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I ate foods that are illegal from all over the world to find out if they tase good or not.

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00:00I'm eating the craziest banned foods from around the world from a dish that's lit on fire then put in your mouth to a three foot
00:06Tall pop-tart. My goal is to see if these foods taste good or not
00:09We're starting here in Japan again pin which serves one of the most dangerous foods in the world. Let's go inside and try it
00:15So I'm standing here with chef Sasaki son and today I'm going to be eating the puffer fish also known as fugu chef Sasaki son
00:21Tell me what makes this fish so poisonous
00:23Wow, so it really is that dangerous but you're trained to remove the poison from the fish before anyone eats it, right?
00:31Amazing. Can I watch you prepare it?
00:33Because of this toxin places like the European Union have a complete ban on the fish chefs must undergo two years of training to learn
00:39How to prepare the fish safely only after passing a written exam and a demonstration
00:43Are they allowed to serve the fish in a restaurant looks like the fish is ready time to eat
00:47Remember even a few small traces of the toxin could cause nausea paralysis and even death
00:51So I really hope chef Sasaki song has prepared this properly. Am I gonna be? Okay chef. I love this. You promise
00:57All right. I really hope this is not my last YouTube video
01:01Right. Here we go
01:06Mmm actually tastes really good. Wow, I survived and it's pretty tasty
01:09Now we're going to discuss a product that comes with a conspiracy theory the miracle fruit the miracle fruit originally comes from Africa
01:16It's famous because it contains a protein called miraculin which temporarily alters taste perception
01:20Making food taste sweeter than it actually is because of this the FDA has banned it as an ingredient in products
01:26Many believe this is because the sugar industry doesn't want people using a product that makes things sweet without getting them addicted to sugar
01:32I have three ingredients in front of me orange juice
01:35Strawberries and vinegar according to what I read online these products will taste sweeter after I eat the miracle fruit
01:41Let's read the instructions
01:42So it says here pop the fruit into your mouth and carefully bite into the fruit you roll the fruit around in your mouth for one
01:47Minute to let the pulp coat your tongue you remove the seed from your mouth
01:51And then you wait a minute before consuming other food first up the orange juice. Whoa. Yeah, it definitely tastes way sweeter
01:57Tastes like pure sugar. Let's try the next thing the strawberries. Mmm. It's like the best strawberry I've ever had now
02:03Let's try the vinegar. I don't know about this one. This was so sour before
02:08Whoa, it's still a little sour but definitely way sweeter now
02:12I can definitely see why sugar companies would lobby against this being used as an ingredient, but that's just a theory
02:18What's that an onion you can't be serious
02:24What the heck I just bit into an onion and it tastes like sugar this berry is insane
02:29Next is the world's hottest chip. It's called the Pocky one chip
02:32It's made using two of the world's hottest chili peppers the Carolina Reaper and the Naga Viper
02:37The chili peppers are so hot
02:38They've actually caused people to be hospitalized and are the reason it's been pulled from shelves and banned in places like Bavaria, Germany
02:44Now I really don't want to eat this because it's so dangerous, but I guess I'll try one leg to see if it tastes good
02:49I'm honestly a little scared right now. This chip even looks scary. I can smell it from here. Do I do this?
02:55All right, here goes nothing. Oh
02:58Oh, that's hot Joel. Give me the milk. Come on. Come on. Don't take your time. I can't taste anything now
03:03So this is definitely not good. Whoo
03:06Next I'm eating at one of the most controversial
03:08restaurants in America the heart attack grill a heart attack grill is
03:11Controversial for a lot of the main two are first itself some of the most over-the-top
03:15Unhealthy foods known to man second and markets its food as to die for this motto is especially controversial
03:21Given the number of customers who regularly eat here and have died due to weight related issues. What's crazy here is if you weigh
03:27350 pounds or more you eat free
03:29I guess I'm not eating for free now from a legal standpoint the restaurant and the owner John Bassett are not at fault as long
03:35As they abide by laws and health safety standards, which the restaurant does
03:39Additionally the owner never tricks customers by labeling the food is healthy
03:42In fact, he regularly refers to it as extremely unhealthy now
03:46Like I said, I'm hungry so I decided to get the over
03:4919,000 calorie octuple bypass burger which comes with eight beef patties and weighs about six and a half pounds
03:55Let's see if I can finish it. Oh my god. This thing is massive
03:58I have never ordered a burger this big in my entire life. All right, let's see how much I can eat of this
04:04Okay, it's been 30 minutes and I barely put a dent in this thing was it delicious
04:08Yes, was it a lot of food also?
04:10Yes, honestly going to pack this up and feed myself for the next week now since we're in Vegas
04:14We'll also be trying more banned food from around the world
04:16This is Omega Mart and it has some of the craziest food products ever inside
04:20I found tattooed chicken 96 hour energy and water with bacteria in it
04:24Let's check out and head outside to try them out. All right, let's try some of these crazy products out
04:29It has this image here that there's 10 billion pieces of bacteria per drop of water. Let's try it out
04:35Tastes like normal water in all seriousness
04:37The reason that Omega Mart can sell items like this that don't seem safe is because it's actually an art installation
04:42This might look like normal sushi
04:43But it isn't because this sushi glows in the dark glow-in-the-dark sushi is simple
04:48Scientists take a normal fish like tuna and extract a gene from animals that glow in the dark such as jellyfish and certain species of
04:53Coral then use it to make fish food
04:56Such as jellyfish and certain species of coral then you insert the extracted gene into the fish you want to use for sushi
05:02By doing this you're creating genetically modified
05:04Organisms which are illegal to serve and consume in the state of California because of environmental and health concerns
05:09Fortunately, I was able to get some to try test this out
05:13Here goes nothing
05:17Hmm I don't know why but I guess I was expecting this to taste different it tastes actually just like normal sushi
05:22I would have no problem eating this on a regular day out
05:24But I definitely would never want to eat the next product a tarantula. Look at this thing
05:28It's so hairy and disgusting. It looks like a lot of the legs got broken in the shipment
05:32It actually had to get shipped from Thailand. It's scary looking especially the fangs. It's creeping me out
05:37Now the idea of eating bugs might seem strange to you in the Western world, but in many other countries, it's quite common
05:42In fact roughly 2 billion people eat bugs as part of their diet every single day in many countries bugs from the wild are caught
05:49And then sold to customers. However, this practice has been banned by the FDA in the United States
05:54Instead companies need to specifically raise the bugs for human consumption and follow all the regulations that come with it. Let's see how it tastes
06:05The consistency is like eating a shrimp tail and it tastes like charcoal. I think I lost my appetite
06:11Behind me is a restaurant. I rented out to try fire pond. It's a dish that's put in your mouth while on fire
06:16I had to rent it out because most places won't serve fire pond due to fire regulations and safety concerns now because eating fire pond
06:22Is so dangerous. I hired this chef. That's an expert at making it today. I'm gonna make you a fire pun
06:27I'm very excited while you make it. Can you tell me a little bit more about what you're doing?
06:30We're gonna apply this you're gonna apply this
06:34And this for as a sweetener. Oh my gosh, my heart is pounding
06:37I have to admit I'm getting a little more nervous, but you know, what never makes me nervous
06:40Oh, dude, so from what I understand you'll be placing the flaming fire pond directly into my mouth
06:44It's a fire pun. So absolutely it will go in your mouth
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07:20Wow, I was worried that it might burn me but the flame went out right when it hit my mouth
07:24It was really hot though. I could feel the heat on my lips next. We have chewing gum
07:27It may not look like much but chewing gum has been banned in Singapore since 1992
07:32The reason is because people were placing gum on train doors, which disrupted the entire country's train system
07:38Singapore is also extremely small. So they need to take extra care to keep it clean
07:41If you're caught chewing gum in Singapore, you'll be fine between five hundred dollars and a thousand dollars for your first offense
07:47If you're selling it, however, you could be fined between ten thousand dollars to one hundred thousand dollars and face up to two years in prison
07:53I will say this gum is actually really really taste
07:56The next food is durian fruit. The durian fruit is like pineapple on pizza
08:00You either love it or you absolutely hate it those who love it claim that it has a delicious creamy texture
08:05Those who hate it claim that it smells like rotting garbage left out in the Sun because of the smell citizens in Thailand and Singapore
08:11Are banned from eating it in places where other people are around such as public transport hotels and movie theaters
08:16The durian fruit is also really hard to open. So let's head to the kitchen to find out
08:20All right, I had to put on gloves because this thing is so spiky
08:24This thing is pretty hard to open. Oh
08:27Wow, I can smell it. It smells like old onions and do not want to eat this right now. All right
08:36Okay, so it doesn't taste anything like it smells
08:38It's a little sweet, but the smell alone is so off-putting that I would never try to eat this again next
08:43We have prime energy news outlets claim that prime energy is banned in countries like Canada and New Zealand because of its caffeine content
08:49The Logan Paul claims that it was never even distributed in those countries for context
08:53Your average can of coca-cola has 30 milligrams of caffeine while an energy drink like Red Bull contains about 80 milligrams of caffeine per can
09:00Prime energy contains a whopping 200 milligrams of caffeine per can which exceeds the legal limit in countries like New Zealand and Canada now
09:07I wanted to do a blind taste test to see if it actually tastes good
09:11So I got my assistant to set up five different energy drinks under this cardboard box
09:14I'll drink each one and give them a blind rating. Here we go
09:20That's a two out of five
09:23Look that's a one out of five
09:27That one's pretty sweet, but definitely tastes better than the other ones I'd say maybe four out of five
09:32That would be a three out of five
09:36This one is pretty good, too. I give it three out of five
09:39Alright, so my rating here. This one comes in first place. These two come in second place
09:43This one's third place and this one is last place as you can see prime came in second place
09:48So I guess the people in New Zealand and Canada are missing out next we have a chicken that was grown in the lab
09:53It looks exactly like normal chicken even down to the texture
09:56But lab-grown meat is banned in countries like Italy and in the US state of Florida in order to protect the economy of local farmers
10:03But what I really want to know is whether it tastes like real chicken
10:06So I asked my cameraman Joel to mix up the chicken while I put on a blindfold so I don't know which is which
10:14That tastes like real chicken to me, okay, here we go
10:21Well, that tastes different the texture doesn't feel the same and it doesn't really add that real chicken taste to me
10:27I think that's the lab-grown and this is the real chicken. Oh
10:31Yeah, I was right so the lab-grown meat is only 3% animal cells the rest is plant protein
10:36Which explains why this didn't taste truly like chicken if a restaurant served me this I would know that something's wrong or at least think
10:42That it's very low quality meat. I would say this lab-grown meat does not taste good. Next is a candy called trolley roadkill
10:48It's a fruit flavored gummy candy shaped like animals that have been run over now. They stopped making these in 2005
10:54So this bag is almost 20 years old. I can tell you right now. These don't feel like gummies
10:59These are as hard as a rock. Let's open it up
11:01Their options include flattened snakes chickens and squirrels as you can see the gummies literally have little tire track marks on
11:08This is one of the reasons why animal rights activists heavily criticized the product which led to the candy being shut down
11:13I'm a little worried. These are so old. I hope they're still safe to eat. So I guess we should try them, right?
11:18It's tough to chew. It's hurting my teeth. Does it taste good?
11:22Yeah, it honestly just tastes like sweet candy next up
11:25We have a giant fruit loop now if you're in countries like the UK or most of Europe, you know what fruit loops are
11:30But what you probably don't know is that the recipe is different from the one we have in America
11:34That's because the artificial dyes we use in the US are banned in the UK and Europe this big guy
11:38I have here uses the American recipe and it was created by mischief a company known for making insane oversized products were one-off sales
11:51It tastes just like a sugar cookie, which is actually pretty good
11:54I have a feeling this is gonna take a lot longer to eat
11:56In fact, according to the box the entire fruit loop contains 930 calories. Oh wait
12:02I'm getting a notification that my next product is here. Whoa, it's here next. I'll be trying the world's largest pop-tart
12:07It's over three feet tall. It literally goes up to my waist. Let's open the box
12:14Whoa, this is the biggest pop-tart I've ever seen as amazing as this pop-tart looks what you might not know
12:20Is that the American version of pop-tart is banned in countries like the UK because they include food dyes called yellow 5 yellow 6 and
12:26Red 4 which have been linked to hyperactivity in children. Alright, let's try it out. Oh, look at this
12:31So the jam here is much darker and according to the ingredients on this box. There are no dyes in it
12:36So that might explain why this looks different from a normal pop-tart, which is usually bright red jam
12:43Mmm, it's good. The sprinkles actually tastes better because they're bigger. This is pretty good
12:47It tastes like a regular pop-tart. If you want me to try out more crazy products click the video right here