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friendings in vid

Outro song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkmHOkP5B-Q

© 2024 Sniping Soup (liquidmetall711)
00:00Dude, you weren't even alive when the World Trade Centers blew up.
00:05That's crazy.
00:06That's embarrassing.
00:07Were you guys just laughing at the TV whenever it happened?
00:09I shaved my chest out of remorse.
00:11Peanuts2, are you a woman?
00:14Just curious.
00:15I ain't gonna be weird or nothing.
00:16I am.
00:17Me, I am.
00:18You are?
00:19All right.
00:20Well, I tip my cap to you, milady.
00:21Thank you for that save.
00:22Dude, you're...
00:23Oh, no.
00:24I don't know what to say.
00:25I just bought two new characters.
00:27Oh, who'd you get?
00:28I bought Twitch and Ass.
00:30What's seven plus seven?
00:31Seven plus seven.
00:34How much?
00:35And this white man was just butt, booty, ass naked in the middle of the road.
00:36Stupid crackers.
00:37I hate it.
00:38I saw this guy on a bike with his mask.
00:39Oh, my God.
00:40Oh, my God.
00:41Oh, my God.
00:42Oh, my God.
00:43Oh, my God.
00:44Oh, my God.
00:45Oh, my God.
00:46Oh, my God.
00:47Oh, my God.
00:48Oh, my God.
00:49Oh, my God.
00:50Oh, my God.
00:51Oh, my God.
00:52Oh, my God.
00:53Oh, my God.
00:55Oh, it's so weird having an empty room, dude.
00:57It feels like 2018 all over again.
00:59I feel like a little baby.
01:00What was that?
01:01My Zen can.
01:02I need to put some WD-40 on this bad boy.
01:06That Zen can's used up like a hooker.
01:08I'm glad, dude.
01:09You sound less moldy already.
01:12You know what I mean?
01:13I can tell you're out of the mold.
01:14It's been one day out of the mold.
01:16For those who didn't know that are watching the video, Yami was living in a black mold
01:21castle because he was so stupid and didn't clean his shower.
01:24That is not why that happened.
01:26Dude, I'm not even going to get into it.
01:27My landlord planted a mold bomb in my bathroom.
01:30We're going to see how fucking stupid we get on the game today.
01:33Yo, monkey182012.
01:35That's a dope name.
01:36I like that.
01:37Steely Dan.
01:38Are you playing Rainbow Six Siege?
01:41What's up?
01:42What's up?
01:43Oh, boy.
01:44Yeah, we got some cool names in here.
01:45Steely Dan.
01:46How's it going?
01:47Did you like my rendition of the Steely Dan song?
01:48Are you talking to me?
01:49I said Steely Dan, didn't I?
01:50Talking to me?
01:51I'm talking to you.
01:52What's with this guy?
01:53You're a little amped up for a dude who has Steely Dan as their name.
01:56Oh, Steely Dan?
01:57Yeah, that's me.
01:59Are you playing Siege?
02:01You get it?
02:02You get it?
02:03Do you get the Steely Dan reference?
02:04Oh, yeah.
02:05I get it, man.
02:06Really good.
02:07Really good stuff.
02:10Steely Dan, why do you have an attitude right now, man?
02:11What's the problem?
02:12I warmed up to that guy.
02:13Look at this shit.
02:14He just crawled up to him like a New York fucking sewer rat.
02:18I'm ready.
02:19I'm ready.
02:20What were you saying, Steely Dan?
02:21You said you're busy?
02:22You don't have time to talk to me?
02:23He's probably got kids running around in the back.
02:25He sounds like he's 42, 43.
02:27Ain't that right, Daniel?
02:31He's a fucking AI robot.
02:33AI Jerkbot 9000.
02:36Are you playing Siege?
02:39Yeah, really good.
02:40Really good.
02:41Love it.
02:42Thank you, man.
02:43Yeah, yeah.
02:44You sound like a bundle of joy on this Sunday, dude.
02:45You're so happy and joyful and awesome to be around.
02:47I'll be real.
02:48Keep it up.
02:49I don't like your fucking attitude, partner.
02:50I'm just trying to spread some Steely Dan joy.
02:52Yeah, we're all just trying to spread joy here, guys.
02:54Don't bring down the attitude.
02:55You're the one bringing it down.
02:56We're talking to you, Dan.
02:57You're the one fucking bringing it down, Daniel.
02:59Get out of the government on your bitch ass.
03:01Hey, Dan, get a grip.
03:02What are you doing, man?
03:03Yeah, you in the mirror right now.
03:04You need to fucking get a grip.
03:05All right, this is where we come back.
03:07Don't worry.
03:08Damn, C-3PO motherfucker.
03:09I hate you.
03:10Oh, you guys know Steely Dan?
03:12Shut the fuck up, Steely Dan.
03:16You talking to me?
03:18Muted, loser.
03:21Oh, you playing?
03:22You had all the time in the world to talk, and now you're just being a bitch.
03:24You already pissed me way the fuck off.
03:32Why'd my gun switch?
03:34The fuck?
03:39Dude, what the fuck are you doing?
03:45What the fuck was that?
03:50If only my fat ass fit through the first time, I would've had a better chance of what's happening.
03:54That's insane.
03:55And with the Fortnite build, put a wall up.
03:59Dog! Dog!
04:01This guy's in an actual fucking war.
04:04It's the first thing he said all game.
04:06All right.
04:07Riveting gameplay.
04:08What up, bald wedge?
04:10What up?
04:11How you doing?
04:12I'm gonna suck, by the way.
04:13This is my first game of the day.
04:14Oh, you're good, man.
04:15You're good.
04:17You gotta have more confidence than that.
04:18What the fuck?
04:19Why are you moaning?
04:20It ain't moan day.
04:22It's Sunday.
04:23Moan day's tomorrow.
04:24Moan day.
04:25Then it's tug day.
04:26Then it's pull day.
04:27Then it's stretch day.
04:28Oh, really now?
04:29Yeah, so you're doing moan day on a Sunday.
04:30That ain't right.
04:32I don't know.
04:33No moaning.
04:34Nah, bro.
04:35It's like 2.50 in the afternoon for me, and I still haven't woken up, really.
04:39Well, it's time to wake up, soldier.
04:41Wake up and lock in.
04:42What you been doing all day?
04:43Literally nothing.
04:44Literally nothing.
04:45I was watching, like, the NASCAR going.
04:46The game going on.
04:47Oh, NASCAR game?
04:48Where you drinking?
04:49The NASCAR game.
04:50Eh, no.
04:52I think you mean the Daytona 500?
04:56You said the NASCAR game?
04:57Who the hell says that?
04:59Yeah, they were driving on the court.
05:00I don't watch NASCAR.
05:01My fault.
05:02They were dunking and shooting layups.
05:03More of a football guy.
05:04I love the football tournaments that come on Sundays.
05:07Football tournaments.
05:10That one hurts my soul.
05:11I just got team killed.
05:12I just got team killed.
05:13I don't know what's worse, that or NASCAR game.
05:15Who's your favorite NASCAR game player?
05:17NASCAR game?
05:18That was literally my first NASCAR.
05:20Oh, so you don't like Jeff Gordon or Dale Earnhardt?
05:23No idea who those are.
05:24My favorite...
05:25Did you say Amelia Earhardt?
05:26My favorite racist is...
05:27Dale Earnhardt?
05:28My favorite racist is Jimmy Jelkson.
05:29Yeah, I don't know who the hell Jimmy Jelkson is, dude.
05:34That's not Monday.
05:35It's Sunday.
05:36Yeah, no moaning.
05:37You never heard of the racist Jimmy Jelkson?
05:40Who's one of the most famous NASCAR racists ever?
05:43Oh, my God.
05:44What about Dale Burnshart?
05:48Oh, that one's good.
05:49I like that one.
05:51Earl Barnshit.
05:53Earl Barnshart.
05:54Who would sponsor them?
05:56Honestly, with that kind of last name, who would sponsor that?
05:58Dude Wipes.
05:59Chester the Cheeto.
06:00Chester the Cheeto.
06:01Okay, I see that.
06:02Mountain Dew and Dude Wipes.
06:03And Slim Jim.
06:04And Jack Links.
06:05Jack me off, Link.
06:09I like that.
06:10Feed your wild hole.
06:11Beef squirty.
06:12The crazy Sasquatch.
06:13You guys are just throwing them out there.
06:15I throw babies out there off my roof.
06:19What kind of sound do they make?
06:20Is it like a...
06:22Yeah, they're toddlers.
06:24They go, no, don't throw me, please.
06:25No, I'm a grown man, actually.
06:27Release me, please, father.
06:28Release me.
06:30Bald Wedge.
06:31How'd you come up with that name?
06:32Are you bald or something?
06:33Are you like potato wedges?
06:35Yeah, at 15.
06:36So I'm kind of cooked.
06:37You're 15?
06:40You're at least like 88.
06:41It's sad.
06:42I thought you were old as hell.
06:4315 watching NASCAR, you might as well retire, dude.
06:45How'd you get down on the roof?
06:47Don't worry, Bald Wedge.
06:48I'm coming for you.
06:49Hold on.
06:50I ain't very good at this game.
06:51No, no, no, no.
06:52Step back from that ledge, my friend.
06:54How'd that happen, dude?
06:55How'd you get down on the roof?
06:56He's like one of them babies.
06:57Oh, I fell from there.
06:58Yeah, like one of them babies.
06:59Yeah, I want to be free.
07:00Release me, father.
07:03Is Bald Wedge like an unseasoned potato wedge?
07:06Is that what that means?
07:07He's actually bald at 15.
07:09Not fully.
07:10There's like a spot on the back, but you get the premise of it.
07:12Oh, my God.
07:13You have a bald spot at 15, dude?
07:15I don't even want to make a joke.
07:17I just feel bad for you.
07:18No, that's all right.
07:19Just throw him out there.
07:20Why don't you just pull some grass out of the yard and just like glue it on?
07:24They'll call you Grassy.
07:25Grassy boy, grass head.
07:27All right.
07:28They should do like one of those plug things, you know, where they have like, it's a big
07:32like metal cylinder and they-
07:34Yeah, plug talk.
07:35My plug can't even walk.
07:36He's handicapped.
07:37Plug walk.
07:38Plug can't walk.
07:39He's handicapped.
07:40Plug talk.
07:41All right.
07:42You don't even got to pour some of the soda.
07:44You got a ramp going up to the front door.
07:47You should just become Jewish and wear a yarmulke and cover the bald spot.
07:51That's a good idea.
07:52Or you could become the Pope.
07:53The Pope.
07:54You could just become the Pope.
07:55You know, I'd like to stay away from the-
07:57That's true.
07:58That's true.
07:59You're not 18 yet.
08:00That's true.
08:01Stay away from that Pope, dude.
08:02You don't know what he'd be doing.
08:03Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:04Yeah, he might try to use something else to glue that hair back on.
08:06Stay the fuck away from that motherfucker.
08:09No, no, no.
08:10No, ooh.
08:12What do you mean?
08:14If there's a way, I'll take it, you know?
08:15You don't want the Catholic way.
08:16They'll get you.
08:17They won't let go.
08:19You need that Christian afro.
08:26You need that deep fried first Baptist fro.
08:28How do you deep fry it?
08:30You need that Methodist man wig.
08:33I was thinking about getting one of those, actually.
08:35You got that Buddha bald spot.
08:37Buddha bald spot.
08:38Bald as a Baptist.
08:40Oh, shit.
08:41Big Boo, we're so dead.
08:43You came right in this corner, you fucker.
08:51Oh, Big Boo.
08:53Going in deep.
08:56Don't fuck with me!
08:57Sorry, I got a little excited there.
08:59They're both out.
09:00Yo, go get that ace.
09:01They're both out there.
09:03Oh, on repel.
09:04Last one on repel.
09:05You're supposed to go left side.
09:06Oh, I'm just kidding.
09:14Shit, I almost had an ace!
09:16Ball wedge, go get him!
09:18Go get him!
09:20Yeah, yeah.
09:22We'll be with that bliss.
09:23Go get him.
09:24Rush him.
09:25Reflect his flesh off your bald spot on your head.
09:27Blind him.
09:28Blind him with that baldness.
09:30Get him.
09:31Get him!
09:33Someone kill that man!
09:35Oh, shit.
09:37What the hell is going on?
09:39You guys better not lose this round, I swear to God.
09:43The hell?
09:44Make a move, team!
09:45Make a move!
09:47Oh my God, no.
09:48This is not the play.
09:49This is not it.
09:51Oh no, he just ran inside.
09:54If we lose this round!
10:00Thank you, Peanuts2.
10:02You're welcome.
10:03Good clutch.
10:04Hell yeah!
10:05Peanuts2, are you a woman?
10:07Just curious.
10:08I ain't gonna be weird or nothing.
10:09I am.
10:10Yeah, I am.
10:11You are?
10:12All right, well, I tip my cap to you, m'lady.
10:13Thank you for that save.
10:14Yeah, you're welcome.
10:15Dude, you're...
10:16Oh, nah, son.
10:19Nah, dude.
10:20Edge, you don't sound okay.
10:22It's wedge, not edge.
10:26Yeah, you could be bald w edge, that's true.
10:28My tip is bald.
10:29All right, dude.
10:30There's a fucking lady in here, man.
10:32You watch your fucking 15-year-old mouth.
10:35You're getting all fucking freaky acting when you hear a woman on the mic saying you have a bald tip.
10:39You watch your fucking mouth, buddy.
10:41All right.
10:42Peanuts, I'm sorry you had to hear that.
10:44My fault, gang.
10:45That's on me.
10:46So, Peanuts, are you bald as well?
10:48You got a bald spot?
10:49I am, I do.
10:50I praise the baldness.
10:52See, you need to have more confidence like that, wedge, in your baldness.
10:56Why do you think I named my gamertag this?
10:58Because you're ashamed of it.
10:59You're projecting your insecurity into your gamertag.
11:02Oh, yeah.
11:03You're trying to make it a joke.
11:04The only way to get rid of it is by accepting it.
11:06So, where are you all from?
11:07South Kakalaki.
11:08What about you, wedge?
11:09Where are you from?
11:10Most landlocked state, Nebraska.
11:14Oh, Jesus.
11:15You're bald in Nebraska?
11:16Dude, that's rough, man.
11:18You were never going to find a wife.
11:19I know.
11:20Why don't you just become Amish and make a corn empire or something?
11:25You have nothing else to do.
11:26Make a mattress out of your beard hair.
11:28Yeah, take the rest of the hair you have left on your head and make a beard and just grow corn.
11:32You have no other choice in life.
11:33I hate to tell you.
11:40Yeah, I'm gaming on a Sunday.
11:42Every kill right there was so baller AF that I just did look at that big old booty.
11:49Everybody saw that, right?
11:50I saw it, dude.
11:52I saw it.
11:53I saw it.
11:54Don't worry.
11:56Like it's 2012 when Wedge was born.
11:59No, no.
12:01Your math is not mathing.
12:02No, no.
12:03Dude, you weren't even alive when the World Trade Centers blew up.
12:07That's crazy.
12:08That's embarrassing.
12:09Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
12:11There were a lot of bald people that day.
12:12That's an L for you, dude.
12:13I don't know.
12:14Were you guys just laughing at the TV whenever it happened?
12:16I was 37 when it happened.
12:18I was 40 and I shaved my head in remorse.
12:23At least you had an option.
12:24You had an option.
12:25I don't.
12:26I cried blood out of pain when I was watching it.
12:29And I shaved my chest out of remorse.
12:33Me too.
12:34I shaved mine as well.
12:37I do not want to.
12:38I don't want to ask any questions.
12:39I don't even want to engage with Phoenix right now.
12:41I don't want to even know.
12:43Wedge, you said you're 15 in Nebraska and you're balding.
12:45What do you want to be when you grow up?
12:47That's a hell of a Tinder profile, by the way.
12:49Head full of hair in New York and happy.
12:5315, bald, I live in Nebraska.
12:55I mean, hell yeah.
12:56I'll tie it all together.
12:57Be like an electrician.
12:5940-year-old electrician.
13:00I thought you were going to say lifeguard and I was going to die laughing.
13:04No, no, no.
13:05You need a full set of hair for that one.
13:06Clutch season.
13:07Clutch season.
13:09Oh, shit.
13:10He's in the left corner, big boob.
13:11He's right there.
13:15I shit the bed.
13:16Come on, baldy.
13:17It's up to you, baldy.
13:18Wait, get your one kill.
13:19Oh, versus the top frag on the other team.
13:20You got it.
13:21You got this.
13:22All day, baldy.
13:23Get him, baldy.
13:24Get him, baldy.
13:25Get him, baldy.
13:26Oh, my God.
13:28That was embarrassing.
13:29Oh, man.
13:30You're bald in Nebraska 15 and you suck at video games, dude.
13:33I kind of accept that.
13:34Hey, don't listen to the haters, Wedge.
13:35I believe in you.
13:36No, use this as motivation.
13:38Level up.
13:40Level up your life.
13:41You got this.
13:42Hold on, hold on.
13:43I got one thing to say to y'all.
13:44I appreciate the videos, guys.
13:46Hell yeah.
13:47If you guys are the real ones.
13:48Thank you, baldy.
13:49Are you the real ones?
13:50I was really watching the goons earlier today.
13:51Sorry that you left.
13:52Hell yeah.
13:53Y'all have a good day.
13:54That was your 9-11.
13:55Good God, all the way.
13:56That was your 9-11?
13:57He cried, dude.
13:58It was.
13:59Who's up having a good Sunday?
14:01Who's got a microphone?
14:02We need some comms.
14:03Peanut butter and jelly the long way.
14:04Come on.
14:05Like they're just supposed to already know what that shit is.
14:06Come on, do it.
14:07Hey, barks at dogs.
14:08What if I barked at you?
14:09That's a good question.
14:10What if I barked at you?
14:11What if I barked at you?
14:12What if I barked at you?
14:13What if I barked at you?
14:14What if I barked at you?
14:15What if I barked at you?
14:16What if I barked at you?
14:17What if I barked at you?
14:18What if I barked at you?
14:19What if I barked at you?
14:20What if I barked at you?
14:21What if I barked at you?
14:22What if I barked at you?
14:23What if I barked at you?
14:24What if I barked at you?
14:25What if I barked at you?
14:26What if I barked at you?
14:27What if I barked at you?
14:28What if I barked at you?
14:29What if I barked at you?
14:30What if I barked at you?
14:31What if I barked at you?
14:32What if I barked at you?
14:33What if I barked at you?
14:34What if I barked at you?
14:35What if I barked at you?
14:36What if I barked at you?
14:39Someone ought to put a shotgun up against your fucking skull.
14:43You gotta make sure they were 18 before you threatened their life.
14:47I'm just joking.
14:48I love the accents.
14:49You sound southern.
14:50Damn, you might be a goddamn genius.
14:52I can tell you bark at dogs.
14:53You smart as hell.
14:56Oh, that's hilarious, bro.
14:57Thanks, sis.
14:58What's your favorite type of dog to bark at?
15:00I love barking at huskies.
15:01I love barking at German shepherds.
15:03You ever seen a husky German man?
15:05Would you bark at them?
15:09Husky German man.
15:11Are you a furry or something?
15:12You're giving off furry energy.
15:14Hell no.
15:15You ever been told you sound like a furry?
15:17Do I really?
15:18A little bit.
15:19Aw, man.
15:20I am not a furry.
15:21I'm just a girl.
15:27Where are you from, barks at dogs?
15:29Where's that normal?
15:33Okay, I like that.
15:34That was good.
15:35I don't think she meant to say that.
15:36Who are you queued up with?
15:38I'm queued up with...
15:40RR was too short.
15:41Get them in game chat, too.
15:42Are they barking at shit or what?
15:43No, but I'll get them in game chat.
15:45What does RR stand for?
15:52We figured it out.
15:53Well, now we know.
15:55Holy shit.
15:56Where the fuck are y'all actually from, you crazy bastards?
15:59We're from fucking Bark-in-saw.
16:01We're from Bark-in-saw.
16:02Are you guys actually from Bark-in-saw?
16:05I'm from Bark-in-saw.
16:06Holy shit.
16:07I'll be real.
16:08I drove through Arkansas and I wanted to kill myself.
16:10There's not shit there.
16:12You ain't been to the Dollar General?
16:15We have the best fun at Walmart.
16:18Freaking R Racetrack bought out all the...
16:21They bought out all the stores in the mall.
16:22The Racetrack?
16:24The gas station?
16:25I love that you...
16:26No, we have a racetrack.
16:27It's a casino, racetrack, hotel.
16:30Okay, wait a minute.
16:31That's the most Arkansas bullshit I've ever heard in my life.
16:33That sounds kind of badass.
16:35A racetrack, casino...
16:37What else?
16:38A bar?
16:39They have this whole big-ass plot and they have their casino,
16:43they have their racetrack where all the horses race,
16:45they have a restaurant, they have a big-ass hotel.
16:48Damn, I'm going to Bark-in-saw.
16:50Yeah, I might have to move to Bark-in-saw.
16:52Why the hell are you guys playing Siege and not at the horse race casino dirt bike...
16:57fucking shit, whatever.
16:58Horsing season is over.
17:00Horse season?
17:01Horsing season?
17:03They're not good to eat anymore?
17:04You better not be horsing around.
17:05They're on their break, I guess.
17:08Thank them and tell them to get back to work.
17:09I don't know.
17:10Yeah, go bark at them.
17:11Bark at the fucking horse or something.
17:12Make it run faster.
17:13Win some money.
17:15Oh my fucking god.
17:18Bruh, people from Arkansas ain't real, bruh.
17:20I'm telling you.
17:25What else do y'all do for fun in Arkansas besides bark at shit and crawl around like freaks?
17:29Fucking nothing.
17:30Go to school.
17:31Go to school for fun.
17:32Go to school is the second option?
17:34Get drugs and go to school for fun.
17:36What's the craziest shit you've seen in Arkansas?
17:38There was this dude that ran around naked on the highway.
17:41Hey, Aaron, turn around.
17:42Okay, I'm definitely coming to Bark-in-saw.
17:44That sounds fucking awesome.
17:45I don't know why you guys are complaining.
17:47It was pouring rain and this white man was just butt-booty-ass naked in the middle of the road.
17:52Stupid crackers, I hate them.
17:53I saw this guy on a bike with his fucking ass cracked out.
17:57He was just biking with his ass cracked out.
18:00Y'all got gators around there or what?
18:02We do have gators.
18:04We have a petting farm.
18:05We got a petting farm for gators.
18:06We do have a petting farm.
18:07Is it a two-way petting zoo?
18:08What does that mean?
18:09Two-way petting, what?
18:10Where you pet the animals and they pet you back?
18:12You guys ever had gator pussy nuggets?
18:16That sounds absolutely delectable though.
18:20It's a real thing.
18:21I'm from South Kakalaki.
18:22Gator pussy nuggets.
18:23It's a real thing.
18:24South Kakalaki.
18:25The fuck are you from?
18:27South Kakalaki.
18:28Your parents are crackheads or what?
18:29Nah, they're just alcoholics.
18:31That's chill.
18:32She's a drug addict.
18:33She's dead though.
18:34Oh, damn.
18:45Arkansas might be the chillest place on planet Earth.
18:47You know queso, right?
18:48Love that beer.
18:50He's from Arkansas.
18:51Yeah, I met him.
18:52I'm just kidding.
18:53I didn't fucking meet him.
18:55That's okay.
18:57I thought you guys were talking about the cheese and I was like,
18:59y'all ain't fucking Mexico.
19:05Consider the amount of Mexicans out here.
19:09Are you guys ever going to move from Arkansas?
19:11Are y'all landlocked?
19:12Oh, no.
19:13I'm getting out of here.
19:14Where do you want to go?
19:15I'm going to go to San Francisco.
19:16Oh, my God.
19:17You are a fucking furry.
19:18I knew it.
19:19I knew it.
19:20I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge.
19:22You should just go for a day and then leave.
19:24You don't have to move there.
19:25Holy shit.
19:26Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
19:27I'm not going to move there.
19:28That's just like one of the places I'm going to be at.
19:30I wanted to move to Vermont for a very long time.
19:32You just hate being around shit, don't you?
19:34There was this really good military college in Vermont that I wanted to go to.
19:38Are you in the military?
19:39The few, the proud.
19:40No, I'm on track to.
19:41You're on track to?
19:42What does that mean?
19:43I thought you just went to the mall and signed up.
19:45I thought you just went to the mall and said, yeah, I can lift 50 pounds.
19:48And they're like, here's your gun, soldier.
19:50I'm starting to think that's what they do in California.
19:52Because my friend's boyfriend, he's in the army.
19:54That is the most stupid person I have ever met.
19:57In the army, they're full of-
19:58We don't know.
19:59We don't know.
20:00That's true.
20:01Are you one of them African-Arkansasans?
20:03Yes, unfortunately, I'm one of those African-Arkansasans.
20:06Hell, yeah.
20:07Up top.
20:08So you got the pass.
20:09It's all good.
20:10I got the pass.
20:11Damn you.
20:14I was scared for a second.
20:15I was like, damn, she really just throwing that shit around like it's nothing.
20:18You come to fucking Arkansas, you're going to be amazed, boy.
20:22Aaron, did I freaking tell you about how Commander, he went on a rant with me
20:26about how much he hates the Indians and the Arbs or Arabs, whatever they're called.
20:30Are you just like friends with everyone that has like bad-ass names?
20:33You're like Commander in Liberty.
20:35No, Commander is his rank.
20:38This is my ROTC instructor.
20:40Oh, okay.
20:41Well, thank you for your service.
20:42He's going to drop his full name.
20:45We don't fucking serve nothing.
20:47You be serving it up, bitch.
20:50You serving in uniform.
20:51Yeah, you serving up in that uniform.
20:53Yeah, hell yeah.
20:54Slay it up, bitch.
20:55Slay it up, bitch.
21:00I'm gaming.
21:01I'm gaming.
21:02Top shit.
21:04Oh, I needed that phone.
21:06Oh, damn.
21:08Team ROTC on top, baby.
21:13Go Arkansas.
21:14Go Arkansas.
21:16Arkansas, son.
21:17Arkansas ROTC on top.
21:20Yo, what up, team?
21:21What up?
21:23Dude, what?
21:25Is that you talking?
21:28What up, homie?
21:29How you doing?
21:31Dude, this kid is like...
21:32Oh, my God.
21:33He should not be on this game.
21:36No, he should not.
21:37I'm using Twitch.
21:38Wait, what's up?
21:39What's up, Juicebox?
21:40He said he's using Twitch.
21:41What's up?
21:42Oh, you're using Twitch?
21:43I thought you said you were live on Twitch, like you're streaming.
21:46I don't even know what to say, dude.
21:48What you learning in school, Juicebox?
22:01You don't speak much English, do you?
22:03What's your favorite subject?
22:04No, I do speak English.
22:06It's just that I just...
22:10Wait, what's my favorite subject in school?
22:15You got a little Jimmy Neutron over here.
22:17That's before your time.
22:18That's a compliment.
22:24You having a good day?
22:26That's good.
22:27Sweet, man.
22:28What you like about math?
22:29Why do you like...
22:30I hated math when I was a kid.
22:31I absolutely hated it.
22:32Why do you like it?
22:33Because I just like it.
22:37I just have no reason why I like it.
22:40I just like it.
22:41That's fair.
22:42Okay, can I quiz you?
22:44Okay, what's 7 plus 7?
22:457 plus 7.
22:51How much?
22:56No, it's 14.
22:57Oh, wait.
22:58Hold up.
22:59I messed up.
23:00Yeah, recount it.
23:01I messed up.
23:02Dude, I can't believe it.
23:03I can't believe it.
23:04I can't believe it.
23:05Yo, where are you?
23:06I'm going in the map.
23:09All right.
23:107 plus 7 was kind of hard.
23:11That was a little unfair.
23:12That one still gets me sometimes.
23:14What about...
23:15Here, let's make it easy.
23:16What's 2012 plus 4,972?
23:19I don't know that one.
23:21I'm just kidding.
23:23I'm just messing with you, Juicebox.
23:25What's 9 plus 10?
23:269 plus 10.
23:28No, it's 21.
23:29It's 21.
23:30Don't teach him wrong, bro.
23:31He actually needs to know correct math.
23:33Juicebox, you ever had an egg roll?
23:38You ever had Kung Pao chicken?
23:42With a side of rice?
23:45I don't know if that was racist or not coming from him.
23:48You ever had Kung Pao chicken?
23:50He goes, whoa.
23:52Juicebox, what's your favorite food?
23:55What's my favorite food?
23:57Chicken nuggets.
23:59I fucking knew it, dude.
24:01I was going to say he's going to say fucking chicken nuggets, dude.
24:04I knew it.
24:05Chicken nuggets.
24:06I kind of expected that.
24:07What do you like to dip them in?
24:09God, this is Mike.
24:12Chick-fil-A sauce.
24:13Chick-fil-A sauce, goated.
24:15Cracked and goated.
24:16Yeah, that's good.
24:17That's good.
24:18Cracked and goated with the sauce.
24:19What's your favorite drink?
24:20Is it a Juicebox?
24:23Vodka and Red Bull.
24:27Honestly, it's between Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola.
24:34Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola, that is two solid choices, my friend.
24:37That's good.
24:38And Chick-fil-A sauce with nuggets.
24:40That's fire, bro.
24:41I like you, Juicebox.
24:42You're cool, dude.
24:43You're going to grow up one day to hate the IRS just as much as I do.
24:47Listen, when you grow up, just don't pay your taxes ever.
24:49It's a scam.
24:50Don't do that.
24:51If you get something from the IRS in the mail, it's a lie.
24:53It's a scam.
24:54Juicebox, don't listen to him.
24:55Shred it up.
24:56I'll just shred it immediately if I get it.
24:58Bro, what are you telling him?
24:59Look at the chat.
25:01I know it's the team.
25:03All right, let's go back to talking about Dr. Pepper.
25:07Yeah, Dr. Pepper's good.
25:08That's good.
25:09It's not easy to distract him.
25:11Would you friend me on this game?
25:13Oh, dude.
25:14Absolutely, Juicebox.
25:15I got you, homie.
25:16Yeah, I'll add you, too.
25:17I got shot from behind.
25:19Yeah, that happens sometimes.
25:20We'll get him next round, Juicebox.
25:22Don't worry.
25:25Dude, this little boy is so sweet.
25:27I don't even know what to say.
25:28I just bought two new characters.
25:31Oh, who'd you get?
25:32I bought Twitch and Ash.
25:37He means Ash, bro.
25:39He means Ash.
25:41Twitch and Ash.
25:43Wait, who'd you buy?
25:44Twitch, the one that I was using earlier, and Ash.
25:49All right, gotcha.
25:52All right, gotcha.
25:53Yeah, those are both pretty good.
25:54I like Twitch.
25:55What's the character you're using?
25:59I'm using Doc.
26:00Oh, nice.
26:02Yeah, he's pretty cool.
26:03Usually, every time I join a match, I always see...
26:10I can't remember the name of the character.
26:12Yeah, me too.
26:13It's too hard.
26:18Yeah, there's too many characters to remember them all.
26:20That's true.
26:21I bet it is too hard for someone that doesn't know 7 plus 7, you little dumbass.
26:23I didn't say that in game.
26:24Are you kidding me?
26:25I didn't say it in game.
26:26Are you kidding me?
26:27I didn't say it in game.
26:29What do you mean?
26:31The IRS is a freaking scam.
26:33Hey, Greek, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
26:35Who are you coming in here all big pantsed up talking?
26:38We're trying to teach this kid life advice, and you're coming in here acting like head honcho.
26:42You better back up.
26:43Hey, Greek, what's 7 times 7?
26:48Not even close.
26:49Man, that's embarrassing.
26:51That is embarrassing.
26:54Yeah, you tell him, JuiceBox.
26:55That is embarrassing.
26:56He doesn't even know how to do math.
26:57Greek is a loser, right, JuiceBox?
26:58Yeah, you better pipe down, Greek.
27:02Let's go, JuiceBox.
27:03We're going to win this round.
27:05He's following us, dude.
27:06We're like mama ducks, like a little baby duckling.
27:08On both of the matches, I killed two people.
27:12That's awesome, JuiceBox.
27:13We got to go.
27:14Oh, crap.
27:15I got sniped.
27:16I got sniped in the head.
27:18Get up, JuiceBox.
27:19Keep moving, soldier.
27:20Move, move, move.
27:21Through the doorway.
27:22Through the doorway, soldier.
27:23Go, go, go.
27:24You're trying to watch him die, aren't you?
27:25Go, soldier, go.
27:26Go, soldier, go.
27:28Two on one.
27:29I think it's right to your right, right there.
27:32I don't know.
27:33Like around the wall, maybe.
27:34Where is it?
27:35I don't know where it's at.
27:37Oh, we tried, JuiceBox.
27:38We tried.
27:39We were doing so good.
27:40That was close.
27:41That was close.
27:42That was a close one.
27:43We'll get him this round, JuiceBox.
27:44Don't worry.
27:45Dude, it's Mike.
27:46Yeah, JuiceBox, you still there, homie?
27:47This mic completely broke.
27:48I'm still here.
27:49All right.
27:50Oh, you're ready to do another round?
27:52Let's go.
27:53Let's go.
27:54Let's go.
27:55Let's go.
27:56You ready to do another math quiz?
27:57Yeah, it's just that my ... This mic is so bad.
28:02All right, JuiceBox, here we go.
28:03Who is the first president of the United States of America?
28:06Honestly, I don't know.
28:10Yeah, you do.
28:12The first president of America.
28:13Who ... Jesus.
28:14Who was the first president of the US?
28:16All right, I got an easier question for you.
28:19Who is the current president of America, JuiceBox?
28:21Right now?
28:22Yeah, right now.
28:25He knows.
28:26Ding, ding, ding.
28:28All right.
28:29Who won the presidency in 2008?
28:30You have to know this one.
28:31You don't know?
28:32I honestly do not know.
28:33Were you born before 2008?
28:34I was born in 2016.
28:42All right, they planted.
28:44They planted.
28:45Oh, heck no.
28:46You're going to win this.
28:47He said, oh, heck no.
28:49Oh, man.
28:50That was close, dude.
28:51That was a good try.
28:52Good try, JuiceBox.
28:53Can I join you?
28:54Oh, my God.
28:55What do we do?
28:56And then we could just all play together?
28:58Yeah, what do we do?
28:59We'll figure it out.
29:01Oh, my God.
29:02I feel bad.
29:03We'll get them next time.
29:05Yeah, we'll win next time, JuiceBox.
29:07Two people gave me a Valor.
29:09Yeah, I gave you Valor.
29:10Yeah, I thumbsed you up because I think you're cool.
29:18Dude, oh, my God.
29:20Bro, he's eight years old.
29:21Yeah, that's ...
29:22He was born in 2016.
29:23I doubt it's been his birthday these first two months where he's eight years old.
29:26He does not need to be on this game.
29:30Able to talk to people with a mic.
29:32He figured out how to push to talk.
29:34He's going to grow up to be a legend one day, dude.
29:38JuiceBox is going to be a legend one day.
29:41What's 7 plus 7?
29:43What up, team?
29:47You got a YouTube channel?
29:49Yes, sir.
29:50Hell yeah, man.
29:51What you be uploading on that YouTube channel?
29:53Usually just video games.
29:54I play a lot of Rocket League.
29:56All right.
29:57What rank are you?
29:58I'm champ three.
30:00I'm plat two.
30:01Why'd you laugh at that?
30:02You don't believe me?
30:03That's pretty impressive.
30:04You don't believe me?
30:05That's pretty good.
30:06I'm global master offensive.
30:07He got you on that one.
30:08Did he?
30:09I don't even know if that's a real rank.
30:10It isn't, but it sounded better.
30:13All right.
30:14True, true, true.
30:15I'm Dr. Fauci too.
30:16Oh, yeah.
30:19Ldog, you ready for the best YouTube video ever?
30:24Upload this and title it, I played with two dumbasses.
30:27Got you.
30:28Dude, don't cuss at a kid, dude.
30:30How old are you?
30:32Rock on.
30:34Rock on.
30:36You know what I was doing when I was 12?
30:38No, I don't.
30:40What are you saying?
30:42I was also starting a YouTube channel.
30:45That's pretty sick.
30:47And then reality hit me like a big sledgehammer to the forehead.
30:51What are the chances?
30:53What do you mean, what are the chances?
30:54What are the chances of what?
30:55That we're both 12 when we started a YouTube channel.
30:58Very, very likely.
31:00So, Ldog, if the whole YouTube thing don't work out, what are you going to do?
31:05Okay, am I talking to my past self?
31:07This is weird.
31:08What position do you play in baseball?
31:10Shortstop and pitcher.
31:11I literally just came from my game and I pitched.
31:13Dude, isn't this you?
31:14Yeah, I wasn't good enough to play at shortstop.
31:16I was slow.
31:17I played shortstop for like one year and then I got fat.
31:19They let him play shortstop because he used to be able to stop the ball with his big old hips.
31:23I would just lay down on the ball.
31:26He'd lay down and bury it like a rabbit.
31:28I had a pitch against some national team that travels around the world and they're majors.
31:35And I struck out like every single one of them.
31:37That's awesome, dude.
31:38Yeah, those guys that travel around and do all that stuff, they're just a bunch of nerds with rich parents.
31:42They don't mean that they're better than you or anything.
31:44Oh, yeah, they were horrible.
31:45Yeah, they're trash.
31:46They got rich parents that think they're good at sports and stuff.
31:48They're trash.
31:49Are y'all friends?
31:50Yes, sir.
31:52We used to play baseball together.
31:53I was a longstop.
31:54He was a shortleg.
31:56He played fourth base.
31:59Oh, that makes sense.
32:02You played catcher then?
32:03No, I was first base.
32:04Unlike you, L-Dawg, I was in the majors for a little while there.
32:07Tough road.
32:09It was a tough road to the top.
32:10And I came crumbling down just like my dreams of doing YouTube.
32:12Long story, shortstop.
32:14You get what I'm saying?
32:15I get it.
32:16Yeah, I broke my hip bone.
32:19Oh, that must have hurt.
32:21I was on the Boston Braves.
32:23You remember that team?
32:24I do.
32:25Yeah, I was on that team, and we were playing against the Dodgers.
32:27We were playing against the Miami Dodgers.
32:28We were down in Miami, and I broke my hip riding a dolphin to the stadium.
32:31That's actually how they came up with the name, the Dolphins.
32:34I don't know if you watch hockey or nothing.
32:36I was in the majors there.
32:37I was making that dough.
32:38Slinging baseballs, making money.
32:40So, now you're playing in the Siege?
32:42Yeah, I work at Home Depot.
32:45What the hell is funny about that?
32:46Running a lap.
32:48I like Home Depot.
32:49He's the greeter at Home Depot.
32:50He has a smiley sticker.
32:52Yeah, I ride around on a scooter and give people stickers.
32:54Do you give out people stickers?
32:56I sure do, yeah.
32:57That's going to be you one day, L-Dog, when you break your hip.
33:02L-Dog, I like you.
33:03You got big dreams.
33:05And by the sounds of it, you got an even bigger heart.
33:08Keep on following your dreams, partner.
33:10Thank you, brother.
33:13This is weird, dude.
33:15It's like you're talking to yourself.
33:17Thank you, brother.
33:18Thank you, brother.
33:19How many subscribers do you have at the age of 12?
33:21Like 180.
33:23That's pretty good.
33:24Okay, I hear you.
33:26You probably bought it, dude.
33:27You're cheating.
33:28Can you throw a knuckle sandwich ball?
33:29I do, actually.
33:30You throw it?
33:31No, you don't.
33:32It's literally called a knuckle curve.
33:33No, you don't.
33:34Is he lying?
33:35Yes, I do.
33:36No, you don't.
33:37It's like 550 feet off your ass.
33:40I'm sure you would.
33:42Yeah, back in my prime, I threw 120.
33:44I was like the next Nolan Ryan.
33:46That's what they were calling me.
33:48You know Nolan Ryan throws less than 120, right?
33:52That's why they were calling me him.
33:53They call me Goat Ball Jones.
33:54I throw a knuckle ball so far.
33:56Goat Ball Jones?
33:58I throw a knuckle ball 500 feet.
34:00I don't even care.
34:01Miami used to have this player called Flipper Bones.
34:03You remember him?
34:05You like Paul Skeens, don't you?
34:06I do.
34:07My favorite players hide their body.
34:09I got season tickets.
34:10Who's your favorite pro team?
34:14There we go, baby.
34:15The Atlanta Braves.
34:16Yeah, Atlanta Braves.
34:17Come on now.
34:18Up top, Atlanta Braves.
34:19How much time until you just say Atlanta Braves in one sentence?
34:24Have you noticed they keep pushing the stadium further and further from the city?
34:27Don't listen to anything this guy's about to tell you.
34:30I'm not listening to Youngsbugs34.
34:33He's making fun of you, I think.
34:34Who's he making fun of?
34:35Wait, what the hell?
34:36Are you trying to make fun of my name?
34:37You Miss Big Bo.
34:40How do you say that?
34:43What's up, teammates?
34:44How we doing?
34:45Hello, I'm Paulio Boy.
34:48I'm You Miss Big Bo 150.
34:51Would you like to hear a joke?
34:53Hello, I am.
34:55It's E-Fuck, and it's funny.
34:56It's E-Fuck, and it's funny.
34:59Hey, you kind of look like Mr. Beast, bro.
35:02Hey, hey, come on.
35:03Talk to me.
35:05Come on.
35:06Nobody's going to talk to us anymore, dude.
35:08Esmeralize, what's up, man?
35:10You just said E-Fuck.
35:11I know you're fucking brain-rotted to hell and back.
35:14You're a dank memer, dude.
35:15You're dank.
35:16Yeah, I'm super dank.
35:20What microphone are you using?
35:21It's really freaking good.
35:23I'm using the-
35:24Kill this motherfuckers.
35:26Yeah, that's right, Wafflenegg.
35:28You sound like a Battlefield 3 NPC.
35:30I like your vibes.
35:32You need to go voice acting for the new Call of Duty.
35:34You sound like Macarov or some shit.
35:36Let's go kill these motherfuckers.
35:39I'd love to hear that every time.
35:41Yeah, I'd love to hear that every time I load into a game.
35:43Keep talking, dude.
35:44I like it.
35:45Hey, Wafflenegg, keep talking, Macarov.
35:50They're at the top, bro.
35:51I'm scared.
35:52Wafflenegg, where are you from?
35:53I'm scared.
35:56Yes, sir.
35:58Yes, sir.
35:59More like Phoenix, Syria.
36:01How long you been there?
36:02What are you saying, dude?
36:05Like five years.
36:06Yeah, right.
36:07You don't have to lie to us.
36:08We ain't ice.
36:09Five years?
36:10You're a fucking lying scumbag.
36:11You sound like you just got off the boat, motherfucker.
36:14I'm just kidding.
36:15It's a joke.
36:16No, no, no, no.
36:17I came back.
36:18I was in Mexico, so I came back.
36:19Oh, Mexico.
36:20I thought you were from Phoenix, Syria.
36:22Oh, yeah.
36:23Like, I born here, but I went to Mexico.
36:25Yeah, dude.
36:26And I came back.
36:27Me too, man.
36:29I born here too, homie.
36:31You're from Phoenix too?
36:32No, I'm from Carolina South.
36:34I don't know.
36:35All right.
36:36Oh, you do South Carolina.
36:39She might be a goddamn genius.
36:41You like Devin Booker?
36:43Hell no.
36:44Why not?
36:45I don't know who is the guy.
36:46I don't know who is the guy.
36:48You got to ask him soccer questions.
36:51I don't know nothing about soccer.
36:53All right.
36:54You like Messi or Ragu?
36:55Messi or who?
36:58Ronald Toes.
37:00Oh, fuck Ronaldo.
37:01Oh, I thought his name was Ragu.
37:02My bad.
37:03I don't know much about soccer.
37:04My favorite thing about soccer is when they kick the ball.
37:07Who's your favorite soccer player?
37:10Jalapeno the third?
37:12I'm joking.
37:13It's a joke.
37:14It's a joke.
37:15No, no, no.
37:16You're good.
37:17You're good.
37:18We can say Messi.
37:21All right.
37:22Yeah, Messi's pretty clean with it, you know what I'm saying?
37:23So, are both of you guys from Mexico?
37:24I am from somewhere near Mexico.
37:26All right, dude.
37:27I don't work for the government.
37:28You can just tell me the name of it.
37:29I mean, if I told you, you wouldn't know it anyways.
37:32You don't fucking know that.
37:33All right, I'll tell you where you're at.
37:35Hold on.
37:36I'll figure this out right now.
37:37Tell me the fucking name of it.
37:39McAllen, Texas.
37:40Hell no.
37:42Hell no.
37:43I'm actually from Honduras.
37:46I know where that is.
37:47No, you don't.
37:48Yes, I do.
37:49Where is Honduras located?
37:50Next to Panama.
37:51Central America.
37:52What is Honduras known for?
37:53Aren't you all known for like bananas or something?
37:57We're known for bananas and Volcán Rotunda.
38:00All right.
38:01What is that?
38:02A happy ending spot?
38:03What is that?
38:04Kind of.
38:05I actually got a happy ending there once.
38:06Hell yeah.
38:07It was just like an island resort.
38:08That's pretty cool.
38:11Yeah, dude.
38:12It was two French girls.
38:13Someone in America had an island resort and we got rid of them.
38:14Wait, what?
38:15Never mind.
38:16All right.
38:17It's funnier in my head.
38:18I put that one back on the drawing board.
38:20No, it was probably funny.
38:21I just wasn't paying attention.
38:22You can say it again.
38:23It was an Epstein joke.
38:24Epstein joke's no big deal.
38:25So what do we do?
38:26Both of you guys live in America now?
38:29What do you all do?
38:30I'm here legally.
38:31I don't know about him.
38:32Once again, you don't have to lie to me, buddy.
38:35I mean, it's really not a big deal.
38:37I don't care if you're here illegally or not.
38:39I don't work for ICE.
38:40I don't even like ICE.
38:42My fucking refrigerator doesn't even dispense ICE.
38:44I fucking hate ICE so much.
38:45And that's the God honest truth, brother.
38:47What are you guys doing in America besides hogging up all of our economical shit?
38:51What are you talking about?
38:53Again, that's a joke.
38:54That's a joke.
38:55I'm joking.
38:56Now, what do you guys do here in America?
38:58I work.
38:59I've got a business on the side, so it's better in America than fucking Mexico.
39:04Why is that?
39:05I hear a lot of people say it's better in America than Mexico, but why is that?
39:09Mexico's a lot of...
39:10How we can say, like, the government is stupid.
39:14Are the government stupid?
39:16Hey, don't they work with a cartel?
39:18Be real.
39:19Yeah, they're pretty corrupt.
39:21It ain't too much different here.
39:22So what are y'all's businesses?
39:23Well, mine is a truck part company.
39:28We're pretty successful.
39:30You be sawing off catalytic converters and reselling them and stuff?
39:33Nah, we just sell, like, imports.
39:37What does your business do?
39:39So I got a business for my family.
39:41They export, like, what is it called?
39:44Stuff from Mexico.
39:45Export cocaine.
39:46I'm joking.
39:47Like, coke.
39:48Like, coke, Pepsi.
39:49Yeah, different coke.
39:52Different kind of coke, right?
39:53Yeah, yeah.
39:54And the other guy with the trucking company, what exactly do y'all do?
39:58So you guys, one of you guys exports coke to Mexico.
40:02How does that work?
40:04Because Mexican coke is way better than American.
40:06And I'm speaking about Coca-Cola.
40:09Mexican Coca-Cola is so much better.
40:11It's way better because it's made with cane sugar, right?
40:14Exactly, yeah.
40:15It's delicious.
40:16It's a huge difference.
40:17It's a huge difference.
40:18What's the accent like in South Carolina?
40:20You're listening to it, baby.
40:24That's it?
40:25Pretty much, yeah.
40:26This is it right here.
40:28Where I went, it was just no different than where I'm currently at.
40:31Just full of Hispanics.
40:33Yeah, well, that's awesome, dude.
40:35I wish everywhere was like that.
40:37I'm joking.
40:38I like you boys.
40:39Good luck.
40:41I hope y'all's business thrives, bro.
40:43Yeah, good luck with selling.
40:45They said, fuck you.
40:46Too many Mexican jokes.
40:49What's up, Viper?
40:50Got a mic?
40:51What's happening, brother?
40:53He's so quiet.
40:55Are you like down a hole right now?
40:56Viper, you're real quiet, buddy.
40:58You sound like you're buried under 15 mattresses right now.
41:01Viper, turn your mic up, please, while we're in the prep phase
41:03so we can hear you while we're playing.
41:04I'm here.
41:05I'm here.
41:06Why is your mic so quiet, buddy?
41:07Is it better or no?
41:11You got to speak with your chest, son.
41:12It might be an in-game setting problem.
41:14Are we good now?
41:15There we go.
41:16That's better.
41:17That's a lot better.
41:18What's up, Viper?
41:20No, Texas.
41:21Yee-haw, brother.
41:22Me too.
41:23Yee-haw, brother.
41:24What you doing in Texas?
41:25I've been here my whole life.
41:26Hey, Texas.
41:28You ever been to Terry Black's barbecue?
41:31You been eating barbecue or no?
41:32Yes, I have, and it's my favorite.
41:34That's your favorite?
41:36All right, two meat plate with two sides.
41:38What you getting?
41:39Mac and cheese, shit.
41:42Put me on the spot.
41:43Hold on.
41:44You sound like you're getting double sausage.
41:45Salad, mac and cheese, brisket, and ribs.
41:48That's pretty solid.
41:49Pork ribs or beef rib?
41:52Yeah, beef.
41:53All right.
41:54All right.
41:55All right.
41:56All right.
41:57I like chicken ribs.
41:58That's gross.
41:59Yeah, the hell?
42:00You never had barbecue chicken ribs?
42:01For real?
42:02Are you from Texas?
42:04They're really good.
42:05I've never had that.
42:06The only reason they're good is because when you finish eating them, you get to floss your
42:07teeth with the rib bones.
42:08That's like part of the tradition.
42:10It's like a Taiwanese cuisine.
42:11It's like a kid's cuisine, but for Taiwan, and it comes in a box.
42:14You ever had the deep fried dolphin flipper?
42:16I never had that myself.
42:18What about deep fried chicken bone?
42:19Leave me alone.
42:21You ever had the pork stuffed penguin puffers?
42:23What the fuck?
42:24You said you're from Texas, right?
42:25Those are pretty good.
42:26Bro, what does that mean?
42:27What do you mean?
42:28The pork stuffed penguin?
42:29What is that?
42:30Bro, you haven't heard of this shit.
42:33You like barbecue, right?
42:35I tabbed out.
42:36Jesus H. Christ.
42:37I said you like barbecue, right?
42:38You never had the pork stuffed penguin popper?
42:41I have jalapeno poppers.
42:43The dried zebra back sticks.
42:46Dried zebra back sticks.
42:48It's like a Slim Jim.
42:50I've never had that before either.
42:52You ever had rhino bone broth?
42:53You drink it with a bone ladle, but you have to wear a ceremonial hat.
42:56Have you done that?
42:58What's your favorite kind of barbecue sauce?
43:00That's the real question.
43:01Barbecue sauce?
43:04You ever had donkey squirt?
43:07What's your favorite barbecue sauce?
43:11The barbecue sauce type.
43:14Yeah, type donkey squirt.
43:15It's my favorite.
43:17I'll fuck with you heavy, Viper.
43:19For real.
43:21Bro, I'm over here fucking dying laughing right now.
43:24What are you talking about?
43:25I'm asking what's your favorite barbecue sauce.
43:26You said you're from Texas.
43:29Should be an easy question.
43:30I like Alabama whiteback sauce.
43:32You ever had washer sister sauce?
43:35I like fuck your brother sauce better though.
43:40He loved that one.
43:41You ever had granny's brokeback cornbread?
43:43Dude, what the fuck are you saying?
43:46Hold on, bro.
43:47I'm trying to lock in.
43:48What about oxtail?
43:49Oxtail and gravy?
43:50I've never had that, but I want to try it.
43:52Yeah, same.
43:53You ever had crab butt?
43:56It's crab bootay.
43:59You ever been to a buffet where they have crab bootay?
44:01Seahorse sashimi?
44:04What about crinkle cut dog leg?
44:08You ever had smoked cat hump?
44:10Cat hump.
44:11What about macaroni and bees?
44:12Have you had that?
44:14Yeah, bro.
44:15Shit fire.
44:17And the honey bee one.
44:18I like that.
44:19I like the whale one.
44:20The what one?
44:21The whale?
44:23The whale?
44:24Yeah, it has like a big whale on the bottle.
44:27What's your favorite part about living in Texas?
44:31I really don't know.
44:32I don't really like it here, man.
44:35You must be one of them commies.
44:36There's a lot of crackheads.
44:37Man, there's a lot of crackheads.
44:38And like when I go ride my minibike, bro, the cops always be on dig.
44:44How old are you?
44:45I'm 16.
44:46What the hell is a minibike?
44:48Are you like a midget?
44:49What is a minibike?
44:50No, I'm not a midget.
44:53What's a minibike?
44:54What'd you say?
44:55Dirt bike for short people, I think.
44:56Is that like one of them scooters they got in Walmart?
44:58No, that's for bigger people or people who can't walk.
45:01Well, the minibike is for short people who want to be a motorcycle driver.
45:04I got like a dirt bike, but like a pit bike type of thing.
45:08It goes 50 miles an hour.
45:09Oh, okay.
45:10I used to have a five wheeler.
45:11I've seen those, bro.
45:12Yeah, it's got the big horn on the front.
45:14Hey, well, GG Viper.
45:16Go enjoy that barbecue, man.
45:17GG's, bro.
45:18Do you stream?
45:19Nah, but I live in Austin, Texas.
45:22Yeah, try them pork pulled penguin puffers.
45:24For real.
45:25Oh, God.
45:26Watch how I stream.
45:27I don't stream like that, bro.
45:28I just be lit.
45:29At real Donald Trump.
45:30My stream name's Drizzy.
45:31Type in at POTUS.
45:33At the real Barack Obama.
45:34That's what I'm streaming on.
45:36Give me a prime.
45:38Prime rib.
45:39Hold on.
45:40Hold on.
45:41Hold on.
45:42Watch how I stream again.
45:43At the real Barack Obama and at POTUS.
45:44Twitch.tv slash Hunter Biden's laptop.
45:48That's it.
45:49We're done.
45:50That's it.
45:51Subscribe to Smitty.
45:55It's so dumb.
45:56I love shouting out other people that aren't us in our fucking friend group.
45:59It's so stupid.
46:01Go sub to Elastic Joy.
46:02That's me.
46:03All right, everybody.
46:05That was Siege with Yummy.
46:08You love it.
46:09You like it.
46:12If you enjoyed, leave a like, comment.
46:13Please subscribe to the channel.
46:18See y'all.
