friend. If you're gonna speak to her in a bad way, I'm gonna back my mind
09:11I don't know why even went down that road with Danny's. I still can't get me around it
09:14Honestly, neither do I
09:32How you feeling about me and everyone in this except babe who you married I've met I've met a few of the girls
09:38No, you've met Danny. I'm a
09:40I'm any of the boys. I told him a lot about you. Have you yeah, we told them just about how in love
09:46I'm a beautiful you're
09:48Why I'm not right if you think I were actually blessed
09:51It's actually so hard to find someone that you just fall in love with like this
09:56You say not so much another bit of it. You're so lovely. I'm sorry
10:11This is so cute
10:14No, honestly, I can't actually believe it from the time. He was talking in Dubai. I know I'm chewing my ears off about you
10:22Literally chewing my ears about you and now you's actually official. I know it was just perfect
10:27How long has it been now?
10:29But a month since I asked for my girlfriend. Mm-hmm. Well, are you happy to be in a relationship now?
10:34I am the happiest
10:36You just think I can't be a boyfriend now like it's just so different
10:41I feel like when you're with the right person, there's no ag. There's no stress. I don't feel like worried
10:46I she's really grounded me as well. He loves like being in matching pajamas
10:57Because I see that I'm sitting there watching your vlogs
11:00I'm watching your stories and I'm like, is it weird if I want to be a third wheel?
11:04I want to be I want to come hang out you need to a little bit over. No. Yeah, I've been good
11:10I'm going on not what March really like
11:14Nothing's really changed since I last see you of my situations and friendship stuff like Janay's photo Joe and all that
11:20No, no, you know, but you'll make up don't know
11:23I really like we falling out before in the past and usually he reaches out and I'll hear something from him
11:28Yeah, but now he's with Joe. I feel like he doesn't need me doesn't need to yeah, like he genuinely has not reached out to
11:35I've not heard nothing. I feel like he's not bothered now that he's got Joe
11:55Hello hello
11:59Want to say
12:01Take a little pew honey. Thanks a Jody. I know. Yeah, he took me by surprise because I thought I was fine
12:07Yeah, I thought was a little bit weird because she stopped coming up here as much
12:11He was going down there every weekend for a long time. Then it got to Christmas
12:14Yeah, I'm supposed to come down for a night out with everyone just before Christmas and then she cancelled it must and down there
12:21Oh and nothing that was like the point where James up
12:26Yeah, and Arizona he was in a very bad way at Christmas not the worst
12:31I've seen him like he gives Jordan some stick about being a crybaby and he was
12:36He was very up. That's horrible. But then they're spending time together. Yeah, she she rings James. She messages James
12:42She says she misses him says she loves him still
12:45She said to me was a soulmate if it was me
12:47He'd be giving me all the advice to just cut the contact is for the best
12:51But when you're in it, yeah different it's a different story maybe it's not the love bit
12:57That's the question mark. Maybe she's just thought you know what? I'm not interested. I don't want to leave my life
13:05For this it ain't enough
13:21A little bit of peace
13:39Dice here
13:54Really good. No be serious. I am serious. I'm good. I
13:59Didn't have the greatest Christmas in the world. Let's just say that no
14:02I weren't it weren't the best time as far as well. No, we were at the moment. Obviously, we're not together and
14:08Just that's how it is. So yeah, I just sort of shut myself away. I didn't really want to talk to anyone
14:13They really see anyone. I didn't want to do anything. I didn't even really see anyone at Christmas
14:17My own family really I was I was in a bit of a bad place like for over that time
14:22But I do feel better now. Yeah, obviously we're still talking. Is that why you feel better because you're still talking
14:29That's what I don't know. Probably it's like that. Hopefully then it I like Jody. I wanted you to work out like I'm not
14:36I'm not taking
14:38Your side obviously I'm always on your side
14:40But when she mentioned you miss her that's what you want to hear and they still don't solve the long-term problem
14:46It's gone from her wanting to move down here. So now she doesn't want to she doesn't want to take bear away from
14:53his family and
14:55Her support network, which is understandable and I understand that I get it
14:59I can't give or offer up a solution to that
15:02I mean, but then you can't change how she feels about her text was quite blunt to me
15:06She said I don't see my future in Essex anymore. Exactly that what is my solution to that?
15:11I haven't gone off. No, you're not gonna go Bristol
15:13I can't move my business move everything can go and move down there
15:16But also get from her point of view and her son comes number one over everything. Can I understand that?
15:21So we're at a point now. It's like we both still love each other
15:24But how do we make this work? I don't know how
15:50There's a little up my favorite food chicken now it is to grow your muscles the lips him is this it's my guy at the minute
16:00I feel like hard. That was my news resolution. Oh cool. What did you have any news resolutions?
16:07My New Year's resolution is to sort the wedding out because it's gonna be this year. We are gonna get married this year
16:12I feel like you're gonna have a big wedding cloud. She's gonna arrive in a helicopter or something. I've not organized
16:17I promise you now. Have you organized anything? No
16:21You need help. Oh, yeah, I need massive help. How do you feel about being?
16:25Back around everyone I can come here and come out with my girls and have my head held high. Yeah, they can't
16:32I feel like it doesn't get to you anymore. It doesn't it doesn't affect me
16:36It does not affect me the same way it affects me six months ago
16:39I'm watching my social media because it always pops up. It's so muggy. You don't it's not real
16:44I've got a lot I've got a block of everything
16:53How am I exhausted
16:57I've literally the roses
17:00On a seven at hospital what's wrong with her? Why she what basically it's like a thing called seasonal asthma, right?
17:07Like a toddler thing if the kids ever had that no, I'd have called an ambulance one clock in the morning
17:11What was her breathing just so bad so bad. Yeah, my little laugh
17:15I was all emotional. It's just been awful, but it's okay
17:20And yeah, and it's nice to see you all you look well. Thank you
17:25Thank you
17:29Had a nice break and for the occasion, you know, I've got to be nice and bronze you're going away aren't you?
17:35Going I I need this a lot. Isn't it the kids? I've got 10 million kids. I can't be like, I know
17:41You've won and done. No, you won't have one. Yeah
17:45I reckon you'd have free when I'm gonna meet someone. I think you've done the gym bar. Yeah
17:51Is this new chapter then you want to make someone? Yeah
18:16Choose the ways I'm not gonna lie. It's nice to see faces. Yeah, it's been a while
18:20I've had no friends and you did come to see me in Dubai though
18:23So I know but I was ages ago forgotten about it life in Dubai. Tell us all about it. It looks glamorous
18:28Listen, it's not been smooth sailing with me
18:30Like, you know, it hasn't been like there's been road bumps like but I've got to a place where I've met someone who's amazing
18:35He's got it what you wanted. Yeah, I'm so happy you didn't have with Dan. What do you have with him?
18:41That's like I think with him
18:42I have someone that is so sure of our future and knows what he wants with me and him
18:48Yeah, and if you can say any any plans are making it's making with us
18:52It's making plans for us to get married have a baby things like that
18:56It's nice and I know that this is gonna be someone that I'm gonna be with forever. Hopefully touch touch word and
19:04Touch the words. Where's the bloody words? What's going on here? Any fella? No, I'm single Pringle
19:09Do you love being single? Yeah, we'll see it Roman Matilda together. Oh, I see them actually earlier
19:15I had a conversation. He was such a laugh. I have never seen people so loved up. Are you bothered?
19:27You are the flirty friends is now oh I would be there. Yeah, absolutely
19:44Oh Harry day
19:48Okay, Bob, yeah, yeah, just tucking myself away ha ha ha George really funny can't tell me I actually went through my friend
19:55Another day and it come up like joy that the memories. Oh, yeah of us the memories on my show me. Oh
20:02My god, look at me. Yeah, we look like two different people
20:06No, Freddy. I think we look the same
20:12Then we look identical the blonde I like
20:17My life is there yeah, of course it is
20:20We've known each other ages obviously a bit of a rocky patch bar
20:24Yeah, I think if you don't go for a rocky patch with someone you don't grow or learn
20:28I think at Christmas me and you had such a heart-to-heart
20:31We sat down for hours and spoke and I really do feel like it
20:37Made a huge difference for both of us to see you in such a happier place
20:41I mean the glow-up speaks to itself. You're looking so fit. I'm not gonna lie. Do you know me?
20:47I'm putting myself first. I'm making my myself and I want probably yeah good myself and that's a good thing
20:52It is a good but honestly that Fred I just really I've been getting on so well with you
20:56I know you've come around my house. Yeah, we had my famous creamy chicken pasta. Oh, you've had the best in the mouth
21:03You've had the pesto pasta. You've had the chicken Caesar salad. You've had it all from me. What's next? What is next?
21:08I'll tell you what's next go on
21:11It's gonna be a
21:13Chicken creamy mushroom sauce. I thought he was gonna say sausage surprise. No, not a sausage surprise
21:19That's next on the list Fred. I think you're doing all right
21:26Are we flirting we're not flirting Fred
21:46Wouldn't you know back in the day women used to have hair down there
21:50There was like different designs. You could get what's why you did Kate and Roman on?
21:56Then you had a task yeah, and then you had triangle yeah, there's a thing
22:00Did you start yours cubic hair was in like it's obviously not now as it's for a first conversation
22:08Your pubes
22:13Yeah, I don't need to know now, oh why I've got a wife oh
22:18You're smitten
22:21I've always said to myself who was you dating the next person I date has to be the one so
22:28Yes, she's the one which marriage everything like what everything yeah shit you need up your game
22:35He's gonna propose to her
22:58It was even doing a few of the list for you
23:01Yeah, I'm not a nice get on us I'll get on the ice you can whack me all about
23:11So what it's very good, it's just nice to see we've sort of seen him go from a young boy
23:15It's an LF. He's like coming to the man. He's learned from you sport. Well, maybe more you Jordan, but
23:24Nobody it's nice to see I've never seen him nice. I'm learning for a long time now. Oh, yeah
23:27I've never seen you in a relationship
23:30That's not and I always knew that you have got a heart
23:34To treat a lady how they should be treated. So
23:55I'm loving life. It's good to see everyone out. Oh, no, don't give me that but you're right. No, I'm yeah
24:02I'm alright. Yeah. Yeah, what is your between you and George? I don't know what's going on
24:06You've got yourself point now where it's like we're we're talking. It's sort of the same
24:11But obviously there's these underlying issues that are not gonna go away. So I don't know what the solution is
24:16She's don't want to give up then do you this is very easy?
24:19Yeah, when you're in a relationship and something goes wrong and someone does something bad
24:22You can just cut yourself off. I mean normally someone cheats or someone makes a mistake, but it's none of that's happened
24:28So it's like yeah, we know why it's not working
24:31But also at the same time we still love each other. So it's like it's how you don't know you never get it
24:35Yeah, it's like it's complicated. I don't know
24:38It's tough. Yeah
24:40Don't let me bring news down
24:50So you love each other yet probably not
25:02No, that's cool
25:26Right one bacon sandwich coming up for you crispy always crispy. Don't worry. You're in good hands
25:32I'm not a good bacon sandwich
25:44Little bit of ketchup tiny bit of ketchup. How long we are long. We'll just start you
25:49I'm on great. Just waiting for you to crisp up a little bit
26:10You are cute to me
26:22Right, yeah, I'm making a sandwich for you. Thank you
26:26Did you not one? No, I've got leave in a minute. Don't one off each. Do you give me off?
26:32Yeah, I'm okay in person. I share. Oh, come on. Then you have that off
26:37Okay in your
26:41Crispy crispy off lovely. It's crust. Oh, you're crusty. Are you a crusty man? No, I leave my crust
26:55Yeah, good night, yeah, I did have a good night well cut me down on the bridge
27:02How's diags? He's all right. I'll go and see him in a bit. Yeah, I
27:06Wonder what he's actually gonna happen. It's a shame really
27:09He don't seem fully himself. He's a lot better than what he was, but even last night he weren't fully himself
27:14I don't think you can tell he's got things on his mind
27:16Mm-hmm, and it's weird for him to be with us all without the thing is for him with him
27:20You know, he's like he always makes a joke out of everything or he tries to just play it off
27:25Like I'm fine. I'm fine, but you can tell he's not properly. Hmm
27:29It would be weird if he was fine now, I don't know
27:32I hope they can sort it out because it's a shame if they do just
27:35Lose what they had
27:38Anyway, how's your skating? Well, you see Sunday. This is great. I loved it every minute of it. Yeah
27:45It was nice to have you there and everyone there. Hmm. I was proud of you. Yeah. Yeah
27:50It was nice to see you do something different as well
27:54You'll never see me in a pair of them tight white leggings again. I'll tell you that why not
27:57I feel like that's the best bit of the outfit
28:00I'm embracing it and it was just it was nicer for me to have you guys there in the crowd
28:05I mean like it was like
28:07Yeah, I felt home I could look over I see you guys there weren't like it made me feel more at ease on the night
28:15Thank you, well, I appreciate the support I'll always support you
28:21All right. Well, thanks my bacon Sarnie. That's right. No worries loved it. Yeah
28:44How are you feeling
28:47Did I what I think for the first time I
28:50Actually felt all right. Do you know what? I'll be honest. I thought it was really a
28:56Very different atmosphere. Yeah
28:58Mood had changed. Yeah on that Christmas meal. Hmm. It was I almost want to say quite pleasant
29:04I had to be that I actually really enjoyed myself. Yeah, it was nice
29:16I'm just having a little bit of me time
29:19So the hell is going on in here? You've just got a comment a little bit quietly Jordan
29:23This is getting a lot this mask in it
29:28That's good. It's so good. Isn't it? So good. No, I've got something for you coffee. I haven't it's not a coffee
29:35Just a little say
29:38Thank you just for your lovely ones as well
29:42That is you just a little thing to say. Thank you for all your support
29:47With the Academy and everything that's going on at the minute
29:50I've said this is so many times. You do not need to thank me. My girlfriend Judy is to just be there for you
29:57I can't thank you enough. You've been nothing to the boys the other day. You like you've just been brilliant
30:02I know I've not been like present in the room
30:05I've had so much going through my mind obviously on top of what me and you were going through which is still
30:10Paramount in my
30:12I've just let you focus on that really of course, but this this Academy is gonna be the future
30:18For our child this year. I feel like 2025. I feel really really positive probably the most positive. I felt in such a good
30:25I'm really good. You must have noticed a bit of a difference in me. I think that's because of me
30:28Yeah, of course and it's because of the Rose Quarters up asleep next to every night. Yeah, and the crystals were got down there
30:34Yeah, and the bay leaves. Yeah, do you know about that? No don't want to know
30:38I don't like that sort of stuff to like freaks me out. But whatever you're doing continue to do it cuz I feel great
30:43I'm extremely stressed, but I feel brilliant
30:45You'll be like another minute
30:47I'm never gonna tell you you because I've got I've got I reckon I've got I reckon I've got about an hour till I've
30:53Got back to the Academy Donna doesn't take you
30:58It's a good 10 minutes, I think I might have 10
31:06Love you
31:16Oh lovely, that's there. Thank you crazy man there. She's right and you're the one that's watching you waste
31:22Yes, thank you very much. Thank you. It's great for your waist on that
31:26I'll eat around the cheese
31:28it's good to see you actually eating today because
31:32When I turn up to the pub and use crying into a plate of chicken wasn't crying
31:36You was basically crying
31:39I was in pain. It was actual physical. It felt like I was
31:42Physically in pain which at the time I was very sympathetic over I'm saying it's not tonight. Yeah
31:51Just to talk about things
31:54I'll go but how much talking do you do when you see you actually are you actually talking about really?
31:58No, we actually sit there and say should we just not talk about it? So you're just avoiding the problem each time
32:04Once I avoid in it, but we are more than yeah, I'm completely bored now
32:09This was the other way around right now
32:12I was in this situation. Yeah, you're in. Yeah, which he was which I was
32:17And if I remember rightly you got a house of her
32:21Hang on me you're deflecting from the not deflecting. So I'm trying to make you go. What's your point?
32:25Yeah, I did get house. Oh, yeah, that's but that's different. What I'm saying to you is
32:30Back at that time when I was making all of my mistakes in terms of the relationship was done. It wasn't right for me long-term
32:38But I was still going around in circles with her you
32:42Was very vocal with me about what I should and shouldn't be doing. Yeah, I know you're saying the same thing to me
32:47That's hard for me to just shut that off you like you said yourself you couldn't do it
32:51I don't it's like I can't help myself. I want to talk to her. I want to see her
32:58Every week still want to go and see I still want to go and talk to still one even after everything that's been said
33:02I'm still driving down there on a Wednesday night and stands staying just for just so I could stay that night and then drive
33:08I'm in the morning at 4 in the morning
33:11Stu that's a stupid things. I'm doing still
33:15I want to stop. I don't want to do it. And yeah, I should have a bit more of a backbone
33:19I should be able to be like, you know what let's cut this off
33:21But for some reason whatever this reason is I can't do it. I can't seem to stay away from her
33:26Yeah, because you love each other as a lot of them. It's gonna happen
33:29The problem is what is the solution? I just think you've got a lot in to this relationship and and
33:35You're fully invested you have been fully invested you made a lot of effort with it and for someone that you deserve someone to be
33:41Like I'm a hundred percent down for you. I know it's with you. All right, but
33:47When I think back to Christmas the thing she said I need space not sure what I want. Can't ever see myself moving to Essex
33:55That that's that's what where the problem is because I'm like
34:00Where the problem is because I'm like
34:03She's not she's saying she's not 100% sure about you and you're still entertaining it
34:07So I just why I'm doing that because you love her. You just got remembering your red
34:11Am I chasing someone who's not sure about me probably? Yeah, but that's good on you. No, it doesn't I don't know
34:18It doesn't trust me. I know I know it doesn't look good. I know it's embarrassing. I don't know. It's fucking it's annoying
34:24It's annoying for me
34:26It's like I'm not ready to fucking let her go yet for some reason even though I know I should
34:53Yeah, good coming girl, where is it saffron's here
35:11Don't think we ever really hold more Lincoln
35:22Welcome to the a the reigning champion. It's Polly the wicked Joe
35:44Think you've only had one night when you've not been at the flat so far since I've moved in
35:48How do you move them for a month now? Let come up to a mom. I'm not sick of me. No, I think I mean
35:54No, it's really nice. Does it feel like your house? Yeah, my mystery this morning said if you move that really
36:00She'd hate that sure. Yeah, not a thing. I think she'd miss you. I should miss you. I'll just come back here
36:04I'm gonna get your key car. I'm gonna do it. I'll do it this week. You need one now
36:09I don't need one because it is basically my house
36:20How are you
36:22Thank you, it's nice to see you. I know it's so nice to meet you properly. I look so happy
36:29I'm really happy. We deserve to be in love. Thank you. So in love
36:35You're in love as well. You're in love. Yes. I mean it's been a long time since I've been like this
36:45When you know, you know feels feels
36:50That's when you know, I mean it's like an instant connection. Yeah. Yeah, it was
36:55Yeah, but anyway, we're gonna go and sit and have some brunch but it's nice to see
37:05So nice
37:09They are so cute no, oh honestly that I feel like they're at the stage where it's like the best stage I love it
37:16I just staring at all. Oh
37:19So so happy I'm so happy relationship era, I love it. Love a boy era. Oh boy era. Okay. Love you
37:44Good girl Millie
37:47Mommy have some
37:50Mmm, nice. Oh, yeah trouble. Mmm. Delicious hurry
37:55How big the twins have got though?
37:58They've got so big but you know, like they've got their own little personalities now like they're so different
38:03I know but why do they perfect like Bill and though they don't like me. Yeah
38:08No, do you know who you look like you look like your mom? Yeah
38:12I think probably a bit more like me though. Do you think like my mom you look like your dad?
38:19Danny Jules will love you say that wouldn't she?
38:23I think you are like your mom, right? So
38:27Last night what happened? Honestly, I had a really really good night last night. I'm so good. I swear to God
38:34I was slut-dropping. I was doing the little I
38:37Like that, do you know what I enjoyed it so much better than I thought I was going to know what I'm so
38:42Glad I put myself out of my comfort zone went out and lived my best single life a little bit
38:47I think it's good though. You've that you've done it for yourself. I mean, yeah amazing. Yeah, I love the beard
38:52The beard is like incredible. Oh my god. Everyone's talking about this beard
38:55It's literally like I never ever grow a beard and I just feel like everyone keeps saying to me. Yeah, it's good
38:59So I think the bids got started. This is a new Harry the beard
39:05No, it's good. Oh, yeah
39:08Double thumbs up good. Everyone keeps saying you're a new Harrier. I am working on myself become a better version, but I am still the same
39:16I'm just yeah, I'm just putting myself first instead of put in
39:20Idiots first. Yeah, you said who do we not talk about in this house?
39:29They yesterday like obviously we was walking around being at the you know
39:33It was I'll be seeing everyone but they just they've got more fun than bright in them, too
39:37It's like they've got a chip on their shoulder 24-7. The thing is like listen, they've upset a lot of people obviously me being number one
39:45So they're kind of ready say Freddie bus say I would say since Christmas
39:51Me and Freddie have started like getting on a little bit. I think that Christmas dinner that we had
39:55Like and everyone was together like me and Freddie started talking a little bit more. We had like just a really nice conversation
40:01Do you fancy him?
40:04Holly, do you think how is she gonna date with Freddie? Yes or no? Yes. Oh, there we go
40:09Polly's spoken straight with a yes Queen Queen Polly Charles has spoken
40:29Yeah, let's start there, oh no listen this is from last night. Oh, yeah, just a little one that I don't know
40:35Yeah, you love a little
40:38Last night was nice. So did you enjoy last night? Oh, yeah loved it. We had a really good time to that
40:42Yeah, it was nice compared to us that the last time we saw everyone at Christmas
40:48Yeah, it's a shame. These have all sort of broke up though like your group
40:52It is a shame to be honest that obviously I speak to Fred
40:56I'm not speaking to Danny and Ella, but I just don't know what will happen going forward
41:02Listen, we could go over everything from what happened with Harry and who said what and do I nappy and whatever?
41:10But obviously the social media thing I think was the straw that broke the camel's back with it all like
41:16Danny was hurt by that. No, um, I wish I never went to that extent
41:21I wish I never even went on so it was quite out the blue it was but for me
41:25She's wrapped me up for so long. I think it was just me exploding
41:28I just said what I need to say that I've said it now and I've also apologized for it
41:33But it is what I just think it is what it is
41:34I can't take it back if I could take it back
41:36I probably would but I can't it's done. Now. The damage is already done. Listen, we've all tried to make it, right?
41:41We've all done stupid things in the past like at the end day. It's the stupid mistake. We've all done here
41:46We've all been there. We all can't sit there and act like we're all Saints. Do you know I mean at the end day?
41:50He's apologized twice. What more does she want?
41:52You've got your point. She's got her points, but I do think it's a massive shame if he's never talk again
41:56So I think yeah, what the hell? Yeah. No, I get where you're coming from and I feel like
42:01It's like
42:05Yeah, we both would speak to Ella
42:07I think from the both of us that we both don't want to have any problems with Danny or Ella and we'd like to be
42:12Able to speak to both of them and sort things out. See who knows what will happen. Well anyway, show me that book
42:17I want to say the book. Oh
42:20No, we've had such a nice that Christmas and that birthday
42:23John made me like the best present in the whole world. Was this for your birthday or Christmas? I can't remember birthday
42:28It's only just the begging you know the beginning I can't spell
42:38No, that was actually I took all my time with that he was
42:44Yeah, and you like sentimental and so do I
42:56Looked at him and I thought you're mine
43:02You love to know
43:07Nice gift you should keep that. Yeah, I just need to learn how to spell
44:16Make excuses
44:41Yeah, you good I
44:45Got your drink. Thanks. It's a fruit bubble tea. I was worried you were gonna get a milkshake milkshakes. I know you don't have milkshakes
44:53Even can it have you then?
44:58We're not great, but yeah, it's good that we're here thanks. We need to like actually talk
45:04All right
45:11Next time I just want a fairytale life in esthetics with no bad vibes
45:15So that I'm quite much of my eyes really are funny cuz Dan's not
45:19I still love you. My feelings haven't faded. You told me yours hurt. You're right. I'm good. Are you okay?
45:25Do you have anything back to say this is the last time I'm gonna see you in 14 days
45:29No, apparently you've said to Amy. I wouldn't shut down a date without rain. Yeah, that is true
45:33I don't think Harry should do that. No when they don't need you no more. It's just muggy