• 2 years ago
Season 3 | show | 2023| S3 | Official Trailer | dHNzXzVEa1NIdU1JVVc4


00:00 And now, we take you to Hackensack, New Jersey for a special announcement.
00:04 Who made this podium so fucking tall?
00:07 I'm here to announce to you dipshits, that season 3 of my show, Chucky, will return on October 4th.
00:15 And I will not rest until every single one of you fuckers watch it.
00:19 Now ask me some questions.
00:21 Chucky, what is this season about?
00:23 All I'll say is, DC is gonna get chucked up.
00:26 [Chuck laughs]
00:27 With so much content out there, where can we watch the new season?
00:31 I'm too big for only one platform, so my show's running on three.
00:36 USA, Syfy, and Pika.
00:38 Next ask like?
00:40 Will Devon Sawa be returning as a new character?
00:44 Who? Next question.
00:45 How about Jennifer Tilly? Will she be back?
00:48 Yes, you know, she always comes back.
00:50 Tilly, right here. Chucky, Chucky, Chucky, Chucky, Chucky.
00:52 What's your response to critics that say there have been way too many doll movies recently?
00:58 I'd say, this is not a movie. I already did seven movies.
01:03 This is a TV show.
01:04 I'm sorry, Chucky, I didn't mean to offend you.
01:05 What kind of a shitty question is that?
01:07 I'm coming for you, you fucking...
01:09 [Chuck laughs]
01:15 [Thunder]
