I bought and tested the craziest products from the past 100 years to find out if they're scams or not.
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Hey, you might think that this info makes me your lawyer, but it doesn’t and I’m not. Sorry, but I AM NOT YOUR LAWYER unless we have an engagement agreement. I am just providing public information here, like a library does, and am not providing you with legal advice about your situation. So, it would be totally unreasonable for you to conclude we have an attorney-client relationship just because you're viewing this information.
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Hey, you might think that this info makes me your lawyer, but it doesn’t and I’m not. Sorry, but I AM NOT YOUR LAWYER unless we have an engagement agreement. I am just providing public information here, like a library does, and am not providing you with legal advice about your situation. So, it would be totally unreasonable for you to conclude we have an attorney-client relationship just because you're viewing this information.
00:00A tool that massages your eyeballs, spring shoes that make you jump higher, and a little robot that
00:04helps you learn anything. These are just three of the craziest products from the past 100 years
00:09I'll be testing in today's video. My goal? To find out if they're a scam or not. In the 1920s,
00:14the general public believed electricity was magic. So the Fitzgerald Manufacturing Company created
00:19this violet ray machine. It's a high-powered electrical device that claims to heal everything
00:24from skin conditions to joint pain, which is perfect because I've actually been dealing with
00:28a lot of wrist pain lately, so I'm excited to try it out. Here's how it's supposed to work. First,
00:32mild electric currents are generated within the box. The currents are then sent through
00:36this cable and delivered to a glass electrode at the end. Let's plug it in and see what happens.
00:41Whoa! This thing lights up purple! So crazy! Alright, let's glide the purple light filaments
00:46over my wrist and see if it works. Whoa! Once you get past all the shocks, it actually feels
00:52pretty nice, but I can still feel my pain. I wonder what will happen if I do this for 15 minutes.
00:58Let's see. Okay, it's been 15 minutes and honestly, my wrist feels exactly the same, which makes sense
01:04because it turns out the violet ray device was actually banned by the Food and Drug Administration
01:08due to lack of evidence to support its health benefits. I'm going to have to call this one a scam.
01:12Now let's talk about one of the weirdest products on this list, the Nuvita Oculizer. During the 1930s,
01:18the world was going through the Great Depression, so inventors started creating all sorts of strange
01:22products like this eye device with the hopes of making some quick money to survive. This device
01:26uses small plastic eye cups connected to little bulbs. You crank the side to squeeze the bulbs,
01:31which creates pressure and massages your eyelids. Now for the sake of my eyes, I'm a little worried
01:35about using this thing. It looks like a torture device. Here goes nothing. Let's try the crank
01:42out first. Huh, I'm not feeling anything. Alright, let's check out these bulbs. No air, nothing. It's
01:48not doing anything. Well, that makes sense because I just found out that the medical community
01:53actually labeled this a scam. Next are these jumping shoes from the 1940s. The spring shoes
01:58work like this. When your foot hits the ground, the spring compresses and stores energy. Then when
02:02you push off the ground, the energy is released, making you jump higher. So let's head outside to
02:07see if these spring shoes really do make me jump higher. Alright, I'm here at a gym. To test them
02:11out, I'll do two vertical jump tests. First, I'll start with these Air Jordans I had lying around my
02:16closet. Alright, so that vertical jump was 14 inches. 14 inches? I can do better than that.
02:24Let's do it again. One, two, so your first jump was 14 inches and that one was 16 inches. 16 inches,
02:31not bad. But let's see if these spring shoes actually make me jump higher. What the inventors
02:35don't tell you is that after releasing the product, many customers complained about issues like
02:39twisted ankles, which is why they're not very common. Wow, these things feel extremely unstable.
02:44I really hope I don't twist my ankle because we still have a bunch of other products to test in
02:48the video. Oh, so on that one you had an eight inch vertical jump. Alright, so that's way less
02:54than the 14 inches I had on the first jump. Let's do it again. So your first jump was eight inches.
03:00That second jump was one inch higher for a total of nine inches. So nine inches, way less than the
03:05Air Jordans. So this product is unfortunately a scam. Next is a vibrating belt machine that
03:11was released in the 1950s. It was created to help people lose weight without even having to exercise.
03:16The inventors claim that all you have to do is wrap this belt around the part of your body you
03:20want to target, and then it will use heat and vibrations to melt the fat away. I've been eating
03:25a few too many donuts lately, so let's see if this thing works. Here goes nothing. Whoa, it kind of
03:31feels nice. I mean, I don't know, it feels like a weak massage. So I think it's safe to say that
03:36this product's a scam. But with that being said, I have a really good feeling about the next product.
03:41Next is the unbreakable astronaut helmet. Oh look, it says Space Mike on it. It was released in the
03:461960s, around the time when America and NASA were doing everything they could to put a man on the
03:52moon. The main claim, it's unbreakable. Now because this is an astronaut helmet, I thought it'd be fun
03:57if we actually head to NASA to see if it really is unbreakable. We're here at NASA. Man, this helmet
04:02is so cool. Let's test it out to see if it's really indestructible. Just kidding. I'll take it off
04:09first, of course. Now the helmet needs to be extra strong because during a space mission, an astronaut
04:13is only as good as their equipment. Just as a businessman is only as good as the tools he uses,
04:18which is why I recently switched from juggling multiple business softwares to solely using Odoo,
04:22the all-in-one business solution. Wow, it actually held up. There's no cracks or anything on it. This
04:29thing is truly out of this world. Kind of like Odoo, which is completely free if you only use
04:33one app, and a credit card free trial if you want to use multiple apps, making it completely risk-free.
04:37But I wonder if it can survive a flamethrower. For that, we need to go somewhere safe. In the past,
04:42I've used so many different software apps to run my business and YouTube channel. Now I just log
04:46in and have everything I need in one place. My business is now unbreakable, but let's see if
04:50this helmet is really unbreakable. Okay, so it survived the bat, but didn't quite make it through
04:58the flamethrower. But that wasn't really the point, so I'm going to say this one's legit. Oh,
05:02and so is Odoo. To learn more, click the link in the description below. But man, all of this testing
05:06has made me super hungry, so I'm glad the next products we'll be testing from the 1970s involves
05:11eating. In front of me are two products from the 1970s. At the time, microwaves were super popular,
05:17and businesses wanted to cash in on the trend of selling kitchen gadgets that made life easier.
05:21On the left, we've got the Speedy Weeny Hot Dog Maker, which claims to cook perfect hot dogs in
05:26less than two minutes. On the right, we've got the Automatic Ice Cream Cone, which says it will
05:30spin the cone for you so you don't have to keep turning it yourself. First, let's test the Speedy
05:35Weeny. According to the instructions, I just need to place an uncooked wiener on each side of these
05:39spikes, turn it on, close the lid, and in two minutes, I should have perfectly cooked hot dogs.
05:46You can hear that noise. It's cooking. It's sizzling. Wow, look at all that steam. I'm
05:50gonna need some buns for these weenies. All right, let's open this thing up.
05:55Oh man, those definitely look cooked to me though. These actually look pretty good to me. Let's test
06:00it out. Wow, it's hot. Joel, you want a hot dog? I'll take one. These are pretty good. The Speedy
06:09Weeny is definitely not a scam. Now, time for dessert with the Motorized Ice Cream Cone. All I
06:14have to do is place a scoop of ice cream in the cone, then I turn it on, and it will spin for me.
06:18Let's see. Wow, it works perfectly. Definitely not a scam. Next up, we've got this hoverboard
06:30from the 1980s. Back to the Future was one of the most popular movies in the 1980s.
06:35One of the most iconic scenes from the movie is when one of the characters, Marty, uses this
06:40hoverboard, which made it one of the most popular gifts of the time. This one is pretty cool. It's
06:45a perfect replica of the hoverboard from the movie. Whoa, look at this. It's complete with
06:51the bright colors and the metal plates on the bottom. Now, of course, this thing is just made
06:56of plastic and doesn't actually hover, but I was able to get a modern day hoverboard. Let's head
07:00outside and give it a test run. This thing is pretty cool. I like the color. Let's see if I
07:04can make it to the end of the path. Okay, it took me a little while to get my balance at first,
07:17but once I did, it was pretty fun. This thing actually doesn't hover though, so it's a bit of
07:21a scam. Now, I'll be testing these mood rings from the 1990s, which according to the creators,
07:27change color based on your mood. Black means anxious, blue means calm, and red means angry.
07:32First, we're going to test the color black, which shows up when you're feeling anxious.
07:36We're going to a wildlife expert that has a real snake. All right, I got the mood ring. Put the
07:42snake on me. All right, I'm feeling pretty anxious right now and it's not black at all. Let's go to
07:53the color blue, which is calm, which is why I'm sitting in the zen garden. Let's see if meditating
07:58will turn this ring blue. Oh man, still didn't turn blue. All right, let's test one last thing,
08:13anger, which turns the ring red. Okay, think angry thoughts. I know,
08:18I'm so angry I'm not at 10 million subscribers yet.
08:21It still didn't change colors. This thing is a massive scam.
08:28The next product I'm testing is canned oxygen, which was first introduced in the 2000s. It was
08:33marketed as a product that could boost energy levels and help with altitude sickness. These
08:37claims made it popular among athletes, but I'm not so sure about these claims, which is why I'm
08:42going to one of the world's best facilities to test my lung capacity both before and after using
08:47the canned oxygen. I'm here with Dr. Avi Ishaya at his Beverly Hills Clinic. Now tell me, doctor,
08:51what test will we be running today and how will it work? You're doing a pulmonary function test.
08:56It's a series of different breathing maneuvers to try to get an idea of your lung capacity,
09:01whether you have airway obstruction, how well your blood flows into your lungs. And according
09:05to the claims about canned oxygen, using it should improve my results, right? From what we can tell,
09:10it really should not. Oh, all right. Is it possible to get 100% oxygen percentage? Yes.
09:16What is the normal saturation? It could be anywhere from 95 to 100%. And so this could
09:21increase that at least? Yes, it can. Let's see if it does. I will have my technician
09:25come in and administer the test and I will be right back. All right. Okay, Mike, let me just
09:30explain to you how it's done. Okay. First, I'm going to give this to you. You're going to place
09:34this inside your mouth. We're going to start with normal breathing first. So three normal breaths.
09:39Then I'll ask you to take a deep breath in, very deep. And then you're going to blow it out
09:44with force. And you're going to do that continuously for a good five
09:48or six seconds. So that's the first one. Now let me use a canned oxygen. Canned oxygen typically
09:52comes in cans like this that hold four to 10 liters. To use it, you attach a mouthpiece
09:57like I'm doing now and trigger the oxygen when you're ready. Take a deep breath out.
10:06All right, Mike, second test is done. So how did it go? Pretty good. So tell me,
10:10doc, hit me with the results. So looking at your lung function before and after you inhaled the
10:16canned oxygen, there was absolutely no difference. So it didn't improve my results at all. So for me,
10:20this one seems like a scam. Next up is Smell-O-Vision, which is a device that creates
10:25scents that match the scenes you're watching in a movie. To test it, I'll be using my favorite
10:29scene from the movie Titanic. According to the instructions, you connect your device to the Wi-Fi
10:33and TV. Then the Smell-O-Vision sends a copy of what's on the screen to its online service where
10:38AI analyzes the visuals. Based on that, the device releases scents from its built-in cartridges to
10:43match what's happening in the movie. Because I'll be watching the iconic I'm flying scene from
10:47Titanic, I expect to smell ocean and sea salt. But here's the thing. If I show you the actual scene,
10:52my video will be copyright striked. So while I enjoy the real movie, you'll have to settle
10:57for this highly accurate rendition by me and my friend Clark. Step up on the railing.
11:01Hold on. Hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me? I trust you.
11:15Now open your eyes. I'm flying, Mike. Oh, man. The scene gets me every time. Wait a second.
11:24Do I smell ocean? Whoa. This thing actually works. Before I start sobbing again,
11:29let's move on to the final product on our list. I'll be testing this little robot called Misa,
11:33which was released in 2020. Misa's creators claim that it can help children develop by having real
11:38conversations, asking questions, and even dancing with them. Let's see if that's true. First,
11:43let's wake this little guy up. Hey, Misa, wake up. Yes, I am listening to you. Please ask me
11:48anything. Cool. I've always wanted a little robot friend. But first, I need to test if you're legit
11:53or just a scam. First question. Hey, Misa, what is a lawyer? Permission of lawyer. A professional
11:59person authorized to practice law. Whoa. All right. So far, so good. Hey, Misa, what does a lawyer do?
12:06Sorry, I missed what you said. Can you say that again? This thing doesn't work sometimes. Who's
12:12the coolest person in the world? You. That's right. I love this thing. Hey, Misa, show me your angry
12:20face. What the heck? That was really creepy. Hey, Misa, open YouTube. Nice. Make sure to subscribe.
12:28Hey, Misa, what does a judge do? Sorry, I missed what you said. Can you say that again? So far,
12:35it's not working too great. It's not really having a real conversation with me. And most of the time,
12:39when I ask it a question, it malfunctions. Let's see if it can do something fun though.
12:43How about a dance battle? Hey, Misa, can you dance?
12:49Yeah, let's go, Misa. Subscribe.