• 2 weeks ago
8th Pay Commission: केंद्र सरकार ने करीब 50 लाख केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों और 65 लाख पेंशनभोगियों के भत्तों में बदलाव करने के लिए 8वें केंद्रीय वेतन आयोग (CPC) के गठन को मंजूरी दे दी है। इस पर होने वाली चर्चा में फिटमेंट फैक्टर सबसे अहम है, जो वेतन और पेंशन में वृद्धि तय करता है। केंद्रीय कर्मचारी और पेंशनभोगी इस बात पर नजर रखे हुए हैं कि उनके वेतन और पेंशन में कितनी वृद्धि होगी। सीपीसी के टर्म्स ऑफ रेफ्रेंस (TOR) भी फोकस में है, जिसे अप्रैल 2025 तक फाइनल किए जाने की उम्मीद है।

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00:00Central Government has approved the creation of the 8th Pay Commission to change the fate
00:07of around 50 lakh Central Employees and 65 lakh Pensioners.
00:12The most important fitment factor in this discussion is the increase in salary and pension.
00:21Central Employees and Pensioners are keeping an eye on the increase in their salary and pension.
00:28CPC's Term of Reference is also in focus, which is expected to be finalized by April 2025.
00:36NCJCM has already submitted the proposed TOR for the Commission.
00:44NCJCM's Joint Consultative Mechanism Secretary Shiv Gopal Mishra recently said that
00:52employees should get the appropriate salary in view of inflation,
00:57in which the fitment factor should be at least 2.57 or more.
01:02In the current time, in view of the rapid increase in inflation,
01:06Mishra believes that the government should not keep the fitment factor less than 2.57.
01:13Mishra said that NCJCM has asked for a 2.86 fitting factor.
01:18If this request is accepted, then the basic salary can increase from Rs.18,000 to Rs.51,480,
01:26while the pension can increase from Rs.9,000 to Rs.36,000.
01:31According to a report, a modification has also been proposed in the Modified Assured Carrier Progression scheme.
01:38If the government agrees to this proposal,
01:41then an employee can get at least 5 promotions during their job duration.
01:47According to the reports, the basic salary of the central employees is increasing due to inflation,
01:52i.e. they are also asking for a DA.
01:55In addition, they are also asking for an interim pension until the new Pay Commission is implemented.
02:00Mishra suggests that the Airt Pay Commission should set a basic salary of 5 units instead of 3.
02:11Mishra believes that dependent parents should also take care of the employees who earn,
02:17as this is a legal and ethical responsibility under the Kalyan Adhiniyam 2025.
02:29Although the Airt Pay Commission has been approved,
02:32it is expected to be implemented from January 1, 2026.
02:38In addition, there is a lot of talk about the DA hike under the Airt Pay Commission.
02:44There is a lot of talk about inflation in Badhotri.
02:48A new discussion has been included in this that
02:51at least 5 promotions will be included under this commission.
02:56What is your opinion on this news?
02:58Give us your opinion in the comment box.
03:00And keep watching Good Returns for such updates.
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