• 19 hours ago
COMBATE! (serie de Tv) - T5Ep3 - En español
COMBATE! (serie de Tv) - T5Ep3 - En español
COMBATE! (serie de Tv) - T5Ep3 - En español


00:31It must be the company's patrol, Charlie.
00:34Yes, whatever remains of it.
00:36Kirby, you and McCall go around the left.
00:38Little John and I will try to flank them on this side.
01:30Let's go!
02:00Look out!
02:30Cover me.
03:00Look out!
03:30Look out!
04:00Look out!
04:30Look out!
04:53I'll go down and drag off.
05:01Look over there.
05:06What is it, Sergeant?
05:43Why did you have to do it, Ollie?
06:13Con las actuaciones de la de Rick Jason.
06:22Y Vic Morrow.
06:30Actor invitado, Robert Walker.
06:44I was just trying to help you, Ollie.
06:47I was just trying to help you, Ollie.
07:18I'm sorry.
07:26Get down!
07:40Get down!
07:42Calm down. I'll go get help.
07:47I'll go get help.
08:17I'll go get help.
08:47I'll go get help.
08:56Little John!
09:29Lieutenant Herschel!
09:42He's dead.
09:50It can't be.
09:57He's dead.
10:05Kirby found another one.
10:07He's not badly wounded.
10:10Take him to that ruin.
10:15Go get him.
10:23I want to thank you, Lieutenant.
10:29For teaching me to be a good soldier.
10:35The perfect soldier.
10:37That's you, Ollie.
10:39You told me.
10:48You always said that about me, Sergeant.
10:50Let's go, soldier.
10:52When we got to Omaha, the lieutenant told us personally...
10:58If anyone dies...
11:00If there's time...
11:03Don't forget to bury him like a good soldier.
11:06A good soldier.
11:12I'm sorry.
11:15I'm sorry.
11:18I'm sorry.
11:22It's the right thing to do, isn't it, Sergeant?
11:25It's the right thing to do.
11:33Let's go.
11:40This is Ollie Joe.
11:52This is Ollie Joe.
11:58Hakimate, Ray 2, this is White Tower. Over.
12:02Hakimate, Ray 2, this is White Tower. Over.
12:13It doesn't look serious. Just a scratch. He was lucky.
12:17It's incredible. That's what it is.
12:20Only God knows why he lets certain kinds of people survive.
12:24Just like the good-for-nothing from my company, Charlie Pelton.
12:28Servant and the most well-fed soldier, Ollie Joe Brown.
12:31Very brave.
12:33The way he annihilated the retrievers was a feat.
12:36Yes, it was a feat. He always does that.
12:39Wait and you'll see, comrade.
12:41I haven't seen anything yet.
12:43Hakimate, Ray 2, this is White Tower. Over.
12:45Hakimate, Ray 2, this is White Tower. Over.
12:47We have contact. Position 3-9-0 yards south.
12:51Point X-ray.
12:54Only two survivors of the patrol of the Charlie Company are with us.
12:57Their boss is dead. Over.
13:00Wait there. I'll call you back. Out.
13:03Understood. Out.
13:08Is Ray 2 your lieutenant?
13:13He's lucky to have a sergeant like you.
13:16And I bet he can handle it.
13:30If I eat more of this, I'll have four legs to hunt rabbits.
13:35That's why they call us dog faces.
13:38McCall, are you done?
13:42Go and watch.
13:45I'll go, sergeant.
13:47No, he's done.
13:49You eat something.
13:51Whatever you say, sergeant.
13:53I'm very hungry.
13:56Here, boy. Enjoy.
13:59Smells good.
14:15That's why I like the army. They eat delicious food.
14:20Nothing better than the Caribbean cuisine.
14:25Where are you from, soldier?
14:27From here and there.
14:29Where do you prefer?
14:45Can I talk to you for a moment?
14:47Of course.
14:54Many times I...
14:57...do or say something wrong.
14:59And if no one tells me, I don't learn.
15:02And I want to learn.
15:05It's enough for someone to tell me once, sergeant.
15:08And I wouldn't do it again.
15:17Did you do the military career?
15:23Well, I would have sworn I did.
15:27By the way you give orders.
15:30And you obey.
15:37When the war is over, I'll join the army, right?
15:43That's for sure.
15:46I'll stay.
15:49I'm sure.
15:52I'll wait for you all my life.
15:54It's the first time I hear it.
15:58What do you hear?
16:00Tell a guy I want to form his home in the army.
16:03It's not natural.
16:06Well, for Oli, I am the most natural thing in the world.
16:09I never knew who his father, his mother or the town where he was born.
16:13And less why.
16:16How is it that you are so well informed?
16:19He told me.
16:21He was nothing more than a poor scared, lonely and hungry little animal.
16:25Until the day he was recruited.
16:27Yes, this boy was born just 16 months ago on the outskirts of Benning.
16:31White Tower, this is Hakimaterrey 2, over.
16:38Hakimaterrey 2, this is White Tower, over.
16:41Proceed to the point of green light.
16:43Make sure it's a new warning, over.
16:47Understood, out.
16:51And now what, Sergeant?
16:53A bridge. We must capture it and hold it.
16:57Report that the Nazis are retreating.
16:59Through our bridge?
17:01We'll have to find out.
17:03Well, walking. Are you feeling well?
17:06Take the radio.
17:07McCall, go to the head.
17:10You, to the rear.
17:12Help me load this, will you?
17:16Let's go.
18:17They found McCall, sir.
18:25What does he say?
18:27Go to the left and attack the rear.
18:36I'll go to the right.
18:38I'll go to the left.
18:40I'll go to the left.
18:42I'll go to the left.
18:44I'll go to the left.
19:14I'll go to the left.
19:44I'll go to the left.
20:14I'll go to the left.
20:44I'll go to the left.
20:58I'll go to the left.
21:14I'll go to the left.
21:39Let's do it stupendous abajo Sargento
21:46You know, we must be a black boy, you know, what do you think Charlie?
21:51No, they must have gone up on a grand equip. Oh
21:58And I know
22:00Okay, baby, but you can't use that. Oh, that's
22:05You said my code they didn't begin
22:13Don't like when it's okay
22:59It was Johnny McCall who won a sacroline a despy podrán ver el puente quiere que vaya con ellos de gente
23:05No, no, we will meet at the farm
23:44Hey, I mean because I'm happy in last year
23:56Yeah, I think it's a little bit under
24:19I'm sorry. You're awesome. I'm gonna carry this is a really
24:25Pudo haber subido esta colina está ya de vuelta de la charlie claro que si
24:32Debo haber hecho algo mal, pero se lo dije
24:40Le dice
24:41Sargento sin algo de usted que me equivoco no tiene más que decirme lo
24:46Dígamelo una vez y no lo volveré a hacer
24:50Esto es lo que pasaba con el teniente el show no era sin charlie
24:57It's a little perfect
24:59You're gonna see it's over me. I was only Armano
25:04I'm not a limp. You know, it's a
25:08Pita las manos del rifle. I'm not a holy
25:14Arma a so pronto
25:17It's easy
25:20No, sir, don't need a moment. Oh, I tend to feel pretty so
25:25Creo que el sargento tiene razón
25:29Pero sabes lo que dice el manual
25:34El m1 debe estar siempre limpio sobre todo después de haberlo usado mucho
25:44El soldado perfecto
25:50Gente le molesta si le hablo
25:54No te escucho
25:56bien respecto a hoy yo
25:58Salvo unico el que que debe ser el colamo perfecto desde luego nadie lo es
26:03Se lo sabe y yo lo sé pero no oly joe
26:07piensa así desde que lo conozco
26:09pero no por presunción así que
26:14Bueno si pudiera no ser tan estricto con él a lo mejor usted se acostumbra a que él lo considere como la imagen del padre
26:26Oiga que es eso de la imagen del padre
26:30Bueno parece que eso busca ahora el del interés o no era hasta que lo mataron esta mañana y
26:36anteriormente no fueron todos los argentos que adiestraron el chico
26:39Sabes lo que dice cuando ascendieron a soldados de primera no pero me imagino que limpiar todos los rifles del pelotón
26:46Oli yo que hiciste la noche que te ascendieron a soldados de primera que hice esa noche famosa
26:52bien lo sabes a mí compré cerveza para toda la compañía
26:55que tanta cerveza
26:58Me gasté cerca de 300 dólares
27:03De dónde sacaste tanto dinero
27:06De mi paga hasta el último centavo desde que presté juramento hasta que gané mi bar
27:14Hasta que un solo centavo en casa de personal
27:16No tuve que hacerlo tenía cuanto necesitaba un lugar donde dormir ropa alimentos doctores
27:24más y mejor de lo que había tenido en mi vida
27:26Vaya apenas si puedo creerlo oye no se separe de mí quiero estar contigo cuando te atiendan a cabo
27:32Es usted muy gracioso que se lo aseguro
27:42Camino libre a la colina el puente está más allá como a un cuarto de milla andando
30:09Come on
30:13Nadie te hará daño
30:26Puede haber más nazis por aquí y el john pelton y mccall vigil en adelante que viene conmigo
30:38Si puedes hacerlo
31:15Cuando lo vi aquí tirado en el bosque y ahora que ando como un perrito
31:20Apuesto que creyó que todo había terminado
31:26Que nadie podría encontrarlo o ayudarlo que a nadie en todo el mundo le importaba si vivía o moría
31:33Antes de entrar al ejército eso era lo que me pasaba siempre hasta donde puedo hacer memoria
31:42No es justo que alguien se sienta tan desamparado
31:52La murió
31:58No es justo
32:13Ya murió
32:15No puedo comprender a oliver gento
32:18cambia constantemente hay momentos en que tienen instinto asesino y momentos en que es manso como una oveja
32:24estuvo reconfortando al alemán
32:27No lo pierdas de vista doc
32:32Había un jeep nazi en el camino pasó sobre una mina el conductor está muerto el que habrá rastrado hasta aquí
32:40Andando vámonos
32:46Oli boys a gentle
33:35If it was almost free catena lista una cuadrilla de demolición para volar el puente
33:41Pendleton cruz en el río de trueno a metralladora
33:44Macaulay little John by and Rio abajo y denles a los nazis del puente luego nos encargaremos de la cuadrilla de demolición
33:50No disparen hasta que Kirby rompe el fuego
33:56Bueno vamos
40:42No tiempo de veras
40:49Está bien orillo
40:59It's a little point that you know, we're going to
41:59Pero no
42:02Yo tuve la culpa
42:05Abasta ya nadie tuvo la culpa puede haberlo salvado y tú lo sabes dije que ya basta
42:22La gente un camión nazi viene a media milla del camino
42:34Gotta keep him off the bridge. We'll pick a spot up in the road
42:38Only get a second and up, but you don't even get away get up if you don't care if they got no sumo cubridas
42:45No, it's cool. So what's that mean? What do you hope? I know that I'm a cool bastard. Oh boy. Do it get up in
43:31And to make a position is arriba del camino con intervalos de cincuenta pies my call little John encarguense de la infantería
43:37Kevin trata de detener el camión yo le arrojaré una granada desde allá bien andando
44:59Pero que haces tú aquí te digo la orden si señor vuelve al puente no teniente
45:08Teniente se lo dije no puede obligarme a retirarme no puedo
45:16Sabe lo que me sucedería si me despiden medio de un combate
45:21Me mandaría a la casa me darían de baja
45:29Y escucha me
45:33No a de que esto me pasa verdad señor no olio
45:39Recuerden lo que siempre ha dicho de mí es el soldado perfecto
45:45Verdad señor
45:50Apunta hacia otro lado
45:56Si no es justo
46:00Permanecer en el ejército teniente durante toda mi vida
46:07Nadie podrá impedirlo
46:11Ni siquiera usted señor qué vas a hacer
46:16Vas a matarme como mataste al teniente
46:27Eso fue lo que pasó verdad
46:29Te iba a mandar a casa
46:32No es cierto te iba a dar de baja
46:39Allá vienen
49:20Lo de bien perfecto
49:34Soldado perfecto