• yesterday
00:00Yeah, it's really nice to get, you know, as I said, I don't expect awards for these things,
00:07but it was nice that somebody nominated me, thought I was doing enough to be nominated,
00:10and also it's nice, as you say, the public voted, and it was, yeah, it's really nice to get.
00:17There's so many good stories, even in my section, there's so many really inspiring stories,
00:22and I was really chuffed to get that. I was surprised, but chuffed.
00:27I work, yes, I've been there since, oh, I don't know, 15 years?
00:31I was chairman, when I was in the council, I was chairman of the partnership,
00:35but I'm working there now, I'm part-time now, three days a week,
00:37and what I do is I try to get young boys, especially young boys, some girls, but mostly boys,
00:42try to get them into work in Merkynshire area, or even Downerley, anywhere, to be honest with you.
00:47I'm trying to help them, so we try and bridge that gap from when they come out of school,
00:52or they're out of work for a long time, to get them into work, because work can change their lives,
00:58a job can change their lives, they have money in their pocket,
01:01and they can do things they probably couldn't think of doing,
01:05and it's a real change of career for them, and that's what I get most enjoyment of,
01:12I see them moving away to do things they never thought they could do.
01:16I couldn't believe that, because there's so many inspiring stories,
01:19I was listening tonight, some great recipients on awards,
01:23and I just didn't think for a minute I was going to be that, but it's great, it's fantastic, it's really nice,
01:31not only if you're being decided and judged upon all these other great stories around you,
01:42I must be doing something right, and it's really nice to know that,
01:45all those years of hard work, it'd be great, and I know my dad especially,
01:51but my parents were very proud of the fact that I'm in their area,
01:55working and helping the young people especially move on.
01:59Well, I usually get awards, I've got a few awards, but for different things, for football,
02:04but they usually get shoved up in my room.
02:06I'm hoping I can keep these in the living room for as long as I can, for my partner, as soon as she notices.
02:13It's great, I do appreciate this award, it's a very special award, I know that.