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#Gaming #Roblox #Obby
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#Gaming #Roblox #Obby
00:00Hey guys, welcome back to the channel today. We're here in escape evil lunch lady. Look at her. She is scary looking
00:08Okay, of course, we're gonna go into easy. What is she cooking? Oh, I slipped on a banana peel. Oh, okay
00:18Why are you cooking us this stuff? This looks nasty. It's like acid and like oh, there's a carrot in there
00:24That one's definitely for me
00:26ew, I don't want acid covered carrots and
00:29Chicken legs. I don't even know what that is
00:32All right. Let's see what she has to say. I guess
00:35Scram kid. I'm busy making my delicious mystery soup. That is disgusting
00:40I don't want your mystery soup. Um, i'll take this chocolate milk and just we'll be good from there. Okay?
00:48Yeah, i'm just gonna take that and i'm gonna leave look she's cooking it over here. Yuck
00:53I am out of here. There is no way i am eating that. Ew
00:57Ew, ew, ew. Ew. I didn't we went into the garbage collect all 15 fruits to win a badge
01:02All right, guys, here's our challenge. Let's see if I can remember
01:05But uh for now, we really need to get out of here because this place stinks
01:09And uh, I don't know what actually I don't know what stinks worse her mystery soup or the sewer
01:14Uh, both are pretty bad
01:18All right, let's see checkpoint breached good good the quicker we get out of here the better let's press this button
01:26Uh, oh I see I see look how fancy this is
01:30Look at how fancy. Oh, it's it's moving. Okay, we're good
01:34Lasers what's up with these schools and having a bunch of lasers?
01:39Uh, no kids allowed in the kitchen the mystery soup isn't done yet. Oh, don't you worry, honey. I don't want any
01:46I don't want any oh look at her
01:49She she's angry. She's very very very angry
01:53Look at her down there. She's following me around
01:56Wait, I need to jump down there and get the the button
02:03All right, you guys ready she's gonna chase us
02:07And we gotta watch the banana peels. Oh, there's a there's a banana over there
02:11We need to get that fruit too. Okay. Wait, I need you to come over here because you're a little you run a little slow
02:17so it'll bear me some more time if I
02:19Just go ahead and do this real quick
02:21Okay button
02:23banana banana banana
02:25Perfect. There she is. All right, i'm running into the freezer
02:30Oh my gosh, oh my gosh look
02:34Look at her that knife. Oh, did she get me? Wait, I didn't even know
02:40She didn't even touch me
02:42I was gonna say look at that butcher knife. It's covered in rust. That's not healthy
02:47You can't cook with that. All right, let's get out of here. Oh, I see a pear
02:55Here's all this is like the meat freezer
02:59It's very slippery, it's very very very icy
03:04You need to be very very very careful
03:09What do you guys think is in the the mystery soup by the way
03:14Uh, okay, look this looks like normal soup this looks like some nice
03:18Maybe gonna be chicken noodle soup
03:21Look, here's some carrots and oh, it's some ham. So maybe some ham and vegetable soup
03:27You know, it's it's normal looking when it's green. It's probably not good
03:32All right burgers and pretzels. Mm. That's more my that's more my speed. See we should be serving this for lunch
03:39Not mystery soup and tacos. Mm tacos are yummy
03:44Uh-oh, I fell
03:47What's your guys's favorite school lunch?
03:49What do you get to when you go to school and you're like this is on the menu today and you're just like yes
03:54What was your guys's a favorite or what is your guys's favorite?
04:00I never really ate too much school lunch actually, uh, because I always packed a lunch but
04:07I would say my favorite was
04:11Oh, I don't know actually it's quite hard
04:19I always loved their mashed potatoes. We'll say mashed potatoes
04:22chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes
04:25I look tall right now. Can I grow must be on this
04:29the mystery soup
04:31It must make you grow
04:33Because I look really tall right now. Look at my legs
04:38Okay, we need to watch the subs
04:40Watch the subs. We do not want to smack into the sandwiches
04:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no
04:49Persistent are we I will catch you this time
04:52No, you will not. Oh, maybe maybe you're a little close. It's a little close for comfort
04:58Where am I supposed to go up here?
05:02Nah, not a boo-boo. You can't catch me evil lunch lady
05:06Ha ha
05:07Not today
05:09Not tomorrow
05:10Actually, not ever
05:17All right, let's see, where are we now is this a dishwasher
05:21Good. I need cleaned off
05:23I need it cleaned off
05:26after being in that sewer
05:28I could use a nice bubble bath. That would be very great. Actually. Thank you
05:34All right, just gotta be very careful
05:40Jump over these lasers and perfect
05:43All right, I don't want to leave this place this place is actually like comforting
05:51It's pretty comforting
05:57We can chill out here everything's fine
05:59All right. We have this is gonna be apple number nine or fruit piece number nine
06:05Hopefully we got them all
06:06Honestly, I was I was paying attention, but I wasn't paying attention
06:10But I wasn't paying attention I I have to admit it I kind of forgot already
06:14But it wouldn't be cutie if she didn't forget about something. So
06:21I know i'm probably forgetting one and you guys are probably screaming at your screen like cutie. It's right there. You missed it
06:27But yeah, I i'm sorry. I'm, sorry. You guys just have to you have to put up with me and my forgetfulness
06:40I can't go back and get that and touch the dough
06:43Oh, no guys. Hopefully there's an extra fruit
06:48That was not fair. Ew
06:49Okay, this game hates me. It's official. Look at this hot dog. Yuck
06:54Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck. First you pushed me away from my fruit and now you want me to bounce on a hot dog
07:00Ew, ew, ew. There's okay. There's
07:04Yo, it stinks in here. I need to go back to the dishwasher. Oh, there's a fruit right there
07:09Okay, I need to go back to the dishwasher. I yuck I have hot dog juice on me
07:15And that is not good. That is very disgusting
07:23All right. Well, at least we're like in candy now
07:29I don't I don't know where we're at
07:31Looks like we're in a candy store or something
07:35It's better than a hot dog tell you that much
07:40Oh cookies, okay, everything's fine again
07:45I love a chocolate chip cookie
07:48Delicious. Thank you so much
07:51Okay, gay. Maybe you don't hate me as much as I think you do
07:56All the cookies. All right, this doesn't look good
08:01This looks like a boss fight coming up
08:05Guys we only have 13 out of 15. I couldn't help it. I'm still sad about that banana
08:11All right. Are we ready to go in and fight the lunch lady and take her down once and for all?
08:18If you guys are still watching this video don't forget to hit the like and uh comment i'm still here
08:24All right, here we go
08:26There is no escaping this time. You will now have to eat my delicious mystery soup
08:33We are oh that hurt that hurt that hurt
08:36We are not eating
08:38None of your mystery soup
08:40You will no longer be serving that to anybody
08:44I would never feed somebody that I don't care who you are
08:48All right there she goes by who is this?
08:53Who is this
08:56Who is this
08:59What is going on here, um, okay
09:06See that's what happens when you eat the mystery soup
09:10Oh, no, I gotta get out of here we gots to go we gotta go
09:16I wish I could bring that guy with me, but he's not he's not I don't know. He's just frozen. He's a mannequin
09:25We did it. Yay
09:27Yeah, look at that. We escaped the cafeteria
09:31We don't have to eat the mystery soup and look there's a drink. Is there actually good food out here? Yes, look
09:38What is this potato chips? Uh chicken wings and uh fries and burger and fries and uh chocolate milk
09:46See this is this is better than mystery soup 100
09:51Would you guys have tried the mystery soup did it look appetizing to you let me know down in the comment section
09:57It definitely did not to me
09:59And i'm glad that lunch lady is gone
10:02All right. I'm gonna go ahead and sit and enjoy these two chicken wings and these french fries now
10:07Um, if you guys did enjoy this video, don't forget to go ahead and leave a like as well subscribe
10:12You can always hit that notification bell right next to the subscribe button too. So you never miss an upload
10:18But for now, I hope you guys have the best day ever. I love you guys so so so so much
10:22Thank you for everything and we'll see you guys very soon. Okay