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The Chateau Diaries Episode 787 ✨🏰✨

Escape to the chateau with ’The Chateau Diaries’ 🏰
This channel follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie in her French 16th century home, the Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France ❤️
We share our life in this ancient chateau in the heart of the French countryside, and show you the diy, renovations, crafts, cooking and gardening that are needed to bring a home like this to life!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!

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#chateau #chateaudelalande #château #chateaudiy
00:00It may not be such a sunny start to the day, but it's got to be said, the peacock sitting in the
00:05courtyard is always a pretty uplifting sight. Good morning, Brian!
00:14Oh, you're an uplifting sight in the morning! How is it going?
00:20Where's the bloody wheelbarrow? I don't know. I'm so sorry.
00:26I can actually promise you it's not me who was last using it.
00:32I'll have to use my hat. Yeah, that's a good idea, actually. Maybe strap the hat to a peacock
00:36and you've got a little chariot. Oh, look behind you! He's doing his thing. Yeah, he's getting there.
00:43The piano is gone downstairs. Natty must be doing cartwheels. She's not here, she hasn't seen it,
00:49so I think we should just arrange it again, make it how it was, because all the furniture has moved
00:53around. Oh, I want to go and have a look. How are you? Good, yeah. Doesn't it look good in here?
00:58It does, yeah. I mean, I loved that piano and we were so lucky to have it for so long, but
01:03I must say, now that we were down to so few rooms, it was a bit cramped for Natty.
01:08Look, all the space! Can we put something else there?
01:14Years ago, a local family were looking for somewhere to house their beautiful piano.
01:18They wanted to keep it, but they didn't have any space for it in their home,
01:22so we have kept it here all of these years. It's been superb, we've used it a lot, but we're getting
01:27to the point now where there's just too much building work going on. We can't look after the
01:30piano anymore and we've already got ours that we're shuffling around. It's currently in the
01:35Winter Salon, ready for the work in the Grand Salon. But the great thing is that they found
01:40another chateau that would love to use the piano. It's two young people who bought the chateau of
01:45Saint-Sever, and so the piano will be going there and it will be much loved there too.
01:49There are things happening everywhere in the chateau at the moment,
01:53so let's see what's going on in the kitchen. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello. Can I just
02:00appear from behind the plastic?
02:07You got more of your little poles up. The little hangers are there, yeah. Excellent. I can't believe
02:12what I found. See, this is what I was trying to explain the other day, but the viewing public
02:16are interested in lasers and all things associated with building. Here's the laser,
02:22and that's level with the edges. Okay. This is where we're kind of doing our big line around.
02:27That's where the ceiling will hang. And then all these go in between and they're nice and sturdy.
02:32And then each one is brought down to exactly the same level as the laser until it touches it. Yeah.
02:38And then all the rails go on and it's all nice and flat and nice and sturdy and it's all great.
02:42It's so different from what we had before. Yeah, yeah. And now Chris will demonstrate
02:47the sturdiness of the poles by hanging from them. Oh yeah, yeah. I will now perform a pipe dive
02:54into the sink. Hey, how are you? Yes, how are you? Really good. Have you seen our little pole system
03:01for safety? No. It's so good. The ceiling is going to hang from every single one of those
03:07poles. No more ceiling held up by a single screw anymore. That's good to know. That's
03:12what's going to be over your head when you're cooking in here. Yes. Oh, there's also another
03:16layer of insulation going in as well. So yeah. So that row there is for upstairs for the acoustics.
03:25More insulation. Nice. And it'll be all lovely and quiet and warm and yeah. But am I right that
03:33Amory has now been saying that you and the electrician and everyone think that we need
03:37to take all the plasterboard off the walls as well? Well, yes. That's what I was told yesterday.
03:44So you have also heard this rumour? No, they told me yesterday. Why did this decision happen?
03:50Well, basically because there's so much new wiring going in, it kind of made sense in the end
03:54because Ben's going to come in, he's going to run wires down that wall, he's going to put light
03:59switches, new plug sockets for you. Yeah, because Philip's lighting and socket thing is just like
04:04everywhere. And when we saw the plan, I just thought, well, you know, there's so, I'm going to
04:10do so much cutting out on that wall, there'll be not, there might be a great deal left really.
04:14And then you've got to re-rail it anyway because there's, we've made the ceiling higher. Oh yeah.
04:19So, you know, by the time you've kind of mucked around trying to make it fit, it's quicker just
04:25to take it all off, let him run the electrics, fix it all to the old walls and then I will put
04:30it all back. Amory must be so happy because he wants us to go back to bare bones for every single
04:35room of the chateau, one at a time. He does. He does. It should be a demolition room, Amory.
04:41I think he might be someone who's like, got a skill set for demolition.
04:47Empty all the cupboards. So this is definitely happening. Yes. Does this mean we're going to
04:53unearth my mug? Yes. Oh yes. Halloween. You can take anything down if it means I'm getting my
04:58mug back. It's been hidden behind some of this plastic somewhere all this time.
05:06It was that easy to find. I've lived without that for weeks.
05:13This, this is the only mug I can use. Nobody uses that mug. That's not true. Davy always does.
05:23Davy and I adore this mug. I'm going to have a celebratory cup of tea.
05:28New kitchen walls, new kitchen insulation. You're going to be so toasty.
05:31Well, you'll be cooler in summer and warmer in winter. So excited.
05:36What's happening now? I'm just moving the meuble de prix, the leaning furniture.
05:41Ah, would you show everyone why it's called the leaning furniture? I've taken the marble off,
05:45but the idea is you can sit next to a window and read the newspaper. And that is actually
05:50the French word for that furniture. It's a meuble de prix. It's actually very comfortable. Well,
05:55it'd be more comfortable with the marble because, you know, it's a little...
05:57I don't know, if I had to choose, I'd go for a chest.
06:01It's actually really comfortable. You wish you read papers now just for that, don't you?
06:05It's the right height for me as well. The only thing is now that the piano's gone,
06:08I think there's a big open space there. Yeah, yeah.
06:10And this was a tiny bit cramped, so I'm thinking maybe we should put this over there.
06:14Why am I not surprised you're already moving furniture around?
06:17Well, I want it to look really nice when Nathalie gets back,
06:19so that everything is sort of like finished and tidy.
06:22So I just heard in the kitchen that you and Anne-Marie have
06:25cooked up taking down all of the plasterboard.
06:28Because we don't know what lies below. We don't want to install, like, a beautiful kitchen
06:32that will hopefully stay there for the rest of time.
06:37Rest of our time, anyway.
06:40That we will never have to change on something that we don't know what lies behind it.
06:44Yeah, on bad foundations.
06:45If there's any problems behind it, we want to catch them now instead of having everything
06:49finish and then be like,
06:50oh, um, this seems like there's a few nails missing here, you know what I mean?
06:54Yeah, I think it's a good idea.
06:57There's something else really exciting I want to show you, if you've got, like, two minutes.
07:01Okay, give me a second.
07:04I'm getting used to this door, actually. Why don't we just keep this system afterwards?
07:07Whenever we pressed all the old ceiling off,
07:10you could finally see the shape of the old kitchen.
07:12Yeah, and that's the shape you want to follow, isn't it? With the new chimney breast.
07:16Yes, but the question is, why did they jut out?
07:20Because what I didn't understand is this is the original stove behind here.
07:25Why did they have a fireplace, what looks like a chimney, going all the way along here?
07:29There's nothing on the other side, there's nothing upstairs.
07:31Yeah, and that only goes into the bit of chimney there.
07:34It's for smokers, and people were asking in the comments.
07:36So this thing was the old smoke...
07:37So we know that goes into the chimney, yes.
07:39Exactly. Now, the question was, why on earth is that coming...
07:42Why is it so wide? Why is it coming out?
07:44Yeah, for a smoker.
07:45And I found the 19th century plans, and in the 19th century plans, this was planned as an open fire.
07:51Because this room was made in the 1860s, but that oven dates from probably the 1890s.
07:57Right, so that bit I didn't know. So I didn't know how old the oven was,
08:00so I couldn't figure out why they would put it. But that makes complete sense,
08:02because that means that then they already had the open fire, wanted to keep the open fire,
08:05wanted to install this on the side, which is why it's in the corner.
08:08So you're saying that is not the original cooker?
08:10It would have been here, but it would have probably been an open fire,
08:13or like some sort of insert.
08:17So you think there's a whole chimney behind there?
08:20I'm sure there's a whole chimney behind there. I don't know what it looks like.
08:24There might be tiles, there might be something else.
08:27And the job just got bigger.
08:30We'll probably still cover it up. We won't be able to cover it, depending on what we find, right?
08:34But it'd be quite impractical at the moment to have this space going in.
08:38Basically, this is like telling Indiana Jones, and in this scenario, you are Indiana,
08:43that there's a temple behind there,
08:45but we don't really need to look at it because we're just getting on with the kitchen.
08:48You can't bring yourself to just leave it be.
08:50Others will never know.
08:51So we need to know what's there and see if it's of any importance.
08:53If it's not, then new kitchen.
08:57It might be full of treasure. Who knows?
08:59I mean, who doesn't store their gold in their old kitchen chimney?
09:04No, but a friend of us found an entire garniture for the fireplace
09:09inside an old brick fireplace.
09:10Oh, really?
09:11So yeah. So it's possible.
09:14And I think this was bricked up in the 1960s when they put in the new kitchen,
09:18that's where all the yellow dates from.
09:19So they must have had this still open, added this in the 1890s.
09:23So they might have been using that and the open fire to light the room.
09:26Exactly. And then in the 1960s, they were like,
09:29okay, well, let's put it in the fifth kitchen and just bricked it all up.
09:33Oh my goodness. I felt like we're nearly there, you know, just about to order the kitchen.
09:37Well, it's going to come off anyway.
09:38So this just means that there's a chance of making a little hole through what's there.
09:42Okay. Just having a little look. All right. All right.
09:46Why does everything in this chateau mushroom? Always. It's never straightforward.
09:52Actually, I think that is going to look much better.
09:55I think so too. I think, I do think we need something there.
09:58Maybe a chair or something. It definitely needs something.
10:01Lassie's going to be able to breathe now.
10:05It also means we might be able to move some paintings around if you want.
10:08So we could move that one over here. This one over there.
10:13Caroline could go over there. She still needs to be restored.
10:16And in the meantime...
10:18Yeah, because she's blocking the mirror right now.
10:20I love that idea because this is my favourite painting in the room.
10:24Don't get me wrong. Caroline is beautiful.
10:27Don't listen to her.
10:29I love Oliver's painting. I love the joyfulness of it. It's wonderful.
10:32And I think it would really brighten up the area behind Natty's desk.
10:36Shall we see then? See if it works.
10:38Yeah. And then we also get the mirror liberated.
10:41Do you mind giving me a hand?
10:43Just to hold it up, whilst I...
10:46Got it.
10:48Yeah, you can move up.
10:50Always scary, the letting go part with a painting.
10:53Is that good?
10:53It's a hundred times better. It's not straight at all, by the way.
10:57But it's a hundred times better.
10:59Yep. I think you're there.
11:00Okay, good.
11:01Just right.
11:02But also, I feel like...
11:04That just brightens the whole room.
11:06Yeah, it sort of fills the... It's not quite straight.
11:08We need more yellow in this room.
11:10I think for Caroline, we're going to need ambery.
11:13Not just to carry it.
11:15No, no, no, but to do a fixing. There's no way we're hanging her on that hook.
11:20I think that's a no.
11:21We're going to see how Caroline looks on this side.
11:24Hello, Natty!
11:26You're back.
11:27Hi, Caroline. I know.
11:28No, other way.
11:30What do you think of no piano?
11:32Oh, I just came back from out, so I haven't seen it.
11:36Oh, we've moved some things around.
11:37Oh, wow. She looks amazing there.
11:40Yeah, she looks good.
11:42She's very happy.
11:42She'll have to be much higher than that, but yes, she looks good.
11:45Oh, get yourself out of the way.
11:47Shit, you're up the wall.
11:49Bloody shit, you have to be higher.
11:50I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch.
11:54Yeah, right up to the ceiling, in fact, like that,
11:56because it gives space to sit below. That's superb.
11:58I'll be down there.
11:59Yep. Fantastic.
12:01Oh, the mirror's back now.
12:02It does feel much bigger the minute she's over there.
12:05Yeah, and you seem to be down today.
12:09I know.
12:09Hey, you can walk around. Have you seen, like,
12:11we've moved the cabinet to there.
12:12And we've moved the thing around.
12:14Maybe not. Let's go to bed, Natty,
12:16because everyone will be coming by.
12:18Oh, we're going to get dancing now.
12:20There'll be lines of people with questions now.
12:24Sebastian and Manu are actually working out here.
12:26They made a little cabin because it's really windy around the fountain.
12:30And this is what they've been getting up to.
13:01All of the joints are even now, all the way around,
13:04which means that they're going to be able to finish the joints.
13:30I think the first creatures to use the swimming pool
13:52are starting to cluster around it.
13:54They know something exciting is coming.
13:58I'm putting rails in.
13:59Excellent. Where are the rails going?
14:03It's going all right.
14:03That's the ones that are going up on.
14:05Oh, yeah, you've got the first one up.
14:07Look at that.
14:08One rail in place.
14:09Perfectly level with the laser.
14:10Yeah, look at that.
14:12This is good.
14:12It's nice and flat.
14:14Here we have a piano based problem,
14:17which is that we have to take the little sofa out,
14:19which is now behind you.
14:21And today I'm picking up two paintings
14:24by your father that I had framed
14:26that you and I planned to go there and there,
14:29the little boy and the girl.
14:30Yes, I love them.
14:31It's going to be quite good
14:32because we've got quite a bit of red in the green,
14:33and it's going to be lovely.
14:35Now, the thing is,
14:37I think this needs a little bit of a reorganisation.
14:39I don't know what makes you think that, darling.
14:40I mean, it's pretty perfect, isn't it?
14:42Because everything's just sort of been shoved to one side
14:45to be able to get through.
14:47The green sofa, we need to find a spot for
14:50because it can't stay there.
14:51I think it's going to be storage for now, darling.
14:53I can't see where it can go.
14:55And this one, we'll have to live here for a bit.
14:57Hopefully, this means that we all feel
14:58a little bit more comfortable practising.
15:00Because they're not next to Natty.
15:02One metre away.
15:03I was sending emails.
15:07So I thought this would be much better,
15:09but this one hasn't had a tune in ages, I don't think.
15:13It is so lovely hearing you play.
15:18Something's ringing off.
15:24As I just gaze at the mess in front of us.
15:33Oh, welcome to the mess.
15:36I hate you leaving.
15:37I absolutely despise it.
15:41To warmer times.
15:41Have a lovely time in South Africa.
15:45Enjoy yourself.
15:46Relax as you do.
15:47We will.
15:48We will.
15:48And we'll see Mummy, Patsy and Sherry.
15:52Take care.
15:53We'll see you in a little while.
15:55Bye-bye, everyone.
15:56No, I know we don't want them to go, do we?
15:59I think he wants to go.
16:00He does.
16:02Shabam, bye.
16:04Oh, Philip is back.
16:07It's beautiful, darling.
16:09So, yeah, we have the frames.
16:11I love this pair.
16:13Daddy would be so happy.
16:15I love the frame.
16:16Mum, didn't he?
16:17Yeah, he painted them here.
16:19They are gorgeous.
16:21Oh, Chris, you're getting there.
16:23Look at those glorious rails.
16:25It's like a proper job, doesn't it?
16:27It does.
16:28It's like you know what you're doing.
16:29I thought we were opening a top shop.
16:32Just need some track lighting.
16:33Oh, yes.
16:35Oh, and you're organising the heating pipes, Anne-Marie.
16:39Look how good that looks.
16:40And you two are still doing final measurements.
16:44Are you about to put the heating pipes together?
16:47First one, yeah.
16:48Because I don't know how is that done?
16:50I've been looking at those cut heating pipes,
16:52thinking there's no way you can attach those
16:54without ending up with leaks everywhere.
16:56Is it seriously doable?
16:58Well, we've got lots of hatches.
16:59So we can get into the ceiling if we have issues in future.
17:02Yeah, so we've got five hatches,
17:04which we're going to try and balance out evenly
17:06so that when you're looking up at the ceiling,
17:09it doesn't just look like boing, boing, boing.
17:11So they're strategically placed.
17:13I have to say, look at the difference between now
17:17and when you first took the ceiling down
17:18the spaghetti junction that was up there.
17:21It's so much better.
17:22It's fantastic.
17:24It's done a beautiful job.
17:26It really scares me seeing this.
17:28I'm glad there's going to be an inspection hatch.
17:31Because you don't trust me.
17:32I trust you absolutely.
17:34I'm not a plumber, but one day I will.
17:37I'll get myself an electric one,
17:38whereas this is just mechanical.
17:42So you put...
17:43Yeah, in there.
17:44That's it into there.
17:44Then the pipe in there, in between the two.
17:47It's got ribs.
17:48So you push the pipe all the way in,
17:50making sure it's clean on the outside.
17:52And then you slide that in,
17:55and then you pierce it, crimp it.
17:58And because of the ribs, it...
17:59And you go all the way in.
18:01And that's brilliant.
18:02That holds it in place.
18:03I haven't seen it, but Chris was saying
18:04he's seen one being pulled.
18:06They're almost unbreakable.
18:07It's really good.
18:08That's what I like to hear.
18:09Yeah, yeah.
18:10They're really good.
18:10It doesn't have to.
18:11So here we go.
18:12First one going in.
18:13We've got our greatest minds on the problem.
18:15Spotty dog.
18:16That's the kitty.
18:20And that's the first one done.
18:31We dream of a time with heating.
18:33It's good to believe.
18:34Bye, Andrew.
18:35I can't believe I'm not seeing you till we get back.
18:37But we'll be speaking constantly.
18:39I know, all the time.
18:40Because you've got lovely things arriving in.
18:42Yeah, lots of new, exciting things
18:45you and Philip have been working on.
18:47It's exciting.
18:48Yeah, very exciting.
18:50And thank you for everything that you did with Philip,
18:52because the two of you, because of you both,
18:55the kitchen's going to be going ahead.
18:56Without you and Andrew, the kitchen
18:58would be blocked right now.
18:59Well, we could have made all the products we wanted,
19:01but without you and everyone watching,
19:04it wouldn't have happened.
19:05Yeah, it's wonderful.
19:06It's really, I can't believe it.
19:08I am so happy.
19:09Enjoy a couple of weeks of sanity.
19:11Yeah, because you'll be on the phone all the time.
19:12Oh, yeah, you're right.
19:13There is no sanity in your future.
19:15We've got all the products to make,
19:16and they're coming, and they're going to be cheap,
19:18and they're going to be lovely.
19:19OK, bye-bye.
19:21You're on Galahad watch whilst the cars move.
19:23Yeah, yeah, as soon as we come up, just in case.
19:26Yeah, better.
19:28What do you want to go to your local?
19:30What are you working on here?
19:33Just peacock proofing.
19:34Oh, continuing the peacock proofing plan.
19:37The great peacock proofing of 2025.
19:40I think when we get back from South Africa, hopefully,
19:42there'll be flowers coming up everywhere.
19:44I'm so surprised, though.
19:46We don't have any daffodils yet.
19:48There's about three coming up over in the other corner.
19:51That's it.
19:52All right, I shall let you get on.
19:54See you later.
19:55Come on, darling.
19:58Galahad, come on.
20:02Now I am hurrying back in because a very exciting guest
20:06has just arrived.
20:06I got a present, and it's in a beautiful box.
20:08Hello, beautiful Vivian.
20:12I'm so excited about this because I think I know what's inside.
20:15Well, you've got a pretty good guest, I think.
20:17This is the most beautiful box.
20:18This is the sort of box that's been giving Andrew nightmares when Philip's like,
20:22no, no, no, I want you to do this.
20:23It actually has a little whistle.
20:25But it whooshed it, whooshed it, whooshed it.
20:29OK, now.
20:30Oh, my God, there's a card.
20:32This is beautiful.
20:33It's got a certificate of authenticity.
20:36Because the amount of fakes of these out in the world, honestly.
20:39And it's all about your dad.
20:41This is really beautiful.
20:42I'm actually touched.
20:43And I'm not going to cry because I was actually really excited.
20:45Actually, did you know what was coming?
20:47Because your shirt tonight is perfect.
20:50I did not know what was coming.
20:52Oh, my gosh, it's huge.
20:54Wait, wait, wait.
20:55Hold on a second.
20:56Can anybody see how huge this is?
20:58Oh, my God.
21:00We can't see you anymore.
21:02It doesn't matter because this is the most beautiful thing.
21:04Also, this is my favorite one.
21:06This is really teemting.
21:08Anybody who's watching this does not know that it's really late at night here.
21:11And nobody's planned this.
21:12And I didn't know I was getting a huge scarf.
21:14But you can wear it as a dress.
21:22You can wear it as a.
21:26You can wear it as a strengthless dress.
21:31You can wear it to cover up your six middle aged chins.
21:36That's the first time we've seen it used that way.
21:58I'm going to wear it all the time now.
22:00Because it's so sad that you're leaving tomorrow.
22:03We need to just come.
22:05So I'm happy to come.
22:10We got.
22:15I'm on this side of the table.
22:18What's wrong with you people?
