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#Waseembadami #aalimauraalam #shaneiftar

Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 15 March 2025 | #shaneramazan

Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

#WaseemBadami #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan


00:00How can I face you? I am falling down, hold on to me.
00:13Welcome to you, Ulema-e-Karam are with us in this segment.
00:16Mr. Qibla Mufti Akmal is with us. Welcome. Thank you very much.
00:21Dr. Mohammad Azad Audari is with us. Welcome. Thank you very much.
00:25You can send your questions to us on this telephone number which will be displayed on your screen.
00:29We will send the questions in the form of videos and audio.
00:32Please show the first question.
00:34My name is Hania Naveed.
00:36My question to Ulema-e-Karam is that in most of the areas of Pakistan,
00:41the sewage water is being used in general.
00:44Like in washrooms etc.
00:46So if we use that water for ablution, will we be able to perform ablution?
00:50And if we wash clothes with that water, will our clothes be clean?
00:54Please guide us in this matter.
00:56Yes, Qibla.
00:59See, if the situation is that the water is coming in this way,
01:05and no alternative water can be used.
01:08If it is possible, then that can be done for ablution.
01:12For this, there is some scope.
01:14For other things, it will be possible.
01:16But some areas are such that very little water comes there.
01:19The streets are so narrow that tankers cannot come.
01:22And poverty is so high that they cannot afford to purchase water.
01:26So in such a situation, if there is a slight smell of flowers,
01:30then Shariah will forgive it.
01:32If it is too much, then it cannot be allowed.
01:35But in the line of flowers, sometimes sewage water is included.
01:39Because it is a form of haraj.
01:41And Allah and His Messenger have lifted the haraj.
01:44Then it will be given ease.
01:46Is there a different opinion in this?
01:50Basically, one principle should be kept in mind.
01:54This general principle will be applied to everything.
01:57If you apply it to this, then you will get a lot of scope in this.
02:01And if we say that the water is not so pure,
02:05it is not so pure,
02:07on the basis of which we say that it is just like mineral water,
02:11that is not necessary.
02:13That is not required.
02:15But as it is said, if the water is not pure,
02:18then ablution can be done with it.
02:21And as long as the impurity is not known, it can be considered pure.
02:24In this way, their problem will be solved practically.
02:26Even if there is a little smell, it will be ignored.
02:29So I say that there are a lot of questions that I have doubts
02:32whether it is pure or impure or not.
02:34If it splashes, then it is impure.
02:36So there is a formula.
02:37As long as you are not sure that it is impure,
02:40you will consider it pure.
02:42Basically, the problem is that when there is personal satisfaction,
02:44then it will be considered impure.
02:45When there is confidence and satisfaction, then it will be considered impure.
02:47When two people testify, then it will be considered impure.
02:49When a trustworthy person testifies about it,
02:51then it will be considered impure.
02:53If a custodian tells about it that it is impure,
02:55then it will be considered impure.
02:57Okay. Qibla, is it like this?
02:58Yes, it is like this.
02:59Actually, they have smelled the sewerage.
03:01Yes, yes, that is obvious.
03:02And they must have been informed about it by the smell.
03:05So smell means the effect of impurity.
03:08Color, smell or taste.
03:10Yes, yes.
03:11If one of the three things becomes apparent,
03:13then its impurity becomes certain.
03:15On this basis.
03:16Then after being certain, it is a matter of objection.
03:18If there is a severe objection, then people will be given ease.
03:21If that objection can be eliminated,
03:23then it will be considered impure.
03:26Similarly, if there is a doubt about ablution,
03:29whether ablution is still valid or not,
03:31whether there is any doubt.
03:32So as long as there is no certainty that ablution is invalid,
03:34till then a person should think that it is still valid.
03:36Yes, this is the famous rule.
03:38Al yaqinu ila yazulu bishak.
03:41Certainty is not beyond doubt.
03:44So if you have done ablution, then it is certain.
03:47Now there is a doubt whether it is broken or not.
03:49So this doubt will not spoil the certainty.
03:51You can call it ablution.
03:52And there is prayer in it.
03:54Is this the same?
03:56Okay, absolutely.
03:58Yes, show us the next question.
04:00My question to the scholars is that,
04:02as prayers are obligatory on us,
04:04so fasting is also obligatory on us.
04:06We fast with great restriction.
04:09But the prayer that is obligatory on us,
04:11we fast for about eleven months.
04:13We stay away from it.
04:15And we don't restrict.
04:16So can you tell us something about this,
04:18that we come to fasting only after offering prayers.
04:20So how many sinners are we?
04:22And what should we do for this?
04:24Okay, fine.
04:25I think there is a misunderstanding about this.
04:28That fasting,
04:29once in a year,
04:30there is so much arrangement for it,
04:31that not a single fast is missed.
04:33Which is a good thing, of course.
04:34But prayer,
04:35which is so much obligatory on us,
04:37and there are so many strict injunctions about it,
04:40that a person leaves it so casually.
04:42So maybe he wants to ask about this.
04:45Maybe it is possible.
04:46The case-to-case will make a difference.
04:48Obviously, if people make a mistake,
04:50it is obvious that they will be arrested.
04:52Fasting has its own importance.
04:53Prayer has its own importance.
04:54Prayer's importance is the most important.
04:55In worship, it is more important than fasting.
04:57There is no doubt about it.
04:59But because fasting comes once a year,
05:01so the whole focus is on it.
05:03It becomes an environment.
05:05There is a strange way of socializing,
05:08which is also very good.
05:09Because of that, it becomes an environment.
05:11Many people think that it is a matter of a month.
05:13But anyway,
05:14what is the doubt in the importance of prayer?
05:17In fact, if we see in the Holy Quran,
05:19how many times has Allah,
05:20by saying Aqeem-us-Salat,
05:21made us pay attention to this,
05:23that establish prayer, establish prayer, establish prayer.
05:26In the same way,
05:27we see that the confession of the people of hell,
05:30is coming in front of us.
05:31When they will be asked,
05:33that what was the reason that you were made in hell,
05:36and you were put in hell,
05:38they will state a list.
05:40The first thing in it is,
05:41that we were not among those who offered prayers.
05:44So, to know the prayer as light,
05:46to know it as light,
05:47I remember a sentence of Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq,
05:49I get goosebumps,
05:50that his sentence is this,
05:52and it is the end of time.
05:53That is,
05:54the effects of martyrdom had already been manifested,
05:56a little before that,
05:57the last will that he has made,
05:59he has said,
06:03Forget it.
06:04Our intercession cannot be given to him,
06:06who considers prayer as light.
06:09Even if he considers prayer as light,
06:11in a little while,
06:12he has understood,
06:13that it is not so important.
06:15Then forget it.
06:16Don't be under the influence of our intercession.
06:18Allah, Allah.
06:20This is a good opportunity,
06:22that a person thinks,
06:24that when I eat, drink,
06:26tea, betel leaf, cigarette,
06:28without which,
06:29one hour,
06:30I imagine,
06:31in Ramadan,
06:32I stay away from it for 12 hours,
06:35throughout the year,
06:37it is relatively,
06:38less time-taking,
06:39and less difficult.
06:41I don't think,
06:42it is a fair comparison.
06:44throughout the year,
06:45and five times a day,
06:46this is one time.
06:49in this,
06:50when you were saying,
06:52it came to my mind,
06:53that some will say,
06:54that we don't fast in Ramadan,
06:57we have to eat,
06:58and have to smoke.
07:00This is also a secret.
07:03you have to prepare your mind.
07:07His Messenger,
07:08has given us,
07:09the thought of the hereafter,
07:10we should make it a topic,
07:11in our homes too.
07:13In our homes,
07:15torment of grave,
07:16in the field of gathering,
07:21these topics,
07:22have become foreign.
07:23Even if someone talks about death,
07:24our elders say,
07:26you will kill someone.
07:27Why are you talking about death?
07:28Why are you talking about death?
07:29When there is such,
07:31and interest in material things,
07:33towards the world,
07:34if there is a lot of heedlessness,
07:37this is the situation.
07:39to make it clear,
07:40if our government of Pakistan,
07:42that government jobs,
07:43will only be given to those,
07:44who pray five times a day.
07:46And the bonus is,
07:47that if you pray in Fajr,
07:49then 10,000,
07:50the rest,
07:51in Zohr,
07:52Asr, Maghrib, Isha,
07:54In this way,
07:55you will become 20,
07:56and 10,000,
07:5730,000 daily.
07:59someone will tell you in Fajr,
08:00while sleeping on the bed.
08:01Someone will tell you,
08:02the last hour of cricket,
08:03will be going on.
08:04You will say,
08:05we will watch the recording.
08:06Come towards Salah.
08:07Just make this mind.
08:08Tell yourself,
08:09when you are getting ready,
08:10for this ordinary thing,
08:11then Allah,
08:12has kept those names,
08:13for the worshippers,
08:14which are not even in your imagination.
08:17courage is born.
08:18If the head of the house,
08:19has courage,
08:21wife also has courage,
08:22children also have courage.
08:23If the head of the house,
08:24due to his heedlessness,
08:26due to his inaction,
08:28showed the way to hell,
08:29to his family,
08:30and left,
08:32this is a big sin.
08:33It is a continuous sin.
08:34It is a continuous reward.
08:36you gave one example,
08:38on the contrary,
08:39it is a very good example.
08:40I have seen,
08:41in some big houses,
08:42there is a restriction of Salah.
08:43For Salah,
08:44a place is restricted.
08:45There is a community also.
08:46It is a good habit.
08:47Even if it is a small house,
08:48for Salah,
08:49a corner is restricted.
08:51two incense sticks are lit.
08:52I am not saying,
08:53because of religious virtue,
08:54I am not saying this.
08:56it becomes like an environment.
08:57The heart is alert.
08:58There is a lot of fragrance.
08:59It is a good habit.
09:00For women,
09:02there is a restriction
09:03that they should offer their
09:04obligatory Salah at home.
09:06like men,
09:07for them also,
09:08that their house
09:09should not be empty
09:10with their Salah.
09:12Whether it is preferable
09:13for obligatory Salah.
09:16they should offer their
09:17Salah at home also.
09:18There should be
09:19an environment,
09:20an environment
09:21of those who offer Salah.
09:23That should be there.
09:24Children are also watching them.
09:26they imitate them.
09:27Through that,
09:28they learn a lot.
09:30for that,
09:31it has come to us
09:32that it has
09:33an importance.
09:34There are no
09:35Masjid outside.
09:38that part should be
09:39called Masjid
09:40inside the house
09:41and inside the house.
09:43That there is
09:45Musalla is laid.
09:47There is a place
09:48to offer Salah.
09:49It becomes an
09:53this happens
09:54inside the house.
09:55This happens
09:56inside many houses.
09:58if there is
09:59no possibility,
10:00then if there is
10:01no difficulty,
10:02if it can be taken
10:04then it should be
10:05taken to the place
10:06where he used to
10:07offer Salah.
10:09I hope that
10:10Allah will make
10:11this difficulty
10:12easy with
10:13the blessings
10:14of that place.
10:15Will you like
10:16to say anything
10:17in this?
10:21show us
10:22the next question.
10:23Mufti Sahib,
10:24tell us.
10:25Is it
10:26right or
10:28to marry
10:29a girl
10:31does not
10:35In our
10:37in our
10:39there are
10:41customs and
10:44hold us
10:47is one
10:48of those
10:50is not
11:04found out
11:05that she
11:06broke her
11:08nose with
11:09a rolling
11:54I did not hear anything. You tell me, what is the command of this in Islam?
11:58Because I am not happy and I am not even able to accept the next person.
12:01I have not been married yet. What should I do before that?
12:06Now this is a very sensitive issue. What would you say?
12:11Obviously, in a special case, there are some other doubts.
12:15Obviously, they are not in our knowledge.
12:17But as far as the bottom line is concerned,
12:19if a person is married, then he cannot get married without his permission.
12:25And if he is married without his permission,
12:27he has been forced to get married,
12:29that marriage is invalid.
12:31The effect of that is that he will have to separate.
12:34Later, if she agrees, then it could have been possible.
12:37But it is not possible that I can get you married without asking you.
12:40Or even if you say no, I can still get you married.
12:42And then that marriage is my insistence.
12:44If it is considered right, then it will not be right.
12:46I am saying again that the minute details are not in our knowledge.
12:50There is no special issue on it.
12:52There is no discussion on it.
12:54He is telling you the general formula.
12:56What would you say?
12:58Yes, in our case,
13:00even the father does not have the right to force his daughter to get married.
13:07Wilayat means to force, Ijbaar means to force.
13:10But the situation is that the girl is refusing till the end.
13:14And if the father says no, I will sign it myself.
13:17This marriage will not take place.
13:19The girl has not agreed.
13:21And one thing is that the girl is not emotionally ready.
13:24But on the surface, she signs, she gets married,
13:28the dowry is given.
13:30But till the end, she says, I am not satisfied with my heart.
13:33So when on the surface, she expresses her consent,
13:36and even if she leaves, then this marriage will be considered valid.
13:39Now, if this girl gets married,
13:41then she would have taken permission.
13:43If she said, I do not agree to the marriage, then it did not happen.
13:46But if at that time she said, yes, permission is there.
13:49And the marriage was accepted from that side.
13:52Now she is saying that I was not satisfied.
13:54Then why did you say that I gave permission?
13:56In English, it is called forcefully.
13:58Yes, if it is called forcefully,
14:00it must have been said at the gunpoint.
14:02Yes, it was not at the gunpoint that the situation was made so emotional
14:05that I had no choice but to say yes.
14:07In our case, this is called Iqrah, forcing.
14:11One is Iqrah-e-taam and the other is Iqrah-e-naqis.
14:14Iqrah-e-taam is at the gunpoint.
14:16You are sure that if you do not agree,
14:18then he will kill you or he will kill you.
14:20At that time, then the marriage will not happen.
14:23Because you forced so much.
14:25And the other is to force.
14:27This is called Iqrah-e-naqis.
14:29If you say yes in this,
14:31then there is marriage and divorce.
14:33The second and the last aspect,
14:35I would like to say for such girls,
14:37that it is better that the parents
14:39find out from their children
14:41that they have to spend a life.
14:43There can be no two opinions in this.
14:45But when such things happen,
14:47even if you are forced to agree,
14:49but the consent has been made,
14:51then accept it as Allah's decision.
14:53Because it is possible that sometimes
14:55the girl to whom she is pointing
14:57is not a good boy.
14:59Parents are experienced,
15:01they have more compassion.
15:03They see that he will not feed in four days,
15:05the girl will be hungry and it will be difficult.
15:07The girl is saying that
15:09from where this cruel society
15:11has become an obstacle in my path.
15:13But the parents understand better.
15:15Now if the marriage is done,
15:17then understand that it cannot be
15:19without the will of Allah.
15:21Because Allah has already made
15:23the decisions of the relations.
15:25Now be satisfied with Allah's will
15:27and make your husband yours.
15:29InshaAllah everything will be better.
15:31If it was done to such an extent
15:33that he was not able to express himself,
15:35then it is obvious that it will be false.
15:37If it is done to such an extent
15:39that he expressed himself,
15:41then it is obvious that
15:43he has expressed himself.
15:45Expressing has a weightage in its place.
15:47Obviously, no one said that
15:49I have put a knife and if you do not agree,
15:51then I will kill you.
15:53Mufti Sahab told me the situation
15:55according to Ahnaf.
15:57He said that I am not at all
15:59satisfied, I will do it.
16:01I am not at all satisfied.
16:03Now this situation will qualify on whom?
16:05Even in this situation,
16:07if it is not forced on the gunpoint,
16:09then it is obvious that the Qazi,
16:11the one who is going to read the nikkah,
16:13will read the nikkah based on
16:15the face of it.
16:17So both have the same opinion.
16:19Thank you very much.
16:21Let's see the package and after that
16:23InshaAllah our segment
16:25Nizam-e-Hasti will come.
