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In remarks to the DOJ, President Trump praised Judge Aileen Cannon.

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00:00I had an amazing judge in Florida, and her name is Eileen Cannon, and I didn't know her.
00:09I still don't know her. I don't believe I ever spoke to her, even during the trial.
00:14But I did appoint her federal judge, and these fake lawyers, these horrible human
00:21beings were hitting her so hard, public relations-wise. They were playing the ref.
00:27I don't think it's legal. I don't think it's legal. They might as well go out and just
00:32shout it in a courthouse. They were saying she was slow. She wasn't smart. She was totally biased.
00:42She loved Trump. I didn't know her, other than I saw her the couple of days that I was in court,
00:50and I thought her decorum was amazing. Anything bad they could say, though,
00:54they were saying about her. It was whatever they could say bad about a human being, all made up,
01:00because, actually, she was brilliant. She moved quickly.
01:04She was the absolute model of what a judge should be, and she was strong and tough.
01:12And how do you get them to stop, if you're a judge? How do you get them to stop with the
01:17playing the ref? Bobby Knight would play the ref. That's why I brought up the Bobby Knight story.
01:22He would play the ref. He'd scream at the ref. He'd scream so hard. Oh, boy, it was terrible,
01:27actually. And the people would come up. His assistant coaches would come up to play.
01:32He'd say, Coach, Coach, don't do that. Don't do it. He said, He's not going to change his
01:37tune, Coach. He called it. He's not changing it. I don't care. And he'd scream. That's when he
01:42threw it in a chair. He starts going crazy. And he said, No, he's not going to change this time,
01:47but he's going to change for the next play. And sure as hell he did. You know, Bobby, by the way,
01:51had the last undefeated team in basketball. And relatively speaking, you know, he had a team. He
01:57always had a team. He never had that. He had a couple of great players, obviously, some top NBA
02:02players, but very few. Relatively, he had a team. But he had he won the national championship three
02:08times. But he had the last undefeated team in basketball. And he would play the ref and he
02:14would scream at him. He knew exactly what he was doing. They're doing the same thing. He said,
02:18No, he's not going to change now, but he's going to change for the next one. That's what he wanted
02:21to do. He wanted to scare the hell they wanted to scare the hell out of the judges. And they do it.
02:27And how do you stop it if you're a judge? Because you want to go home. You have a family of children
02:32and the New York Times will write whatever these people say in the Washington Post,
02:37the Wall Street Journal and MSDNC and the fake news, CNN and ABC, CBS and NBC. And they'll write
02:46whatever they say. And what do you do to get rid of it? You convict Trump. All you have to do is
02:53be really tough on him and ultimately convict him and they leave you alone. It's totally illegal
02:59what they do. I just hope you can all watch for it. But it's totally illegal. And it was so unfair
03:04what they were doing to her. But they do it all the time with judges. But in her case,
03:09she was very courageous and it only made her angry when you say it just made her angry.
03:17She didn't like it. A lot of them say, oh, please don't say that about me.
03:22My family. What's my husband going to say? What's my wife going to say or my kids?
03:26Please don't say that. And it had absolutely no impact on her and the case against me, which was
03:34a case. I will not use a bad word. I promised. I promised my wife I would never use a bad word.
03:40So just a little bad. The case against me was bullshit and she correctly dismissed it.
03:50She correctly. She correctly. Look at him. All this. Look at it. That's interesting.
03:58But these two guys were warriors. You got a warrior here. You got two warriors. I can tell
04:04you that you had a whole bunch of them. But and they wouldn't quit. They wouldn't take no for an
04:10answer. They just wouldn't quit. These two people right up here and some others that are involved
04:15with it indirectly. And what the lawyers do is they're doing it to the Supreme Court. Justice
04:22is hoping that they'll be overcome by the horrible things they say about it. They say things about
04:29Supreme Court justices and judges that are just horrible. They're playing the referee. Remember
04:34the way they treated Justice Thomas and Justice Alito and Justice Kavanaugh, Justice Gorsuch,
04:40Chief Justice Roberts get treated unbelievably badly. And they're hoping that they can sway
04:48them to go along. Because, again, what do they do? They're humans. You know, like any it would
04:53be wonderful if everybody was just a perfect computer machine. But they're not. They're humans.
04:59And they don't want to be accused of many, many things, including gross incompetence.
05:04They don't like it. And they don't want it. There's not much they can do about it. You know,
05:09they're in a position they can't really fight back really very well. And so what they do is
05:14sometimes they get weak. I would say a majority, maybe, of the times. That's why I'm so impressed
05:20with Judge Cannon in Florida, how strong she was, how she held up. It actually made her more
05:26resolute than anything I've seen. I mean, it was amazing because they were hitting her so hard.
05:31It was so sad to watch this. But it's sad what they do to us.
