• 13 hours ago
If you'd like to check out the FAQ202 and other Foreo products for yourself, please go to https://foreo.se/4nhd
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The Chateau Diaries Episode 783 ✨🏰✨

Escape to the chateau with ’The Chateau Diaries’ 🏰
This channel follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie in her French 16th century home, the Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France ❤️
We share our life in this ancient chateau in the heart of the French countryside, and show you the diy, renovations, crafts, cooking and gardening that are needed to bring a home like this to life!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!

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#chateau #chateaudelalande #château #chateaudiy #FAQ Swiss #FAQ 202 #Anti-Aging LED Mask #FAQ 202 review #FAQ 202 mask review #FAQ LED mask #Silicone LED face mask #LED mask #LED mask therapy #Anti-aging LED
facial therapy


00:00Morning all from, basically, mid-summer at La Lande.
00:03No, everyone's in the courtyard.
00:05Going well in the kitchen?
00:07It's going great.
00:08How is everything going with the electricity?
00:10Great too.
00:11Excellent. Oh, this is what we love to hear. Anne-Marie, life is good?
00:14Van dappy daisy.
00:16And Molly looks happy.
00:17Molly's just supervising.
00:19Whose motorbike is that, more importantly?
00:21You are joking.
00:22It's my beast. Well, one of them. I've got more than one, but that's my day bike.
00:26You've got more than one?
00:27I have, yeah. I've got a collection of bikes.
00:29Is our kitchen going to be that shiny when it's finished?
00:32Well, yeah, let's hope so.
00:34That's so impressive.
00:34It might have flames on it, it might be a crash helmet.
00:37It's magnificent.
00:39Good morning. My goodness, it really is everyone out in the courtyard. It's so nice.
00:43Have you seen the motorbike? You could use it as a mirror.
00:46It's clearly all happening in there.
00:49Let's go and have a little look.
01:29Oh, so you're trying to work out how high our ceiling can go.
01:50Well, surprising.
01:53So before, just to remind everyone, it was literally at the top of the window.
01:57So there was no space above the top of the windows.
02:00So we're hoping we can get maybe 10 centimetres more than that.
02:04So we think the hot and cold pipework to the rest of the chateau there is a little bit of a problem.
02:09So we're going to be cutting the pipes, not the main pipes,
02:13but just the cuttings in from the toilets and cabinets.
02:16So we can feed those pipes under and then we're going to have 130mm gained.
02:20130mm is not bad.
02:22You can see where the existing ceiling was.
02:25Yes, that's where the grey line ends.
02:28Yeah, and then you've got the green laser level.
02:30New ceiling.
02:31That's going to be where the new ceiling is because we can work the ferrari above that.
02:35In between that.
02:36Yeah. Okay, good.
02:38So it will go a little bit above the door and above the windows, which is nice.
02:43It's always a bigger job than one thinks, isn't it?
02:46It's always a bigger job in this place.
02:49But hey, we get a taller ceiling now.
02:51We get a taller ceiling.
02:52And what was it you said?
02:53Somebody said it's not a disaster, it's a...
02:57That's it.
02:57It was the one who said it's a gift.
02:59It's a gift.
03:00I like opportunity.
03:01It's an opportunity to get it right this time.
03:07It'll be good.
03:09Now I'm feeling much better.
03:09I was really low about it, but I'm totally feeling better now.
03:12Now I'm...
03:13You're only human.
03:15Ben's got the trays turning up either tonight or first thing in the morning.
03:18So he's then going to jump in here with us when we're pratting around with that.
03:23He's then going to sort out the cables over on that side.
03:27That's good.
03:28So there was one tiny little bit that still needed to come down.
03:31And that's it, is it?
03:32That's it.
03:32The whole ceiling, the old ceiling is down.
03:35Almost, yeah.
03:36We've got that section there to go.
03:38Oh, yeah.
03:39Yeah, a tiny bit more dust to go.
03:40The only reason it's not down is just because we've got to just do...
03:43You see these noggins?
03:44We've put some fixings in there to make sure that the plumbing all stays in
03:48the right place.
03:49That's what Emery fitted in there just to pull up the pipes.
03:53Some of them are on a beam and some of them are not.
03:55So he's just...
03:56As I take the ceiling down, he's putting in those supports just to make sure that
03:59everything stays where it's supposed to be.
04:01And then it's all done, yeah.
04:02And then all of the dirty, dusty stuff's done.
04:04That's great.
04:05What would be great would be just to get the pipes properly secured, not just on laugh.
04:10It's ridiculous, isn't it?
04:12How can that be our wiring?
04:13That's madness.
04:13It is.
04:14That's just trouble.
04:15Oh, no, that's just laziness.
04:16So yeah, so Ben's going to get the trays on.
04:18All right.
04:18I think it's time to break for lunch and hope that by the end of the day,
04:24dust creation will have ended in the kitchen.
04:27You're just back from Brico?
04:28We are.
04:29Well, not just Brico.
04:30Brico was one of the places.
04:31You're going to see the shadow essentials that we got.
04:35Where do you look?
04:39I can see that.
04:40This is the essentials that you and Hanni get.
04:42We send you to just heating oil.
04:44What is both to keep warm?
04:46Is the rum to keep warm as well?
04:47Well, yes.
04:48So basically, but look, I bought a lot of the wines that were like 20% off.
04:52Essential, darling.
04:53Well, because they're one bottle or something.
04:54I mean, look, I think that's probably actually kind of essential.
04:56Yeah, to be fair, that, yes.
04:58The cubed cheese are like 20% essential.
04:59I can't see the nice bread.
05:01Uh, the nice bread is here somewhere.
05:03Yeah, picture hooks.
05:03Scratch rolls.
05:04Is that the knife?
05:05No, that's the knife.
05:06I mean, I like the way you roll, but you are never going shopping when we need actual food.
05:12No, no.
05:13Where's the food?
05:14We didn't need any food.
05:16So I'm raising the food.
05:17We decided to get the actual essentials.
05:19This does help with, you know, the whole lack of kitchen,
05:22lack of pretty much any other room, like a lack of functional.
05:25I'm not sure that anyone knows this yet.
05:27Hanni has a dodgy knee and is now on crutches.
05:30I like your styling.
05:31Oh, it's a temporary one.
05:32They've got to order the...
05:33Okay, but I do like the little bit of orange there.
05:36It looks good.
05:37But the knife...
05:39So the wine is for the pain.
05:41Well, the wine is for the pain, June.
05:42Do you have a broomstick or something?
05:44Do I have a broomstick?
05:46No, I'm sorry.
05:47I'm all out of broomsticks at the moment.
05:49It's in for maintenance.
05:52There's no light on this side of the room.
05:54And if we have the lights on at night, it's a bit dark.
05:57Also, if we ever want to work at the ziplatter, let me just grab this one here.
06:01Now, there's no sockets on this side of the room either.
06:04So I'm feeding an extension lead that I bought today
06:07through behind the mirror because there's sockets on the other side.
06:09Okay, to go down there.
06:12That being said, it's proven a little bit more difficult than expected.
06:18I need something to run it through.
06:19So you want help pulling the mirror forward?
06:21Like this, yeah.
06:22All right, okay.
06:23I'm going to need both hands for this.
06:25I can sort of see you fiddling the other end,
06:27but I can't see any wire coming through yet.
06:29I'm going to see if I can grab it with a coat hanger.
06:31It's like fishing.
06:32Oh my god!
06:33That's amazing.
06:35Okay, moment of truth, Philip.
06:39That is lovely.
06:40Yeah, it makes a huge difference.
06:41I like it very much.
06:43What are you working on now?
06:44So this is a painting that I bought a while ago.
06:47And I want to put it up, but look, it doesn't have the old hook came off.
06:51So it must have been an eye there, but it's gone.
06:54So I bought some, those brass ones.
06:58Okay, great.
06:59And Philip's doing this to echo the one that's on my side.
07:02Yes, I put that up yesterday.
07:04It's actually really pretty, this one.
07:06I like it.
07:07I prefer this one to the ones going on your side because this is quite blue sky.
07:11Yours is a little on the tobacco stain side.
07:15That is a little bit of work, but I love this one.
07:18This is Chateau Saint-Cloud, and this is where the king's brother lived.
07:22Actually, this is where the inspiration for the Hall of Mirrors was built by his brother.
07:26And then Louis walked in and was like, yeah, I want that.
07:29That's where the Hall of Mirrors exists.
07:31Anyway, so this is Saint-Cloud.
07:32It actually disappeared in the 1860s, 1870s.
07:36It was burned down during the war with the Germans.
07:40So that's going to go there.
07:43Okay, let me stand back, see how it looks.
07:46Oh, I love it.
07:47So these are fabric walls and, you know, one day they should be changed slightly
07:52because they're not really finished.
07:53However, I don't want to mess it up.
07:55And the problem is there's a button here to hold the lights, but it ends right there.
08:01So if I put it behind it, you also won't see it.
08:04And I am thinking with that one, there was already a wire on it.
08:08So I bought more wires that echo that and just have it hang down from a small wire.
08:12And then we can hide that in future with a little ribbon.
08:14That's it.
08:15That's why we have a slightly strange way of hanging it.
08:18But with a little ribbon, I think it'll be really cute.
08:21I'm actually on the highest tiptoes imaginable.
08:29It's not the right tool for the job, but it's the one I've got.
08:33It seems like overkill.
08:34So technically it is the right tool for the job.
08:37I think that height looks good.
08:38I mean, they're different size paintings anyway, but I think that's pretty good.
08:41This is beautiful, darling.
08:43You like it?
08:43Massive, massive difference.
08:45I know those wall lights could do with some shades, couldn't they?
08:48To just calm the look there a bit.
08:51I mean, look, all that's going to get redone anyway, because
08:54this is not the centre of the room, which is really annoying.
08:56I know, it kills us.
08:57It's like the fireplace.
08:58But the beds, um...
09:00In between the two, yeah, the corbels.
09:02This needs to come this way and then the lights will have to move anyway.
09:06So we can figure that one out.
09:08No, Sebastian, I'm Manu today.
09:10I think that they've gone away to try and work out
09:12exactly how they're going to sort out the joints on that fountain.
09:15But we have Brian.
09:17Morning, Brian.
09:18Good afternoon, how are you today?
09:20Very good, how are you?
09:22Fine, thanks.
09:24Can't wait until you fill the fountain and I'll bring my, uh, bathers.
09:29Oh, you'll be in there?
09:30And I'll be in there.
09:31With your sandwich?
09:33With my, um, budgie smugglers on.
09:36Oh, I can't wait.
09:37I know.
09:38We'll be bringing you mojitos.
09:41So when will this be ready?
09:43Well, they were supposed to be doing it yesterday, that base part.
09:47And I don't know if you've noticed, but the joints don't actually join.
09:50So they've had to go away and work out a way they're going to come back and grind it, I think.
09:54Yeah, just another one of those things.
09:56But frankly, with the kitchen disaster, this isn't even on my radar.
10:01Didn't think of a super glue or...
10:04But obviously, things have started to move.
10:06I've seen a few daffodils somewhere.
10:08There are buds on everything.
10:10Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:11It's all coming now.
10:12You carry on.
10:13Good seeing you.
10:14It's always lovely to see you.
10:15Lovely to see you too, Brian.
10:16I just went upstairs really excitedly because I just received a parcel I've been waiting for
10:21from Foreo.
10:22And I'm very lucky because they've kindly offered to sponsor today's video with this ad.
10:25As you all know, I've been using the Foreo UFO3
10:28regularly since I first got it a couple of years ago.
10:31I absolutely love this product.
10:34It helps keep my skin moisturised and healthy.
10:37And I use it every morning as I did this morning.
10:40But I've also recently started using the Foreo FAQ202, the most extraordinary LED mask,
10:47which makes me look like a superhero.
10:49I love it.
10:49I feel very powerful in it.
10:51Like Iron Man.
10:52It's amazing.
10:53But now Iron Man is going to be able to travel because I've just received the travel case for it.
10:58And later this month, Philip and I are going to South Africa.
11:02So I won't have to give up on using this mask regularly.
11:05I use it about three times a week.
11:06It has LEDs in eight different wavelengths, including NIR, near-infrared,
11:11to tackle various signs of ageing.
11:14Which, of course, I don't need.
11:16But, you know, it's good to keep on top of these things
11:18when one has a 28-year-old boyfriend at the age of nearly 50.
11:22It is incredibly lightweight.
11:23And Foreo put so much research into ensuring that it would fit any face shape.
11:28It's also very easy to use in offline mode.
11:30You just press the button and you are good to go.
11:33Then once you have it on, you can choose whichever light therapy you want.
11:36I've been using the NIR quite a lot.
11:39But they're all great for different skin concerns.
11:41The blue light is very good at helping with acne.
11:44What I love about it is it helps to brighten my skin tone and reduce sunspots.
11:48Because with my skin type, I have a lot of freckles.
11:50And now they are mainly becoming sunspots.
11:52I like your freckles.
11:53Yes, the freckles, okay, I can live with.
11:55But the sunspots, not so much.
11:57And I'm so happy because I'm going to be able to take it with me now.
12:00I wonder what they're going to think at customs.
12:02But I'll also be able to check my Foreo and my mask.
12:05So I can decide which masks I want to take with me.
12:08This is so exciting.
12:10It's become such an ingrained part of my skincare routine
12:12that I'd have felt lost without it in South Africa.
12:15And if you'd like to try it for yourself, now is the perfect time.
12:18Because I have a special promotional code for you.
12:22And if you use that, you'll receive 30% off your order.
12:25And that's on top of any other discounts that Foreo also have going on at the moment.
12:29You'll also have an extra 30% off.
12:31So to make the most of that, just click the link in the description box below
12:34and use the code Diaries30.
12:37And now it makes me want to start packing everything.
12:39But we're not going just yet.
12:40A week or two still to wait.
12:42And then we'll be off to see my mother and Percy and Geri.
12:45Oh, there you are!
12:46Was this sandwich delivery?
12:49What were today's sandwiches?
12:51Mine was jambon cru with, was it brie?
12:57And salad and a delicious mustard.
13:00Very nice.
13:01I mean, you don't get that if it's a pan, do you?
13:04So you're making us a juice instead of a sandwich?
13:06Uh, yeah, well, you can have the sandwich if you like.
13:09No, no, you know me.
13:11I thought it was a juice time.
13:12Absolutely, I'm with you on the juice.
13:14We are healthy.
13:16Ah, it's in the other fridge.
13:17But we have limes.
13:20So what's the juice going to be?
13:21It's lime, celery, spinach and parsley.
13:26Weird and wonderful.
13:28Yeah, I'm not sure about this one.
13:30It's called spinach supreme.
13:32People making more dust?
13:33Oh, this is the last bit coming down now.
13:35It's the last bit, thankfully.
13:36Oh yeah, thank goodness for that.
13:38I've had a face full of dust this morning already.
13:40And Anne-Marie had a mouthful of filthy water.
13:44Oh, no, no, you didn't.
13:45It is, yeah, all of, yeah.
13:48What happened?
13:49Well, it was in the rondelle for the OG light.
13:54There was still water stuck in there.
13:57Oh, no, you didn't.
14:00You're going to be doing that all day now.
14:01No, I didn't laugh, obviously.
14:04No, of course you didn't.
14:06But, oh, do you need an aftermath?
14:11I think he wouldn't have given it to you, actually, Anne-Marie.
14:14Yeah, I mean, he's so handsome.
14:16Oh, such a tease.
14:19So you want to get on so well.
14:20I don't know what goes on when there's no cameras on.
15:22OK, juice time.
15:23Oh, yes.
15:24Oh, look at this.
15:25So in here we have five cups, sort of, of spinach in our Thermomix.
15:31It's still working.
15:32Five stalks of celery.
15:34We're going to put that in there.
15:36We're not sure if this all is going to fit in here, but we, we just choose to believe.
15:42The lime goes in whole like that, it's not the juice.
15:44Well, I kind of like it like that.
15:46So it's going in whole.
15:48Cucumber and, and, um, let's...
15:53I'm not sure we can fit anything more, actually.
15:55So let's just put a few in and squeeze the rest.
16:03I guess we just fill it up.
16:04It didn't say.
16:06I am excited about this.
16:07I'd be more excited if Ollie weren't making a delicious ham and egg sandwich.
16:13Mmm, who needs egg sandwiches when they can have green gunge?
16:18To health.
16:19Quite literally.
16:22Oh, cheers.
16:23Oh, wow, your health went fast.
16:24Is it good?
16:26Which was better, the green juice or the egg sandwich?
16:30It's difficult to say.
16:32I think I know what that means.
16:35I like it.
16:37Look at him happily eating his sandwich.
16:41It tastes very, very healthy.
16:44I'd call it challenging.
16:45It's called spinach supreme for a reason.
16:48That's the bit.
16:49Because it's supremely challenging.
16:52Marie has decided to add pineapple to the rest of the green juice.
16:56Do you think this is the answer?
16:57It's necessary.
16:58This is the fun factor.
17:00Yeah, otherwise, how can we do this every day?
17:02I mean, meanwhile, I'm frantically helping myself to more before it goes in.
17:07Looks wise, I would say identical.
17:10No, Marie, that's good.
17:11Yeah, much better.
17:12Yeah, you nailed it.
17:14Ollie and I have come out for a walk in the woods with Coco and Galahad.
17:18And we're trying new paths that Jean-Christophe has cleared up here
17:22that the wonderful Nick the Tree Surgeon created.
17:25And Jean-Christophe has been keeping them really clear.
17:27And we never come up here, which is silly.
17:33Hey, look who we bumped into.
18:14Merci. I hear you cook tonight.
18:15Thank you. I'm the chef tonight.
18:16I hear him.
18:17Marie is at the restaurant.
18:19Can you please come back?
18:20With Andy.
18:21No, no, no. Come on. This is great.
18:27Brussels sprouts. No one saw that coming.
18:29I was going for broccoli, but they didn't have any, so...
18:31Oh, I like Brussels sprouts.
18:33I think I'm going to make a hot dog with that bread.
18:36And it's bread, yeah?
18:37Oh, yes. Come on.
18:39People must be missing the bread from the bakery.
18:42After a delicious meal at the end of a day of hard work,
18:46my cousin, the Softie, just cuddles the dogs to relax.
