• 2 days ago
Extreme athlete and desert adventurer Tanja Braun launched her ambitious project, the "Global Desert Race." After completing a 150-kilometer Trans-Sahara Marathon, she embarked on an even greater challenge on February 25: a 700-kilometer solo crossing of the Moroccan Sahara
00:30I hope you enjoyed this walk.
00:37Thank you so much for watching.
00:44I'll see you in the next video.
01:52What happened here?
01:54The dogs just fell.
01:56That's just the tabard.
01:58Oh shit.
07:45I'm proud, happy, relieved, and really exhausted.
07:51And my body is telling me that it wasn't just a walk in the park.
07:58It was tough, and I experienced the harsh and rugged conditions of the desert.
08:09And there were sandstorms, it was cold, the heat.
08:15But I experienced also the beauty and the uniqueness of this ecosystem.
08:26It was tough, and I experienced the harsh and rugged conditions of the desert.
08:35And there were sandstorms, the heat, cold, and dryness.
08:42But I experienced also the beauty and the uniqueness of this ecosystem.
08:52I don't pay much attention of these low points.
08:58I shift my focus, because they pass.
09:04And I focus on my goal and why I want to achieve that.
09:12I don't pay much attention of these low points.
09:16They pass.
09:18I shift my focus and think about why I want to achieve the goal, and that's it.
09:28A shower and the possibility to wash my hair after 15 days.
09:35I'm looking forward for a shower and the possibility to wash my hair after 15 days.
09:45I've learned that the desert is the teacher, not me.
09:53The desert is the teacher, not me, and that not everything is planned.
10:03And I think flexibility is the key.
10:07And the desert shows the path and what's possible.
10:14It's a true privilege to live in a country where I can have water 24-7.
10:23And I'm really grateful for that.
10:27I'm incredibly proud, happy, and relieved that I made it.
10:34And I'm exhausted.
10:37My body tells me that it wasn't just a walk in the park.
10:43I'm looking forward for a shower and the possibility to wash my hair after 15 days.
10:56It was very hard, very rough, very harsh.
11:02I experienced the full range of this ecosystem.
11:09Sandstorms, heat, cold, dryness.
11:13But also the incredible, unique beauty of the desert and this ecosystem.
11:22Physical or mental low points are temporary.
11:26I know that from my ultralifts and my experience.
11:30I don't give it much space.
11:32I shift the focus to my goal and why I want to achieve it.
11:39And then this low point vanishes by itself.
11:45Because the focus is somewhere else.
11:50The biggest learning for me was that the desert is the teacher and not me.
11:57And the desert shows the limits of the possible.
12:03You need maximum flexibility because not everything can be planned in detail.
12:11If there's a sandstorm, it's there whether I want to walk 70 kilometers or not.
12:17The most important thing is that it's a privilege to live in a country
12:22where you have water 24 hours a week, seven days a week, without thinking about it.
12:29I'm very grateful for that.
