Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00Trent Canyon right there like when they do the overview of the whole yeah boy Trent Canyon like
00:07that's like maybe they named the pond after you yeah I wonder if that I don't know if that pond
00:12has the name of Trent the Gulf of Trent pretty good you put that in front of the right person
00:19right now it's probably going to get done all right it's the rundown Thursday March 13th
00:27the good mood crew is in man my guys my guys we're in the basement today boys
00:33pop fox large and uh any more oscar takes before we get started on the day boys or I think we
00:41brody brody right where he breathes and anora that was the other one anora
00:48no I liked it oh no yeah let's work his real work man I was shaking my fist when I saw all
00:55the anora stuff I was like oh yeah we said we hated them that monday I guess not so I got my
00:59face well that's good we're getting into the sports time sports start be picking up soon and
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01:50and boys we're starting off this barstool sports production with some capital letters sports
01:56our sweet tea our sweet trend with an all-time moment at the well because the creators
02:03championship at tpc sawgrass before the players championship i imagine yes bob as the former
02:11roommate uh of of trent i'll let you have the floor for what was i mean is it even his god
02:19it's trent
02:22it's like stone cold the glass just shattered well i don't know we're joining trent yeah i
02:28got sent the link i clicked on it and here i am baby what's up trent welcome to the rundown i
02:32don't know if you saw yesterday while you were in the creator championship i was putting out
02:38just some ride or die misinformation for you i was saying trent is in 10th place i was saying
02:46trent all i said about your 17th shot i said trent hit the green on 17 that's all we have to say
02:52about it right i mean you hit the green the crowd went wild it sounded like i showed the video at
02:57the large before large just turn around he goes oh my god he got it in i said no no he just hit
03:02the green he thought that reaction was a hole-in-one yeah i mean listen it's um yeah all
03:07that matters is that i eventually hit it because it took a while you know i thought it was frankie
03:12all day we're like it's an eight iron it's going to be fine and then it took like four or five
03:16attempts but we got there and the people were into it it wasn't like people like oh my god
03:20get this guy off the t-box they were into it so it was really it ended up being good we were like
03:24me and frankie were saying either you make a hole-in-one or you stand there for 10 minutes
03:29and try to get the ball in the green you got to do one or the other and we just happened to do
03:32the latter trent i got a question have you been called before or is that you son of a bitch you
03:40sound you sound like the world war three that my mentions are right now i'm either i'm either the
03:45savior of golf or i'm the worst thing that's ever touched a golf club so yeah no it was um it was a
03:50rough day it's a hard golf course i'm not going to make too many excuses but that was a hard
03:54fucking golf course i thought it was awesome as just like a test this should be trend should
04:00travel with the pga tour we should see how a regular guy is able to play the course before
04:06the pros do you should see oh this is what he would have he would have you know a plus whatever
04:10trend had we don't need to get into numbers right now it's not about that no dude we've we've made
04:14that case before and i think i've heard other people say at the company about like in the
04:18olympics just throw a regular guy in the pool and see how they do against all these olympians
04:22because then it'll it should be you it should be trend he should be the test for all of it if i
04:26swim i'll die out there okay i'll drown in that pool but like i'm saying it's like yeah it's a
04:31measuring stick for actually it actually highlights how good these golfers are at the sport because
04:36the tournament started today you're going to see low numbers and that is an incredibly incredibly
04:41difficult golf course so yeah if you throw a guy like me out there you're going to see what a 15
04:46handicap is going to shoot now the other players in the crater classic field they're a little bit
04:50better right so their scores are going to be one two three over i think somebody was even and that's
04:56cool but it's way more interesting at least to us to watch a guy who is going to struggle out there
05:02really struggle and that's what we did we struggled i i think that's exactly what dave
05:06said right i remember there was some controversy with the creators classic or something like this
05:10when you guys were trying to throw like your best golf right there and dave's like no let's throw a
05:14normal dude from iowa right it's like you fit it to a t bro uh however there's one part of your body
05:21that is made to withhold it's like an athletic specimen it's those cankles how are the cankles
05:25feeling after surviving that divot that you created that hole in the earth you created i
05:30thought we were losing it for a minute oh i'm all right i'm all right i'm all right all right
05:39my left foot slipped whoa
05:47they feel fine like i don't even felt like i went on a nice leisurely walk yesterday it's
05:51real they're not sore nothing yeah i mean like i said in my tweet a lesser man shatters his ankles
05:57probably tears a couple acls and maybe my wrists but i was fine and that divot i took out that's
06:02another thing that's being it's a polarizing thing because people are like oh my god this
06:07guy is ruining the golf course before a big tournament starts i my if you watch the clip
06:12my left foot slips and i just completely missed the ball we counted it as a stroke because that's
06:17how you do it in golf and then we just moved on but yeah that was um it got dicey there for a
06:22second clem for sure i can't tell you how much i would love for a ball to go right into that divot
06:28on sunday just some i know they have the best course managers in the world but imagine just
06:33a speed roll it right in boom and the divot i would love to see that i have a question as well
06:38i saw you signing autographs for kids like you were michael jordan in in the prime of his career
06:43and you gave away your hat in the end but it looked like you didn't want to give away your
06:47hat was there confusion with the kid did the kid think you were giving him a half but you weren't
06:51and then you had to do it he yeah so i love that hat it's my tailor-made hat it's just i'm i have
06:58a huge head so it's pretty pretty specific hat type that makes me look halfway decent and that
07:03tailor-made one was perfect it's just like it made me look like i have a normal sized head
07:08and yeah i was signing all those autographs which is crazy devaluing every piece of memorabilia that
07:13i touched and then yeah kid came up to me at the end and was like can i have your hat and i was
07:18always gonna give it to him but there was a beat where i was like man i fucking love this hat like
07:23i really want to keep this hat but i can't not give it to him so i did end up giving it to him
07:28but i you know i was thinking about it god i was caught on video too because at least you have that
07:33now people go oh nice guy trent oh yeah of course yeah maybe maybe the camera's out there i shoved
07:39that kid to the ground but with the camera there but yeah i was thinking about today i wish i had
07:45that hat so i gotta just get another one that's they produce a lot of those hats so i'll just get
07:49another one but i had to give my kid that that kid the hat i thought at the same time i was like
07:55there's nobody i would wish this upon less than trent actually the the three other guys in this
08:01chat other than me because nicest guy in the world should never have any degree of public embarrassment
08:06but the perfect person for this to happen to is also trent right because you can use this
08:11and build on it for like a ton of content so now do you go to the laboratory with beef
08:17and then show up at tpc next year and you know like kind of i don't know redeem yourself i i
08:24would love to get a chance to redeem myself for sure i would love to get uh give it another whack
08:29i've gotten a lot of that too like oh my god you should be like people are like it was a funny
08:33moment but are you like at all embarrassed because you know you have this golf brand you you guys
08:37host a golf podcast i really don't care like it's gonna sound like i do but i really don't
08:42like it's just it was a funny moment we had fun with it the crowd was into it and then we just
08:47move on from it but i but to your question i would love redemption at some point i would love to get
08:52in the lab a little bit probably work with beef and just you know i would love to hit it in one
08:57so if they offer me a chance of redemption i'll probably have to take it i will call up tpc to
09:02robby's point and ask him to leave that so you'll have like amen's corner like you know all this
09:07stuff yeah trent canyon right there like that like when they do the overview of the whole
09:13like yeah boy trent canyon like that's like maybe they name the pond after you
09:19i wonder if that i don't know if that pond has the name of trent the golf of trent
09:26you put that in front of the right person right now it's probably gonna get done
09:32i gotta ask right now because i was gonna have this debate with robby before i knew you were
09:35coming on where does this rank in your ever-growing list of highlights in got in the
09:42golf world because you have the break in 100 the break in 90 you've had some of the some
09:46incredible shots and then the entire build-up which led to yesterday's moment where does this
09:51sit in that level what's number one where are we standing you you forgot about where are you
09:55stationed that was a bit oh god that one was people still ask me that wherever i go they
10:01ask me where i'm stationed and they're like it like throws me back like i feel it in my head
10:05i that's dead last that's dead last on the list right i mean it's so funny it's actually kind of
10:10to a larger thing where it's like all of these moments they just they the the beauty of bar
10:14stools it just kind of ends up working out like like if i were a cbs reporter if i worked for mbc
10:20like we they would try to hide these things that happened to me on the golf course they would bury
10:24it they would delete the footage and they would never talk about it again if you just embrace
10:28these things at barstool they just like i'm on the rundown like either you know we kind of took
10:33over golf twitter yesterday like you do it the right way and people embrace it in terms of like
10:38a top moment i mean i'm pretty biased because it happened yesterday but like showing the the
10:45creator event because we had beef with the original creator event we were like you guys are getting
10:50all these people in here that are just really good at golf and if you just want to show really good
10:54golf in a stroke play event you guys you guys run the pga tour like that's what that is it doesn't
10:59it doesn't fit the mold when you're trying to bring in this youtube world so just sort of
11:03showcasing that as like you know they kept throwing up my score on the broadcast where i was like 28
11:0929 over and like we're laughing and we're that's the funniest shit ever and just showing that side
11:15of like what creator golf can be it puts that moment really really high for me honestly that's
11:22also i said when they showed the replay if you hit in the green on 17 the replay with the crowd
11:27behind you as this shot started i was like oh this is going to be a shot and a gift that he could use
11:33for the rest of his life with you putting the hands up and everyone in the crowd acting like
11:38you just won the masters like it was a reaction that golfers dream of i'm sure it's like you got
11:44to play basically like it's like the guitar we save with pup punk it feels like we're playing
11:48guitar here because like fake you got like the real pga reaction for the creator championship
11:54yeah i had people coming up to me saying congratulations on winning the players i won
11:57the event it started today but it's like you know we'll see what happens but it was yeah it was
12:03it was just a real thing people are talking about like jordan speed and colin morikawa are they
12:09talking about trent they're talking about trent i mean at least for this next like day me unless
12:15i mean if somebody makes a hole in one like that'll be a huge deal i mean i had uh justin thomas
12:20put up the video of me taking that huge chunk of dirt out of the golf course and then he we
12:25dm'd a little bit after he was like that made my day dude like that's the funniest thing
12:29i've seen in a long time so yeah it's reaching parts of the golf world that i certainly did not
12:34expect that's awesome that's what it's like it's like the domino meme like trent and riggs riggs
12:41go golfing in a snowstorm with bob fox taking the picture and then trent wins the players that's the
12:46entire domino meme right now how do you think this would be if it wasn't you though if it was one of
12:51the other foreplay guys like if frankie shit the bed don't you think that this it doesn't like
12:57honestly i think that you get a groundswell of support just because you're a good human being
13:02i think riggs would have a time like frankie shot 20 or even frankie i'm not saying that
13:09their hate ability is that much greater than yours but like end the rigs wouldn't it i mean
13:16yeah i mean i we're we're all at very different levels of the sport in terms of our ability like
13:20i think like frankie is probably the best player in our group now so i think if he had done that
13:25like i just don't think he would have done that because he would for him he just would have put
13:29it on the green and one place would have gone crazy and people would have loved that riggs is
13:33in a spot where like he seems to be very hateable and every like if he does that it would be like
13:38oh my i mean i don't know how much worse it can get like in terms of how people would have react
13:42to that as opposed like for me i always kept my i try to keep myself in a place where it's like
13:48the expectations are pretty low because i know i'm not that good at golf like if you're just
13:52honest about that part of it i'm just like oh yeah like you can't i mean if i hit the green and one
13:59and that's crazy successful and people would have loved it if it takes me five swings to do it
14:03that's actually almost more crazy successful and fun so i can't speak to the other guys but like
14:08i've just sort of positioned myself not really even on purpose i'm just like i'm not very good
14:12at golf i love covering it i love the sport it's really fun to make videos with frankie and riggs
14:18and i've just sort of found myself in this position where it's like if i do well great
14:22if i do horribly kind of even better yeah yes it's very strange spot to be in you're between a pillow
14:28and a couch it's not a rock and a hard place you know yeah that's i like that actually i like that
14:38oh man well hey best all got there keep growing the game you're growing the game
14:42one video at a time depends i i appreciate that really depends on who you ask if i am or not but
14:47um yeah it was fun it was fun hey are the marvel movies getting any better or what's the deal oh
14:52get him off the run down
15:02we were so nice to him i would have been shitting on him if i knew he was gonna end like that
15:06and the last captain america was what was it aggressively mid that was aggressively mid but
15:11thunderbolts is gonna be better fantastic four is gonna be better we're gonna shove it in trent's
15:15face i kind of like um i kind of like this new season of daredevil because i haven't watched
15:21yeah we always should have brought that up it's like when you're in a shower and you're like this
15:24is what we should have brought up in the argument daredevil's been great get him back on the stream
15:32a guy that i watched on social skill a guy named kit laser you guys follow him he's very good
15:37but he had said that it's it's the type of show that you need to binge like you know what i mean
15:42i think yeah i watched the first two i'm gonna you know try and get like a good chunk in next
15:49time that i feel like three's good is three good fuck yeah i'm probably gonna watch it tonight
15:56i would like to binge the shit out and i will talk about that my mom's basement tomorrow a
16:00little plug we got that and invincible talk a lot big finale yeah big week in the basement
16:07oh man god bless trent i love that this hardest thing about trent is he doesn't respond to text
16:11so you need to like be it's a barstool content to actually talk to him unless you happen to
16:16in the office i didn't want to let him go i wanted to just like see if we could do a three
16:20hour rundown with trent joe rogan style so trend how's everyone doing and we just just catch up
16:26oh man well we have to get something to get that bad taste out of our mouths and trend through that
16:31evil marvel slander out there and if you need to get something good it's lunchtime even get
16:35yourself some part of my cheesesteak it's almost tournament time and ordering part of my cheesesteak
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17:03has always been like the um centerpiece for like just getting some takeout and just eating and
17:09watching games but i almost associate those first two days of march madness or even the opening
17:14weekend as the best time to just sit down and just gorge your face off so load up on some some
17:20cheesesteaks large uh what's your cheese on a cheesesteak what's your go to cooper sharp
17:26cooper sharp american yeah um i remember the first time i reviewed a cheesesteak that had
17:31cooper sharp on it i said it was cooper sharp cheddar and they came after me just because i
17:37sharp cheese i always think like shit and then cooper sharp sent me a bunch of cheese
17:42afterwards cooper cheese company yeah so um but even outside that it's it's a it's an elite cheese
17:46but i'm also a whiz guy like if i go to a place i'm a big whiz guy i love the whiz yeah i gotta
17:51go whiz i gotta go cheese sauce so that's the thing like you can look at a menu and you can
17:56tell you're just going to get some just regular old cheese at certain places no no no they got
17:59the cheese sauce there so go to party outside of part of my cheesesteak what's the best cheesesteak
18:05you've ever had i've never had another cheesesteak other than part of my cheesesteak so go to part of
18:09my to order promo code pmc20 for 20% off your order we could take that conversation
18:15offline another time because i'm pretty sure me and robbie actually have the same answer
18:19we definitely do yeah um this so let's just be honest here that trend segment a grace
18:27uh grace of the content gods that we had someone to talk about it's a light light um subject day
18:33however this one was thrown into the text chain and i'll be honest boys knock my socks off i
18:38didn't even know this was a thing so there's reportedly and i feel like stuff like this is
18:43reportedly until it actually happens a mega event reportedly being planned out by tko the company
18:50for saudi arabia this year or late or even next wwe event boxing event ufc event i don't even know
19:00what you call this the triple threat it's it's it's something that is right it's something that's
19:06so incredible and i've had i was a diehard wwe guy growing up boxing i had my moments and ufc
19:13as well i i was watching ufc back when tank abbott was fighting in like brazil with that old logo
19:18with the dude holding the world i've never even thought of a of an instance where you put three
19:24of these sports together under one roof one night only um i don't even know what to start i got my
19:30combat combat guys here this was like this was another one from the content god so boys take
19:35it away i don't even know what to say right now large you want to kick this one off sure so as
19:39soon as you see this that there's gonna be a mega event where we'll have boxing ufc wwe all under
19:44one roof for the first time for one event it's almost overwhelming i can't even work out my
19:49head what the semantics would be because you know that there are no bigger um egos than in combat
19:55sports so it's like who who's gonna be the main event like you know the whole deal seems like
20:01it's almost impossible it's when you have like two big bands touring who is the main who's the
20:06closer and stuff like that but if it does happen i don't think you can find a stadium big enough
20:11to host this right because everybody who is into wwe is kind of into either boxing and ufc and i
20:21think the the inverse is also true when you read the internet goes back and forth i can't tell
20:26sometimes well when you read comments everybody who's uh likes ufc shits on boxing everybody who
20:34likes boxing shits on the ufc i don't know why we all can't get along i don't give a fuck i just
20:40like to watch great fighting and i also like the fucking you know the the play net the playfulness
20:46of wwe right so this is a bucket list event if they can get it together but to your point clem
20:54in these early hours i can't get my head around it you know i i don't know where they would do it
20:59robbie could this be like a a three-day festival should they rent out i think that's more likely
21:06yes because like i'm the same way as you we both know with saudi arabian money being thrown around
21:13nowadays this could absolutely happen it's not a matter of like do you think this is in the realm
21:17of possibility it is at this point like especially with tko they own the ufc and wwe they're under
21:24one umbrella already and dana is now working with turkey the sheik from saudi who's like an advisor
21:29to their sports council his excellency turkey ala sheik put some fucking respect on this man's
21:35wallet there you go turkey ala sheik i always butcher the last name so i think this could
21:40happen now especially that dana and him are going into the boxing realm and everything
21:44but how do the logistics work out like large said who main events i would imagine it's either boxing
21:49or ufc i would probably kick the show off with wrestling because i think the wrestling fans are
21:55going to be there for whatever and i think the combat sports fans are going to be a little
22:00judgmental towards wrestling so you kick the night off by showing them something that can really
22:05impress them and then later on you get into the the real fighting that being said what if you have
22:11an amazing wwe match mid-show you know the crowd's going wild one two oh and then it's a stinker like
22:18we had this weekend in the ufc or something in the main event it's weird also how does it work
22:23with the rings would this be mma in a ring which happens sometimes that's been known to happen
22:28risen still does it sometimes but you have to have different rings for boxing in wwe they are
22:34different rings a boxing ring is much stiffer than a wrestling ring probably that's why they work that
22:38out you start with boxing right you start and you're right because we can watch boxing you can
22:47watch a whole fight card where it's just dancing you can watch a whole ufc card where it's just dry
22:52humping you know but you when you're watching wwe somewhere along the line so i guess you start
22:58boxing then you drop in the octagon to cover the boxing ring and you hold the wwe fights in that
23:09and then you lift out the fucking boxing ring and you do ufc at the end of the night like that would
23:14be kind of fucking cool you know because you almost steal if they could work it out it would
23:17be cool it would seem like something like when you see these big festivals and they build the
23:23stage behind the stage and it turns around and it's like really cool logistically if it could work
23:31yeah how long are rounds in ufc is it three minutes five five i was gonna say if we could
23:38get maybe all three at the same time three different rings right in the middle like a
23:42circus yes the only thing is the bell you're gonna have two that rely on the bell and i guess
23:46the wrestling they have a little bit of leeway obviously the way that they set up that sport
23:50let's be honest here though if we had a power rank most likely to screw this all up boxing is
23:56the minus 1000 favorite yeah probably because that's the one thing about saudi money that
24:00makes me think this could happen is that saudi money is so it fixes all problems it has actually
24:06gotten boxers to box right large like for years you couldn't get these fights and then these saudi
24:11mr ali chic the honorable whatever you want to call throws his wallet down and now we actually
24:16have shit happen for the first time the honorable whatever you want to call him
24:21didn't realize there's excellence in turkey ala chic yeah i don't know i'm trying to get
24:26some tickets at some point oh i don't like so that so that has opened it up right so now
24:32boxing is more dtf than it's ever been honestly in my 50 years i'm seeing these matchups pop up
24:39like they were in the 70s and the 80s to your point so i think anything goes i do see on this
24:46one little graphic that they put out again and again this came from knockout i don't i don't
24:52know who these people are at all but they have a shitload of followers 1.4 million followers
24:56so you know it's it's it's a pretty it's a big account so on the graphic they put like canelo
25:02on it i don't know if canelo would agree to be the you know the first one you know what i mean
25:07let me put john cena on it like who's the third guy what's the guy's name islam makachev yeah like
25:14so i don't know whether or not these guys any combat sport person thinks they should be the
25:19headliner at every event that they've ever been in you know what i mean like you've seen guys
25:23who fight even before the pay-per-view starts like i should be on a fucking card so yeah yeah
25:28yeah so logistically it's a fucking nightmare but sign the three of us at least up for it i think
25:34there's another of course that will be knocking down the door to get into this thing that's
25:40exciting like you said if it's a one-night event a festival some sort of thing just dudes getting
25:45carved out bob i was gonna say like you said you almost have to lead with a big-time wrestling
25:50event to like get the turn the the hardcore fight you know old school fighting do they still do like
25:57hardcore wrestling could we get like who's the mcfall yeah taking barbed wire and exploding
26:02boards i feel like that could get those people and they see some real plasma coming out of heads
26:07go back on peacock watch the last wwe pay-per-view the elimination chamber where john cena turned
26:13heel there was an unsanctioned match they called it between kevin owens and sammy zane
26:18if you are an old school wrestling fan that appreciates the cactus jack mcfoley hardcore
26:22style terry funk this was the match for you as a fucking war they used real barbed wire
26:28the talent requested that it was not shaved down or gimmicked because they wanted it to
26:32fucking show up on them it's crazy but they do still do some crazy hardcore wrestling
26:36what happens if barstool steals this idea because we've been known to do that
26:41oh rough and rowdy we start the night off with so good right then we go from rough and rowdy
26:49right into some sort of golf thing with trent and then like indie wrestling then we cap off
26:56the evening with the one-on-one to one tournament that is going to be absolutely viral particularly
27:02the first round matchup there's one that's particularly intriguing between myself and
27:06robbie that's must see tv that would be a night to remember the barstool triple header yes i think
27:13any barstool triple header by contract has to include a mini golf and a combine so you have
27:18to just figure out how to get those in there as well i mean like a spelling bee for some reason
27:22the out and about boys are in the barstool store they have a barstool triple header it's a
27:27it's three dildos oh yeah and it's it's it's mainly for parties or just to be like a conversation
27:33piece but it's a coat hanger yeah that's that's a conversation starter or ender depending on what
27:38kind of party you're at what kind of party you're at um i mean we're talking about all the money
27:43in saudi land uh one person who maybe could fund this himself josh allen he uh said he took less
27:50money with the buffalo bills because an extra five million dollars would make no real difference
27:56in his life um bob fox is someone who has a franchise quarterback don't you just love hearing
28:01that from a guy i mean this makes total sense to me when you're as rich and famous as josh allen i
28:08don't think five million five million dollars is like an extra couple grand to us right like for
28:14him that's whatever he's got life figured out doesn't even seem like he's like a big spender
28:18you don't see josh allen and his new lamborghini every other week it's just like he goes on dates
28:24with uh kate bishop haley steinfeld and lives his life i don't know he seems like a super normal guy
28:30so i read this quote i didn't even blink twice yeah and i can't imagine there's a lot of a lot
28:35of like clubs or money pits in buffalo that you're gonna get he's not paying for shit in buffalo
28:41either he's probably getting everything for free in a buffalo when he goes out large is the resident
28:46rich guy on the podcast what's your take on all this yes thank you his um his net worth is uh right
28:51now they say 70 million dollars so that's what i mean no way does five affect that but my thing is
28:58when i read this is it does it make you guys automatically say hey josh allen is a good guy
29:04he's a team player he's one of us he's realistic or is it that he's so grossly fucking overpaid
29:10like you know what i'm saying he doesn't notice that five million is is not his bank account then
29:17why the fuck am i paying 250 to sit in the fucking nosebleeds to go watch him pay right
29:23if everybody doesn't give a shit or wouldn't notice an extra five million why don't we pay
29:30these guys and not have people who wouldn't notice five million being gone not pay seven dollars for
29:36a fucking box of i can't even really like speak to that because i wouldn't notice if five mil was
29:41gone from my bank account either yeah for to clarify he signed a six-year 330 million dollar
29:46contract excluding 250 million dollars guaranteed so quarter billion quarter billion patting him on
29:52the back for turning down an extra five no so yeah so right like doesn't it yeah it's a misleading
30:00headline one of us like he's doing it like the buffalo fans like yeah and it's it is it's noble
30:06it is noble but holy shit these guys get paid a lot to fucking wear tight pants and play a
30:11kids game huh the thing with josh allen is it's almost like the final hammer on all the other
30:17good stuff he's done and again this is a little slanted he was coming in the part of my take
30:21when they were riding for him when he was this rookie that everyone thought was gonna be a bus
30:23in the yeah draft josh absolutely just crazy story and like i said
30:31now he's married to a movie star gonna get married i think he is engaged not married
30:35engaged i believe yeah that five million go far in a wedding though you could definitely oh yeah
30:40touch that maybe give that five million to bob for his wedding i'll take it i'll take it make
30:45then uncle dana kind of has to step up you can't have josh allen giving you more money than he gave
30:49you at the exact yeah he they keep one up in each other i wind up having like a kardashian wedding
30:57oh man so that's the rundown uh in the post show uh we had here the pros and cons of prenups
31:04which i was like i could just let large cook i'd say large what are your thoughts on prenup
31:08oh this is large this is a this is a dana beers francis video yes that we're promoting here which
31:12is a great series very funny large you essentially have the opposite of a prenup yeah so yeah i
31:19was begging her not to have one time you know what i mean i don't yeah i guess i don't know how
31:24it would be if somebody had asked me for a prenup everything i own is in annie's name by the way
31:30like you know we every time we buy stuff we just put it in her name just because she does everything
31:34i i'm not sure um what i would feel like if somebody wanted to sign one because especially
31:40if i was like a young man getting married we got married you know 26 years ago so i've always been
31:45kind of on the fence with how i would have reacted if a young lady would have asked you know
31:49or if i would have asked the young lady to sign a prenup and throw it back in my face but yeah
31:53that kind of makes sense because we were so young if i was getting married a second time you know
31:58like if annie leaves me any day which she could um then maybe i would consider it but otherwise
32:03it was never on the table for me it wasn't ever on the table for you right robbie you're a you're
32:07no each guy i i i i view this as like a celebrity thing and i know i'm a celebrity but i'm not a
32:14and probably be maybe you know b plus will say but yeah no i i need to watch this video to be
32:19honest because i don't know much about prenups other than like when celebrities get divorced
32:24you see oh i hope they had a prenup like you see that i i actually don't know much about them so
32:29i gotta watch this francis dana video yeah it's gonna be good large you essentially had the anti
32:34prenup because you said after a uh rousing night in bed and he decided to put a call and just wave
32:40away all your uh student loans but you heard about them right so that's she paid all my school
32:47loans because i picked up a phone and it was sally may and i told him no no he's dead and and then
32:53they're no no i don't want to talk about it's too painful i yeah i have no and i hung up and she was
32:57like who's that i was like oh it's sally may they keep coming after me for my school loans she's
33:03so she she she paid off my school loans before i got married which was kind of nice of her right
33:08you know very nice you don't have to buy them out the cow the milk was about to be for free
33:12but look at you guys what 10 years later you're still going strong what how long has it been
33:17yeah i think we're married 26 years this year oh you look so young i couldn't tell thanks pal
33:22i think we've known each other for 30 so i've been um i've been with annie longer than i've
33:27been alive without her holy shit that's something else crazy yeah yeah i actually did the math this
33:32morning uh randomly and uh i'm 20 years with my wife and then 22 without her so we're we're
33:39oh you're on the verge yeah yep this the man that i am it's been around longer than the man you know
33:45without her so that's i think this week here we're all doing that calculators this week will be five
33:51years since i started talking to lady fox all right all right bob look at that you know what
33:56somebody had reached out who was it oh it was you clem when we were talking about the um medieval
34:01times the last time we'd gone and uh i had the the picture on my desk from it and that had to
34:08be around the time when you guys first started dating you're only probably about a year into it
34:12that that was we were already back post pandemic that was 2022 i think oh i thought it was before
34:20i thought that might have been like two years in oh wow there you go yeah because she was already
34:24living in jersey with me at that point yeah good time though we got to get back to the to the
34:29medieval times say the word i'm there every week i'll tell you i was blogging that the other day
34:34and i got the itch boys it's medieval times you just see the words and you're just like let's go
34:38back and you just think of the food kids love it too it's a win-win for everyone around our night
34:44one yeah it's great if your girl asks you a prenup or your husband whatever maybe that's
34:49tough but if they're if they're telling you gotta watch your francis video first yes watch the
34:53francis video first go to medieval times and we'll see you guys next week on the rundown on monday