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Fazail e Ramzan - Episode 4

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:31Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen
00:33Wasalatu wasalamu ala Sayyidil Anbiya wal Mursaleen
00:37Amma baad faqad qala Allah tabaraka wa ta'ala fil quranil kareem
00:42A'uzu billahi minash shaitanir rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
00:47Ya ayyuhal lazeena aamanu, qutiba alikumus siyam
00:50Qamaan qutiba alal lazeena min qablikum la'allakum tattaqun
00:55Sadaqallahu lazeem wa sadaqa rasooluhun nabiyyul kareem
00:59Ladies and gentlemen, Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
01:04Ladies and gentlemen, you are watching the program Fazaal-e-Ramzaan on YaHWAC-U-TV
01:09In Ramzaan-e-Mubarak, you and I have a daily conversation
01:13In this program, in this blessed month, which is the month of pleasing Allah
01:18The month in which mercy calls upon the sinners
01:21The month in which fasting of Allah is obligatory
01:24The month which is the reason for Allah's special closeness
01:27Which is the month of Allah
01:29About which Huzoor-Ali-Salaatu-Salaam has said that Ramzaan-e-Shahrullah is the month of Allah
01:33In this month, we daily seek such things from the Quran and Hadith and present them to you
01:39We discuss such topics
01:41Through which we can do all the work in this month
01:45Which is the reason for Allah and His Messenger's pleasure in this month
01:49Ladies and gentlemen, the most important worship of this month is fasting
01:54In this, Allah has made fasting of this month obligatory on the person of faith
01:58The people of faith, in this month, in the whole world, wherever Muslims live
02:02They perform their fasts, they perform their obligatory fasts
02:06And through this, they attain the pleasure of Allah
02:09Ladies and gentlemen, today's topic is about some important issues related to fasting
02:14That no big or small mistake, no small or big sin should happen to us
02:19Through which our fasting becomes corrupt
02:21Or no such mistake should happen to us in any matter of jurisprudence or in any respect
02:25No such mistake should happen to us in any matter of jurisprudence or in any respect
02:29And we should be deprived of attaining its blessings
02:32First of all, ladies and gentlemen, six conditions have been stated by the commentators and the jurists
02:39The jurists state that it is necessary to have these conditions to perform the obligatory fast
02:43The first condition is that it is necessary to be a Muslim
02:45Obligatory fasting on the non-believer will not be possible
02:47The second condition is that it is necessary to be an adult
02:50It is not obligatory to fast on an immature child
02:52It is a condition to be an adult to perform the obligatory fast
02:55The third condition is that it is necessary for a person to recover
02:59If a person is terminally ill, then it is obvious that he will not be able to perform the obligatory fast
03:02If he has a religious doctor, then it will be permissible to perform the obligatory fast temporarily
03:07If you have fasted at this time, then your life can be in danger
03:10So, he will not be able to perform the obligatory fast at that time
03:11He will recover and perform the obligatory fast
03:13And if a person is suffering from diabetes or any other disease at an old age
03:19And he does not expect to recover again, then it is obvious that he will perform the obligatory fast
03:24It is necessary to be healthy
03:25It is necessary to be intelligent
03:27It is not obligatory to fast on a mad person
03:29If a person is staying at home, then it is permissible for him to perform the obligatory fast later
03:38If he is staying at home, then it is obligatory for him to perform the obligatory fast
03:40Or if he returns from a journey, then he will perform the obligatory fast after Ramadan
03:47It is permissible for him
03:48And it is a condition for a woman to be free from the habit of masturbation
03:52A woman will not perform the obligatory fast when she is in her pregnancy
03:59But when she recovers, she will perform the obligatory fast
04:02And it is obligatory for a woman to perform the obligatory fast after Ramadan
04:11Ladies and gentlemen, when a child grows up, then it is obligatory for him to perform the obligatory fast
04:15He will start performing the obligatory fast
04:17If a person is sick, then they will perform the obligatory fast
04:24which he performed in his pregnancy
04:29If a person is a traveler, then it is permissible for him to perform the obligatory fast
04:34But if he is staying at home, then it is obligatory for him to perform the obligatory fast
04:38And after Ramadan, he will perform the obligatory fast
04:45And as I said, when a woman will be free from Hiz and Nafas,
04:49when she will be free from Ayam-e-Muqsoosa,
04:51then all the fasts that she has missed due to that reason,
04:54she will be obligated to observe those fasts.
04:56It will be obligatory for her to observe those fasts.
04:58Dear viewers, if there is an old man,
05:01an old man who has a disease,
05:05he has diabetes, or there is a disease that a religious doctor tells him,
05:08that if you observe a fast, your life can be in danger,
05:11then Allah Almighty has given permission to that patient
05:16that he will give alms.
05:18And he can give all the alms to a poor person.
05:22And in the beginning of Ramadhan,
05:24he is allowed to give all the alms to a poor person.
05:29If someone misses a fast due to a disease,
05:33becomes ill and misses a fast,
05:35and he did not expect that he will recover,
05:38he gave alms.
05:39But Allah Almighty has given him mercy,
05:41Allah Almighty has given him healing.
05:43When he will recover,
05:45then he will not think that I have given alms,
05:47so that fast has passed.
05:48Now the alms that he had given,
05:50that will go in the account of Nafli Sadqa.
05:52Nafli Sadqa will be counted.
05:54Now the fast will be obligatory on him again.
05:56The alms that he had given,
05:58that went in his Nafli Sadqa.
05:59Now because he has recovered,
06:01it is necessary for him that the fast that he had missed,
06:04now after recovering,
06:06he will return that fast.
06:08And as I said,
06:09if an old person knows that he will not recover,
06:12or he does not expect to recover,
06:14and the religious doctor has told him,
06:16that if you fast,
06:17it can be a big loss for your health,
06:20your life can be in danger.
06:21The religious doctor told him,
06:23then because he has to give alms,
06:24and in alms, it is not necessary for a person
06:26to look for a poor person for every fast,
06:29and give him alms.
06:30In the beginning of Ramadan,
06:32as I said about the old man,
06:33he knows that he is so ill,
06:35that it is not possible for him to fast for him again.
06:38And because he does not expect to recover,
06:41the religious doctor has told him,
06:43that if you do not fast,
06:44it can be a big loss for your health.
06:49Then in the beginning of Ramadan,
06:52he will give alms to a poor person for all the fasts of Ramadan.
06:55Then his alms will be paid.
06:57And for this, he can also give money.
06:59And secondly,
07:00if a person is in a state of fasting,
07:03and he has a disease,
07:06that his life is in danger,
07:07that if he completes the fast,
07:08his sugar level is so low,
07:11that his life can be in danger,
07:13if he waits for Iftar.
07:14Or if he has any disease,
07:16that the doctor should tell him,
07:18and he should know that
07:19my life can be in danger,
07:22if I wait for Iftar,
07:23if I wait for Iftar for fasting,
07:25then it is necessary for him to break the fast.
07:28While performing ablution,
07:30a person should keep in mind,
07:31that when a person performs Qulli,
07:33then if the water drops from his throat,
07:35some people think that he is performing Qulli,
07:36he is performing it for prayer,
07:37he is not doing it on purpose to drink.
07:39Even if it happens,
07:40it is not like that.
07:42While performing ablution,
07:43when a person performs Qulli,
07:44then he should keep in mind,
07:45that if by mistake the water drops from his throat,
07:48then the fast of a person will be ruined,
07:50the fast will be broken.
07:51Some people ask,
07:52that if he did not intend to fast,
07:53he did Sehri,
07:54but he forgot to do it with words,
07:56then will he be able to fast?
07:57If you cannot do it with words,
07:59then it is better to do it with words.
08:02But if a person does not intend to do it with words,
08:05then his fast will be broken,
08:06he will be able to fast.
08:08Because Sehri,
08:09is the place of intention.
08:11People ask us about Namaz-e-Taraweeh,
08:14that a person who does not perform Namaz-e-Taraweeh,
08:16what will be the order for his fast?
08:18Will he be able to fast?
08:19There will be no difference in fasting.
08:21So remember Namaz-e-Taraweeh,
08:22that Namaz-e-Taraweeh is Sunnat-e-Mu'aqidah.
08:25And if a person deliberately
08:27leaves Namaz-e-Taraweeh,
08:28and makes it a habit to leave it,
08:30then he will be a severe sinner,
08:31and he will be committing a grave sin.
08:34Because Taraweeh is Sunnat-e-Mu'aqidah.
08:36But of course, he will be able to fast,
08:38because Taraweeh is a separate worship,
08:40and fasting is a separate worship.
08:42But why should a person leave it,
08:43when he has a golden chance,
08:45by reciting Taraweeh,
08:45by staying in it,
08:47by pleasing Allah,
08:48and by attaining the nearness of Allah,
08:49then why will a person be deprived of this blessing?
08:52And why should a person not take advantage of this blessing,
08:56and not make use of it?
08:57At the time of fasting,
08:58when fasting is being stopped,
09:00when fasting is being stopped,
09:02then a person should clean his teeth properly.
09:05Because if there is any food in his teeth,
09:07more than the amount of chickpeas,
09:10that if he swallows it later,
09:11at the time of Adhan,
09:12or at the time of Adhan,
09:13or at the time of Taloo-e-Sehr,
09:15and if he swallows that thing,
09:16then his fast will be ruined.
09:18His fast will be broken.
09:19That is why it is important,
09:20that when a person is stopping his fast,
09:22then by doing Qulli,
09:23or by doing Miswak,
09:24if he is fasting before Taloo-e-Fajr,
09:26then he should brush his teeth,
09:28before Taloo-e-Fajr,
09:29he should brush his teeth properly,
09:32so that there is no substance,
09:34that after Taloo-e-Fajr,
09:35will come out of a person's throat.
09:37If blood comes out of the teeth,
09:39and blood comes out of the throat,
09:40and its taste is felt,
09:42then the fast will be ruined.
09:43The fast will be broken.
09:44And for the time of Sehri,
09:46there is one precaution,
09:47which a lot of people do,
09:49and because of this precaution,
09:51they waste their fast.
09:52This time, viewers,
09:53listen very carefully,
09:54and remembering this issue,
09:56and further explaining it to your loved ones,
09:58and friends, is important for you,
10:00because this is one such mistake,
10:02which a lot of people do,
10:03and waste their fast.
10:04What is that mistake?
10:05That while doing Sehri,
10:07they are eating food,
10:08as if they are not going to get water,
10:09for 6 months again.
10:10They are not going to eat food,
10:12for 6 months again.
10:12And as soon as the time of Fajr starts,
10:16and the time of Adhan is near,
10:17then pick up the bottles,
10:18and pour as much water,
10:19as you can.
10:21The Adhan has started,
10:22and Hazrat-e-Wala is drinking water,
10:23and if a person says,
10:24Bhaijaan, the Adhan has started,
10:25then he can drink till the last Adhan.
10:27And some people,
10:28who don't have any knowledge,
10:31but are very eager to give fatwa,
10:33that till the time of Adhan,
10:34keep drinking water.
10:35Or till the time of Adhan,
10:37pour as much water as you can.
10:40It is important for you to understand this issue,
10:42that fasting is not related to Adhan,
10:44fasting is related to time.
10:46You have to stop fasting,
10:47before Tulu-e-Fajr.
10:49And Adhan has to start,
10:50after Tulu-e-Fajr.
10:52This is the boundary of Tulu-e-Fajr.
10:53You have to stop fasting,
10:55before Tulu-e-Fajr.
10:56And Adhan has to start,
10:58after Tulu-e-Fajr.
10:59So Adhan has to start,
11:02after Tulu-e-Fajr.
11:04Adhan has to start,
11:07after the time of fasting.
11:08Adhan is not related to fasting,
11:11Adhan is related to Salat.
11:13Adhan has to start,
11:15after Tulu-e-Fajr.
11:17And you have to stop eating,
11:20before Tulu-e-Fajr.
11:22So if Adhan has started,
11:23you don't have to wait for Adhan,
11:25you can watch this on air bag tv,
11:27on this screen,
11:30on this screen,
11:33you can watch this,
11:34or search for fasting time on internet,
11:36and take calendar from your Ulema,
11:38that when is fasting,
11:40you can stop fasting,
11:41don't wait for Adhan,
11:43because Adhan has to start,
11:45after the time of fasting.
11:46Be careful,
11:48and remember this.
11:49I have told about the passenger and the patient,
11:51that the passenger or the patient,
11:54and it is not that if you have a cold,
11:56you don't have to fast,
11:57or if you have a sore throat,
11:58you don't have to fast,
12:00or if you have a sore throat,
12:02or if you have a stomach ache,
12:03it is not like that.
12:03If the patient has a cough,
12:06or if he has a fever,
12:07or if his life is in danger,
12:08if he has to fast,
12:09or if his health is in danger,
12:11if he has to fast,
12:12then Allah has given the patient,
12:15and the passenger,
12:16this permission,
12:19this permission,
12:20that he can stop fasting,
12:22during the journey,
12:23so if he is a passenger,
12:25then he can stop fasting,
12:26and he can leave,
12:28and if he is a patient,
12:29and as I have told,
12:30if the patient has a disease,
12:31which can harm him,
12:32then he can stop fasting,
12:34but later,
12:35he will be punished.
12:36But for the passenger,
12:37and for this too,
12:38Allah has given in Surah Baqarah,
12:39Ayat no. 134,
12:41that if you fast,
12:43then it is better for you,
12:44if you know.
12:45Some people say,
12:46no, we don't have to fast during the journey,
12:48so during the journey,
12:49or for the passenger,
12:51for the passenger,
12:52fasting is not an obligation,
12:54it is a formality,
12:55if he can stop fasting,
12:56then it is better for him.
12:57For example,
12:58if someone is going from Lahore to Islamabad,
13:01then for him,
13:02in the car,
13:03it is a formality,
13:04it will be a formality,
13:05but it is not difficult for him,
13:06to stop fasting,
13:07he does not have to walk,
13:08he has to go in the car,
13:09and it is not that difficult,
13:10to stop fasting.
13:11It is being heard all over the world,
13:12someone is going from London to Manchester,
13:14so it is not difficult for him,
13:15if he can stop fasting,
13:16it is better for him,
13:17in the car,
13:18the formality is still there,
13:19but if he stops,
13:20then he will earn more rewards,
13:21he will earn more rewards,
13:22it will be better for him.
13:23Hazrat Hamza bin Amr,
13:24may Allah be pleased with him,
13:25asked the Prophet,
13:26O Prophet of Allah,
13:27when I am on a journey,
13:28do I still keep fasting?
13:29The Prophet said,
13:30if you want,
13:31you can keep it,
13:32if you want,
13:33you can leave it.
13:34Allah has given you this right,
13:35on a journey,
13:36so it was found out,
13:37that on a journey,
13:38for a passenger,
13:39fasting is not a formality,
13:40it is a formality,
13:41he will perform it later,
13:42it is obligatory,
13:43it is a formality,
13:44he will keep it again,
13:45but if he keeps it on a journey,
13:46then he will earn more rewards.
13:49leaving your fast intentionally
13:50is such a big sin,
13:51some people intentionally
13:52leave their fast,
13:53and then they tell them,
13:54I will keep it,
13:55if you leave your fast
13:56without permission,
13:57if you leave your fast
13:58without permission,
13:59then listen to
14:00this Hadith
14:01of the Prophet,
14:02the Prophet,
14:04whoever intentionally
14:05leaves his fast,
14:06if he keeps his fast
14:07for the rest of his life,
14:08then he can't
14:09fulfill his fast,
14:10he can't fulfill
14:11his fast,
14:12so he will not
14:13intentionally leave
14:14his fast.
14:15Some people
14:16You can't leave fast without smoking a cigarette.
14:23This is a very good strategy.
14:25You can't leave fast without smoking a cigarette.
14:27If tomorrow a person says that he wants to drink tea, he can't live without tea.
14:30If tomorrow a person says that he can't live without food, he can't live without food.
14:33You can't leave fast without smoking a cigarette.
14:35Is smoking a sin?
14:37Fear God. Fasting is obligatory on you.
14:39Smoking a cigarette is not an excuse.
14:41If you leave fasting, you will commit a grave sin.
14:44You will commit a grave sin.
14:46If a person foregoes a fast all his life, he can't fulfill his rights for life.
14:53So be careful about it.
14:56If a pregnant woman or a woman who feeds her child,
15:00and if she is called a religious doctor or she knows that if she is pregnant or herself she is feeding her child,
15:08then either her life or her baby's life can be harmed.
15:12So, at that time, he has permission to leave the fast.
15:15But when the pregnant woman gives birth to the baby or when the breastfeeding mother gives birth to the baby,
15:21then it is obligatory for him to keep the fast that he has left at that time.
15:26If a person does not keep the fast due to human error,
15:29if he makes a mistake and does not keep the fast,
15:31or if he had some excuse due to which he broke the fast,
15:35then at that time, it is necessary to break the fast.
15:37But if someone deliberately breaks the fast,
15:40without any excuse,
15:43and deliberately breaks the fast,
15:45then he will have to pay for the fast.
15:47He will have to keep 60 fasts in a row.
15:49If he leaves even one fast in the middle,
15:54then he will have to start counting again from the top and keep 60 fasts.
15:58And if he cannot keep 60 fasts due to his health,
16:02then he will have to feed 60 poor people twice a day.
16:06Or he can even pay the same amount to a poor person.
16:09But if he is in a position to keep the fast,
16:11then he must keep 60 fasts.
16:13This is how he will pay for it.
16:15Now, in fasting, we are asked,
16:17what will be the issue of bleeding?
16:19If someone wants to get a blood test done,
16:21or wants to donate blood,
16:22then if someone gets a blood test done,
16:24or donates blood to someone,
16:25then there is no difference in fasting.
16:27But people donate blood for the sake of reward.
16:30Take care of this.
16:31If it is not affecting your health,
16:33then it is absolutely fine.
16:34Or if you feel that so much blood has come out,
16:36or this blood will have such a negative effect on my health,
16:39that I will not be able to keep the fast.
16:42Then wait for the Iftaar.
16:44And if you want to donate blood after the Iftaar,
16:46then that is also a matter of reward.
16:47Give it to a needy person.
16:48Or if you get a blood test done,
16:50then definitely get it done.
16:51And if you think that the health does not matter,
16:53then get it done during the fast.
16:54Then there will be no difference in fasting.
16:55The issue of putting medicine in the ear is that
16:57if someone's ear cover is not torn,
16:59if the ear cover is intact,
17:00then he can definitely put medicine in the ear.
17:02But if the ear cover is torn,
17:04and he is afraid that the juice will reach the throat,
17:07and will reach the throat,
17:09then he should not put medicine in it during the fast.
17:11But if someone is healthy,
17:13then if he puts it in,
17:14then the fast will not break.
17:15Earlier, some scholars had stated that
17:17putting medicine in the ear breaks the fast,
17:19and not in the eye.
17:21Because at that time,
17:22the doctors also said that
17:24there is a way for the ear and throat,
17:26and there is no way for the eye and throat.
17:28But now that medical science has advanced,
17:30it has been shown in every way
17:32that there is a clear way for the eye, nose, and throat.
17:35If we put medicine in the eye,
17:37then it is often felt in the throat.
17:39But there is no direct way with the throat of the ear.
17:41So now the problem is that
17:43if someone puts medicine in the eye,
17:45then there is a high possibility
17:47that it will reach the throat through it.
17:49His fast will be ruined.
17:51But if someone puts medicine in the ear,
17:53then there will be no difference in fasting.
17:55If someone gets an injection in the veins,
17:57then his fast will break.
17:59But anyway,
18:01injection in the flesh should be careful.
18:03A person should be careful.
18:05How much time does it take to break the fast?
18:07Wait, get the injection later.
18:09But if you get the injection in the veins,
18:11then his fast will be ruined at that time.
18:13And the fast will break.
18:15If you vomit in the fast,
18:17then the jurists have written 24 possible cases
18:19of vomiting in the fast.
18:21And said that there are only two cases
18:23due to which the fast breaks.
18:25If a person vomits so much
18:27that some of his fast goes back,
18:29if a person vomits so much
18:31that his fast breaks,
18:33it is not like that.
18:35If a person vomits so much
18:37and his fast does not go back,
18:39then his fast will not break.
18:41But if he vomits so much
18:43that some of his fast goes back,
18:45then his fast will be ruined.
18:47His fast will break.
18:49And the second case is that
18:51if a person does it due to illness
18:53or if he puts his finger in his throat
18:55and deliberately vomits,
18:57then whether he goes back or not,
18:59when he deliberately vomits,
19:01his fast will be ruined.
19:03His fast will break.
19:05As I said earlier,
19:07a person should be very careful about these things.
19:09Now some people ask
19:11that if someone has to take a bath,
19:13but there is a little time left in the Sehri,
19:15then can he do Sehri
19:17and then take a bath and read Fajr?
19:19This can be done.
19:21If someone has to take a bath
19:23during the fast,
19:25then he will take a bath
19:27and read Fajr.
19:29If someone has to take a bath
19:31during the fast,
19:33then he will take a bath
19:35and read Fajr.
19:37This will not affect the fast.
19:39But if someone has to take a bath
19:41during the fast
19:43or outside the fast
19:45and he has delayed it so much
19:47that it is time for the obligatory prayer,
19:49then he must be committing a grave sin.
19:51This is the obligatory prayer
19:53and he must be committing a grave sin.
19:55We should be careful about this.
19:57A person should be quick about this.
19:59If someone takes a bath during the fast,
20:01dry bath or wet bath,
20:03then he can take a dry bath
20:05or a wet bath.
20:07The companions said that
20:09we often saw the Prophet
20:11taking a bath during the fast.
20:13But especially in the wet bath,
20:15a person needs to be careful
20:17that he should not get down
20:19from the throat of the person.
20:21A person should be careful
20:23that he should not get down
20:25from the throat of the person.
20:27But remember that
20:29mouthwash, toothpaste,
20:31etc. are not obligatory
20:33during the fast.
20:35Toothpaste, mouthwash,
20:37etc. are not obligatory
20:39during the fast.
20:41They have a strong taste
20:43and are not obligatory
20:45during the fast.
20:47During the fast,
20:49a person can use perfume
20:51but some people
20:53use perfume from a distance.
20:55It is important to be careful
20:57that he does not get down
20:59from the throat of the person.
21:01If he gets down from the throat
21:03of the person and
21:05feels the taste of the perfume,
21:07then the fast will be broken.
21:09If a person is sick,
21:11he cannot use inhaler
21:13if he is sick,
21:15he cannot use inhaler.
21:17If someone is sick,
21:19and doesn't want to use inhaler,
21:21that person should not hold
21:23his breath.
21:25If a person is sick,
21:27or has diabetes,
21:29he cannot hold his breath.
21:31The patient may need
21:33the inhaler to exercise,
21:35he may not have enough
21:37energy to exercise.
21:39But the patient has to
21:41He told him that fasting for you is somehow harmful to health, it can be so that your life can be in danger.
21:48So at that time, it is allowed by Sharia that he can give alms.
21:55The alms of Pakistan that are being paid these days, in terms of Ramadan 2025,
22:00the alms of wheat that a person will give, 2 kg, will cost him 300 rupees.
22:05The alms of barley that he wants to give, 4 kg, will cost him 600 rupees according to the rate of Pakistan.
22:10The alms of dates that he wants to give, 4 kg, will cost him 2400 rupees.
22:14The alms of raisins that he wants to give, 4 kg, will cost him 6000 rupees.
22:19Allah has said in the Holy Quran that a person who gives more than the fixed amount of alms,
22:27it will be better for him.
22:29It is not necessary that you give according to the wheat, or according to the cheapest date.
22:34You can do as much as you can according to your strength.
22:38The more honey you put, the sweeter it will be, the more reward you will get.
22:42May Allah enable us to learn the rules of Sharia and teach them further.
22:47Tomorrow viewers will meet you again on this channel at this time.
23:04Peace be upon you.
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