Erica Monaghan left a note to buy a porch swing her from the property her late dad once owned.
00:00When I seen that they still had that swing, it's like flashes, you know, like my kids on that swing me on that swing just
00:08Everything it just like really brought back a lot of memories and I was like, I cannot believe they still have that swing
00:14that is so cool, you know, I
00:17Am born and raised Arizona. I've got seven kids between my husband and I so we're a big blended family
00:24so I've been married for a couple of years and
00:27My dad passed away when I was 30
00:31And I was like a super daddy's girl
00:34So when he passed away, like I was a mess just miserable. I wasn't ready for him to go
00:40He was like my rock before he passed away. He lived a couple hours away from us me and my sisters
00:45it was where we would go and bring our kids and
00:49Get away for the weekend. Like it was like it had become like our gathering place
00:54He got diagnosed with cancer and it was his third time getting diagnosed with cancer. So
00:59He let us know like hey, you know
01:01This is just what it is and he ended up passing away here in Chandler close to us like by us
01:06He lived with my sister in hospice
01:09But the last like memories were up north with him
01:13Bringing my kids as much as possible
01:15So they could get time with him and I had not gone back to the house since he passed away
01:22My husband and I were just going to do like a little weekend getaway up where he used to live and I was like
01:26I really want to take you
01:28to like where my dad lived just to see like it what it feels like my husband like pulled into the
01:34Driveway and he got out and I was like, what are you doing?
01:36He went to the door and he's like ringing it over and over and I'm like, he's like damn like I you know
01:41I wanted to I was gonna ask him if we can buy that bench from him and I was like
01:46Oh, that's so sweet, honey. Like oh, that's so kind but it's okay. Let's go and he's like no like
01:52I didn't know like do something like so yeah
01:54I wrote the note and I was so grateful that the guy like talked to my wife
01:57There's a bench we found for 200 bucks
01:59If you didn't want to buy it a new bench like just come and get that and so my husband brought us back and we
02:05Got the bench. I have been a content creator for a while
02:08and when I posted that I really didn't expect that it was gonna do as good and get as
02:13Well of a response, you know and before I posted it
02:17I sent it to my kids and just my kids responses were like you got the bench
02:22It was like even more special. My husband's going to install it in the back
02:26And we have like a really nice backyard and he's a general contractor and he's like no
02:31It's going at our house. Like it's gonna be where our kids can go back and sit on on the bench
02:38Spend more time on the bench with your family something so simple could mean so much to somebody