El Hombre que hacía Milagros - Película completa en español
El Hombre que hacía Milagros - Película completa en español
El Hombre que hacía Milagros - Película completa en español
El Hombre que hacía Milagros - Película completa en español
El Hombre que hacía Milagros - Película completa en español
00:00:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:04:12As soon as closest in sephoris in el suelo sagrado de la sinagoga
00:04:27Seguir trabajando dices que es de nazareth si es galileo sabe si tiene otro trabajo
00:04:35No tiene curación en realidad existe una medicina pero
00:04:41No quiero engañarte
00:04:43Conseguirá sanarla
00:04:46Solo aliviará su dolor
00:04:52Que te ha dicho el galeno tienes que descansar pero si me estoy cansada no
00:05:01Nunca debimos venir a esta terrible ciudad
00:05:36Que les has dicho pues
00:05:40Les he dicho que tengo otro trabajo la obra de tu padre
00:05:46Lo dijiste una vez
00:05:49Hace ya tiempo pero lo recuerdas
00:05:52Lo recuerdo todo
00:05:54Desde el día que estuvimos en jerusalem por pascua con aquella multitud en las calles
00:06:28Esta escrito de los fuertes surgió el cariño hay cariño en la ley de dios
00:06:35Y en su amor hay fortaleza
00:06:38Oh, my son, why did you do this to us? We were worried.
00:06:42Or me, on our side.
00:06:44Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know where I was?
00:06:48My obligation is to work for my father.
00:06:50After that, I've barely slept. I've spent many nights awake.
00:06:57When are you leaving?
00:07:00When the day is clear.
00:07:03So soon?
00:07:27Gold is for the king.
00:07:29The wealth of his glory.
00:07:33Incense is for prayer.
00:07:35An aromatic offering to God.
00:07:40Myrrh is for pain and the day of death.
00:07:44The light of life.
00:07:56Come and stop sinning!
00:07:58How can we free the people from all their evil?
00:08:01Start with your heart.
00:08:03Start here.
00:08:05I baptize with water.
00:08:07But the one who comes after me is much more powerful than I am.
00:08:14He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
00:08:22Who are you?
00:08:23Are you the Messiah?
00:08:24We have to give an answer to the priests.
00:08:27Do you think I'm the one chosen by God to save the people?
00:08:31I'm not the Messiah.
00:08:33And I don't dream of being anything but this.
00:08:35The voice of the one who calls.
00:08:37The one who opens the way in the desert.
00:08:39Prepare the way for our Lord.
00:08:42He will come.
00:08:45I'm here.
00:08:47The Lamb of God.
00:08:49Who takes away the sin of the world.
00:08:55I should be baptized by you.
00:08:58And you come to me.
00:09:03I'm here.
00:09:05The Lamb of God.
00:09:07Who takes away the sin of the world.
00:09:10And you come to me.
00:09:20When we were children, we played by this river.
00:09:24Our mothers called us and we ran to them.
00:09:28We followed them.
00:09:31Now I hear another call.
00:09:35The call of my Father in Heaven.
00:09:38I must follow it.
00:09:45This is my dear son.
00:09:48In whom I have all my pleasure.
00:09:54This is my beloved son.
00:10:03Where are you going?
00:10:05There are battles that must be fought alone.
00:10:08Come on.
00:10:35Make this stone become a loaf of bread to satiate your hunger.
00:10:41If you are the Son of God.
00:10:48It is written.
00:10:50Not only of bread.
00:10:53The man will live.
00:10:56I will give you all this power and the glory of these kingdoms.
00:11:01If you show yourself to me and adore me.
00:11:05You will know what I mean.
00:11:11Now, I will give you my son.
00:11:17My son.
00:11:21My son.
00:11:25And you worship me.
00:11:34It is written in the sacred texts.
00:11:40You will worship our Lord, your God, and you will worship no one else.
00:11:46No one!
00:11:56If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down without fear.
00:12:04For it is written,
00:12:06I will send in your favor his angels,
00:12:09who will take you in their arms
00:12:12and lift you up before your foot stumbles on a stone.
00:12:15The Messiah!
00:12:17The Savior of Israel!
00:12:19You will not tempt the Lord, your God!
00:12:24It is written!
00:12:25You will not tempt the Lord, your God!
00:12:34Is it you?
00:12:47My sisters do nothing but argue.
00:12:49They say they saw you in the Jordan River.
00:12:52But that was a long time ago.
00:12:55Martha and Mary.
00:12:57I want to see them.
00:13:01More wine?
00:13:06I do not understand.
00:13:07When Joseph died, he gave you a good set of tools.
00:13:10A workshop and good contacts in the big cities.
00:13:13Lazarus, I must take care of a new work.
00:13:15Is that what you mean when you talk about the kingdom?
00:13:18Yes, the kingdom of God.
00:13:20Last time you came, you fixed the door.
00:13:22I hope the door is still open.
00:13:26Jesus, do not you care that my sister left me alone to serve you?
00:13:29Tell her to help me.
00:13:38You are one of those who are restless.
00:13:41You do many things for others, but...
00:13:44Do not forget what is important to you.
00:13:48Sit here and listen.
00:13:52You see, I still know how to fix doors.
00:13:56However, now I'm going to build something new.
00:13:59The kingdom of God.
00:14:01So on earth as in heaven.
00:14:08Ask and you will always be given.
00:14:12Search and you will find.
00:14:15Call the door and it will open.
00:14:18Your father in heaven wants to give you everything you ask for.
00:14:22Our father in heaven?
00:14:24That man is different from the other rabbis.
00:14:27You mean he preaches his own message and not God's?
00:14:30No, he says things in a new way.
00:14:32We do not lose anything by listening to him.
00:14:34As you wish.
00:14:35Come to me, come and listen to me.
00:14:38Come closer.
00:14:40Come, Tamar.
00:14:41Come, Tamar.
00:14:43Today I should not have brought you to the field.
00:14:46It's him!
00:14:47The carpenter of Sephoris.
00:14:50Come closer, listen to me and put my words into practice.
00:14:54If you do so, you will be...
00:14:57Like that wise man...
00:15:00Who built his house on the rock.
00:15:07But everyone who listens to my words and does not put them into practice...
00:15:10Will be like that wise man...
00:15:12Who built his house on the rock.
00:15:21Build your life as you build your house.
00:15:24With deep foundations.
00:15:27Do not follow the easy way, but the hard one.
00:15:31Listen to my words.
00:15:33Let them go deeper and deeper.
00:15:37Open your heart and mind to the truth.
00:15:41Prepare for the day when difficulties come.
00:15:44And when anguish arises, and terrible storms are unleashed around you.
00:16:03Build your house on the rock.
00:16:09The sun is hurting you.
00:16:12The fever is rising.
00:16:14Let me go, mother.
00:16:15I want to go to that man.
00:16:19Come closer, those who are thirsty.
00:16:23Come closer, those who are hungry.
00:16:26I want to stay.
00:16:27Whoever my father brings me, I assure you...
00:16:30He will never leave me.
00:16:34There are too many teachers in Galilee.
00:16:37Who will believe you?
00:16:38First we will attack the Romans.
00:16:40And that will be the sign of God for the people.
00:16:42Will he bring freedom to our land?
00:16:46The people adore him.
00:16:48You are young and you have noble ideals, Judas.
00:16:50Yes, and they want to have a house like the courtiers of Herod.
00:16:53With all the luxuries.
00:16:55We all want the same thing.
00:16:56We believe in the same God.
00:16:58We fight together because we believe in that.
00:17:00I believe.
00:17:01In what, Judas?
00:17:04Do you think we should join an unknown rabbi from Nazareth?
00:17:08They say he has...
00:17:10He has...
00:17:11Divine powers.
00:17:13What power can a man have against the Caesar's forces?
00:17:16Who do they fear?
00:17:17Who do you think the kings and emperors fear?
00:17:20They fear...
00:17:22The people.
00:17:23The people.
00:17:24When they rise like a single man.
00:17:26When everyone follows a single man.
00:17:38Dream of your Messiah, Judas.
00:17:42Dream of your palace and its hot baths.
00:17:54You have crossed the border and you must pay for that.
00:17:57Let me go!
00:17:58I'm going to kill you, bastards!
00:18:01Do you want money?
00:18:02Do you want money?
00:18:03Forget that woman.
00:18:04I know her.
00:18:05She's the crazy one.
00:18:06How much does she have to pay?
00:18:09And we don't either.
00:18:10We haven't seen her for a while.
00:18:12We have to go.
00:18:13We have to go.
00:18:14We have to go.
00:18:15We have to go.
00:18:16We have to go.
00:18:17We have to go.
00:18:18We have to go.
00:18:19We have to go.
00:18:20We have to go.
00:18:21We have to go.
00:18:22We haven't seen her for a little bit.
00:18:23We haven't caught her either.
00:18:24If there are no captures, there is no money.
00:18:26We will never pay the taxes in exchange for anything.
00:18:29You remember what I told the emperor?
00:18:31I told him about all of you.
00:18:37Calm down!
00:18:38We must have a reason.
00:18:40It's the law.
00:18:41You think the law must mean cheating,
00:18:43and stealing out of one's pockets?
00:18:44That is the law you traitor!
00:18:47Go away!
00:18:47What is this all about?
00:18:52Simon, the man I told you about is here.
00:18:57He's coming to the boat.
00:18:59And what about me?
00:19:04He's the chosen one. He's the one sent by God to save us.
00:19:07Are you crazy? Who can do anything to save us from these crows?
00:19:11We don't need any more prophets. We have a lot of trouble to eat.
00:19:17Juan, Santiago, tie the boat and don't pay.
00:19:23Hey, hey, what are you doing?
00:19:26Move the boat away from the shore.
00:19:28Move it away? What are you saying?
00:19:30Do you want everyone else to get on too?
00:19:35Come on, hurry up. Get a little closer to the sea.
00:19:41It's a mess.
00:19:46Hey, come here.
00:19:59What is the kingdom of heaven like?
00:20:03I'll tell you.
00:20:05It's like...
00:20:08a mustard seed.
00:20:11You can barely see it.
00:20:13It's very small.
00:20:16It's a pile of dust...
00:20:19that the wind can carry.
00:20:22And yet, that tiny seed grows...
00:20:27and becomes a big tree.
00:20:31Hopefully, the birds of heaven will come to nest in its branches.
00:20:38Don't accumulate treasures in the land...
00:20:40where thieves can steal them.
00:20:57Move the boat away a little more.
00:21:00Yes, more inside.
00:21:02Why? For what?
00:21:04To set up nets to fish, of course.
00:21:10No one can fish during the day.
00:21:13The fish hide from the sun in the background.
00:21:22But if you insist, I'll set up nets.
00:21:29To fish during the day.
00:21:41We can spend hours here.
00:21:43Simon, even days.
00:21:49What's going on?
00:21:53Pull! Pull!
00:22:00What a mess!
00:22:02They're going to break the nets.
00:22:07Come on!
00:22:22Stay away from me, sir.
00:22:25Leave me alone.
00:22:27I'm a poor sinner.
00:22:30Don't be afraid, Simon.
00:22:34From now on, you'll be a fisherman.
00:22:42Good morning, sir.
00:22:44It's Aser Ben Asra.
00:22:46Bring water.
00:22:47And a cold drink.
00:22:50Aser Ben Asra?
00:22:52What a pleasant surprise.
00:22:53I've received news.
00:22:55Disturbing rumors.
00:22:57No, I wouldn't say...
00:22:58If that madness extends to Jerusalem...
00:23:01Do you think Jesus of Nazareth is crazy?
00:23:03I know it's more dangerous than Juan, and we have to take care of him.
00:23:07What's going to happen to the Baptist?
00:23:09Simon, you have all this.
00:23:12Your house, your servants, your influence.
00:23:15Do you want to lose everything you've worked so hard for?
00:23:20Do you want the people to end up with you,
00:23:22screaming in favor of the kingdom of heaven on earth?
00:23:26I have to prepare a report on that Jesus,
00:23:30and take him to Jerusalem.
00:23:38You can't come in.
00:23:43Listen, please, leave room for the teacher.
00:23:46No, no, the house is full.
00:23:49All right, all right.
00:23:51There's room for one more.
00:23:52I said one more.
00:23:54Be careful with the jug of water.
00:23:56We'll bring a sick friend.
00:23:58Don't worry.
00:23:59It's useless.
00:24:01We'll take you with Jesus, even if we have to.
00:24:12How can you tell your brother,
00:24:14let me take the straw out of your eye?
00:24:18Who are you to judge him,
00:24:20if you have a cramp in yours?
00:24:22I know what you need.
00:24:24I'll help you see better.
00:24:28Take the cramp out of your eye first,
00:24:30and then you'll see clearly
00:24:32to remove the straw from your brother's eye.
00:24:35I hope our pride doesn't prevent us
00:24:37from learning something from a young man.
00:24:39That man doesn't show respect for anyone.
00:24:41It's impossible for him to show respect
00:24:43for thieves and beggars.
00:24:52What are you doing?
00:24:55Friends, come down.
00:24:57There's plenty of room.
00:25:02My roof!
00:25:05It won't do.
00:25:07It's useless.
00:25:08Please, let me.
00:25:12My friend,
00:25:16your sins are forgiven.
00:25:25Who can forgive sins,
00:25:27if not God?
00:25:30Let me ask you something.
00:25:33What's easier to say?
00:25:35Your sins are forgiven,
00:25:37or get up and walk?
00:25:41to show you that the Son of Man
00:25:43has power on earth to forgive sins,
00:25:46I command you,
00:25:48get up,
00:25:49carry your cramp and walk.
00:26:04I'm healed!
00:26:06Glory to God!
00:26:08Glory to God!
00:26:12It's impossible!
00:26:13But it's true!
00:26:15I'm healed!
00:26:17He healed me!
00:26:19He healed me!
00:26:23I'm healed!
00:27:11I see you!
00:27:29We know who you are!
00:27:33The Son of God!
00:27:35The Most High!
00:28:23Where could he be?
00:28:24There he is!
00:28:25He's with Bobo!
00:28:26Look at him!
00:28:27We've been looking for you!
00:28:30At last, Master!
00:28:32We missed you!
00:28:33We didn't know where you were!
00:28:35Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:28:38Simon, from now on, I will call you Pedro.
00:28:41In other words, stone.
00:28:43Yes, and on this stone I will build my church.
00:28:47And, uh...
00:28:52You will also be one of my Apostles, my messengers.
00:28:55Santiago and Juan, sons of the Thunder.
00:29:00Yes, that's true.
00:29:01Felipe, Bartolomé, Santiago, Simon, come with me.
00:29:05Judas, you too. You'll be one of the twelve.
00:29:08Tadeo, I love you too.
00:29:19You, Tomás.
00:29:22Do you really love me?
00:29:25Yes. Come on, go with him.
00:29:27Of course. The teacher told you, trust him.
00:29:29Teacher, this is not a good place.
00:29:31I'm missing one.
00:29:38The cashier saw me.
00:29:39Impossible. He's a traitor.
00:29:41Follow me.
00:29:54We have to take her to him.
00:29:57We have to take her to Jesus.
00:30:00Cleopas, it's you.
00:30:03You have to tell him.
00:30:05How is Tamar?
00:30:06She's dying.
00:30:08No, she's not going to die, Raquel.
00:30:10Jairo, why do you fear the priests?
00:30:14They have so much dominion over your life.
00:30:17God is my life.
00:30:20And not the man, no man.
00:30:23And your daughter, what is she?
00:30:27Is she not your life?
00:30:33I think we should listen to Jesus.
00:30:38As far as I know, no one has lost their soul by listening to a preacher.
00:30:42Nor by believing in him and following him.
00:30:45However, if he tells the truth...
00:30:47The truth?
00:30:48Should we be afraid of the truth?
00:30:50Tell me.
00:30:51No, no.
00:30:52It's better to ask Jesus and see how he defends himself.
00:30:59Let's listen to him.
00:31:01Why would the people think that their leaders don't listen to him?
00:31:05I will open my house to Jesus and his group of followers.
00:31:10In that way, we will see if he really is the prophet of God.
00:31:15Why have we come?
00:31:17They don't want us here.
00:31:19I don't know.
00:31:20But let's eat before they change their mind.
00:31:25This is not sensible, Cleopas.
00:31:28What will we get?
00:31:29We are going to be ridiculed.
00:31:33Master, we feel honored with your presence at our humble banquet.
00:31:38Although they say that you prefer to meet in another part of the city.
00:31:43Yes, Master.
00:31:45We know that you prefer to eat with publicans and sinners.
00:31:50But why?
00:31:52They don't need healing for those who are healthy.
00:31:55They need it for the sick.
00:31:57I didn't come to ask for the repentance of the righteous, but of the sinners.
00:32:01He despises the righteous.
00:32:03The sinners?
00:32:04How dare he?
00:32:05You can't come in here.
00:32:06Get out of this house.
00:32:09What's going on?
00:32:10It's Maria.
00:32:11What is she doing?
00:32:19If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman he is touching.
00:32:24She is a sinner.
00:32:30Your sins are forgiven.
00:32:32He says again that he can forgive sins.
00:32:35It's blasphemy.
00:32:37Go in peace.
00:32:45Now we know for sure.
00:32:47What do we know?
00:32:48You've heard the rumors.
00:32:50And now you've seen what he does.
00:32:52Yes, I've seen him.
00:32:54I've seen him do good.
00:32:56Have you seen that woman?
00:32:58Is she good?
00:33:00He has...
00:33:06Because for sure he is allied with the devil.
00:33:09That's why everyone who follows Jesus is an enemy of God.
00:33:20I'm here.
00:33:24I'm going to die.
00:33:31His lips keep saying his name.
00:33:41Take me to him.
00:33:44Take me to Jesus.
00:33:47Everyone who follows Jesus is an enemy of God.
00:33:57I'm not going to listen to them anymore.
00:33:59I'm going to go.
00:34:01I'll go to Jesus.
00:34:03You'll go?
00:34:08And he...
00:34:10will heal you with his power.
00:34:14The power of God.
00:34:18David, no, please.
00:34:19Come to my house.
00:34:29I'm sorry.
00:34:32I'm sorry.
00:34:33I'm sorry, boy.
00:34:41Let me see him.
00:34:42It's Jairo.
00:34:44He's the head of the synagogue.
00:34:46Let him in.
00:34:51My little girl.
00:34:55He's dying.
00:34:57He's dying.
00:34:59He's dying.
00:35:01He's dying.
00:35:02He's dying.
00:35:04I beg you.
00:35:05Come to my house.
00:35:06Put your hands on her.
00:35:08You'll heal her.
00:35:11I'm sure.
00:35:16I'll go.
00:35:18I'll go with you.
00:35:26It's this way.
00:35:27It's not far.
00:35:28It's not far.
00:35:32It's not far.
00:35:34It's not far.
00:35:36It's not far.
00:35:58Look, a crowd!
00:36:00What's that crowd?
00:36:01It was me, sir.
00:36:04I had a hemorrhage inside me.
00:36:08For many years, no one could heal me.
00:36:13I was afraid to come close to so many people.
00:36:20And I just wanted to touch you.
00:36:26My daughter.
00:36:29Your faith has healed you.
00:36:33Go in peace.
00:36:36Master, please, hurry up.
00:36:47Sir, you don't have to bother the master.
00:36:53Don't be afraid.
00:36:55Keep your faith.
00:36:58And she will be saved.
00:37:03She will be saved.
00:37:22I command you, get up.
00:37:33You've come.
00:37:36You've come.
00:37:38Yes, I've come. I'm here.
00:37:46You're hungry. Give her something to eat.
00:37:52I'm healed.
00:37:58I'm here.
00:38:03I'm healed.
00:38:25Master, we've heard that in Jerusalem...
00:38:28John, Herod has killed John.
00:38:49Yes, the death of John was a tragedy.
00:38:54But it's necessary, sir. We must dissuade the people.
00:38:56Dissuade them?
00:38:58From what?
00:39:00From disobeying their rulers.
00:39:02From destroying your kingdom.
00:39:04You have a great ability to ease my conscience.
00:39:07Don't you have enough with a dead prophet?
00:39:10The danger now is much greater.
00:39:12So that Jesus is capable of doing the impossible.
00:39:16Oh, they can materialize powerful illusions, Your Majesty.
00:39:19Powerful illusions.
00:39:22Isn't human power an illusion?
00:39:23Except for the dignity they gave you to rule, Herod.
00:39:26Do you really know how to encourage a vulnerable soul?
00:39:29Oh, if Caesar were as understanding as you.
00:39:32But I can fail in the government of my people.
00:39:37I wonder what will become of us...
00:39:40if Governor Pilate sends certain reports to Rome.
00:39:43And if that Jesus...
00:39:46continues to perform his extraordinary tricks.
00:39:50What will become of this?
00:39:57It's time, Peter.
00:40:01Are you ready?
00:40:03The time has come.
00:40:06What does he mean?
00:40:08He says it as if something terrible was about to happen.
00:40:11Don't worry.
00:40:13We will all travel together to spend the Easter celebration in Jerusalem.
00:40:16And then we will return, as we do every year.
00:40:19You don't understand.
00:40:21The time has come.
00:40:23The kingdom of heaven will come to earth.
00:40:26We will achieve freedom and a great victory over the Romans.
00:40:29The kingdom of heaven?
00:41:21Caius Belio Quintilio, Your Excellency.
00:41:24First Centurion of the Duodecimal Legion.
00:41:27Prefect of the Ninth Legion.
00:41:30Tribune of the Thirteenth Court.
00:41:33I asked for an officer with experience.
00:41:36And it seems that I already have one.
00:41:41Has the head of the guard of the Jewish customs informed you?
00:41:48The Jewish Easter, for example.
00:41:51The Easter? No.
00:41:54I'm surprised.
00:41:56You see, the Jewish Easter is the feast of freedom.
00:42:01They celebrate their day of freedom.
00:42:04It comes from something related to the Egyptians.
00:42:07An old story.
00:42:11Hurry up, soldiers!
00:42:13These days, Jews from all over the empire come together with the people of Judea.
00:42:18And those repugnant pilgrims from the north are the worst Galileans.
00:42:23By the way, I understand that you have already suffocated an uprising there.
00:42:27We crucified 117 rebels, sir.
00:42:30And the leader?
00:42:32Barrabas and his henchmen, we thought ...
00:42:35Ah, a public execution of rebels on the day of freedom.
00:42:39Good idea, Tribune.
00:42:42Caesar the bird, son of the gods.
00:42:45Caesar the bird.
00:42:47But make sure you do not hear about the gods.
00:42:52Who do you think you are?
00:42:54When I rule in the kingdom of God ...
00:42:56You? But if you do not know how to manage a position in the market.
00:42:59I was the first to follow.
00:43:01If someone must hold the command, it is that or me.
00:43:03Could you lead an army?
00:43:05Would men follow you to glory?
00:43:07I was the first.
00:43:13Come on, ask him, Judas.
00:43:16Master ...
00:43:19We were waiting for your arrival.
00:43:21Tell us, who will be the most important in the kingdom of heaven?
00:43:24All right.
00:43:26As you wish.
00:43:28I'll tell you.
00:43:35Really, really, I tell you.
00:43:38If you do not change and you act like children.
00:43:40You will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
00:43:44Anyone who is humble, like this little one,
00:43:47will be the most important in the kingdom of heaven.
00:43:51Master, come sit with us.
00:43:55What does a man have to do to save himself?
00:43:58First of all, love the Lord, your God, with all your heart.
00:44:02And ...
00:44:06And ...
00:44:07And love with all your heart your neighbor as yourself.
00:44:12All right, but who is my neighbor?
00:44:16Once, a man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho,
00:44:20going down alone through a very steep path.
00:44:25Suddenly, some thieves appeared.
00:44:28They attacked him, hitting him, and after taking off his clothes, they stole it.
00:44:32Then they abandoned him, leaving him to die.
00:44:34By chance, a priest from Jerusalem passed by.
00:44:38When he saw the man, he did not dare to find out if he was still alive,
00:44:42because it did not seem right to touch a lifeless body.
00:44:45The priest crossed to the other side and passed by.
00:44:48Then, a rich and powerful seducer approached.
00:44:53He got to where the man was lying.
00:44:56And he also passed by.
00:44:59Then, a man from Samaria appeared.
00:45:04A Samaritan?
00:45:06The Samaritans throw stones at us.
00:45:08I spit on them, I hate them.
00:45:11He saw that poor man lying on one side of the road.
00:45:15And ... he felt sorry for him.
00:45:21He took out an ointment and applied it to his wounds.
00:45:24Then he bandaged them as best he could.
00:45:27And then the Samaritan took the man to a inn.
00:45:30There he paid the innkeeper and said,
00:45:32Take care of this man and everything else you spend.
00:45:35I'll pay you back when I get back.
00:45:40Tell me.
00:45:42Which of these three men do you think is the closest to the wounded?
00:45:47The one who showed so much mercy and love.
00:45:51Then ...
00:45:53Go and do ...
00:45:56the same.
00:46:05I've been riding all night.
00:46:07What's wrong?
00:46:11Lazarus is very sick.
00:46:17You have to go with him.
00:46:19Marta and Maria.
00:46:21They beg you.
00:46:25I beg you.
00:46:27I beg you.
00:46:29I beg you.
00:46:30They beg you.
00:46:34If you don't come now ...
00:46:38Tell Marta and Maria that I'll be with them ...
00:46:41as soon as possible.
00:46:48Why didn't you go?
00:46:52He's your friend.
00:46:54Pain always ...
00:46:56has a purpose ...
00:46:58that we must understand.
00:47:03Everything that happens ...
00:47:05is for the glory of God.
00:47:08The collection that is achieved in the next few months ...
00:47:12We are priests and we are alert.
00:47:15We are in danger.
00:47:17I saw Jesus with my own eyes.
00:47:19You should have come earlier, brother.
00:47:23Where is my friend?
00:47:31Retire the slab.
00:47:33The slab?
00:47:37His body is decomposing.
00:47:39He's been in the grave for four days.
00:47:42Didn't I tell you that if you believe ...
00:47:45you can see the glory of God, our Lord?
00:47:48Let's go.
00:47:50Let's go.
00:47:53I'll go.
00:47:55I'll go.
00:47:57I'll go.
00:47:59I thank you, Father.
00:48:03His father?
00:48:05For listening to me.
00:48:07Although I know you always listen to me.
00:48:10But I said it so that these people around me know ...
00:48:13that you are ...
00:48:16who sent me.
00:48:22Get out.
00:48:28Get out.
00:48:41You are not your father.
00:48:44Help him.
00:48:46And in peace.
00:48:53Surely it was a trick.
00:48:55It had to be some dark deception.
00:48:56But the crowd believed it.
00:48:58Now they are ready to follow their Messiah ...
00:49:01to the holy city of Jerusalem.
00:49:27A commotion demands the advertisement.
00:49:29We receive it unannounced.
00:49:32Hosanna in heaven!
00:49:34Blessed be the name Sovereign of the Lord.
00:49:40Blessed be the name Sovereign of the Lord.
00:49:43Everyone sings Blessed be the name Sovereign of the Lord.
00:49:45I want them to sing this song ...
00:49:47because if nothing changes ...
00:49:49we will change our country.
00:49:51The Galileans are here.
00:49:54We must do something, my lord.
00:50:21What are we going to do?
00:50:23That man performs great miracles,
00:50:25and if we don't stop him, everyone will believe in him.
00:50:28He will give false hope to the poor.
00:50:30They will follow him wherever he goes, even to war.
00:50:32Pilate will destroy our temple and everything we possess.
00:50:35I see that you don't understand anything.
00:50:39Nothing at all.
00:50:42Don't you realize that all the power of God
00:50:45is in the hands of the Galileans?
00:50:49Don't you realize that all the power and anger of Caesar
00:50:52can be concentrated in one man,
00:50:55in that wizard of Nazareth?
00:50:59Let a single man die, and all the people will be saved.
00:51:11Delicious fruit!
00:51:13Delicious fruit!
00:51:15It will be a beautiful temple.
00:51:45Delicious fruit!
00:51:48My father's house
00:51:51must be a house of prayer.
00:51:55But you...
00:51:58You have turned it into a cave of thieves!
00:52:07Enough! Don't do that!
00:52:28Now is your chance.
00:52:41Master, you have always taught us what is right.
00:52:46Is it lawful to pay tribute to Caesar?
00:52:49Yes or no?
00:52:51Answer me!
00:52:56Show me some money.
00:53:08Whose is this figure and this inscription?
00:53:13Then give Caesar what is Caesar's.
00:53:17But give God what is God's.
00:53:21Give God what is God's.
00:53:37Legionaries, march!
00:53:44Give Caesar what is Caesar's.
00:53:47Give Caesar what is Caesar's.
00:53:51We must stop Jesus and his disciples.
00:53:56The Son of Man will suffer a lot.
00:53:59He will be arrested and he will be justified.
00:54:01No, sir.
00:54:02That will never happen to you.
00:54:05The Messiah?
00:54:13Defeated by the Romans?
00:54:17A false Messiah is blessed.
00:54:20We will all...
00:54:22We will all...
00:54:24We will all die!
00:54:26It is impossible to arrest him among the people without causing a revolt.
00:54:29We will have to do it in secret.
00:54:31No one can lead us to him.
00:54:33No one?
00:54:34Come on, there is always someone.
00:54:38The Son of Man has come to give life.
00:54:41He has come to seek and to save sinners.
00:54:43To give his life.
00:55:07Come on.
00:55:12Come on, there is always someone.
00:55:27How much would you give me...
00:55:30...if I gave you to Jesus?
00:55:34In that case, we will be in good company.
00:55:45Maestro! Maestro!
00:55:47Why don't we meet in secret?
00:55:49Because in this place Jesus is safer.
00:55:51No one will set him on fire in the middle of Easter.
00:55:53Do you want to set him on fire?
00:55:55Good evening, Maestro.
00:55:57Good evening.
00:55:59Hello, Peter.
00:56:04Good evening.
00:56:08Judas, where were you?
00:56:12Sit down, everyone is here.
00:56:17What is Jesus doing?
00:56:19He thanks God for the bread.
00:56:22Why does he lift it so much?
00:56:24It is his way of blessing.
00:56:26He always does it.
00:56:28Blessed be our Lord God for giving us the bread of the earth.
00:56:34Drink and eat.
00:56:37For this is my body...
00:56:40...which will be given to you.
00:56:42Your body, Lord?
00:56:44Do this in my memory.
00:56:49Drink of it all, for this is my blood.
00:56:53Blood that will be shed...
00:56:55...for all of you, for the forgiveness of sins.
00:57:00I assure you that I will not drink any more of the juice of life...
00:57:04...until the day we drink it all together...
00:57:07...in the kingdom of my Father in heaven.
00:57:10In heaven?
00:57:14One of you who is eating with me will betray me...
00:57:20We will all support you.
00:57:22All of us.
00:57:24Lord, even if everyone is outraged...
00:57:26...I assure you that I will never, never leave you.
00:57:30Simon Peter...
00:57:32...Satan has asked you to become dust...
00:57:34...and scatter in the air.
00:57:37But I have prayed for you.
00:57:39Master, you know me.
00:57:41I will not leave you.
00:57:43I will go to jail with you, even death.
00:57:46I tell you, Peter...
00:57:47...that today, before the rooster crows...
00:57:49...you will have refused to meet me three times.
00:57:57...what are you going to do?
00:57:59Do it soon.
00:58:04You still have time.
00:58:07Go ahead, do it.
00:58:10Go, hurry up.
00:58:17Where are you going, Judas?
00:58:19The Master has spoken to him.
00:58:21Do not worry.
00:58:22He will return.
00:58:27It is time.
00:58:34Master, come with us.
00:58:36Sit by the fire.
00:58:38There are many things that we do not understand.
00:58:41I will go to talk to you, Cleophas.
00:58:46I promise you.
00:58:48I will go with you.
00:58:50Jairo, very soon.
00:58:51And then...
00:58:53...we will talk about many things.
00:58:56Where are you going?
00:58:57Now you can not come with me.
00:59:00But one day...
00:59:01...you will come with me.
00:59:03I do not want you to go.
00:59:08Do not worry, do not fear anything.
00:59:10In my father's house...
00:59:12...there are...
00:59:13...there are many dwellings.
00:59:18I will prepare a wonderful place for you.
00:59:22One day...
00:59:23...you will be with me forever.
00:59:27Simon Pedro...
00:59:32No one else.
00:59:52Do it...
00:59:54...do it another way.
00:59:58I beg you.
01:00:01I beg you, my father, do it another way.
01:00:07Get this Cali away from me!
01:00:11Get him away!
01:00:13Get him away from me!
01:00:20Father, I beg you, listen to me, listen to me.
01:00:24If there is another way.
01:00:26A way out.
01:00:28A way out.
01:00:31Run away.
01:00:32Come on.
01:00:33You still have time.
01:00:34They are coming to catch you.
01:00:38Come on, run away.
01:00:44My will, no!
01:00:46Don't do my will, do yours.
01:00:48Let it be your will, father.
01:00:50Let it be your will.
01:00:53Your will.
01:01:03It will be...
01:01:05...your will.
01:01:11It will be there.
01:01:13I will come to him and I will greet him with a kiss.
01:01:17That will be the sign.
01:01:20Simon Pedro...
01:01:22...have you not been able to watch for even a single hour with me?
01:01:28Get up.
01:01:31The time has come.
01:01:36Judas is coming.
01:01:48...with a kiss you give...
01:01:51...to the Son of Man.
01:01:57Let's go.
01:01:59To justice.
01:02:24Don't you think that if I went to my father, he would send me twelve legions of angels to save me?
01:02:29However, that would not be what is written.
01:02:37Let's get out of here.
01:02:40Why do you come with swords and sticks as if you were a thief?
01:02:44Day after day I have been among you teaching in the temple and you have not caught me.
01:02:49But this is your time.
01:02:52The power of darkness.
01:03:10This is our savior.
01:03:33Hey, weren't you also with Jesus the Nazarene?
01:03:36Look, this is one of Jesus' disciples.
01:03:39Are you crazy? I don't know him.
01:03:43They accuse you of many things.
01:03:46Any of them could lead you to death.
01:03:50But perhaps...
01:03:51...tell us.
01:03:52Do you come from heaven...
01:03:55...or are you the Nazarene?
01:03:57Yes, tell us.
01:03:59This council is an old man's story...
01:04:01...and we cannot judge a man at night.
01:04:03He declares himself guilty of all accusations.
01:04:06Can the council judge a man without hearing him first?
01:04:10Are you also from Galilee?
01:04:14Are you a disciple of Jesus?
01:04:17I just want justice to be done.
01:04:21I don't know anything.
01:04:22You don't know anything?
01:04:27...don't know anything about this matter.
01:04:30You are one of his disciples.
01:04:32I swear on my life that I don't know that Jesus.
01:04:35If you are the Messiah, tell us.
01:04:38You don't believe anything I say.
01:04:40Why should I speak?
01:04:43But one day you will see the Son of Man...
01:04:45...sitting at the right hand of God's power.
01:04:47So you are the Messiah, the Son of God?
01:04:51You are the one who said it.
01:04:54We don't need any more witnesses.
01:04:56He must die.
01:04:57His own words condemn him.
01:05:00Are you sure you are with Jesus?
01:05:01Are you from Galilee?
01:05:02Are you one of his men?
01:05:03Are you Galilean?
01:05:04Are you Galilean?
01:05:05Are you one of his men?
01:05:06I assure you that you are wrong.
01:05:07It's not true.
01:05:08I wasn't with him.
01:05:09I've never met him in all my life.
01:05:35If you have anything to say...
01:05:37...about the Jewish law...
01:05:38This man...
01:05:39...or any other complaint...
01:05:40...regarding that condemned Paschal...
01:05:42This man incites the people to rebel.
01:05:45I'm going to accuse you all...
01:05:47...of threatening the peace of Rome.
01:05:49This man is the enemy of Rome.
01:05:53Who is he?
01:05:54And what has he done?
01:05:56He is Jesus of Galilee.
01:06:06Oh, it's him in person.
01:06:08He refuses to pay tribute to Caesar.
01:06:11That is to say...
01:06:12...that he shares your ideas.
01:06:16What else?
01:06:17He says...
01:06:18...that he is Christ...
01:06:22...the King of the Jews.
01:06:26The King of the Jews.
01:06:30Are you the King of the Jews?
01:06:33You say it.
01:06:34I am.
01:06:38Don't you hear how many things they say against you?
01:06:45I don't find any crime in him.
01:06:48He is a rebel of Galilee.
01:06:50Take him to Herod.
01:06:52Oh, what a pleasure.
01:06:55What a great honor...
01:06:57...to be in the presence of the King.
01:07:00The King of the Jews.
01:07:02Look how I bow.
01:07:04I kiss your feet.
01:07:08A tunic.
01:07:13The best.
01:07:15A crown.
01:07:17A crown.
01:07:19A crown.
01:07:21A crown.
01:07:26Return to His Majesty Pilate...
01:07:28...that Rome decides the fate of this prophet.
01:07:32Now you look like the King of the Jews.
01:07:49I've made a mistake.
01:07:50What do we care?
01:07:53I've sold the blood of an innocent.
01:07:55I've given a just man.
01:08:00I've studied this matter...
01:08:02...and the truth is that there is no crime in him.
01:08:13What do you want me to do with him?
01:08:16Crucify him.
01:08:17Who are you?
01:08:20Where are you from?
01:08:24Don't you realize that I have authority to release you or crucify you?
01:08:32You would have no authority over me...
01:08:34...if you had not been granted from above.
01:08:39From above?
01:08:42Who are you?
01:08:43Who are you?
01:08:47You have the custom that on Easter you are granted the freedom of a prisoner...
01:08:51...a tradition that I want to respect.
01:08:54Do you want me to release the King of the Jews?
01:08:57We want Barabbas.
01:08:59We want Barabbas.
01:09:01Release Barabbas.
01:09:02The murderer?
01:09:04Don't you want your king?
01:09:06We have no more king than Caesar...
01:09:08...and if you do nothing about him...
01:09:11...you will be the enemy of Caesar.
01:09:18I wash my hands of this matter.
01:09:20Of all of you.
01:09:21Of all of you.
01:09:26Justify your king according to the Roman law.
01:09:38What's going on?
01:09:44They have arrested Jesus!
01:09:46They have condemned him.
01:09:48Damn Romans!
01:09:49They have condemned Jesus...
01:09:52...they are going to kill him!
01:09:54They are going to kill him!
01:10:06Run! Run!
01:10:17The Romans are coming for Jesus!
01:10:19The Romans are coming for Jesus!
01:10:35Take this!
01:10:36This man is the true Messiah!
01:10:50My God!
01:10:51I couldn't save him.
01:10:55My mouth...
01:10:56...has become numb.
01:11:27He has saved others.
01:11:28Why doesn't he save himself now?
01:11:31If he is the Messiah...
01:11:33...let him come down from the cross.
01:11:36You can come down now.
01:11:38Come down.
01:11:40Show your power.
01:11:42If you are the Son of God.
01:11:45If you are.
01:12:24I entrust my spirit in your hands.
01:12:28Everything has been done.
01:12:50It is true.
01:12:55This man...
01:12:56...was the Son of God.
01:13:52We will return on Saturday.
01:13:54My Lord!
01:13:56My Lord has died!
01:13:58He has died!
01:14:00He has died!
01:14:01I know.
01:14:03Calm down.
01:14:23They have taken him.
01:14:34Why are you crying?
01:14:37They have taken my Lord.
01:14:40Now I don't know where his body is.
01:14:50Tell me, who are you looking for?
01:14:54My Lord, if you are the shepherd...
01:14:56...tell me where you have put him.
01:15:04My Lord.
01:15:10Calm down.
01:15:12You can calm down and tell the others.
01:15:15Come on.
01:15:17Tell everyone.
01:15:19Tell Pedro.
01:15:24I have seen...
01:15:27...the Lord.
01:15:30I have seen the Lord!
01:15:33He is alive!
01:15:43What's wrong?
01:15:44What's happening?
01:15:45I have seen him.
01:15:47What have you seen?
01:15:49I have seen him.
01:15:51The Lord.
01:15:52Have you seen Jesus?
01:15:56The others are crying.
01:15:59I assure you.
01:16:01He is alive.
01:16:03I have seen him with my own eyes.
01:16:05Come with me.
01:16:07The sorrow has driven you mad.
01:16:25Who has done this?
01:16:30I have seen your son with my own eyes.
01:16:44The Master...
01:16:46...believed to have taken the body.
01:16:49The Roman priests.
01:16:51...he was...
01:16:52...in front of me...
01:16:53...in front of me...
01:16:54...in front of me...
01:16:55...in front of me...
01:16:56...in front of me...
01:16:57Our Lord...
01:16:58...I can't believe what I'm hearing.
01:16:59Thomas, I have seen him.
01:17:01You are all crazy.
01:17:02All of you.
01:17:03You have visions.
01:17:04You are going mad.
01:17:05I'm out of here.
01:17:10Our Lord.
01:17:11We have seen him.
01:17:13On the road to Jerusalem.
01:17:14On the road he was...
01:17:16The Messiah was in front of us.
01:17:18He was with us.
01:17:19We didn't realize it.
01:17:20We didn't recognize him.
01:17:21That's because it's in your imagination, Cleopas.
01:17:25He was on the road, Thomas.
01:17:28We were going to Emmaus.
01:17:29To my cousins' house.
01:17:30The women and children had left earlier for safety.
01:17:34We had agreed to hide in Emmaus for a few days and then return.
01:17:37Halfway there, a man approached us.
01:17:40Good morning.
01:17:42Do you mind if I accompany you?
01:17:48Excuse me.
01:17:49What are you discussing on the road?
01:17:52There are terrible things to explain.
01:17:56What are they?
01:17:58What are they?
01:17:59The horrible death of Jesus of Galilee.
01:18:02Tell me.
01:18:03Don't you know?
01:18:05Where has he been?
01:18:07For all of us, he was the great prophet.
01:18:12More than that.
01:18:14We hoped he would be the chosen one.
01:18:16That he would free Israel.
01:18:19The Messiah?
01:18:21But how could the Messiah die like a vulgar criminal?
01:18:26Oh, you fools.
01:18:29You think you're very smart.
01:18:32You talk about prophets and you've never read them?
01:18:35Don't you understand that the Messiah had to die?
01:18:40Don't you understand the scriptures?
01:18:43He mentioned all the prophets and he showed them to us.
01:18:46Starting with Moses.
01:18:47And even the last one.
01:18:49All of them.
01:18:50The complete scriptures.
01:18:52Stay for dinner with us.
01:18:56Well, I...
01:18:58No, no.
01:18:59It's too late to continue the journey.
01:19:02All right.
01:19:03If you don't mind, I'll stay.
01:19:04But only for a while.
01:19:05As long as you want.
01:19:07Come in, please.
01:19:09We didn't even recognize him.
01:19:13Who is it, mother?
01:19:15Someone they found on the way.
01:19:18Yes, but who is it?
01:19:20Sir, since you're our guest, would you like to...
01:19:24Would you like to bless the table?
01:19:26I'll have to...
01:19:28I'll have to go soon.
01:19:30We understand.
01:19:37I know who it is.
01:19:39Blessed art thou, O Lord our God,
01:19:43for giving us the bread of the earth.
01:19:48And then he left.
01:19:50He disappeared.
01:19:52He disappeared.
01:19:54Blessed be the King.
01:19:55He was no longer there.
01:19:57He was no longer there.
01:19:59That's right.
01:20:00He left a void.
01:20:01Only two halves of bread.
01:20:02A cup.
01:20:04And all those present
01:20:05were weeping.
01:20:07And laughing.
01:20:09And weeping.
01:20:10Friends, I'm tired.
01:20:12I'm sorry, but...
01:20:14Anyway, if I don't see him here,
01:20:16here, in front of me,
01:20:18as I see you,
01:20:19and if I don't see the sign of the nails in his hands,
01:20:22and if I don't put my finger on the wound on his side,
01:20:25I won't believe it.
01:20:30I have nothing more to say about this matter to anyone.
01:20:33No one.
01:20:35No one.
01:20:37No one at all.
01:20:40Go ahead.
01:20:44Put your finger here.
01:20:47Put it in my wounds.
01:20:50And from now on, don't be ungrateful,
01:20:54but faithful.
01:20:58My Lord.
01:21:01And my God.
01:21:07Because you have seen me,
01:21:09you have believed, Thomas.
01:21:11Well done.
01:21:12They have believed.
01:21:19Go all over the earth
01:21:20and make disciples,
01:21:22baptizing them in the name
01:21:24of the Father,
01:21:26of the Son,
01:21:29because the Holy Spirit
01:21:30will soon come upon you.
01:21:34The Holy Spirit
01:21:35will come upon you.
01:21:38And I will always be by your side,
01:21:43until the end of the centuries.
01:21:52Don't worry.
01:21:53Don't suffer.
01:21:55In my father's house
01:21:56there are many moradas.
01:21:58In Kafarnaum.
01:22:01In Kafarnaum
01:22:02In Jerusalem.
01:22:04All over the world.
01:22:07The Kingdom of God has come.
01:22:10And now He will be with us forever.
01:23:03The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:06The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:09The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:12The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:15The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:18The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:21The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:24The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:27The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:29The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:32The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:35The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:38The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:41The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:44The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:47The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:50The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:53The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:56The Kingdom of God has come.
01:23:59The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:02The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:05The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:08The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:11The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:14The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:17The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:20The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:23The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:26The Kingdom of God has come.
01:24:59Where we are, God almighty, Where we are,
01:25:12Sancta eterna, where we are, Sancta eterna, where we are.
01:25:42Sancta eterna, where we are, Sancta eterna, where we are.