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Ilim o Amal - Episode 12

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#IlimoAmal #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen wa al aqebatu lil mutaqeem
00:09wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoolihin nabiyyil kareem
00:14amma baad fa a'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem
00:19bismillahir rahmanir raheem wa zakir fa inna zikratan fa'ul mu'mineen
00:26sadaqallah maulana al azeem
00:29Dear viewers of ARYKO TV,
00:34today's topic under the program Ilm o Amal is
00:39Afoo o Dar Guzar
00:43This is the blessed month of Ramadan
00:47We are spending our days and nights in the blissful moments
00:55Afoo o Dar Guzar
00:58means to forgive
01:01in what condition to forgive
01:04that you have the ability to take revenge
01:13you have the power
01:16if someone has slapped you, you have the courage to slap
01:21in spite of this, you forgive him
01:25to attain the pleasure of Allah
01:28that is called Afoo o Dar Guzar
01:31cover it up
01:34forgive and cover it up
01:37even if you forget it
01:40it is not that you have forgiven at that time
01:43but you have suppressed it in your heart
01:47that when the time comes
01:49then I will talk to you
01:53there is a narration of Huzoor
01:56Huzoor says that
01:59Hazrat Sayyidina Musa Kaleemullah
02:04said in Bargah-e-Lamgazal
02:07O Creator of the worlds,
02:09who among your servants is more beloved to you?
02:14who among your servants is more generous and generous?
02:17O Creator of the worlds,
02:20who among your servants is more beloved to you?
02:25who among your servants is more generous and generous?
02:29who among your servants is more generous and generous?
02:32O Companions,
02:33may Allah be pleased with them all
02:37look at the deeds of Sayyid
02:39Ahl-e-Bayt-e-Atahar who are the emperors of purity
02:43and the ones whose love, affection, closeness and support is our faith
02:50look at their deeds
02:53Hazrat Sayyidina Moula Ali
02:59is a partner in the battle
03:02he is sitting on the chest of the disbeliever
03:05he is sitting on his chest
03:07the dagger is in his hand
03:10and the one who is sitting on his chest
03:13he is badly wounded
03:16but Moula-e-Kainat is not allowing him to go to hell
03:22a dialogue is going on with him
03:26that in the meantime
03:29the beloved of the universe
03:33Hazrat Sayyidina Ali-ul-Murtaza
03:38may Allah honour his noble face
03:40spit on the face of Anwar
03:43on the matter that he will get angry
03:47and will immediately stab me
03:49and my life will be lost
03:52and I will be killed
03:54I will go to hell
03:57and my life will be lost
03:59the pain of the wounds has increased a lot
04:04when he spit on his face
04:06Moula-e-Kainat came down from his chest
04:10he said it is strange
04:12I spit on your face
04:15that you will kill me soon
04:17Moula-e-Kainat said
04:19earlier I was ready to kill you for the sake of Allah, the Messenger of Allah and the religion of Mateen
04:28now that my existence has been included in this
04:32therefore, I leave you now, later
04:37that is, you have forgiven your own existence
04:42one of the killers of Imam Ali
04:47in Madinat-an-Noor
04:51Hazrat Sayyidina Imam Zain-ul-Abideen
04:56came to him
04:58he presented him with a drink
05:02he said, you may not have recognized me
05:06you say, unfortunately it is possible that I do not recognize
05:10but at that time I was your guest, it was your deed
05:14but today you have come to my house, it is my kindness
05:18those who forgive and forgive are those who are the Nafus-e-Qudsi
05:23whose whole life they have spent forgiving people and forgiving
05:30and the attitude they have with people
05:35listening to this, listening to that
05:37today, what is the confusion and disorder within us?
05:42from morning to evening, hundreds of people meet me
05:47and what is the disorder in that?
05:50that we do not have tolerance
05:53we do not have softness
05:56we do not have tolerance and humility
06:00we do not have forgiveness and compassion
06:02we do not have the ability to forgive
06:07if someone says something, we try to give him ten answers
06:12but dear viewers
06:15those who forgive, we spent time with the Sufis
06:20we had the company of the saints
06:24we saw the elders of the religion
06:26and we have seen that they have forgiveness and compassion
06:30it is found in abundance
06:34to look at someone and cover up
06:40to listen to someone's words and forget
06:42and not to make them feel
06:46this is forgiveness and compassion
06:49and it has been said, have mercy on people
06:52have mercy on the people of the earth
06:54Allah will have mercy on you
06:56if we see that within us
06:59to make forgiveness and compassion a part of our life
07:03this is a very beautiful way if we think about it
07:08if we see how many flaws are there within us
07:12if we see how many evils are there within us
07:15if we see how many flaws are there within us
07:21but despite this
07:22Allah the Lord of Glory has mercy on us
07:27Allah the Lord of Glory covers our sins
07:30no matter how many sins we commit, people respect us
07:34no matter how many sins we commit, Allah the Lord of Glory covers our sins
07:41when we understand this
07:44when Prophet Mohammad
07:47when he gave Khirqa-e-Muhabbat-o-Wilayat
07:51to Moula-e-Kainat, Sayyidina Ali-ul-Murtaza
07:54the Lion of God, Allah the Most Generous
07:58he said, O Ali
07:59what will you do with this?
08:03Moula-e-Kainat replied
08:06I will cover it
08:09Prophet Mohammad said, I also received this command
08:13this is why it is given to you
08:15so covering the veil
08:19forgiveness and compassion
08:21mercy on the young
08:23children make mistakes at home
08:25you can take it from here
08:27this is very important for our women
08:30so you think
08:32we will scold them and correct them
08:36we will hit them and they will be fine
08:38however, we should forgive them
08:42and we should train the children
08:44and they will become good
08:47they should not be called bad
08:50the first thing is to bring that action within
08:53and then bring them closer to you
08:55and forgive them
08:57that the matters
08:59with the neighbours
09:01with the family
09:03with the men and women
09:05with the elders and children
09:08with the people of the neighbourhood
09:10with the people of the settlement
09:12with the people who meet, live and sit
09:18keeping in mind the etiquettes of the gathering
09:23so keeping the aspect of forgiveness and compassion complete
09:27and I will tell you one thing
09:30that the people who forgive
09:34they can tolerate these issues
09:39if someone hurts you
09:42if someone hurts you
09:44if someone troubles you
09:46if someone is quiet
09:48in front of their Lord and says
09:52I forgive him
09:54then Allah will give him respect
09:58and the love he has for the people
10:04will increase day by day
10:08Allah's mercy
10:09and the acceptance of the people
10:12the one who forgives
10:16the one who forgives
10:19and forgives the people
10:21may Allah forgive us
10:23may Allah forgive us our own matters
10:28may we forgive the rights of the people
10:32may we forgive the friendship
10:35if we look at the conquest of Mecca
10:37the conquest of Mecca
10:39Prophet Mohammad
10:41from where the mountains of troubles and calamities fell on my Prophet
10:47and the Mecca that was made difficult for my Kareem
10:52and where he spent a time like Shib-e-Abi Talib
10:55and tolerated all kinds of troubles
10:59endured oppression and oppression
11:00and he endured oppression and oppression with the Companions
11:03endured oppression and oppression with Siddiq-e-Akbar
11:05endured oppression and oppression with Bilal-e-Habsi
11:08may Allah be pleased with them all
11:10so despite all of this
11:13when my Master returns from Medina-tul-Noor
11:17my Master returns as the Conqueror of Mecca
11:21so what should happen today?
11:23if we look at the worldly style
11:27then today it is a battle
11:29the disbelievers are running away
11:31they are suffering
11:34they are remembering their oppression and oppression
11:38that we did this, we did that, we did this
11:41what will happen to us today?
11:44but the mercy of the two worlds
11:46the groom of Shab-e-Asra
11:47and the one who is wearing the crown of mercy for the worlds
11:51the one who is wearing the crown of mercy for the worlds
11:54the one who is wearing the crown of mercy for the worlds
11:57my Kareem Master said
11:58today is the day of forgiveness
12:02today we will be forgiven
12:05Abu Sufyan has done a lot of oppression and oppression with us
12:08today whoever comes to his house will be safe
12:13the disbelievers were shocked
12:17that our oppression and oppression
12:20and the glory of their mercy for the worlds
12:28how beautiful
12:31I will be sacrificed
12:32everyone was shocked
12:34and after listening to my Master's general apology
12:38how many disbelievers have read my Master's Kalima
12:41joined Deen-e-Mateen
12:43and always remained faithful to it
12:45remained steadfast
12:47and served the religion
12:50all these people entering the circle of Islam
12:53is the proof of what?
12:55through forgiveness
12:58how many disbelievers are there?
13:01and all the agreements with the disbelievers
13:04all of them were not for the sake of Muslims
13:09they were for the sake of the disbelievers
13:11but how many disbelievers became Muslims
13:14on the basis of those agreements
13:16how many disbelievers came to the religion
13:20and became slaves of Prophet Mohammad
13:23for what?
13:24for the sake of forgiveness
13:26the saints of Allah
13:29when for the sake of Deen-e-Mateen
13:31Khwaja Gharib Nawaz is on the flag of Ajmer
13:35Daata Ali Hajweri Faiz-e-Alam
13:38in what circumstances do they come to Lahore?
13:42so all these conditions
13:47that no one sits near them
13:50nor does anyone read the Kalima of the Prophet
13:54when these people come to Kufristan
13:57by tolerating the pain of the people
14:00they forgive the people for the sake of Allah
14:04and people read the Kalima of the Prophet
14:09the style of their love
14:12if today we are in any situation
14:16at any place
14:19from Mehram-e-Mimbar
14:22to Need-e-Dargah
14:27and then
14:28our officers
14:32the women in the house
14:35the leaders
14:37the people in power
14:39whom Allah has given power to
14:43if they start forgiving the small people
14:47then in the society such a beautiful
14:50and beautiful
14:53way will be created
14:55that you will see
14:57that the way the Surahs are beautiful
15:00in the same way the Seerahs will also start to become beautiful
15:05and the hearts and hearts
15:07will be filled with the beauty of morals
15:10and what is the moral
15:12that it has been said
15:14that Allah's Prophet
15:16has been sent as the embodiment of morals
15:19has been sent as the possessor of morals
15:21and the beloved Master
15:23the Prophet of Allah
15:25has established those examples of morals
15:28the Prophets and the Sulahs
15:30have established those examples
15:32which are still a source of guidance for us
15:35if we travel through this valley
15:39then dear viewers
15:40this is such a beautiful act
15:42and secondly
15:44let me tell you one thing
15:46this is something that is related to your life, my life, every Zaid and Bakr
15:52that if we start forgiving
15:54then we will start getting the satisfaction of the heart
15:58I am giving you a Sufi example
16:01you start forgiving
16:05you will see that your heart will start moving towards satisfaction
16:10this depression, this self-pity
16:14this restlessness of day and night
16:17mental tension
16:19countless problems
16:21if I don't do this, this cannot happen
16:23if I do it, it will happen
16:25who else can do it?
16:27remove these things
16:29I, I
16:32we, we
16:34for me, my right
16:35let us leave these things
16:38all rights belong to Allah
16:40all blessings belong to Allah
16:43Allah is the one who bestows upon everyone
16:46Allah is the one who bestows honour, respect and status upon everyone
16:49how dare we? what can we do?
16:52on small things
16:54Hazrat Ans bin Malik
16:56may Allah be pleased with him
16:57he says, I have worked for 10 years as a housekeeper for the Kareem Aaka of Kamli
17:03the Ummahatul Momineen
17:07gave me money to start a business
17:14I was young, I would go to the fields with the children
17:18I would come back late, I would not even bring a hundred rupees
17:23the government would give me a smile
17:25he says, in 10 years they did not even give me a glance of the Prophet of Allah
17:31what a great example of forgiveness
17:34that the disbelievers would put a cloth around my master's neck and pull it
17:39but my master would pray for them
17:43the example of oppression and oppression
17:45that the people of Ta'if would throw stones
17:49on the holy body
17:51on the holy feet
17:53that the dust that would touch my master's feet
18:00the Quran says
18:01I do not share this status with anyone
18:04he would be given this status
18:07so my master's holy body
18:10would be made as a sacrifice for him
18:13and the world of power is such
18:16that the holy bird Jibreel-e-Ameen would be present
18:20O Messenger of Allah, give us a sign
18:23so that I can drown this city
18:26Allah says
18:27so my master said, I have been sent as a mercy
18:31I have come to bless them
18:34this was their job
18:36but I do not curse them
18:38I forgive them
18:40they do not know me
18:42their children will come and they will be my Ummati
18:46so dear viewers, forgive me
18:48this is the Sunnah of the Prophets
18:53Ajma'een ka Amal-e-Saheed hai
18:55Isli aaj hamare liye bhi yeh zaruri hai
18:58ke hum niji maamulat mein
19:00aaili maamulat mein
19:01tajarat mein
19:02karubaar mein
19:03Afu-o-Darguzar ko apna shahar banaye
19:05aur Allah Rabb-ul-Izzat
19:06hame ispar kaamil aur karband rehne ki tofeeq ata fahaye
19:10qal tak ke liye
19:12ijazat dijiye
19:13Allah Hafiz
