Tag Across Europe 3 | show | 2024| S11 | Official Trailer | dHNzX0J1bFprZjk3Y0VR
00:00We're in Ferrari, Italy.
00:03We're going to play a 72-hour game of TAG across Europe,
00:05but that bill means it's 6 AM and Adam's a runner,
00:07so he's got to go, go, go.
00:11Here we go.
00:13We are so freaking back.
00:17Two teams, both alike in dignity,
00:20in fair Verona, where we lay our scene.
00:23Welcome back to TAG.
00:25If you don't already know, in this game,
00:27each of us is trying to reach a different part of Europe,
00:29but this time, there's a brand new map.
00:32Our goals are Lyon, France, Capri, Italy,
00:34or Bratislava, Slovakia.
00:36While you're the runner,
00:37you can make progress towards your finish line,
00:39but as you string together a route of trains,
00:41buses, and planes,
00:42the other two players will have a tracker on you
00:43and will work tirelessly to hunt you down and tag you.
00:56Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:59And then, and then.
01:02And then.
01:08This is the part of the game
01:09where you start to get so paranoid.
01:11Go stealthy mode.
01:11It's all a mindset, Sam.
01:15Okay, that was not very stealthy.
01:17Oh no, my shirt.
01:19I like this shirt.
01:21It's devastating.
01:22Wait, is that him?
01:27This is really bad.
01:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:31Team Ben, do not despair.
01:32Oh my God, what do we do?
01:34Ben, down, down, down.
01:35Print faster.
01:37Oh, please God.
01:38We literally have 60 seconds.
01:39Okay, go, go, go, go.
01:49But it looks like, based on this map,
01:51that if you go this way and follow this road,
01:55there's a train station there.
01:56Damn it.
01:58That's probably what he was doing.
02:00Oh my God.
02:01I was hoping there wouldn't be a train station here.
02:03This game would have been a lot easier.
02:04Oh, fuck.