• 19 hours ago
#Waseembadami #aalimauraalam #shaneiftar

Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 16 March 2025 | #shaneramazan

Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

#WaseemBadami #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan


00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how can I face you?
00:14Janab-e-Ali, welcome to you and this is our session with the Ulema-e-Karam.
00:19Telephone numbers will be coming on your screens,
00:22on which you can send questions in the form of audio and video.
00:26I want to include more of your questions.
00:29That's why I don't take much time in the introduction.
00:32Janab-e-Qibla Mufti Akmal is with us.
00:34Qibla Allama Dr. Mohammad Reza Daudani is with us.
00:37Thank you both very much.
00:38We will move on immediately.
00:40Please show the first question.
00:42Mufti Sahib will tell, Inshallah.
00:44Mohammad from London.
00:45Our company has contracts for different buildings.
00:49We have to go to different locations for work.
00:54There are many offices in the building, which we have access to.
00:58But on weekends, there is no staff there.
01:01The staff's kitchens have tea and water.
01:09We can't ask anyone to drink tea or water.
01:13Religiously, we are allowed to drink water or tea there.
01:22Absolutely right.
01:23In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
01:25First of all, it is seen whether there is a legal form of such matters or not.
01:31There are rules and regulations.
01:33Whether you can go and eat or not.
01:36Whether you can drink or not.
01:38If it is a clear thing, then it should be acted according to it.
01:41And if it is not, then there is a legal reason for it.
01:45The environment.
01:46It often happens that we go to such offices.
01:49When there is no one, we eat and drink.
01:51And they don't mind.
01:52They will also know that they will come and make tea.
01:54So, logic is the biggest reason for it.
01:56If they think that we will use it, they will not be upset.
02:00In general, it is going on like this.
02:02So, it is absolutely good and permissible for them.
02:04But if they are sure that they will be upset.
02:06They will complain about it.
02:08Then they will have to take permission first.
02:10If there is confusion that I don't know.
02:11I don't know if they will be okay with it.
02:13Or they will have objections.
02:15So, it is better to be careful.
02:16There is a word in this matter.
02:18To purify.
02:19Purification means to take a testimony from your heart.
02:22Ask your heart.
02:24If the heart testifies that you will be very upset.
02:26Then stop.
02:27Be careful.
02:28And if the heart says that there is no problem.
02:30Then you can use it.
02:32Okay, fine.
02:33What is your opinion?
02:34In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:35The basic thing is the same.
02:36If the laws are present for it.
02:38Then those laws will obviously be considered dominant.
02:41Everything will be according to them.
02:43If there are no laws.
02:44Then in Surah An-Nur.
02:45The Lord has stated a list.
02:48Like you can eat.
02:50Where can you eat?
02:51From your house.
02:52From your parents' house.
02:53From your brothers' house.
02:54From your sisters' house.
02:55From your uncle, your aunt.
02:57Your uncle, your aunts.
02:59This list has been stated by the Lord.
03:01If there are no separate instructions here.
03:04Then it is okay.
03:05There is no problem in eating there.
03:07And in the same way.
03:08It has also been said that.
03:09Where you have the authority.
03:10Where you have the keys.
03:12This is also the matter of your friends.
03:14It is obvious that it is decided.
03:16If a rule is made there.
03:18If someone refuses.
03:19Then the matter is over.
03:20If there is confusion.
03:21Then in the form of confusion.
03:23This will also be considered a reference.
03:25But in it.
03:26The definition that the Mufti said.
03:28It is very good.
03:29It is very suitable.
03:30And in it, it is decided.
03:32To be careful in the form of doubt.
03:34It will be liked anyway.
03:36Especially, it is a matter of fear.
03:38Because of this.
03:39And what is good in it?
03:41In today's time, we are talking.
03:43WhatsApp is available to everyone.
03:45Whoever has the authority.
03:46Whoever is going to see it.
03:47WhatsApp them.
03:49Sir, we have come here.
03:50Is there any scope for benefit in all these things?
03:52If they say yes.
03:53Then eat it.
03:54If they do not say.
03:55Then do not use it after refusing.
03:59By the way.
04:00The question of this set is.
04:02If something is lying on the ground.
04:03You get it.
04:04Some money or something.
04:05So we have heard two views.
04:06One is that.
04:07It has come from the land of Allah.
04:08One is that.
04:09Some people say.
04:10You leave it.
04:11Do not pick it up.
04:12So if you pick it up.
04:13So now reaching its owner.
04:14It will be your responsibility.
04:15One says.
04:16It is good.
04:17Pick it up.
04:18Maybe you can reach the owner.
04:19If you can't reach.
04:20Then you give charity.
04:21So what should be done?
04:22If you get something like that.
04:23The basic thing is that.
04:24It has a full title.
04:25In jurisprudence.
04:26Which is called.
04:27Problems of loss.
04:28That is.
04:29If you get something that has fallen.
04:30Then what should be done about it?
04:32It is detailed.
04:33What is the cost?
04:34And what is not.
04:35But the point is.
04:36If it is kept down.
04:37And suppose.
04:38It will be wasted.
04:39Then the responsibility will be different.
04:40But then.
04:42If he picked it up.
04:43Then the responsibility is.
04:44To find the owner.
04:45To find the owner.
04:46To make an announcement.
04:47To make an announcement like this.
04:48To make an announcement for so long.
04:49To make an announcement for so many days.
04:50Then after that.
04:51If suppose.
04:52If the bill is completely disappointed.
04:53Then in the case of disappointment.
04:54What to do?
04:55The cost is very low.
04:56So it is okay.
04:57It can also be kept in it.
04:59Charity will have to be done.
05:00On his behalf.
05:01The owner.
05:02On his behalf.
05:03On his behalf.
05:04On his behalf.
05:05On his behalf.
05:06On his behalf.
05:07On his behalf.
05:38One good point.
05:39The second thing in the light of jurisporational and financial, if-
05:41If you find something lying around.
05:42Then if you want to make a profit out of it.
05:44Then it is Haram.
05:45Because it Is a belonging of a Muslim Brother.
05:48If you live in a Non-Muslim country.
05:52Where there is no Islamic Government.
05:57There are any other conditions.
05:58If you find such a thing.
05:59which is confirmed.
06:00It belongs to a Non-Muslim.
06:01Then it is invalid.
06:03So we in that too say.
06:04That should be searched and gave him.
06:05By this.
06:06but they can use that wealth without any condition, that is Mubah.
06:11The Prophet said that the wealth of the Kuffar is Mubah for us,
06:15except for deceit and falsehood.
06:17So that is a different thing.
06:19It will be in the Muslim country, so you can leave it.
06:22But as the Prophet said, if there is a fear of being wasted,
06:25then pick it up with the intention of delivering it to the owner.
06:28Now if that thing is going to go bad immediately,
06:30like you got an apple, something like that,
06:32it will go bad in a day,
06:34so if you don't get it, you can use it.
06:37Or give it as charity.
06:39And if it is something valuable,
06:41then according to the environment,
06:43you will have to announce it.
06:45And according to us,
06:47till the time your heart does not bear witness
06:51that the owner is disappointed with its search.
06:54And this will happen in terms of wealth.
06:56They will search more for gold.
06:58And if ten rupees fall, who will search for it?
07:00In today's world, people have forgotten their mobile phones.
07:02What is it?
07:04People forget their mobile phones.
07:06So you have to do this.
07:08One is that you picked it up with the intention
07:10that if you take it in your possession, then it is forbidden.
07:12With the intention that someone else will take it,
07:14it will go ahead.
07:16So I pick it up, I will find its owner.
07:18If there is a call on it, I will hand it over to him.
07:20This is recommended.
07:22You should do this.
07:24It is a very good thing.
07:26And the last thing is,
07:28there is a word, a term.
07:30We call it a child.
07:32Like children are thrown away.
07:34If you see a child lying around,
07:36then it is mandatory to pick it up.
07:38Pick it up and take it to the government.
07:40To the police station.
07:42And if they say, keep it yourself,
07:44then keep it yourself.
07:46Like we have welfare institutions,
07:48take it to them.
07:50And the last question is,
07:52if you pick it up with the intention
07:54that you have to take it to the owner,
07:56and then you can't.
07:58No, you have to try all the ways.
08:00You can't take it to the owner.
08:02It belongs to your own religion.
08:04So what should you do with that telephone?
08:06If you are disappointed,
08:08there is no way to meet the owner.
08:10So the safest way is to give it away
08:12with the intention of the owner.
08:14If you are poor yourself,
08:16you can keep it yourself.
08:18But make a witness on it.
08:20So that later on, there is no misunderstanding.
08:22And you should also make a witness on the amount.
08:24Otherwise, if you pick up ten rupees,
08:26you will be in trouble.
08:28But if you pick it up
08:30with the intention
08:32that you have to take it to the owner,
08:34then it is a sin.
08:36Show us the next question.
08:38My question is,
08:40I have a shop,
08:42Gate Jali.
08:44I have designed a laser cutting machine.
08:46It has the name of Allah,
08:48Surahs, etc.
08:50I have to put the frame on the ground.
08:52Is this the right way or wrong?
08:54Should this question be included?
08:56This is a general question.
08:58One has to say that,
09:00he has designed a machine with the name of God.
09:02And that design
09:04is on the ground.
09:06And this is generally said that,
09:08Quran is cut in the newspapers.
09:10There are many religious texts in it.
09:12They are not useful.
09:14So what should you do with them?
09:16Should you put them on the ground?
09:18You cannot throw them in the dustbin.
09:20They are not useful either.
09:22and how can we dispose of them, what should we do?
09:24The fundamental thing is that we have to take care of their dignity,
09:27respect them, while feeling their respect and greatness,
09:29we have to do that thing about them which is their pride and glory.
09:32Obviously, anything which is considered as an insult in Urf
09:36or it is considered that this work has been done in such a way
09:39that it is against degrading, then it will not be allowed.
09:42Some things are such that there is a difference in a particular environment.
09:47For example, it is possible that the place we are talking about,
09:51they are doing a technical work there.
09:53For a technical work, it is possible that they have to do it in such a way
09:56that they are not able to do it in the way you do it at home.
10:00There should not be any way in that which is considered as an insult.
10:04But if it is not like that and the nature of the work is such
10:07that you have to weld something in it, you have to do something else,
10:10then there will be an opportunity for that,
10:12but in that also the aspect of precaution should be kept in mind.
10:15This is one thing.
10:17Now come to the second thing which you have asked it in general and in detail.
10:20There is a paper in it and there is something else in it,
10:23so you have to take care of this in it as well.
10:25It is a joy that in Muslim countries, in Pakistan and Karachi,
10:29we see that in order to collect some auras,
10:32such places are designated so that these things are put there
10:36and then they are disposed collectively.
10:39To dispose it, it can be put in the sea,
10:42and it can also be buried in the ground, in some pure ground.
10:45And in the same way, some such work can be done.
10:48For example, it can also be done
10:50that a thick marker is taken and it is turned over it in such a way
10:54that it is not considered as an insult.
10:56But in any case, the effects of that writing should not be seen in such a way
11:00that where it is necessary to make a special arrangement.
11:04This is almost the same.
11:06Now we will make a little difference in it.
11:08Like there is a verse of the Quran,
11:10there is a hadith written,
11:12this is a particular religious thing.
11:14And like there are utility bills in foreign countries,
11:16In it, the word Muhammad Akram is also written.
11:19Now it is very difficult to think of such small things.
11:23In that, it happens that as much as you can respect,
11:26otherwise they come for recycling,
11:28you can give it to them.
11:30In that, surely they will not respect,
11:32but there will be permission due to discrimination.
11:35Some people also express their displeasure
11:37that why did you say this about recycling?
11:39So I say give me your cell number,
11:41I will tell people, they will send it to your house,
11:44You take care of it.
11:46There is no problem in it.
11:48You take responsibility for it.
11:50Wherever there will be a problem,
11:52our Shariah will give permission for it.
11:54Taqwa, precaution is the best thing.
11:56But when there is a problem,
11:58there is a problem,
12:00then the Shariah gives permission for it.
12:02In today's era,
12:04you are also living in the same era,
12:06how difficult it is to earn good and lawful livelihood.
12:09If we look at it from the point of view of Taqwa,
12:11If we see a problem with some Jihad,
12:13leave it, leave it, leave it,
12:15how will we go with the family?
12:17So where there is a problem,
12:19then it is seen that to what extent
12:21the Shariah is giving us permission,
12:23to take advantage of that permission
12:25is under wisdom.
12:27My name is Mehmood Qureshi,
12:29I am from Texla.
12:31I am very happy to see your program.
12:33My question is that
12:35there is Jamia Masjid with us,
12:37where on Fridays,
12:39prayer is promised twice.
12:41Because they say that
12:43the Jamaat is very large,
12:45so they promise twice.
12:47So is it right to do this?
12:51Mehmood bhai,
12:53what is the need to talk so angrily?
12:55We are brothers,
12:57we are from Texla.
12:59Yes, if this Shariah is compulsory,
13:01that the public is very large,
13:03and there are conditions for Friday,
13:05its Imam is also special,
13:07there is knowledge of all things,
13:09and there are other conditions,
13:11then it can be two Fridays.
13:13But in the light of our jurisprudence,
13:15once a person performs Fardh,
13:17then he cannot be the Imam of the same prayer again.
13:19Because if Fardh is performed,
13:21then it will become Nafl in his favor.
13:23Like someone recited 4 rakat Zuhr,
13:25and then again made the intention of 4 rakat Zuhr.
13:27Although he made the intention of Fardh,
13:29but there will be Nafl.
13:31And behind Nafl,
13:33there cannot be a Jamaat of Fardh.
13:35The Imam will be separate,
13:37there will be different sermons,
13:39and there can be two Jamaats.
13:41In this, with respect,
13:43Zarifiq Jafri's issue is that,
13:45if there are two Fridays,
13:47then there is a condition of 5.5 km.
13:49One Farsakh is almost 5.5 km.
13:51It cannot be in the same place.
13:53If there is a Friday prayer in one place,
13:55then there can be a Friday prayer in another place,
13:57provided that there is a physical distance
13:59of 5.5 km between the two.
14:01If there is a physical distance.
14:03This is true, but the question here is that,
14:05there is a place that qualifies,
14:07that is, the second Friday is 5.5 km away.
14:09A Friday prayer has been performed in this place.
14:11Can it be done again after two hours?
14:13It cannot be done.
14:15Like this place is the same place,
14:17there is no distance of 5.5 km.
14:19According to this logic, it cannot be done.
14:21Eid prayers are performed in the same place.
14:23There is a possibility in Eid prayers.
14:25There is a possibility in Eid prayers.
14:27I am giving it on Friday,
14:30This is an innocent question.
14:32It is fine.
14:34Thank you very much.
14:36Thank you very much to the scholars.
14:38You will see a small Quranic package.
14:40After that, we will come back
14:42with our segment Quran Science.
14:44Insha Allah.
